Dow Jones down 2300, back to June 2017 level.

Trump created the longest bull run in history.

But it wasn't good enough for democrats.
4 years is not longest bull market in history. The bull market began with Obama in 2008 and ended in 2020 with Donald Trump.

Moron, it is the longest bull run, and it was because of Trump.

The bull run ended because of China, where apparently some bat pissed in scientists mouth. Something like that anyway... weird country.
The market rose 150% during the Obama administration. Since the 1st day of the Trump administration to date, the market has risen 6.3% and is falling.

20,853.37 −2,332.25 (10.06%)
Mar 16, 2:27 PM EDT ·


Only 500 above Obama in over 3 years....

Looking like the worst economic performance by a President in history.
The Trump slump is continuing and every time he opens his mouth he drives it down more,, could he clear off to Florida and golf. Stop opening his mouth...

It is down to June 2017 and just needs another thousand to be under the level he recieved it...

Could the Trump Supporters not try there usual, but Trump average Stock Market level was higher than Obama Average level. That is not how it works Trump is staring down not at weak market growth but negative growth.. This is a shit show...

Also stop with the TDS/Anti Trump stuff.. I like a lot of people tried to give him the benefit of the doubt early on and he has been an unmitigated disaster. There was no winning for a vast majority, unless you consider dividing the Country up more as a win.

Obviously, there is no pandemic going on that is crashing all of the world's markets. Please continue with your TDS suffering partisan hackery and remind everyone what a child you are. You're clearly very proud of it.

Look at the facts.... Trump said the Coronavirus was going to be gone last week... He dismissed it... He has mishandled the response with continually misstatements (or lies, honestly I think he is just clueless)
Why did the Bastard-in-Chief call it a "Democratic hoax?" Why?

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Trump was wrong if he meant the virus itself was a hoax. But I can understand the reason why. After the news media has been working hand in hand with one political party to remove a President at all costs for three years, its understandable his first reaction would be distrustful of those people. Whether it was right or wrong is another question.
Nobody is saying Trump cause the Coronavirus... But he has been incompetent in handling it and the stock market reacted to it...
  • No more incompetent than the USA was when he let ourselves be Pearl Harbored. You know we actually saw the Jap planes coming in on radar and IGNORED IT!
  • No more incompetent than Clinton and Bush were with 9/11. Clinton had his chances to kill Bin Laden and shrugged, and he and Bush's intel should have known and caught a bunch of muslims learning how to FLY planes but didn't care to know how to land them, BUT THEY DIDN'T. And we had our heads up our asses the day they attacked. Didn't know which end was up. And even after the first tower was attacked and people were trying to leave the buildings, the buttholes STOPPED THEM and told them to stay insides, go back up and get back to work!
  • No more incompetent than Obama was in 2009. First the idiot demotards in the House screwed up the banking in 2006/2007 and we had an economic meltdown. Then despite GW warning them, they tried to stick him with the blame. Then Obama got in and spent 9 trillion dollars, most of it going to crony friends and all the private citizens took a bath, the rich walked free, and it took Obama most of 8 years to pull it around.
  • No more incompetent than half the major hurricanes. We never quite know where they will land, how strong they'll be, whether they'll stall, so it's always a hit or miss guessing game whether Trump or Obama or whomever.
  • And no more incompetent than this corona virus now. Trump tried to keep a handle on it, he tried to downplay it and keep things calm. But no, everyone had to go out and ASSUME THE WORSE, before it happened, so everyone yanked their cash out of stocks, we're afraid to meet in groups, the gov dumped 8 billion to smooth the mess, and all the motherfucking assholes are still spending themselves silly buying up food and supplies like a NUCLEAR WINTER just hit.
And we only have assholes like you to thank.
Nobody is saying Trump cause the Coronavirus... But he has been incompetent in handling it and the stock market reacted to it...
  • No more incompetent than the USA was when he let ourselves be Pearl Harbored. You know we actually saw the Jap planes coming in on radar and IGNORED IT!
  • No more incompetent than Clinton and Bush were with 9/11. Clinton had his chances to kill Bin Laden and shrugged, and he and Bush's intel should have known and caught a bunch of muslims learning how to FLY planes but didn't care to know how to land them, BUT THEY DIDN'T. And we had our heads up our asses the day they attacked. Didn't know which end was up. And even after the first tower was attacked and people were trying to leave the buildings, the buttholes STOPPED THEM and told them to stay insides, go back up and get back to work!
  • No more incompetent than Obama was in 2009. First the idiot demotards in the House screwed up the banking in 2006/2007 and we had an economic meltdown. Then despite GW warning them, they tried to stick him with the blame. Then Obama got in and spent 9 trillion dollars, most of it going to crony friends and all the private citizens took a bath, the rich walked free, and it took Obama most of 8 years to pull it around.
  • No more incompetent than half the major hurricanes. We never quite know where they will land, how strong they'll be, whether they'll stall, so it's always a hit or miss guessing game whether Trump or Obama or whomever.
  • And no more incompetent than this corona virus now. Trump tried to keep a handle on it, he tried to downplay it and keep things calm. But no, everyone had to go out and ASSUME THE WORSE, before it happened, so everyone yanked their cash out of stocks, we're afraid to meet in groups, the gov dumped 8 billion to smooth the mess, and all the motherfucking assholes are still spending themselves silly buying up food and supplies like a NUCLEAR WINTER just hit.
And we only have assholes like you to thank.

  • No more incompetent than the USA was when he let ourselves be Pearl Harbored. You know we actually saw the Jap planes coming in on radar and IGNORED IT!
Over 75 years ago, is that how far you have to go back for a bigger mistake... So you admit Trump is a huge mistake.
  • No more incompetent than Clinton and Bush were with 9/11. Clinton had his chances to kill Bin Laden and shrugged, and he and Bush's intel should have known and caught a bunch of muslims learning how to FLY planes but didn't care to know how to land them, BUT THEY DIDN'T. And we had our heads up our asses the day they attacked. Didn't know which end was up. And even after the first tower was attacked and people were trying to leave the buildings, the buttholes STOPPED THEM and told them to stay insides, go back up and get back to work!
Clinton didn't have a real chance. The intel wasn't reliable and he would have been effectively waging war on un reliable intel. He did tell Bush, Bin Laden is a serious threat.
As for flying lessons, criticised Bush at the time. You know he was a GOP President, how is it Democrats fault. Are you of these people that think you are perfect and everyone is against you... You can get help...

  • No more incompetent than Obama was in 2009. First the idiot demotards in the House screwed up the banking in 2006/2007 and we had an economic meltdown. Then despite GW warning them, they tried to stick him with the blame. Then Obama got in and spent 9 trillion dollars, most of it going to crony friends and all the private citizens took a bath, the rich walked free, and it took Obama most of 8 years to pull it around.
Obama took the economy in nose dive and avoided depression by borrowing and pumping the economy into life. This was a real financial crisis. This was owned by Bush.
But if you are so worried about the deficit, please explain how Trump is borrowing almost as much in a boom. What is your plan now that Trump is driving US into a recession?

  • No more incompetent than half the major hurricanes. We never quite know where they will land, how strong they'll be, whether they'll stall, so it's always a hit or miss guessing game whether Trump or Obama or whomever.
Seriously, you are trying to use the Meteorology Dept. Right lets go there... It doesn't matter what they say Trump will just use a a sharpie over them. Did that hurricane ever get to Alabama.
  • And no more incompetent than this corona virus now. Trump tried to keep a handle on it, he tried to downplay it and keep things calm. But no, everyone had to go out and ASSUME THE WORSE, before it happened, so everyone yanked their cash out of stocks, we're afraid to meet in groups, the gov dumped 8 billion to smooth the mess, and all the motherfucking assholes are still spending themselves silly buying up food and supplies like a NUCLEAR WINTER just hit.
Trump misstated facts and lost the trust of the people and the markets. He was constantly wrong on statements.
He cut the CDC of relatively small money. This was in place and built upon by Obama. Trump couldn’t resist destroying everything Obama built. Lucky he sloppy in that too and much what Obama built is tstill in place but there is some glaring gaps.
Trump has shown he can't calm the stock market. Every time he has opened his mouth the Dow takes a record tumble... New Yorker know he is a con man and they know this is a real crisis.
Well it is over. Worst day on record value and percentage...


Dow Jones has historic nearly 3,000 point drop — eliminating 96 percent of Trump's gains while in office.
Over 75 years ago, is that how far you have to go back for a bigger mistake... So you admit Trump is a huge mistake.

Make sense, Penguin poop. Any 8th grader can see I just picked out the biggest events I could think off in the last 100 years to illustrate that no one ever does a great job dealing with stuff this big that we couldn't have seen coming and never saw before. But I forget, you not up to an 8th grade comprehension level.

Clinton didn't have a real chance. The intel wasn't reliable
BULLSHIT. So I can say that Trump's intel wasn't reliable. Clinton had YEARS, Penguin fart.

Are you of these people that think you are perfect and everyone is against you... You can get help...
Try some help at home, Penguin Dingle. You think Trump must be perfect. He's way better than the democrats.

Obama took the economy in nose dive and avoided depression by borrowing and pumping the economy into life.
Obumma helped PUT the economy in a nose dive. He sat on the 2006 senate and did NOTHING. The only thing Obama ever pumped is that little dick he likes to suck. If he borrowed something, when is he ever going to pay it back? Obama;s "recovery" was ther l;ongest slowest recovery in the history of the USA. WE got over the Depression faster.

Trump misstated facts
At least he didn't tell me I could keep my doctor and save $2500 too.

and lost the trust of the people and the markets.
He has my trust.

Trump has shown he can't calm the stock market.
Presidents have little control over the stock market. They are closing schools! Jobs! Baseball games! Hockey!@ Basketball! Concerts! XFL football! Limiting travel! Limiting groups! JUST WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU EXPECT TRUMP TO SAY TO "CALM THE MARKET" YOU IDIOT BABOON? Have you listened to the questioons being asked by the liberal media?

YOU FUCKING LEFTARD TRUMP HATING BUTTHOLES HAVE CAUSED ALL THIS JUST HOPING TO WIN AN ELECTION! We are acting like there are dead bodies in the streets with blood coming out of their eyes!

mob 2.jpg
Trump created the longest bull run in history.

But it wasn't good enough for democrats.
4 years is not longest bull market in history. The bull market began with Obama in 2008 and ended in 2020 with Donald Trump.

Moron, it is the longest bull run, and it was because of Trump.

The bull run ended because of China, where apparently some bat pissed in scientists mouth. Something like that anyway... weird country.
The market rose 150% during the Obama administration. Since the 1st day of the Trump administration to date, the market has risen 6.3% and is falling.

20,853.37 −2,332.25 (10.06%)
Mar 16, 2:27 PM EDT ·

View attachment 312819

Only 500 above Obama in over 3 years....

Looking like the worst economic performance by a President in history.
Thank you Nancy Pelosi for once again, taking over Congress and fucking US while trying to destroy a sitting president. We dont forget, we get even...
Well it is over. Worst day on record value and percentage...

View attachment 312843

Dow Jones has historic nearly 3,000 point drop — eliminating 96 percent of Trump's gains while in office.

So, in other words, the economy is still better in a crisis than Obama's best day! But no, you're not accusing Trump of CAUSING the corona virus.
Over 75 years ago, is that how far you have to go back for a bigger mistake... So you admit Trump is a huge mistake.
Make sense, Penguin poop. Any 8th grader can see I just picked out the biggest events I could think off in the last 100 years to illustrate that no one ever does a great job dealing with stuff this big that we couldn't have seen coming and never saw before. But I forget, you not up to an 8th grade comprehension level.

Clinton didn't have a real chance. The intel wasn't reliable
BULLSHIT. So I can say that Trump's intel wasn't reliable. Clinton had YEARS, Penguin fart.

Are you of these people that think you are perfect and everyone is against you... You can get help...
Try some help at home, Penguin Dingle. You think Trump must be perfect. He's way better than the democrats.

Obama took the economy in nose dive and avoided depression by borrowing and pumping the economy into life.
Obumma helped PUT the economy in a nose dive. He sat on the 2006 senate and did NOTHING. The only thing Obama ever pumped is that little dick he likes to suck. If he borrowed something, when is he ever going to pay it back? Obama;s "recovery" was ther l;ongest slowest recovery in the history of the USA. WE got over the Depression faster.

Trump misstated facts
At least he didn't tell me I could keep my doctor and save $2500 too.

and lost the trust of the people and the markets.
He has my trust.

Trump has shown he can't calm the stock market.
Presidents have little control over the stock market. They are closing schools! Jobs! Baseball games! Hockey!@ Basketball! Concerts! XFL football! Limiting travel! Limiting groups! JUST WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU EXPECT TRUMP TO SAY TO "CALM THE MARKET" YOU IDIOT BABOON? Have you listened to the questioons being asked by the liberal media?

YOU FUCKING LEFTARD TRUMP HATING BUTTHOLES HAVE CAUSED ALL THIS JUST HOPING TO WIN AN ELECTION! We are acting like there are dead bodies in the streets with blood coming out of their eyes!

View attachment 312845

We get it all thinks bad must be Democrats or Obama... For get reality or facts....

Trump can take credit for the Stock Market going up but has nothing to do with it when it goes down... Trump has shown himself incompetent in a crisis, he clearly said he is not taking responsibility. The reporter who asked him the question was from NPR. He was asked where the Buck stops and he looked like a rabbit in headlights trying to find anyone else to blame...
Maybe it is I expect better from our leaders... He is lost and looks weak... I will say the state governors a pulling weight and stepping in...

"When asked who they carried the most confidence in to handle the spread of COVID-19, the respiratory illness caused by the new coronavirus, respondents put most confidence in their respective state government at 75 percent. Of those answers, 53 percent indicated a 'fair' amount of confidence; 22 percent a 'great deal of confidence'; 15 percent with 'not very much'; and 8 percent with none.

In comparison, those surveyed expressed 62 percent confidence in the federal government's response, while 48 percent were confident in Trump's response. For Trump, 35 percent said they have no confidence in his response to the pandemic; 25 percent said a great deal of confidence; 23 percent a fair amount; and 15 percent no confidence.

For the federal government, 62 percent said they felt a great or fair amount while 36 percent said 'not much' or no confidence in responses from Congress and federal agencies.

Local governments saw 72 percent confidence in their actions regarding the outbreak."

Trump has
The Trump slump is continuing and every time he opens his mouth he drives it down more,, could he clear off to Florida and golf. Stop opening his mouth...

It is down to June 2017 and just needs another thousand to be under the level he recieved it...

Could the Trump Supporters not try there usual, but Trump average Stock Market level was higher than Obama Average level. That is not how it works Trump is staring down not at weak market growth but negative growth.. This is a shit show...

Also stop with the TDS/Anti Trump stuff.. I like a lot of people tried to give him the benefit of the doubt early on and he has been an unmitigated disaster. There was no winning for a vast majority, unless you consider dividing the Country up more as a win.

How did he cause the market to drop?

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The Trump slump is continuing and every time he opens his mouth he drives it down more,, could he clear off to Florida and golf. Stop opening his mouth...

It is down to June 2017 and just needs another thousand to be under the level he recieved it...

Could the Trump Supporters not try there usual, but Trump average Stock Market level was higher than Obama Average level. That is not how it works Trump is staring down not at weak market growth but negative growth.. This is a shit show...

Also stop with the TDS/Anti Trump stuff.. I like a lot of people tried to give him the benefit of the doubt early on and he has been an unmitigated disaster. There was no winning for a vast majority, unless you consider dividing the Country up more as a win.

And you and your ilk are cheering the whole way down.

I don't, but tell me how the fuck that would make a difference?

It is a shit show when is Trump taking responsibility?

For doing what?

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Only an idiot would turn this into a partisan situation

Seriously I didn't... I was basing this on the President's decisions and performance. I asked that it doesn't descend into partisan crap. The reaction has been like I said there granny is turning tricks....

Some of the comments have been joke-able... Facts are that this is a Trump Slump, he did everything in his power to take as much credit for the rise and even said it was a reason not to get impeached (notice we are not saying to impeach him because the market is tanking).

HE was asked does he take responsibility and he said 'No'...

And he shouldn’t take credit for a disaster that couldn’t be avoided. He’s dealing with the hand he was dealt, and doing everything possible to turn it around. The impeachment was complete bullshit, and he’s going to get a second term. This has nothing to do with politics.

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The Trump slump is continuing and every time he opens his mouth he drives it down more,, could he clear off to Florida and golf. Stop opening his mouth...

It is down to June 2017 and just needs another thousand to be under the level he recieved it...

Could the Trump Supporters not try there usual, but Trump average Stock Market level was higher than Obama Average level. That is not how it works Trump is staring down not at weak market growth but negative growth.. This is a shit show...

Also stop with the TDS/Anti Trump stuff.. I like a lot of people tried to give him the benefit of the doubt early on and he has been an unmitigated disaster. There was no winning for a vast majority, unless you consider dividing the Country up more as a win.
23,000, pinhead, and three years ago, that was world-shattering good news.

It was only 19,700 when Obama left office.

Trump has a better economy during a crisis/panic/scare than Obama had during his best times.

What are you idiots going to whine about when months from now, it is back up high as ever?

What you don't understand is those who sold most of their nest egg, will never recover what they once had. Those who planed to retire in the near future, will need to continue to work years before they recover; and of course owners of large hotels will be bailed out so that their losses will be recovered with your tax dollars and mine in the near future.

hose who planed to retire in the near future, will need to continue to work years before they recover.

Back in the day before FDR and the new deal, people actually had to rely on themselves to make ends meet. They always did, sure there were hard times, but instead of bitching, those die hard Americans would tighten up their boot straps and just work harder. Some worked till they died, because that was their "CHOICE". With all the liberal Ponzi Schemes and the stealing of funds from "Lockboxes" to fund shit like Oblummcare, we are so worried about people who might have to work until they are 70. At least those Americans worked, while most liberal welfare pukes havent done shit their whole lives except bitch and moan...

I suggest you read The Grapes of Wrath and some US History; also if you can find them see the census' for 1890, 1910 and '20. If you look them over you will see at the same address 20 or 30 names, mostly women and children but also some men, all living in "poor houses".

Watch some of Ken Burns Documentaries, and maybe you will not turn a blind eye to those who you judge so harshly.

The Dust Bowl - Ken Burns
Yeah, i know all about that, but that was what family was for, where grandma would end up on the front porch while the mom, dad and kids all did their chores around the house. Today, with the liberal "just sit back and let Uncle Sugar" take care of you, grandparents end up in elderly homes(27 died in one of the homes by the virus) mothers have children without dads, and kids grow up with Sugar again taking care of them, by providing breakfast and lunch at schools, even when the virus has them closed. Lazy liberal fucks, that is what your side has created, worthless peons of the government...

With no chance of their future being changed. Victim mentality who don’t exist on paper, and expect everything for free. That’s why happens when participation awards become the norm, and competition is discouraged. Weak people who can’t care for themselves.

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Trump created the longest bull run in history.

But it wasn't good enough for democrats.
4 years is not longest bull market in history. The bull market began with Obama in 2008 and ended in 2020 with Donald Trump.

Moron, it is the longest bull run, and it was because of Trump.

The bull run ended because of China, where apparently some bat pissed in scientists mouth. Something like that anyway... weird country.
The market rose 150% during the Obama administration. Since the 1st day of the Trump administration to date, the market has risen 6.3% and is falling.

His net worth may have rose 150%.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Trump created the longest bull run in history.

But it wasn't good enough for democrats.
4 years is not longest bull market in history. The bull market began with Obama in 2008 and ended in 2020 with Donald Trump.

Moron, it is the longest bull run, and it was because of Trump.

The bull run ended because of China, where apparently some bat pissed in scientists mouth. Something like that anyway... weird country.
The market rose 150% during the Obama administration. Since the 1st day of the Trump administration to date, the market has risen 6.3% and is falling.

No one gives a shit, Trump is a LEGENDARY economy president. The economy just plain works for Americans.

That's what we need to get back on track after the virus has taken a beating never thought possible from our president.
Had he "overreacted" in February, we might well be seeing economic growth by the end of the 2nd quarter but at that time, the virus was a huge exaggeration by the media, democrats, the CDC, and the World Health Organization, a hoax. I doubt we will see any economic growth for at least 6 months.

Bullshit. He’s racist either way. Obungo did nothing for 6 months until over a thousand Americans died. Yet they can’t pry your cold dead lips off his ass.

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The Trump slump is continuing and every time he opens his mouth he drives it down more,, could he clear off to Florida and golf. Stop opening his mouth...

It is down to June 2017 and just needs another thousand to be under the level he recieved it...

Could the Trump Supporters not try there usual, but Trump average Stock Market level was higher than Obama Average level. That is not how it works Trump is staring down not at weak market growth but negative growth.. This is a shit show...

Also stop with the TDS/Anti Trump stuff.. I like a lot of people tried to give him the benefit of the doubt early on and he has been an unmitigated disaster. There was no winning for a vast majority, unless you consider dividing the Country up more as a win.

How did he cause the market to drop?

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Gross incompetence at handing a crisis, he continual misstated facts and show gross lack of judgement...

Remember Trump said this was all going away last week...

He showed he was ill prepared to deal with this personally... Fauci seems the only one qualified and he spends his time stepping around Trump's fragile ego...

You can't show leadership and show so little about the challenge that faces the country...
rump can take credit for the Stock Market going up but has nothing to do with it when it goes down...

THAT'S RIGHT, Penguin Shard, when Trump took office, the Dow jumped up the very same day breathing a sigh of relief because Obama was finally gone.

And now that the MSM have painted a few people getting a respiratory infection from a late winter virus as a national crisis and has panicked everyone, lots of people have sold off their stocks out of fear creating the very crash they were most afraid would happen. Trump didn't cause that, had nothing to do with it. He tried to tell people not to worry or panic.

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