Don't stick your head in the sand register and vote


Jun 14, 2012
We had RECORD LOW turnout for this years primary. If this is indicative of what the general election voter turnout, not good. Twenty percent of this countries people will choose the political leaders for the whole population. Personally I feel that Obama has done a great job. He entered office in the middle of a historical crisis. Middle and lower class families are in for more severe hardships at the hands of Romney and his cohorts if he wins. Women's rights both financially & personally will get trampled. Children's needs (education, health, and well being) slashed with budget cuts. GET OUT & VOTE! Romney does not care about the needs of poor and middle class. He actually believes that corporations are people. Unless you WANT to be governed by people who care more about corporate profits and tax breaks for the wealthy, than you & yours. MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD ON ELECTION DAY!
3 hours ago via mobile · Like
Vote for Who?

Aren't you tired of having to pick between 2 sub par candidates? I sure am.
I'm pretty sure you need to link that, since you copied and pasted it from Facebook.

As for the topic at hand, I'm registered to vote, but probably won't bother.
And if your not smart enough to register on your own, or cant afford the an identification, have some ACORN thugs help you out or some adolescent rock the vote retard.............

For the good of the country !!!!
We had RECORD LOW turnout for this years primary. If this is indicative of what the general election voter turnout, not good. Twenty percent of this countries people will choose the political leaders for the whole population. Personally I feel that Obama has done a great job. He entered office in the middle of a historical crisis. Middle and lower class families are in for more severe hardships at the hands of Romney and his cohorts if he wins. Women's rights both financially & personally will get trampled. Children's needs (education, health, and well being) slashed with budget cuts. GET OUT & VOTE! Romney does not care about the needs of poor and middle class. He actually believes that corporations are people. Unless you WANT to be governed by people who care more about corporate profits and tax breaks for the wealthy, than you & yours. MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD ON ELECTION DAY!
3 hours ago via mobile · Like

Don't worry, we'll be voting out the Hussein on election day. :D
Freud once said, "A definition of sanity is ones ability to deal with reality." Unfortunately political realities consist of lies, deception, manipulation, as well as altruism, & public service. Given a chance to choose, and not liking the choices, really isn't an excuse to do nothing. In politics compromise is often the only way to get things done.
The turnout is low because the left didnt need to go to the primary becaue they knew Obama would win it.

The presidentail elections will have large turnouts
to the Hawk,
You may not agree with Obama, but he holds the office of the President of the USA currently. Your name calling is rude and disrespectful.
Kevin Kennedy,
I am not computer savvy. You said because I copied & pasted from facebook I must link what I wrote. The statement was originally written by me & posted on my fb wall. So, what purpose would linking it serve. Also I implore you to vote. Romney at the helm scares me.
We had RECORD LOW turnout for this years primary. If this is indicative of what the general election voter turnout, not good. Twenty percent of this countries people will choose the political leaders for the whole population. Personally I feel that Obama has done a great job. He entered office in the middle of a historical crisis. Middle and lower class families are in for more severe hardships at the hands of Romney and his cohorts if he wins. Women's rights both financially & personally will get trampled. Children's needs (education, health, and well being) slashed with budget cuts. GET OUT & VOTE! Romney does not care about the needs of poor and middle class. He actually believes that corporations are people. Unless you WANT to be governed by people who care more about corporate profits and tax breaks for the wealthy, than you & yours. MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD ON ELECTION DAY!
3 hours ago via mobile · Like

Oh I plan to go out and vote for Romney.

BTW Romney has done more for the poor than Barack Obama ever will. And he didnt need to use government to do it.
Freud once said, "A definition of sanity is ones ability to deal with reality." Unfortunately political realities consist of lies, deception, manipulation, as well as altruism, & public service. Given a chance to choose, and not liking the choices, really isn't an excuse to do nothing. In politics compromise is often the only way to get things done.

Sometimes getting nothing done is better than to compromise for Compromise's sake.

And if we are using your definition of sanity, than we can safely conclude that no Obama supporter is sane?
to the Hawk,
You may not agree with Obama, but he holds the office of the President of the USA currently. Your name calling is rude and disrespectful.

How on earth is calling him by his name name calling?
Kevin Kennedy,
I am not computer savvy. You said because I copied & pasted from facebook I must link what I wrote. The statement was originally written by me & posted on my fb wall. So, what purpose would linking it serve. Also I implore you to vote. Romney at the helm scares me.

So you want us to make people suffer because the alternative scares you?

At least with Romney we have a chance to avoid some of the suffering. Sorry.
At the bottom of his post Hawk states, "Don't worry, we'll be voting out the Hussein on election day. " That is rude name calling.
We had RECORD LOW turnout for this years primary. If this is indicative of what the general election voter turnout, not good. Twenty percent of this countries people will choose the political leaders for the whole population. Personally I feel that Obama has done a great job. He entered office in the middle of a historical crisis. Middle and lower class families are in for more severe hardships at the hands of Romney and his cohorts if he wins. Women's rights both financially & personally will get trampled. Children's needs (education, health, and well being) slashed with budget cuts. GET OUT & VOTE! Romney does not care about the needs of poor and middle class. He actually believes that corporations are people. Unless you WANT to be governed by people who care more about corporate profits and tax breaks for the wealthy, than you & yours. MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD ON ELECTION DAY!
3 hours ago via mobile · Like

If your bedwetting hysteria above could be translated into a picture, it would look like this...


Fucking pull yourself together, man.

Last edited:
Kevin Kennedy,
I am not computer savvy. You said because I copied & pasted from facebook I must link what I wrote. The statement was originally written by me & posted on my fb wall. So, what purpose would linking it serve. Also I implore you to vote. Romney at the helm scares me.

That was kind of a joke, seeing as you posted the timestamp and "Like" button from Facebook. It obviously wasn't a very good one.

Romney at the helm scares me as well, but Obama at the helm frightens me equally as much. There's no point in trying to differentiate between Tweedledee and Tweedledum.
At the bottom of his post Hawk states, "Don't worry, we'll be voting out the Hussein on election day. " That is rude name calling.

Agian. That's his name. How is it name calling to call someone by his name? it may be a rude use of his name, but it's still his name
AVATAR 4321 said,
"BTW Romney has done more for the poor than Barack Obama ever will. And he didnt need to use government to do it"

All I could do is laugh at this comment.

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