Don't vote for Bernie

I’ve heard that Bernie had a strange upbringing that could explain why he thinks socialism is good.
Socialism seems to work well for the 1%, why not the rest of us?
They eventually run out of other people’s money.
Cliche and not accurate. Do better.
Not accurate? lol
Not accurate? lol

you're claiming the national debt ...
I found the article fairly interesting and thought it is worth sharing here. It also makes me wonder if the same people who are pushing for help against anti-Semitism are also as adamant about all the anti-Christian rhetoric that comes from some Israeli Jews and the many Atheist Jews that are currently in Congress as Democrats. Or are they just a bunch of hypocrites who think "Goys are parasites"?

Plus there are many of those atheist that were raised either Catholic or Jewish that are anti-god everything. I cannot say I blame some of them for feeling that away when some of them were the victims of the priests and rabbis in their childhoods. Instances such as the Brooklyn Pedophilia is scourge on society regardless of where it originates or who is doing it (scroll to the comment section). The real problems occur when communities, groups or families attempt to cover it over as if it never transpired instead of shining the light on such tragedies. The Middle Eastern state of Israel has a few cases where the government has helped protect the perpetrators of these disgusting acts against form the legitimate claims of their multiple victims. As far as that goes so do many other countries around the globe that claim to be civilized; some worse than others. The United States is not guiltless in these matters either Jeffry Epstein is a prime example of that.

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