Don't Like Trump ? WHY ?

the truth and conservatives
Why Are Conservatives More Susceptible to Believing Lies?
An interplay between how all humans think and how conservatives tend to act might actually explain a lot about our current moment.
By John EhrenreichNov. 9 2017 9:00 AM

Many conservatives have a loose relationship with facts. The right-wing denial of what most people think of as accepted reality starts with political issues: As recently as 2016, 45 percent of Republicans still believed that the Affordable Care Act included “death panels” (it doesn’t). A 2015 poll found that 54 percent of GOP primary voters believed then-President Obama to be a Muslim (…he isn’t).

Then there are the false beliefs about generally accepted science. Only 25 percent of self-proclaimed Trump voters agree that climate change is caused by human activities. Only 43 percent of Republicans overall believe that humans have evolved over time.


And then it gets really crazy. Almost 1 in 6 Trump voters, while simultaneously viewing photographs of the crowds at the 2016 inauguration of Donald Trump and at the 2012 inauguration of Barack Obama , insisted that the former were larger. Sixty-six percent of self-described “very conservative” Americans seriously believe that “Muslims are covertly implementing Sharia law in American courts.” Forty-six percent of Trump voters polled just after the 2016 election either thought that Hillary Clinton was connected to a child sex trafficking ring run out of the basement of a pizzeria in Washington, D.C., or weren’t sure if it was true.

If “truth” is judged on the basis of Enlightenment ideas of reason and more or less objective “evidence,” many of the substantive positions common on the right seem to border on delusional. The left is certainly not immune to credulity (most commonly about the safety of vaccines, GMO foods, and fracking), but the right seems to specialize in it. “Misinformation is currently predominantly a pathology of the right,” concluded a team of scholars from the Harvard Kennedy School and Northeastern University at a February 2017 conference. A BuzzFeed analysis found that three main hyperconservative Facebook pages were roughly twice as likely as three leading ultraliberal Facebook pages to publish fake or misleading information.

"John Ehrenreich is a professor of psychology..."

As Dennis Prager correctly stated:

"The more years in the university in the study of the social sciences, the less wise an individual is."

And, eddie.....even less wise is quoting one of these dolts.
I'm not the only one calling you a liar....
Here's Dan Rather, doing the same thing:

Trump was right again! Dan Rather on David Letterman Sep 17 2001
Did you even bother to listen to the clip? Rather talks about reports that he had heard about. He saw none of it for himself and says several times that the reports are unconfirmed. Second hand information from unknown sources. Not very convincing.

If you read the thread, I never said there were no celebrations. What I said was that there was no video of NJ Muslims celebrating and that was what Trump claimed to see. No one has been able to find such a clip and Trump never backed down from his claim. Truth is secondary to Trump, his ego and image is much more important to him. Dangerous personality trait.
So sad.

Another one of your attempts to paint Trump as having lied just, here you are whining about it.
I see why you like Trump so much, you both have a very limited relationship with facts.
Your location says Brooklyn, NY. Really now, what planet are you on?
Did not divest from his business.
wont show his taxes
gave family members government powers who have zero experience in government.
An acquaintance of ours was doing beer delivery on the morning of 9-11 and found a
handful of allah's finest inluding the owner , applauding the taking down of the twin towers. He saw that and wheeled the beer back on the truck and called his boss, telling what he saw and said he wouldn't do the beer delivery.. The boss said screw 'em, don't deliver. The muzzies were squawking big time about that, but no delivery at least that morning. Funny how these muzzies condemn alcohol but they aren't against selling it.
The point was not that Muslims celebrated 9/11, the point was that Trump claimed he saw NJ Muslims celebrating on a TV show. And that never happened.

It was just one of many times that Trump lied and the true believers refuse to see it. We're a nation of the faithful and some have such faith in Trump they are blind to the real Trump. Yet they condemn Hillary for being dishonest. A very irritating double standard to those of us that don't share their faith.
/—-/ Yes it did happen. I live innNY and saw it broadcast on the local TV news.

And so did Dan Rather

Trump was right again! Dan Rather on David Letterman Sep 17 2001
Liar. The video of does not show that. You figure folks won't check and see the video you posted.
/----/ I know what I saw and others have posted videos. So go pound sand.
No one has posted a video of what Liar in Chief claimed and your personal story is not believable. You are lying about "other videos" being posted so why should anything you are claiming be believed? Remember, Liar in Chief said he saw "thousands celebrating in the streets on tv".
The point was not that Muslims celebrated 9/11, the point was that Trump claimed he saw NJ Muslims celebrating on a TV show. And that never happened.

It was just one of many times that Trump lied and the true believers refuse to see it. We're a nation of the faithful and some have such faith in Trump they are blind to the real Trump. Yet they condemn Hillary for being dishonest. A very irritating double standard to those of us that don't share their faith.
/—-/ Yes it did happen. I live innNY and saw it broadcast on the local TV news.

And so did Dan Rather

Trump was right again! Dan Rather on David Letterman Sep 17 2001
Liar. The video of does not show that. You figure folks won't check and see the video you posted.
/----/ I know what I saw and others have posted videos. So go pound sand.
No one has posted a video of what Liar in Chief claimed and your personal story is not believable. You are lying about "other videos" being posted so why should anything you are claiming be believed? Remember, Liar in Chief said he saw "thousands celebrating in the streets on tv".
/----/ Here ya go Twinkle Toes. The same footage presented on Fox and CNBC. Are you going to call Katie Couric a liar too?
/—-/ Yes it did happen. I live innNY and saw it broadcast on the local TV news.

And so did Dan Rather

Trump was right again! Dan Rather on David Letterman Sep 17 2001
Liar. The video of does not show that. You figure folks won't check and see the video you posted.
/----/ I know what I saw and others have posted videos. So go pound sand.
No one has posted a video of what Liar in Chief claimed and your personal story is not believable. You are lying about "other videos" being posted so why should anything you are claiming be believed? Remember, Liar in Chief said he saw "thousands celebrating in the streets on tv".
/----/ Here ya go Twinkle Toes. The same footage presented on Fox and CNBC. Are you going to call Katie Couric a liar too?

Your video is a video of East Jerusalem, not New Jersey. So, are you a fool or a liar or both. Maybe you think East Jerusalem is in New Jersey. Maybe you think Palestinians are New Jersey citizens.
/—-/ Yes it did happen. I live innNY and saw it broadcast on the local TV news.

And so did Dan Rather

Trump was right again! Dan Rather on David Letterman Sep 17 2001
Liar. The video of does not show that. You figure folks won't check and see the video you posted.
/----/ I know what I saw and others have posted videos. So go pound sand.
No one has posted a video of what Liar in Chief claimed and your personal story is not believable. You are lying about "other videos" being posted so why should anything you are claiming be believed? Remember, Liar in Chief said he saw "thousands celebrating in the streets on tv".
/----/ Here ya go Twinkle Toes. The same footage presented on Fox and CNBC. Are you going to call Katie Couric a liar too?

Quick geography lesson for you, Palestine is NOT the same as Patterson. The West Bank is NOT the same place as the west bank of the Hudson.

Trump said he saw a video of New Jersey Muslims celebrating. I'm sure your mommy can explain if you still have trouble understanding.
Liar. The video of does not show that. You figure folks won't check and see the video you posted.
/----/ I know what I saw and others have posted videos. So go pound sand.
No one has posted a video of what Liar in Chief claimed and your personal story is not believable. You are lying about "other videos" being posted so why should anything you are claiming be believed? Remember, Liar in Chief said he saw "thousands celebrating in the streets on tv".
/----/ Here ya go Twinkle Toes. The same footage presented on Fox and CNBC. Are you going to call Katie Couric a liar too?

Your video is a video of East Jerusalem, not New Jersey. So, are you a fool or a liar or both. Maybe you think East Jerusalem is in New Jersey. Maybe you think Palestinians are New Jersey citizens.

Still trying to pass off that lie???

Trump was right again! Dan Rather on David Letterman Sep 17 2001

Jersey City 9/11 Celebration Report CBS

the truth and conservatives
Why Are Conservatives More Susceptible to Believing Lies?
An interplay between how all humans think and how conservatives tend to act might actually explain a lot about our current moment.
By John EhrenreichNov. 9 2017 9:00 AM

Many conservatives have a loose relationship with facts. The right-wing denial of what most people think of as accepted reality starts with political issues: As recently as 2016, 45 percent of Republicans still believed that the Affordable Care Act included “death panels” (it doesn’t). A 2015 poll found that 54 percent of GOP primary voters believed then-President Obama to be a Muslim (…he isn’t).

Then there are the false beliefs about generally accepted science. Only 25 percent of self-proclaimed Trump voters agree that climate change is caused by human activities. Only 43 percent of Republicans overall believe that humans have evolved over time.


And then it gets really crazy. Almost 1 in 6 Trump voters, while simultaneously viewing photographs of the crowds at the 2016 inauguration of Donald Trump and at the 2012 inauguration of Barack Obama , insisted that the former were larger. Sixty-six percent of self-described “very conservative” Americans seriously believe that “Muslims are covertly implementing Sharia law in American courts.” Forty-six percent of Trump voters polled just after the 2016 election either thought that Hillary Clinton was connected to a child sex trafficking ring run out of the basement of a pizzeria in Washington, D.C., or weren’t sure if it was true.

If “truth” is judged on the basis of Enlightenment ideas of reason and more or less objective “evidence,” many of the substantive positions common on the right seem to border on delusional. The left is certainly not immune to credulity (most commonly about the safety of vaccines, GMO foods, and fracking), but the right seems to specialize in it. “Misinformation is currently predominantly a pathology of the right,” concluded a team of scholars from the Harvard Kennedy School and Northeastern University at a February 2017 conference. A BuzzFeed analysis found that three main hyperconservative Facebook pages were roughly twice as likely as three leading ultraliberal Facebook pages to publish fake or misleading information.

"John Ehrenreich is a professor of psychology..."

As Dennis Prager correctly stated:

"The more years in the university in the study of the social sciences, the less wise an individual is."

And, eddie.....even less wise is quoting one of these dolts.
Political Chic An E Mail for you
Retarded Right Wingers. Be sure to act on it.

Dear Friend,

This is to inform you that we have been working towards the eradication of fraudsters and scam Artists in Africa with the help of the Organization of African Unity (OAU), United Nations (UN), European Union (EU), and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).We have been able to track down some scam artist in various parts of African countries which includes (Nigeria, Benin, Ghana, Kenya and Senegal) and they are all in Government custody now, they will appear at International Criminal Court (ICC) soon for Justice.

During the course of investigation, they were able to recovered some funds from these scam artists and IMF organization have ordered the funds recovered to be shared among the 50 Lucky people listed around the World as a compensation. This notice is been directed to you because your email address was found in one of the scam Artists file and computer hard-disk while the investigation, maybe you have been scammed or you are yet to. Well you are therefore being compensated with sum of $1.5 million Dollars.

I write to inform you that we have already sent you $5,000.00. Unite State Dollars through Western union as we have been given the mandate to transfer your full compensation payment the total sum of $1.5 Million Dollars) via western union as we have been told.

I was been trying to send you an E-mail since yesterday for the Western Union payment Details but the message keep returning back I don't really know why,therefore I try to re-send the e-mail to you again today with all the Western Union payment information for you to pick up the money from any outlet Western Union around you, such as MTCN and Sender Name so that you will pick up this $5,000.00. United State Dollars to enable us send another $5,000.00. Tomorrow as you know we will be sending you only $5,000.00 United State Dollars per day. Please copy all this information and run to any nearest Western Union to pick up the $5,000.00. And Email us to able us send you another payment tomorrow, email us once you picked up this $5,000.00. United State Dollars today, E-mail: westernunionkeenya@...

Here is the Western Union information to pick up the $5,000.00. United State Dollars

Sender’s First Name____James
Senders Second Name____Goodluck
Senders Country KENYA
Text question___IN GOD
Answer__ WE TRUST
MTCN Number___#418-892-1990
To confirm your MTCN visit Track your Western Union Money Transfer® transaction
Telephone: +254774038585 call us

I am waiting for you once you pick up this $5,000.00. Please E-mail us your direct telephone number because I need to be calling you once we send any payment for the information. Note we really need your current direct phone so that once we make any payment we shall call you for the MTCN.

Yours friend and President,

Donald J Trump.
the truth and conservatives
Why Are Conservatives More Susceptible to Believing Lies?
An interplay between how all humans think and how conservatives tend to act might actually explain a lot about our current moment.
By John EhrenreichNov. 9 2017 9:00 AM

Many conservatives have a loose relationship with facts. The right-wing denial of what most people think of as accepted reality starts with political issues: As recently as 2016, 45 percent of Republicans still believed that the Affordable Care Act included “death panels” (it doesn’t). A 2015 poll found that 54 percent of GOP primary voters believed then-President Obama to be a Muslim (…he isn’t).

Then there are the false beliefs about generally accepted science. Only 25 percent of self-proclaimed Trump voters agree that climate change is caused by human activities. Only 43 percent of Republicans overall believe that humans have evolved over time.


And then it gets really crazy. Almost 1 in 6 Trump voters, while simultaneously viewing photographs of the crowds at the 2016 inauguration of Donald Trump and at the 2012 inauguration of Barack Obama , insisted that the former were larger. Sixty-six percent of self-described “very conservative” Americans seriously believe that “Muslims are covertly implementing Sharia law in American courts.” Forty-six percent of Trump voters polled just after the 2016 election either thought that Hillary Clinton was connected to a child sex trafficking ring run out of the basement of a pizzeria in Washington, D.C., or weren’t sure if it was true.

If “truth” is judged on the basis of Enlightenment ideas of reason and more or less objective “evidence,” many of the substantive positions common on the right seem to border on delusional. The left is certainly not immune to credulity (most commonly about the safety of vaccines, GMO foods, and fracking), but the right seems to specialize in it. “Misinformation is currently predominantly a pathology of the right,” concluded a team of scholars from the Harvard Kennedy School and Northeastern University at a February 2017 conference. A BuzzFeed analysis found that three main hyperconservative Facebook pages were roughly twice as likely as three leading ultraliberal Facebook pages to publish fake or misleading information.

"John Ehrenreich is a professor of psychology..."

As Dennis Prager correctly stated:

"The more years in the university in the study of the social sciences, the less wise an individual is."

And, eddie.....even less wise is quoting one of these dolts.
Political Chic An E Mail for you
Retarded Right Wingers. Be sure to act on it.

Dear Friend,

This is to inform you that we have been working towards the eradication of fraudsters and scam Artists in Africa with the help of the Organization of African Unity (OAU), United Nations (UN), European Union (EU), and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).We have been able to track down some scam artist in various parts of African countries which includes (Nigeria, Benin, Ghana, Kenya and Senegal) and they are all in Government custody now, they will appear at International Criminal Court (ICC) soon for Justice.

During the course of investigation, they were able to recovered some funds from these scam artists and IMF organization have ordered the funds recovered to be shared among the 50 Lucky people listed around the World as a compensation. This notice is been directed to you because your email address was found in one of the scam Artists file and computer hard-disk while the investigation, maybe you have been scammed or you are yet to. Well you are therefore being compensated with sum of $1.5 million Dollars.

I write to inform you that we have already sent you $5,000.00. Unite State Dollars through Western union as we have been given the mandate to transfer your full compensation payment the total sum of $1.5 Million Dollars) via western union as we have been told.

I was been trying to send you an E-mail since yesterday for the Western Union payment Details but the message keep returning back I don't really know why,therefore I try to re-send the e-mail to you again today with all the Western Union payment information for you to pick up the money from any outlet Western Union around you, such as MTCN and Sender Name so that you will pick up this $5,000.00. United State Dollars to enable us send another $5,000.00. Tomorrow as you know we will be sending you only $5,000.00 United State Dollars per day. Please copy all this information and run to any nearest Western Union to pick up the $5,000.00. And Email us to able us send you another payment tomorrow, email us once you picked up this $5,000.00. United State Dollars today, E-mail: westernunionkeenya@...

Here is the Western Union information to pick up the $5,000.00. United State Dollars

Sender’s First Name____James
Senders Second Name____Goodluck
Senders Country KENYA
Text question___IN GOD
Answer__ WE TRUST
MTCN Number___#418-892-1990
To confirm your MTCN visit Track your Western Union Money Transfer® transaction
Telephone: +254774038585 call us

I am waiting for you once you pick up this $5,000.00. Please E-mail us your direct telephone number because I need to be calling you once we send any payment for the information. Note we really need your current direct phone so that once we make any payment we shall call you for the MTCN.

Yours friend and President,

Donald J Trump.

That's a regular knee-slapper, eddie.
the truth and conservatives
Why Are Conservatives More Susceptible to Believing Lies?
An interplay between how all humans think and how conservatives tend to act might actually explain a lot about our current moment.
By John EhrenreichNov. 9 2017 9:00 AM

Many conservatives have a loose relationship with facts. The right-wing denial of what most people think of as accepted reality starts with political issues: As recently as 2016, 45 percent of Republicans still believed that the Affordable Care Act included “death panels” (it doesn’t). A 2015 poll found that 54 percent of GOP primary voters believed then-President Obama to be a Muslim (…he isn’t).

Then there are the false beliefs about generally accepted science. Only 25 percent of self-proclaimed Trump voters agree that climate change is caused by human activities. Only 43 percent of Republicans overall believe that humans have evolved over time.


And then it gets really crazy. Almost 1 in 6 Trump voters, while simultaneously viewing photographs of the crowds at the 2016 inauguration of Donald Trump and at the 2012 inauguration of Barack Obama , insisted that the former were larger. Sixty-six percent of self-described “very conservative” Americans seriously believe that “Muslims are covertly implementing Sharia law in American courts.” Forty-six percent of Trump voters polled just after the 2016 election either thought that Hillary Clinton was connected to a child sex trafficking ring run out of the basement of a pizzeria in Washington, D.C., or weren’t sure if it was true.

If “truth” is judged on the basis of Enlightenment ideas of reason and more or less objective “evidence,” many of the substantive positions common on the right seem to border on delusional. The left is certainly not immune to credulity (most commonly about the safety of vaccines, GMO foods, and fracking), but the right seems to specialize in it. “Misinformation is currently predominantly a pathology of the right,” concluded a team of scholars from the Harvard Kennedy School and Northeastern University at a February 2017 conference. A BuzzFeed analysis found that three main hyperconservative Facebook pages were roughly twice as likely as three leading ultraliberal Facebook pages to publish fake or misleading information.

"John Ehrenreich is a professor of psychology..."

As Dennis Prager correctly stated:

"The more years in the university in the study of the social sciences, the less wise an individual is."

And, eddie.....even less wise is quoting one of these dolts.
Political Chic An E Mail for you
Retarded Right Wingers. Be sure to act on it.

Dear Friend,

This is to inform you that we have been working towards the eradication of fraudsters and scam Artists in Africa with the help of the Organization of African Unity (OAU), United Nations (UN), European Union (EU), and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).We have been able to track down some scam artist in various parts of African countries which includes (Nigeria, Benin, Ghana, Kenya and Senegal) and they are all in Government custody now, they will appear at International Criminal Court (ICC) soon for Justice.

During the course of investigation, they were able to recovered some funds from these scam artists and IMF organization have ordered the funds recovered to be shared among the 50 Lucky people listed around the World as a compensation. This notice is been directed to you because your email address was found in one of the scam Artists file and computer hard-disk while the investigation, maybe you have been scammed or you are yet to. Well you are therefore being compensated with sum of $1.5 million Dollars.

I write to inform you that we have already sent you $5,000.00. Unite State Dollars through Western union as we have been given the mandate to transfer your full compensation payment the total sum of $1.5 Million Dollars) via western union as we have been told.

I was been trying to send you an E-mail since yesterday for the Western Union payment Details but the message keep returning back I don't really know why,therefore I try to re-send the e-mail to you again today with all the Western Union payment information for you to pick up the money from any outlet Western Union around you, such as MTCN and Sender Name so that you will pick up this $5,000.00. United State Dollars to enable us send another $5,000.00. Tomorrow as you know we will be sending you only $5,000.00 United State Dollars per day. Please copy all this information and run to any nearest Western Union to pick up the $5,000.00. And Email us to able us send you another payment tomorrow, email us once you picked up this $5,000.00. United State Dollars today, E-mail: westernunionkeenya@...

Here is the Western Union information to pick up the $5,000.00. United State Dollars

Sender’s First Name____James
Senders Second Name____Goodluck
Senders Country KENYA
Text question___IN GOD
Answer__ WE TRUST
MTCN Number___#418-892-1990
To confirm your MTCN visit Track your Western Union Money Transfer® transaction
Telephone: +254774038585 call us

I am waiting for you once you pick up this $5,000.00. Please E-mail us your direct telephone number because I need to be calling you once we send any payment for the information. Note we really need your current direct phone so that once we make any payment we shall call you for the MTCN.

Yours friend and President,

Donald J Trump.

That's a regular knee-slapper, eddie.
I try
the truth and conservatives
Why Are Conservatives More Susceptible to Believing Lies?
An interplay between how all humans think and how conservatives tend to act might actually explain a lot about our current moment.
By John EhrenreichNov. 9 2017 9:00 AM

Many conservatives have a loose relationship with facts. The right-wing denial of what most people think of as accepted reality starts with political issues: As recently as 2016, 45 percent of Republicans still believed that the Affordable Care Act included “death panels” (it doesn’t). A 2015 poll found that 54 percent of GOP primary voters believed then-President Obama to be a Muslim (…he isn’t).

Then there are the false beliefs about generally accepted science. Only 25 percent of self-proclaimed Trump voters agree that climate change is caused by human activities. Only 43 percent of Republicans overall believe that humans have evolved over time.


And then it gets really crazy. Almost 1 in 6 Trump voters, while simultaneously viewing photographs of the crowds at the 2016 inauguration of Donald Trump and at the 2012 inauguration of Barack Obama , insisted that the former were larger. Sixty-six percent of self-described “very conservative” Americans seriously believe that “Muslims are covertly implementing Sharia law in American courts.” Forty-six percent of Trump voters polled just after the 2016 election either thought that Hillary Clinton was connected to a child sex trafficking ring run out of the basement of a pizzeria in Washington, D.C., or weren’t sure if it was true.

If “truth” is judged on the basis of Enlightenment ideas of reason and more or less objective “evidence,” many of the substantive positions common on the right seem to border on delusional. The left is certainly not immune to credulity (most commonly about the safety of vaccines, GMO foods, and fracking), but the right seems to specialize in it. “Misinformation is currently predominantly a pathology of the right,” concluded a team of scholars from the Harvard Kennedy School and Northeastern University at a February 2017 conference. A BuzzFeed analysis found that three main hyperconservative Facebook pages were roughly twice as likely as three leading ultraliberal Facebook pages to publish fake or misleading information.

"John Ehrenreich is a professor of psychology..."

As Dennis Prager correctly stated:

"The more years in the university in the study of the social sciences, the less wise an individual is."

And, eddie.....even less wise is quoting one of these dolts.
Political Chic An E Mail for you
Retarded Right Wingers. Be sure to act on it.

Dear Friend,

This is to inform you that we have been working towards the eradication of fraudsters and scam Artists in Africa with the help of the Organization of African Unity (OAU), United Nations (UN), European Union (EU), and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).We have been able to track down some scam artist in various parts of African countries which includes (Nigeria, Benin, Ghana, Kenya and Senegal) and they are all in Government custody now, they will appear at International Criminal Court (ICC) soon for Justice.

During the course of investigation, they were able to recovered some funds from these scam artists and IMF organization have ordered the funds recovered to be shared among the 50 Lucky people listed around the World as a compensation. This notice is been directed to you because your email address was found in one of the scam Artists file and computer hard-disk while the investigation, maybe you have been scammed or you are yet to. Well you are therefore being compensated with sum of $1.5 million Dollars.

I write to inform you that we have already sent you $5,000.00. Unite State Dollars through Western union as we have been given the mandate to transfer your full compensation payment the total sum of $1.5 Million Dollars) via western union as we have been told.

I was been trying to send you an E-mail since yesterday for the Western Union payment Details but the message keep returning back I don't really know why,therefore I try to re-send the e-mail to you again today with all the Western Union payment information for you to pick up the money from any outlet Western Union around you, such as MTCN and Sender Name so that you will pick up this $5,000.00. United State Dollars to enable us send another $5,000.00. Tomorrow as you know we will be sending you only $5,000.00 United State Dollars per day. Please copy all this information and run to any nearest Western Union to pick up the $5,000.00. And Email us to able us send you another payment tomorrow, email us once you picked up this $5,000.00. United State Dollars today, E-mail: westernunionkeenya@...

Here is the Western Union information to pick up the $5,000.00. United State Dollars

Sender’s First Name____James
Senders Second Name____Goodluck
Senders Country KENYA
Text question___IN GOD
Answer__ WE TRUST
MTCN Number___#418-892-1990
To confirm your MTCN visit Track your Western Union Money Transfer® transaction
Telephone: +254774038585 call us

I am waiting for you once you pick up this $5,000.00. Please E-mail us your direct telephone number because I need to be calling you once we send any payment for the information. Note we really need your current direct phone so that once we make any payment we shall call you for the MTCN.

Yours friend and President,

Donald J Trump.

That's a regular knee-slapper, eddie.
I try
Us Brooklynites should be kind to each other
the truth and conservatives
Why Are Conservatives More Susceptible to Believing Lies?
An interplay between how all humans think and how conservatives tend to act might actually explain a lot about our current moment.
By John EhrenreichNov. 9 2017 9:00 AM

Many conservatives have a loose relationship with facts. The right-wing denial of what most people think of as accepted reality starts with political issues: As recently as 2016, 45 percent of Republicans still believed that the Affordable Care Act included “death panels” (it doesn’t). A 2015 poll found that 54 percent of GOP primary voters believed then-President Obama to be a Muslim (…he isn’t).

Then there are the false beliefs about generally accepted science. Only 25 percent of self-proclaimed Trump voters agree that climate change is caused by human activities. Only 43 percent of Republicans overall believe that humans have evolved over time.


And then it gets really crazy. Almost 1 in 6 Trump voters, while simultaneously viewing photographs of the crowds at the 2016 inauguration of Donald Trump and at the 2012 inauguration of Barack Obama , insisted that the former were larger. Sixty-six percent of self-described “very conservative” Americans seriously believe that “Muslims are covertly implementing Sharia law in American courts.” Forty-six percent of Trump voters polled just after the 2016 election either thought that Hillary Clinton was connected to a child sex trafficking ring run out of the basement of a pizzeria in Washington, D.C., or weren’t sure if it was true.

If “truth” is judged on the basis of Enlightenment ideas of reason and more or less objective “evidence,” many of the substantive positions common on the right seem to border on delusional. The left is certainly not immune to credulity (most commonly about the safety of vaccines, GMO foods, and fracking), but the right seems to specialize in it. “Misinformation is currently predominantly a pathology of the right,” concluded a team of scholars from the Harvard Kennedy School and Northeastern University at a February 2017 conference. A BuzzFeed analysis found that three main hyperconservative Facebook pages were roughly twice as likely as three leading ultraliberal Facebook pages to publish fake or misleading information.

"John Ehrenreich is a professor of psychology..."

As Dennis Prager correctly stated:

"The more years in the university in the study of the social sciences, the less wise an individual is."

And, eddie.....even less wise is quoting one of these dolts.
Political Chic An E Mail for you
Retarded Right Wingers. Be sure to act on it.

Dear Friend,

This is to inform you that we have been working towards the eradication of fraudsters and scam Artists in Africa with the help of the Organization of African Unity (OAU), United Nations (UN), European Union (EU), and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).We have been able to track down some scam artist in various parts of African countries which includes (Nigeria, Benin, Ghana, Kenya and Senegal) and they are all in Government custody now, they will appear at International Criminal Court (ICC) soon for Justice.

During the course of investigation, they were able to recovered some funds from these scam artists and IMF organization have ordered the funds recovered to be shared among the 50 Lucky people listed around the World as a compensation. This notice is been directed to you because your email address was found in one of the scam Artists file and computer hard-disk while the investigation, maybe you have been scammed or you are yet to. Well you are therefore being compensated with sum of $1.5 million Dollars.

I write to inform you that we have already sent you $5,000.00. Unite State Dollars through Western union as we have been given the mandate to transfer your full compensation payment the total sum of $1.5 Million Dollars) via western union as we have been told.

I was been trying to send you an E-mail since yesterday for the Western Union payment Details but the message keep returning back I don't really know why,therefore I try to re-send the e-mail to you again today with all the Western Union payment information for you to pick up the money from any outlet Western Union around you, such as MTCN and Sender Name so that you will pick up this $5,000.00. United State Dollars to enable us send another $5,000.00. Tomorrow as you know we will be sending you only $5,000.00 United State Dollars per day. Please copy all this information and run to any nearest Western Union to pick up the $5,000.00. And Email us to able us send you another payment tomorrow, email us once you picked up this $5,000.00. United State Dollars today, E-mail: westernunionkeenya@...

Here is the Western Union information to pick up the $5,000.00. United State Dollars

Sender’s First Name____James
Senders Second Name____Goodluck
Senders Country KENYA
Text question___IN GOD
Answer__ WE TRUST
MTCN Number___#418-892-1990
To confirm your MTCN visit Track your Western Union Money Transfer® transaction
Telephone: +254774038585 call us

I am waiting for you once you pick up this $5,000.00. Please E-mail us your direct telephone number because I need to be calling you once we send any payment for the information. Note we really need your current direct phone so that once we make any payment we shall call you for the MTCN.

Yours friend and President,

Donald J Trump.

That's a regular knee-slapper, eddie.
I try
Us Brooklynites should be kind to each other


Wanna cookie?
the truth and conservatives
Why Are Conservatives More Susceptible to Believing Lies?
An interplay between how all humans think and how conservatives tend to act might actually explain a lot about our current moment.
By John EhrenreichNov. 9 2017 9:00 AM

Many conservatives have a loose relationship with facts. The right-wing denial of what most people think of as accepted reality starts with political issues: As recently as 2016, 45 percent of Republicans still believed that the Affordable Care Act included “death panels” (it doesn’t). A 2015 poll found that 54 percent of GOP primary voters believed then-President Obama to be a Muslim (…he isn’t).

Then there are the false beliefs about generally accepted science. Only 25 percent of self-proclaimed Trump voters agree that climate change is caused by human activities. Only 43 percent of Republicans overall believe that humans have evolved over time.


And then it gets really crazy. Almost 1 in 6 Trump voters, while simultaneously viewing photographs of the crowds at the 2016 inauguration of Donald Trump and at the 2012 inauguration of Barack Obama , insisted that the former were larger. Sixty-six percent of self-described “very conservative” Americans seriously believe that “Muslims are covertly implementing Sharia law in American courts.” Forty-six percent of Trump voters polled just after the 2016 election either thought that Hillary Clinton was connected to a child sex trafficking ring run out of the basement of a pizzeria in Washington, D.C., or weren’t sure if it was true.

If “truth” is judged on the basis of Enlightenment ideas of reason and more or less objective “evidence,” many of the substantive positions common on the right seem to border on delusional. The left is certainly not immune to credulity (most commonly about the safety of vaccines, GMO foods, and fracking), but the right seems to specialize in it. “Misinformation is currently predominantly a pathology of the right,” concluded a team of scholars from the Harvard Kennedy School and Northeastern University at a February 2017 conference. A BuzzFeed analysis found that three main hyperconservative Facebook pages were roughly twice as likely as three leading ultraliberal Facebook pages to publish fake or misleading information.

"John Ehrenreich is a professor of psychology..."

As Dennis Prager correctly stated:

"The more years in the university in the study of the social sciences, the less wise an individual is."

And, eddie.....even less wise is quoting one of these dolts.
Political Chic An E Mail for you
Retarded Right Wingers. Be sure to act on it.

Dear Friend,

This is to inform you that we have been working towards the eradication of fraudsters and scam Artists in Africa with the help of the Organization of African Unity (OAU), United Nations (UN), European Union (EU), and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).We have been able to track down some scam artist in various parts of African countries which includes (Nigeria, Benin, Ghana, Kenya and Senegal) and they are all in Government custody now, they will appear at International Criminal Court (ICC) soon for Justice.

During the course of investigation, they were able to recovered some funds from these scam artists and IMF organization have ordered the funds recovered to be shared among the 50 Lucky people listed around the World as a compensation. This notice is been directed to you because your email address was found in one of the scam Artists file and computer hard-disk while the investigation, maybe you have been scammed or you are yet to. Well you are therefore being compensated with sum of $1.5 million Dollars.

I write to inform you that we have already sent you $5,000.00. Unite State Dollars through Western union as we have been given the mandate to transfer your full compensation payment the total sum of $1.5 Million Dollars) via western union as we have been told.

I was been trying to send you an E-mail since yesterday for the Western Union payment Details but the message keep returning back I don't really know why,therefore I try to re-send the e-mail to you again today with all the Western Union payment information for you to pick up the money from any outlet Western Union around you, such as MTCN and Sender Name so that you will pick up this $5,000.00. United State Dollars to enable us send another $5,000.00. Tomorrow as you know we will be sending you only $5,000.00 United State Dollars per day. Please copy all this information and run to any nearest Western Union to pick up the $5,000.00. And Email us to able us send you another payment tomorrow, email us once you picked up this $5,000.00. United State Dollars today, E-mail: westernunionkeenya@...

Here is the Western Union information to pick up the $5,000.00. United State Dollars

Sender’s First Name____James
Senders Second Name____Goodluck
Senders Country KENYA
Text question___IN GOD
Answer__ WE TRUST
MTCN Number___#418-892-1990
To confirm your MTCN visit Track your Western Union Money Transfer® transaction
Telephone: +254774038585 call us

I am waiting for you once you pick up this $5,000.00. Please E-mail us your direct telephone number because I need to be calling you once we send any payment for the information. Note we really need your current direct phone so that once we make any payment we shall call you for the MTCN.

Yours friend and President,

Donald J Trump.

That's a regular knee-slapper, eddie.
I try
Us Brooklynites should be kind to each other
even if republicans are trying to screw NY with no property tax deductions
"John Ehrenreich is a professor of psychology..."

As Dennis Prager correctly stated:

"The more years in the university in the study of the social sciences, the less wise an individual is."

And, eddie.....even less wise is quoting one of these dolts.
Political Chic An E Mail for you
Retarded Right Wingers. Be sure to act on it.

Dear Friend,

This is to inform you that we have been working towards the eradication of fraudsters and scam Artists in Africa with the help of the Organization of African Unity (OAU), United Nations (UN), European Union (EU), and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).We have been able to track down some scam artist in various parts of African countries which includes (Nigeria, Benin, Ghana, Kenya and Senegal) and they are all in Government custody now, they will appear at International Criminal Court (ICC) soon for Justice.

During the course of investigation, they were able to recovered some funds from these scam artists and IMF organization have ordered the funds recovered to be shared among the 50 Lucky people listed around the World as a compensation. This notice is been directed to you because your email address was found in one of the scam Artists file and computer hard-disk while the investigation, maybe you have been scammed or you are yet to. Well you are therefore being compensated with sum of $1.5 million Dollars.

I write to inform you that we have already sent you $5,000.00. Unite State Dollars through Western union as we have been given the mandate to transfer your full compensation payment the total sum of $1.5 Million Dollars) via western union as we have been told.

I was been trying to send you an E-mail since yesterday for the Western Union payment Details but the message keep returning back I don't really know why,therefore I try to re-send the e-mail to you again today with all the Western Union payment information for you to pick up the money from any outlet Western Union around you, such as MTCN and Sender Name so that you will pick up this $5,000.00. United State Dollars to enable us send another $5,000.00. Tomorrow as you know we will be sending you only $5,000.00 United State Dollars per day. Please copy all this information and run to any nearest Western Union to pick up the $5,000.00. And Email us to able us send you another payment tomorrow, email us once you picked up this $5,000.00. United State Dollars today, E-mail: westernunionkeenya@...

Here is the Western Union information to pick up the $5,000.00. United State Dollars

Sender’s First Name____James
Senders Second Name____Goodluck
Senders Country KENYA
Text question___IN GOD
Answer__ WE TRUST
MTCN Number___#418-892-1990
To confirm your MTCN visit Track your Western Union Money Transfer® transaction
Telephone: +254774038585 call us

I am waiting for you once you pick up this $5,000.00. Please E-mail us your direct telephone number because I need to be calling you once we send any payment for the information. Note we really need your current direct phone so that once we make any payment we shall call you for the MTCN.

Yours friend and President,

Donald J Trump.

That's a regular knee-slapper, eddie.
I try
Us Brooklynites should be kind to each other


Wanna cookie?
chocolate chip please
Donald Trump definitely taps straight into the nerve center of the Left. Every tweet sends them into a frenzy. It is so over the top, I cannot remember such an emotional visceral hate from either Party toward anyone.

I see three things that have combined together to create this perfect storm of hate toward President Trump.

1. Liberals are 100% convinced they are right about everything and if you disagree you are an idiot. When Hillary lost, they had to admit they were wrong and they still have not come to grips with that.
2. Donald Trump personifies what the Left detests. He is not nice, he is not Mr. Rogers. He calls things exactly how he sees them in very clear plain language. The Left loves flowery words that sound pretty.
3. He is a fighter, he doesn't roll over which is what the Left expects when they attack. He hits back twice as hard which confuses them.

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