Don't Like Trump ? WHY ?

Donald Trump definitely taps straight into the nerve center of the Left. Every tweet sends them into a frenzy. It is so over the top, I cannot remember such an emotional visceral hate from either Party toward anyone.

I see three things that have combined together to create this perfect storm of hate toward President Trump.

1. Liberals are 100% convinced they are right about everything and if you disagree you are an idiot. When Hillary lost, they had to admit they were wrong and they still have not come to grips with that.
2. Donald Trump personifies what the Left detests. He is not nice, he is not Mr. Rogers. He calls things exactly how he sees them in very clear plain language. The Left loves flowery words that sound pretty.
3. He is a fighter, he doesn't roll over which is what the Left expects when they attack. He hits back twice as hard which confuses them.

1. He won't raise wages for middle class workers which is the biggest issue for workers and the economy.
Donald Trump definitely taps straight into the nerve center of the Left. Every tweet sends them into a frenzy. It is so over the top, I cannot remember such an emotional visceral hate from either Party toward anyone.

I see three things that have combined together to create this perfect storm of hate toward President Trump.

1. Liberals are 100% convinced they are right about everything and if you disagree you are an idiot. When Hillary lost, they had to admit they were wrong and they still have not come to grips with that.
2. Donald Trump personifies what the Left detests. He is not nice, he is not Mr. Rogers. He calls things exactly how he sees them in very clear plain language. The Left loves flowery words that sound pretty.
3. He is a fighter, he doesn't roll over which is what the Left expects when they attack. He hits back twice as hard which confuses them.

You couldn't be more accurate.
Let's keep in mind, anytime we're debating with a Lefty there's a damn good chance you're dealing with one of the freaks shown below that's trying to convince you he's normal, has it all figured out and everyone else is twisted and insane.

Donald Trump definitely taps straight into the nerve center of the Left. Every tweet sends them into a frenzy. It is so over the top, I cannot remember such an emotional visceral hate from either Party toward anyone.

I see three things that have combined together to create this perfect storm of hate toward President Trump.

1. Liberals are 100% convinced they are right about everything and if you disagree you are an idiot. When Hillary lost, they had to admit they were wrong and they still have not come to grips with that.
2. Donald Trump personifies what the Left detests. He is not nice, he is not Mr. Rogers. He calls things exactly how he sees them in very clear plain language. The Left loves flowery words that sound pretty.
3. He is a fighter, he doesn't roll over which is what the Left expects when they attack. He hits back twice as hard which confuses them.
You and him are AH's
Donald Trump definitely taps straight into the nerve center of the Left. Every tweet sends them into a frenzy. It is so over the top, I cannot remember such an emotional visceral hate from either Party toward anyone.

I see three things that have combined together to create this perfect storm of hate toward President Trump.

1. Liberals are 100% convinced they are right about everything and if you disagree you are an idiot. When Hillary lost, they had to admit they were wrong and they still have not come to grips with that.
2. Donald Trump personifies what the Left detests. He is not nice, he is not Mr. Rogers. He calls things exactly how he sees them in very clear plain language. The Left loves flowery words that sound pretty.
3. He is a fighter, he doesn't roll over which is what the Left expects when they attack. He hits back twice as hard which confuses them.
/—-/ the Left hated Nixon and Reagan as much as Trump, but for different reasons.
Liar. The video of does not show that. You figure folks won't check and see the video you posted.
/----/ I know what I saw and others have posted videos. So go pound sand.
No one has posted a video of what Liar in Chief claimed and your personal story is not believable. You are lying about "other videos" being posted so why should anything you are claiming be believed? Remember, Liar in Chief said he saw "thousands celebrating in the streets on tv".
/----/ Here ya go Twinkle Toes. The same footage presented on Fox and CNBC. Are you going to call Katie Couric a liar too?

Quick geography lesson for you, Palestine is NOT the same as Patterson. The West Bank is NOT the same place as the west bank of the Hudson.

Trump said he saw a video of New Jersey Muslims celebrating. I'm sure your mommy can explain if you still have trouble understanding.

/—-/ I was defending myself from the libtard who called me a liar for saying I saw Muslims dancing in the street. The news reports were all over the channels that night. After16 years it’s hard to remember what report I was watching but I know what I saw. I don’t know what channel or report Trump. How could I ?
Donald Trump definitely taps straight into the nerve center of the Left. Every tweet sends them into a frenzy. It is so over the top, I cannot remember such an emotional visceral hate from either Party toward anyone.

I see three things that have combined together to create this perfect storm of hate toward President Trump.

1. Liberals are 100% convinced they are right about everything and if you disagree you are an idiot. When Hillary lost, they had to admit they were wrong and they still have not come to grips with that.
2. Donald Trump personifies what the Left detests. He is not nice, he is not Mr. Rogers. He calls things exactly how he sees them in very clear plain language. The Left loves flowery words that sound pretty.
3. He is a fighter, he doesn't roll over which is what the Left expects when they attack. He hits back twice as hard which confuses them.
/—-/ the Left hated Nixon and Reagan as much as Trump, but for different reasons.
The problem cell is republicans don't call them as they seem them Where is the wall Mexico was paying for?? Americans paying now ,,,,Where is repeal HC ??,,Where is infrastructure Where is keeping Muslims out of the country ? what about bringing money back from overseas ? etc etc How about you call trump a lying pussy grabbing blabbermouth Call it like it is
Donald Trump definitely taps straight into the nerve center of the Left. Every tweet sends them into a frenzy. It is so over the top, I cannot remember such an emotional visceral hate from either Party toward anyone.

I see three things that have combined together to create this perfect storm of hate toward President Trump.

1. Liberals are 100% convinced they are right about everything and if you disagree you are an idiot. When Hillary lost, they had to admit they were wrong and they still have not come to grips with that.
2. Donald Trump personifies what the Left detests. He is not nice, he is not Mr. Rogers. He calls things exactly how he sees them in very clear plain language. The Left loves flowery words that sound pretty.
3. He is a fighter, he doesn't roll over which is what the Left expects when they attack. He hits back twice as hard which confuses them.
/—-/ the Left hated Nixon and Reagan as much as Trump, but for different reasons.
The problem cell is republicans don't call them as they seem them Where is the wall Mexico was paying for?? Americans paying now ,,,,Where is repeal HC ??,,Where is infrastructure Where is keeping Muslims out of the country ? what about bringing money back from overseas ? etc etc How about you call trump a lying pussy grabbing blabbermouth Call it like it is
/—-/ OK, I call it that Trump wants to keep his promises and the RINO leadership is not supporting him. As far as repealing Obozocare, I blame brain damaged John McLame for breaking his promise. There is only do much Trump can do on his own. You seem to think he can wave a magic wand and get it all done. That’s how I see it.
Donald Trump definitely taps straight into the nerve center of the Left. Every tweet sends them into a frenzy. It is so over the top, I cannot remember such an emotional visceral hate from either Party toward anyone.

I see three things that have combined together to create this perfect storm of hate toward President Trump.

1. Liberals are 100% convinced they are right about everything and if you disagree you are an idiot. When Hillary lost, they had to admit they were wrong and they still have not come to grips with that.
2. Donald Trump personifies what the Left detests. He is not nice, he is not Mr. Rogers. He calls things exactly how he sees them in very clear plain language. The Left loves flowery words that sound pretty.
3. He is a fighter, he doesn't roll over which is what the Left expects when they attack. He hits back twice as hard which confuses them.
/—-/ the Left hated Nixon and Reagan as much as Trump, but for different reasons.
The problem cell is republicans don't call them as they seem them Where is the wall Mexico was paying for?? Americans paying now ,,,,Where is repeal HC ??,,Where is infrastructure Where is keeping Muslims out of the country ? what about bringing money back from overseas ? etc etc How about you call trump a lying pussy grabbing blabbermouth Call it like it is
/—-/ OK, I call it that Trump wants to keep his promises and the RINO leadership is not supporting him. As far as repealing Obozocare, I blame brain damaged John McLame for breaking his promise. There is only do much Trump can do on his own. You seem to think he can wave a magic wand and get it all done. That’s how I see it.
A president who knows how to talk to people both enemies and those on his side gets a hellofa lot more accomplished than a blabbermouthed fool which trump has shown to be
I really don't think it needs to be a mystery, why Trump turns people off.

It's the same behaviors for which he is celebrated by his followers. So obviously, they know precisely what those are.

His appeal is largely visceral and emotional, since he himself is obviously not ideological.
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Donald Trump definitely taps straight into the nerve center of the Left. Every tweet sends them into a frenzy. It is so over the top, I cannot remember such an emotional visceral hate from either Party toward anyone.

I see three things that have combined together to create this perfect storm of hate toward President Trump.

1. Liberals are 100% convinced they are right about everything and if you disagree you are an idiot. When Hillary lost, they had to admit they were wrong and they still have not come to grips with that.
2. Donald Trump personifies what the Left detests. He is not nice, he is not Mr. Rogers. He calls things exactly how he sees them in very clear plain language. The Left loves flowery words that sound pretty.
3. He is a fighter, he doesn't roll over which is what the Left expects when they attack. He hits back twice as hard which confuses them.
/—-/ the Left hated Nixon and Reagan as much as Trump, but for different reasons.
The problem cell is republicans don't call them as they seem them Where is the wall Mexico was paying for?? Americans paying now ,,,,Where is repeal HC ??,,Where is infrastructure Where is keeping Muslims out of the country ? what about bringing money back from overseas ? etc etc How about you call trump a lying pussy grabbing blabbermouth Call it like it is
/—-/ OK, I call it that Trump wants to keep his promises and the RINO leadership is not supporting him. As far as repealing Obozocare, I blame brain damaged John McLame for breaking his promise. There is only do much Trump can do on his own. You seem to think he can wave a magic wand and get it all done. That’s how I see it.
A president who knows how to talk to people both enemies and those on his side gets a hellofa lot more accomplished than a blabbermouthed fool which trump has shown to be
/----/ We're fed up with squishy, spineless DemocRATS who won't stand up for America and sell us down the river at every opportunity. I like it when the president speaks his mind without the media filter or diplomatic double speak. Deal with it.
Donald Trump definitely taps straight into the nerve center of the Left. Every tweet sends them into a frenzy. It is so over the top, I cannot remember such an emotional visceral hate from either Party toward anyone.

I see three things that have combined together to create this perfect storm of hate toward President Trump.

1. Liberals are 100% convinced they are right about everything and if you disagree you are an idiot. When Hillary lost, they had to admit they were wrong and they still have not come to grips with that.
2. Donald Trump personifies what the Left detests. He is not nice, he is not Mr. Rogers. He calls things exactly how he sees them in very clear plain language. The Left loves flowery words that sound pretty.
3. He is a fighter, he doesn't roll over which is what the Left expects when they attack. He hits back twice as hard which confuses them.
You and him are AH's

No cookie for you!
Donald Trump definitely taps straight into the nerve center of the Left. Every tweet sends them into a frenzy. It is so over the top, I cannot remember such an emotional visceral hate from either Party toward anyone.

I see three things that have combined together to create this perfect storm of hate toward President Trump.

1. Liberals are 100% convinced they are right about everything and if you disagree you are an idiot. When Hillary lost, they had to admit they were wrong and they still have not come to grips with that.
2. Donald Trump personifies what the Left detests. He is not nice, he is not Mr. Rogers. He calls things exactly how he sees them in very clear plain language. The Left loves flowery words that sound pretty.
3. He is a fighter, he doesn't roll over which is what the Left expects when they attack. He hits back twice as hard which confuses them.
/—-/ the Left hated Nixon and Reagan as much as Trump, but for different reasons.
The problem cell is republicans don't call them as they seem them Where is the wall Mexico was paying for?? Americans paying now ,,,,Where is repeal HC ??,,Where is infrastructure Where is keeping Muslims out of the country ? what about bringing money back from overseas ? etc etc How about you call trump a lying pussy grabbing blabbermouth Call it like it is

While it is too early to say whether Trump will be able to fulfill all his promises... is clear that everything the Right warned about the incompetent who occupied the White House before him, have come true.

The undeserving one was an utter failure both in domestic and in foreign policy.

Donald Trump definitely taps straight into the nerve center of the Left. Every tweet sends them into a frenzy. It is so over the top, I cannot remember such an emotional visceral hate from either Party toward anyone.

I see three things that have combined together to create this perfect storm of hate toward President Trump.

1. Liberals are 100% convinced they are right about everything and if you disagree you are an idiot. When Hillary lost, they had to admit they were wrong and they still have not come to grips with that.
2. Donald Trump personifies what the Left detests. He is not nice, he is not Mr. Rogers. He calls things exactly how he sees them in very clear plain language. The Left loves flowery words that sound pretty.
3. He is a fighter, he doesn't roll over which is what the Left expects when they attack. He hits back twice as hard which confuses them.
/—-/ the Left hated Nixon and Reagan as much as Trump, but for different reasons.
The problem cell is republicans don't call them as they seem them Where is the wall Mexico was paying for?? Americans paying now ,,,,Where is repeal HC ??,,Where is infrastructure Where is keeping Muslims out of the country ? what about bringing money back from overseas ? etc etc How about you call trump a lying pussy grabbing blabbermouth Call it like it is
/—-/ OK, I call it that Trump wants to keep his promises and the RINO leadership is not supporting him. As far as repealing Obozocare, I blame brain damaged John McLame for breaking his promise. There is only do much Trump can do on his own. You seem to think he can wave a magic wand and get it all done. That’s how I see it.
A president who knows how to talk to people both enemies and those on his side gets a hellofa lot more accomplished than a blabbermouthed fool which trump has shown to be

"Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'"
Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'
Donald Trump definitely taps straight into the nerve center of the Left. Every tweet sends them into a frenzy. It is so over the top, I cannot remember such an emotional visceral hate from either Party toward anyone.

I see three things that have combined together to create this perfect storm of hate toward President Trump.

1. Liberals are 100% convinced they are right about everything and if you disagree you are an idiot. When Hillary lost, they had to admit they were wrong and they still have not come to grips with that.
2. Donald Trump personifies what the Left detests. He is not nice, he is not Mr. Rogers. He calls things exactly how he sees them in very clear plain language. The Left loves flowery words that sound pretty.
3. He is a fighter, he doesn't roll over which is what the Left expects when they attack. He hits back twice as hard which confuses them.
/—-/ the Left hated Nixon and Reagan as much as Trump, but for different reasons.
The problem cell is republicans don't call them as they seem them Where is the wall Mexico was paying for?? Americans paying now ,,,,Where is repeal HC ??,,Where is infrastructure Where is keeping Muslims out of the country ? what about bringing money back from overseas ? etc etc How about you call trump a lying pussy grabbing blabbermouth Call it like it is
/—-/ OK, I call it that Trump wants to keep his promises and the RINO leadership is not supporting him. As far as repealing Obozocare, I blame brain damaged John McLame for breaking his promise. There is only do much Trump can do on his own. You seem to think he can wave a magic wand and get it all done. That’s how I see it.
A president who knows how to talk to people both enemies and those on his side gets a hellofa lot more accomplished than a blabbermouthed fool which trump has shown to be

"Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'"
Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'
Putin tells Trump """I didn't do nothing"" and our AH in the WH believes him over 17 of our intelligence agencies We have a moron in our WH hopefully only for 3 or less years
/—-/ the Left hated Nixon and Reagan as much as Trump, but for different reasons.
The problem cell is republicans don't call them as they seem them Where is the wall Mexico was paying for?? Americans paying now ,,,,Where is repeal HC ??,,Where is infrastructure Where is keeping Muslims out of the country ? what about bringing money back from overseas ? etc etc How about you call trump a lying pussy grabbing blabbermouth Call it like it is
/—-/ OK, I call it that Trump wants to keep his promises and the RINO leadership is not supporting him. As far as repealing Obozocare, I blame brain damaged John McLame for breaking his promise. There is only do much Trump can do on his own. You seem to think he can wave a magic wand and get it all done. That’s how I see it.
A president who knows how to talk to people both enemies and those on his side gets a hellofa lot more accomplished than a blabbermouthed fool which trump has shown to be

"Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'"
Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'
Putin tells Trump """I didn't do nothing"" and our AH in the WH believes him over 17 of our intelligence agencies We have a moron in our WH hopefully only for 3 or less years have shown that Putin did try to get his candidate into the White House: Hillary.
The problem cell is republicans don't call them as they seem them Where is the wall Mexico was paying for?? Americans paying now ,,,,Where is repeal HC ??,,Where is infrastructure Where is keeping Muslims out of the country ? what about bringing money back from overseas ? etc etc How about you call trump a lying pussy grabbing blabbermouth Call it like it is
/—-/ OK, I call it that Trump wants to keep his promises and the RINO leadership is not supporting him. As far as repealing Obozocare, I blame brain damaged John McLame for breaking his promise. There is only do much Trump can do on his own. You seem to think he can wave a magic wand and get it all done. That’s how I see it.
A president who knows how to talk to people both enemies and those on his side gets a hellofa lot more accomplished than a blabbermouthed fool which trump has shown to be

"Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'"
Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'
Putin tells Trump """I didn't do nothing"" and our AH in the WH believes him over 17 of our intelligence agencies We have a moron in our WH hopefully only for 3 or less years have shown that Putin did try to get his candidate into the White House: Hillary.
come on chic can't really believe that RNC clap trap
It really is mystifying to see so many people, not only not liking Donald Trump, but absolutely hating him, with a passion. I could see having feeelings like that against really bad people like Barrack Obama or Hillary Clinton, but Trump ? Why ? For what reason ?

Seems to me that we're lucky to finally have a guy who is protecting us from harmful, unbridled immigration (including Muslims), finally doing something about our worst racial discrimination problem (affirmative action), standing up for our military and police, opposing LGBT lunacy, and supporting our 2nd amendment rights.

In addition, Trump is standing up for the Made in USA label, working to get US businesses back in the US, and has brought back the best economy in America since the 1990's, with 2 straight months of above 3% GDP growth and a 4.1% unemployment rate (also best in decades).

Oh, so it's the demeanor is it ? The style ? Not "presidential" you say ? Too much talking like a regular guy, huh ? Well, for those for us who voted for Trump, and support him right through all the media anti-Trump smear campaign, that regular/ordinary talk is what we like about Trump. We see that as the way "presidential" ought to be.

So, liberals, RINOs, or anti-Trumpers of all stripes, please cite here what your complaints are about him, SPECIFICALLY, and let's see if we can iron things out a bit. How about the tweets. Got any you could point out ? Don't be shy.
I can give you a 1000 reasons why civil reasonable people don’t like trump. Let’s take the most recent reason. He just came out saying he believes Putin, a former KGB agent and ruthless dictator, when he says he didn’t meddle in the election.
So he believes a guy who kills journalists over his own intelligence agencies.
That’s some sick stuff and should make everyone wonder what Putin has over Trump’s head.
Above is a room full of pictures of journalists who Putin has murdered because they spoke the truth about him in the Russian media.
Remember Trump said he admires this murderer.
The problem cell is republicans don't call them as they seem them Where is the wall Mexico was paying for?? Americans paying now ,,,,Where is repeal HC ??,,Where is infrastructure Where is keeping Muslims out of the country ? what about bringing money back from overseas ? etc etc How about you call trump a lying pussy grabbing blabbermouth Call it like it is
/—-/ OK, I call it that Trump wants to keep his promises and the RINO leadership is not supporting him. As far as repealing Obozocare, I blame brain damaged John McLame for breaking his promise. There is only do much Trump can do on his own. You seem to think he can wave a magic wand and get it all done. That’s how I see it.
A president who knows how to talk to people both enemies and those on his side gets a hellofa lot more accomplished than a blabbermouthed fool which trump has shown to be

"Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'"
Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'
Putin tells Trump """I didn't do nothing"" and our AH in the WH believes him over 17 of our intelligence agencies We have a moron in our WH hopefully only for 3 or less years have shown that Putin did try to get his candidate into the White House: Hillary.
Still pushing that lie I see among so many others. I’m sure Vladimir and Donny are smiling.
Donald Trump definitely taps straight into the nerve center of the Left. Every tweet sends them into a frenzy. It is so over the top, I cannot remember such an emotional visceral hate from either Party toward anyone.

I see three things that have combined together to create this perfect storm of hate toward President Trump.

1. Liberals are 100% convinced they are right about everything and if you disagree you are an idiot. When Hillary lost, they had to admit they were wrong and they still have not come to grips with that.
2. Donald Trump personifies what the Left detests. He is not nice, he is not Mr. Rogers. He calls things exactly how he sees them in very clear plain language. The Left loves flowery words that sound pretty.
3. He is a fighter, he doesn't roll over which is what the Left expects when they attack. He hits back twice as hard which confuses them.

1. He won't raise wages for middle class workers which is the biggest issue for workers and the economy.
/-----/ The president doesn't raise anyone's wages except his own employees. If you ever had a job, you'd know hat.
/—-/ OK, I call it that Trump wants to keep his promises and the RINO leadership is not supporting him. As far as repealing Obozocare, I blame brain damaged John McLame for breaking his promise. There is only do much Trump can do on his own. You seem to think he can wave a magic wand and get it all done. That’s how I see it.
A president who knows how to talk to people both enemies and those on his side gets a hellofa lot more accomplished than a blabbermouthed fool which trump has shown to be

"Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'"
Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'
Putin tells Trump """I didn't do nothing"" and our AH in the WH believes him over 17 of our intelligence agencies We have a moron in our WH hopefully only for 3 or less years have shown that Putin did try to get his candidate into the White House: Hillary.
Still pushing that lie I see among so many others. I’m sure Vladimir and Donny are smiling.

My guess is every time they see a post from you they're both laughing...out loud.

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