Don't Like Trump ? WHY ?

I would assume it’s hard to read with blinders on.
Take them off get out your readers and take another look see. There’s plenty of examples right here.
When you, or any of the other Trump bashers, post one here, I'll see it. :biggrin:
he's a vile insane creature that has no redeeming value who surrounds himself with equally immoral mooks, & has the capability of causing a thermal nuclear war which may or may not happen because he is having a hissy fit yet again over crowd size, hillary's emails, or something he can't undo that the black man created.
Come back when you have a shred of evidence for all these liberal media blabbers.

you wanted opinions, i gave you one. did you cheer him on when he kissed some major chinese ass? what a deal maker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Trump lies about anything and everything -- even things about which there is no need to lie -- and even when he is shown that it's clear to the audience that he has lied about "whatever," he refuses to own the fact that he lied about it and correct the record, as it were, and he then proceeds to lie about yet other things. I don't like Trump because I cannot trust a damn thing he says and because I cannot trust what he says, I have to fact-check everything he says, and neither I nor anyone else should not have to do that with regard to anything and everything someone says, much less what a POTUS says.

But YOU have no "lie" from Trump to show us, here/now (it appears).

But don't feel bad. None of the other Trump bashers have come up with one either (that could stick), and we're 360 posts into the thread.
Apparently, you didn't click the link I included in the post.
Because people were excited about Obama’s and people were out protesting trump in the millions.
Nah! It's because Trump's people were AT WORK.
That’s funny. But I thought libs were “elitists”... which is it?

the loons get confused and can't keep a lie straight
Contradictions are common among republican philosophy. They can be found in just about any topic that comes to mind.
Apparently, you didn't click the link I included in the post.
I did not, and I said YOU have no "lie" from Trump to show us, here/now (it appears).

You means YOU,
not the author of the link. What's the matter ? Cat got your tongue ? Or maybe you (same as all the others) talk about Trump lying, but you can't come up with a lie to show us.
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I LOVE Trump! :2up:

Live his agenda, love American patriots who voted and will vote for him again for a second term! :clap:

GOD Bless Donald Trump !!!!!!:thup:
you wanted opinions, i gave you one. did you cheer him on when he kissed some major chinese ass? what a deal maker!!!!!!!!!!!!!h!!
We'll see AFTER the trip is over - and he did tell the Chinese 9and the world) that China has been taking advantage of the US, wit unfair (to us) trade policies. Doesn't sound like ass-kissing. That was Obama and Bush's forte'
That’s funny. But I thought libs were “elitists”... which is it?
The ones at Obama's inauguration you mean ? They were the many blacks in DC, on welfare, with free time to go to the inauguration.
Apparently, you didn't click the link I included in the post.
I did not, and I said YOU have no "lie" from Trump to show us, here/now (it appears).

You means YOU,
not the author of the link. What's the matter ? Cat got your tongue ? Or maybe you (same as all the others) talk about Trump lying, but you can't come up with a lie to show us.
You'll find a bunch of them here: Debate Now - Is it reasonable to think Trump suffers from mental illness? NPD, dementia, something else?
You mean his 1 “accomplishment”
in addition to getting us out of TPP, going after illegal aliens and their employers, Muslim country travel/immigration ban, beefing up the military, shutting down affirmative action, + 394 bills passed in the GOP House since Trump took over (more than Obama, Clinton, and both Bushes, ) and a takedown of Kim Jong Un. This of course is just a partial list.
Are all of his followers delusional? They must be, right?

I like the one about I'll show my taxes when I'm in the WH ,,,or the elections are false,,, fixed ...unless he won
He DID know more than the generals (Obama's generals ie) He defaulted to HUS generals. He DID defeat ISIS I 30days, by setting in motion then, what eventually took ISIS down (in Mosul, Fallujah, Tikrit, et al ) :biggrin:

I hate Trump for the following reasons:
He wants Americans put first
He wants to make America Great Again
He wants to protect U.S. citizens and their wealth from Mexican invaders
He wants to protect U.S. citizens from terrorists
He wants to govern on behalf of our best citizens
He wants to bring God back to the U.S.
He wants to bring jobs back from overseas
He wants our lowest class to do better, to be better
He wants to keep mentally unstable liabilities from serving in military
He thinks men have a penis and should use the men's room
He grabs pussy...I hate men who like pussy
He's blunt, candid and tells it like it is...he doesn't use sneaky, coddling rhetoric that makes wackos, bottom feeders and illegals feel warm and fuzzy inside.

Yep, this dude is a total piece of shit...just ask any total piece of shit.
Let him grab your daughters or wifes pussy and see how you love the POS then
It really is mystifying to see so many people, not only not liking Donald Trump, but absolutely hating him, with a passion. I could see having feeelings like that against really bad people like Barrack Obama or Hillary Clinton, but Trump ? Why ? For what reason ?

Seems to me that we're lucky to finally have a guy who is protecting us from harmful, unbridled immigration (including Muslims), finally doing something about our worst racial discrimination problem (affirmative action), standing up for our military and police, opposing LGBT lunacy, and supporting our 2nd amendment rights.

In addition, Trump is standing up for the Made in USA label, working to get US businesses back in the US, and has brought back the best economy in America since the 1990's, with 2 straight months of above 3% GDP growth and a 4.1% unemployment rate (also best in decades).

Oh, so it's the demeanor is it ? The style ? Not "presidential" you say ? Too much talking like a regular guy, huh ? Well, for those for us who voted for Trump, and support him right through all the media anti-Trump smear campaign, that regular/ordinary talk is what we like about Trump. We see that as the way "presidential" ought to be.

So, liberals, RINOs, or anti-Trumpers of all stripes, please cite here what your complaints are about him, SPECIFICALLY, and let's see if we can iron things out a bit. How about the tweets. Got any you could point out ? Don't be shy.

He won't raise pay for middle class workers.

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