Doug Mastriano Is the Most Frightening Face of Christian Nationalism Today

The Christo-fascist right, along with their conservative enablers, seek to destroy the doctrine of separation of church and state, codify religious dogma into secular law, and disadvantage non-Christian religious minorities and those free from religion.

It’s consistent with the right’s war on democracy – replace democracy with a theocracy and establish a Christian Republic with Iran as the template.

Actually, you have it Half Ass Backwards.

Its the Religious Left and the Neo-socialist Bidenistas that are actively making liberal religious doctrines like Abortion-on-demand, Sodomy, and Gay Marriage the law of the land, erasing the line between church and state.
What do you think it is?
OK..I I'll bite. It's quite simple really..if you believe that our country was founded as a White, Christian nation..and you believe that we should return to that state--you are a Christian Nationalist.
OK..I I'll bite. It's quite simple really..if you believe that our country was founded as a White, Christian nation..and you believe that we should return to that state--you are a Christian Nationalist.

Remember that America's First Constitution was the Mayflower Compact.

The reason why people can to America was to honor Almighty God without regards to any particular denomination at all.
Actually, you have it Half Ass Backwards.

Its the Religious Left and the Neo-socialist Bidenistas that are actively making liberal religious doctrines like Abortion-on-demand, Sodomy, and Gay Marriage the law of the land, erasing the line between church and state.
Sodomy is a religious doctrine? Who knew? Gay marriage?

No, I think you have no idea as to what a religious doctrine is. But in this country...our govt. is specifically barred from implementing specific religious doctrines.

Thank God~
Remember that America's First Constitution was the Mayflower Compact.

The reason why people can to America was to honor Almighty God without regards to any particular denomination at all.
Uh-huh...the Puritans burned heretics..hanged Quakers who would not fight..would put any-one in the stocks, at the least, for deviating from their rigid religious dogma..which was also..just like Sharia..the law of the land.

People came to America seeking religious freedom because of our concept of separation of church and state. The fact that one could choose to not believe at all..without penalty..or be Catholic..or Buddhist...or Moslem.
Wow~ This guy's a serious freak show..and that he gets the support that he does is just a bit scary! I imagine he has quite the fan club here eh?

Doug Mastriano, the Republican nominee to be Pennsylvania’s next governor, wants everyone to know he is fighting a holy battle. A holy battle to wrest government control away from the forces of evil. A holy battle against “election fraud” and the agents of the devil who are scheming against God’s anointed heroes. A holy battle to make the United States into a good, righteous, Christian nation.
That’s far from the most eyebrow-raising part of his campaign.
Mastriano came to national prominence by leading protests against COVID protocols, and became one of the leading voices in attempting to overturn the 2020 presidential election. He literally brought bus-loads of supporters to the Jan. 6 insurrection and appeared to cross police barricades during the riot. He has spread Islamophobic conspiracy theories and tweeted out QAnon content. He pals around with white militias and prays to God to protect Confederate monuments. He once said women who have abortions should be charged with murder.

If he becomes Pennsylvania’s next governor, he will almost certainly pressure lawmakers to change the state’s election laws, attempt to give the Republican legislature the power to pick electors in a “contested” election, and appoint a Secretary of State who would refuse to certify the next presidential election, if won by a Democrat. (He has also already said he would not sign off on the certification, should it get that far.)
But it’s his claim to a holy mission that is central to understanding Mastriano and the movement he represents.
If Mastriano wins, he will arguably become the most important politician in modern memory to win major office while running as a full-fledged Christian nationalist. Though he is currently trailing in the polls, he has not attempted to move to the center at all, as many of the Republican party’s MAGA-heavy primary winners did.

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He's a crazy loon.
There is a maddening consistency to these ads and articles attacking Mastriano. Invariably they take a word or two out of context and go off half-cocked as though those words alone encapsulated his entire philosophy of governance.

Here is his website. It is short, clear, and succinct. I invite anyone reading this to cite one of these policies and explain how it is un-American or harmful to Pennsylvanians or anyone else.

He has been portrayed as wanting to eliminate ALL ABORTIONS in Pennsylvania. He favors a "heartbeat" approach, which is exactly in the middle of Republican thinking on the subject, and very close to the majority of Pennsylvanians.

Leftists are liars; they are evil.
I know you guys tried really hard to make “Qanon” a thing…and it didn’t work…since only you guys knew what the hell it was……now, you guys are selling “Christian nationalism,” really hard and it isn’t working either…..

when the democrats come up with the new next thing please let us know……
“But [Mastriano’s] entire campaign has been built around messages—sometimes coded, sometimes incredibly blunt—that urge his supporters to embrace an extreme and violent form of the ideology, which holds that the United States was founded as an explicitly Christian nation and should be reclaimed as such.

… what distinguishes Christian nationalism from standard religious conservatism is its anti-democratic bent. Extreme adherents of Christian nationalism agitate for the government to officially collapse the barriers between the church and state, and to declare the U.S. a Christian nation—one that bases its laws and institutions on their particular conception of faith and that privileges Christians above all others.

More and more, for Christians who see a takeover of the state as a righteous mission, warfare is not just defensible but virtuous; it’s how they justify violent, anti-democratic events like the Jan. 6 insurrection as holy campaigns for God.” ibid

A theocratic Christian dictatorship replete with morality police.
OK..I I'll bite. It's quite simple really..if you believe that our country was founded as a White, Christian nation..and you believe that we should return to that state--you are a Christian Nationalist. yet again...the left gets to invent the word and they they define it. IN truth, you'd never heard the term more than 2 years ago...and neither had the propaganda arm of the democrat party.

Now i'll tell you. If we can have christian we once had, if we can have small honest truthful gov't, if we can protect this nation from illegals and terrorists...then you can call me a christian nationalist too. yet again...the left gets to invent the word and they they define it. IN truth, you'd never heard the term more than 2 years ago...and neither had the propaganda arm of the democrat party.

Now i'll tell you. If we can have christian we once had, if we can have small honest truthful gov't, if we can protect this nation from illegals and terrorists...then you can call me a christian nationalist too.
Oh...I had you in that column a long time ago~
“But [Mastriano’s] entire campaign has been built around messages—sometimes coded, sometimes incredibly blunt—that urge his supporters to embrace an extreme and violent form of the ideology, which holds that the United States was founded as an explicitly Christian nation and should be reclaimed as such.

… what distinguishes Christian nationalism from standard religious conservatism is its anti-democratic bent. Extreme adherents of Christian nationalism agitate for the government to officially collapse the barriers between the church and state, and to declare the U.S. a Christian nation—one that bases its laws and institutions on their particular conception of faith and that privileges Christians above all others.

More and more, for Christians who see a takeover of the state as a righteous mission, warfare is not just defensible but virtuous; it’s how they justify violent, anti-democratic events like the Jan. 6 insurrection as holy campaigns for God.” ibid

A theocratic Christian dictatorship replete with morality police.

He has never called for morality police. Christians don't care how you choose to live as long as you're not pushing it on our kids and in our faces and making rules for normal society. What is violent about the truth that this nation was founded as a christian nation? And we should return to God?? A God Fearing nation is a blessed and peaceful nation.

2 Chronicles 7:14
14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land
Wow~ This guy's a serious freak show..and that he gets the support that he does is just a bit scary! I imagine he has quite the fan club here eh?

Doug Mastriano, the Republican nominee to be Pennsylvania’s next governor, wants everyone to know he is fighting a holy battle. A holy battle to wrest government control away from the forces of evil. A holy battle against “election fraud” and the agents of the devil who are scheming against God’s anointed heroes. A holy battle to make the United States into a good, righteous, Christian nation.
That’s far from the most eyebrow-raising part of his campaign.
Mastriano came to national prominence by leading protests against COVID protocols, and became one of the leading voices in attempting to overturn the 2020 presidential election. He literally brought bus-loads of supporters to the Jan. 6 insurrection and appeared to cross police barricades during the riot. He has spread Islamophobic conspiracy theories and tweeted out QAnon content. He pals around with white militias and prays to God to protect Confederate monuments. He once said women who have abortions should be charged with murder.

If he becomes Pennsylvania’s next governor, he will almost certainly pressure lawmakers to change the state’s election laws, attempt to give the Republican legislature the power to pick electors in a “contested” election, and appoint a Secretary of State who would refuse to certify the next presidential election, if won by a Democrat. (He has also already said he would not sign off on the certification, should it get that far.)
But it’s his claim to a holy mission that is central to understanding Mastriano and the movement he represents.
If Mastriano wins, he will arguably become the most important politician in modern memory to win major office while running as a full-fledged Christian nationalist. Though he is currently trailing in the polls, he has not attempted to move to the center at all, as many of the Republican party’s MAGA-heavy primary winners did.

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Yeah, but his policies wont wreck the nation like democrat policies do. Even this weirdo is a 100 times better than anything the democrats could produce.
This guy, MTG and Boebert essentially represent the base of one of our two major parties at this point.

I think "frightening" is a fair description. I've been assuming all along that America was better than this.
What's frightening to me is how little America has changed. All it took was someone like Trump to make bigotry and xenophobia mainstream again, and boom, half of the country jumped on board.
Americans much rather hang out with a hard-core Christian then a hard-core Democrat any day of the week.
Leftists are liars; they are evil.

Sodomy is a religious doctrine? Who knew? Gay marriage?

The way this filth is being promoted and forced on those of us who want no part in it, and now even being “taught” to innocent children in public schools; in violation of the tenets of every credible religion, makes it, in itself, a religion.

You're not in favor of keeping religion out of government. You only want Satan's religion to have any influence over government, while shutting God's religion out.

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