Dozens of looters rush California Nordstrom store

Differing from earlier Nordstrom’s, Nordstrom’s of tomorrow should use drone tech, activated in seconds, to cause the baboon to star’n a silver-screen classic before it gets free rent.
Got to love new 5th world America
And not one video shown on the Dem nazi-controlled media of stores being trashed in 2020 over a (Chinese?) fentanyl eater? Not one baboon shown on tape? How absurd is that? Rather than hard-working Americans adapting to such absurdities, creating a Citizen’s Video Archive makes more sense.
Didn't in the old day, cops used to grab one or two and charge them. Then interrogate them until they ratted out their friends?

Hard to do that when you don't keep them in jail, and then lower most thefts below $1k to a slap on the wrist misdemeanor or citation.
I applaud their ingenuity. Organize 80 people over social media (which is how I assume it was done), loot a store, in and out in minutes. That's some straight up Heat shit, but with way more people. :D
Watch police take down this criminal who was trying to flee from a Louis Vuitton in San Francisco! HOLY SHIT!!

Oh, I LOVE that! Thanx, that is so great! I wish they could have done that black who walked right in front of the video phone just before, masked up and loaded with plunder. He probably got away. But wow, that's good policing at the car. They got maybe three of them.
People ---------

Are you watching the news on this? It's an incredible crime wave!! At least six stores looted by flash mobs in the San Fran area alone and in six other cities from Chicago on. Suddenly. This weekend.

I am assuming it's copycats moving fast. Philadelphia has had flash mobs for years, but this is a step up from that, hitting the high-value stores and with a small army of bandits.

Coming to a mall near you ----------

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