Dr. Fauci's Biggest Priority

Political power. Here we have an unelected demagogue in charge and supported by most of the media establishment merely because of his association with the lazy criminal democrat party. In a just world Fauci's association with the Chinese lab that is alleged to have released the virus would be big news but as long as people remain ignorant and fearful and loyal to democrats, Fauci gets a pass.
Not to mention that it was Fauci who came up with the idea of "flattening the curve", which is never the right thing to do in any epidemic.
Flattening the curve means making it last longer, so then it spreads wider and deeper than it would have normally, because it lasts longer.
Epidemics end when herd immunity is reached, but flattening the curve prevent herd immunity, so stretches out the epidemic.
And when you give an epidemic more time, eventually you need 100% to be immune in order to end it.
If instead you actually accelerate the initial spike, you can end an epidemic with only 60% being immune through recovery.
That is what General Washington did in 1777.
Deliberate infection, known as variolation.
Fastest way to end any epidemic.
Epidemiologically speaking, the first aim in containing a pathogen is isolating the infected population with a cordon sanitaire. The idea of flattening the curve presumes the infection cannot be contained, so the aim then becomes to avoid overwhelming treatment providers. The third consideration is vaccination, and it has always been a golden rule of epidemiology that you do not attempt to vaccinate your way out of a pandemic because it inevitably results in vaccine escape mutations resulting in either a more lethal variant and/or the pathogen becoming endemic. We now have the latter, just waiting for the former.
Political power. Here we have an unelected demagogue in charge and supported by most of the media establishment merely because of his association with the lazy criminal democrat party. In a just world Fauci's association with the Chinese lab that is alleged to have released the virus would be big news but as long as people remain ignorant and fearful and loyal to democrats, Fauci gets a pass.
In any commonsense situation he would be gone. The CDC would be under intense scrutiny. The will of the people goes through political dictators.
Body fluid to body fluid. Unprotected sex, sharing drug needles, etc.

It's so crazy easy to not get AIDS.

So he thinks we're injecting each with needles on a daily basis and peeing on each other something? WTF?
Btw, now I'm second guessing myself. Sniffing little kids and touching them is pretty darn evil and it's difficult to tell whether or not abusing animals is worse. I think they're on the same level actually.
So he thinks we're injecting each with needles on a daily basis and peeing on each other something? WTF?
He's a man who literally conducted medical experiments on babies.
Fauci was the NIH AIDS Coordinator before being appointed as the first Director of the Office of AIDS research when the office was established in 1988. He served in that capacity until 1994. Fauci became director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) in 1984 and still holds that position.

Scheff reported several deaths in children at the ICC during the drug trials, adding that “although the mainstream denied that any deaths were due to drug toxicity, they admit that over 200 children died.”

In 2005, the City of New York hired the VERA Institute to produce a final report on the drug trials. VERA was given no access to medical records for any of the children used in trials. Their report was published in 2008.

VERA reported that 25 children died during the drug studies, that an additional 55 children died following the studies (in foster care), and, according to Tim Ross, Director of the Child Welfare program at VERA (as of 2009), 29 percent of the remaining 417 children who were used in drug studies had died (out of a total 532 children that are admitted to have been used).

No payment or compensation was ever paid to any of the children used in the trials, or to their families, Scheff noted.

Many of the drugs (like AZT and its analogues) that were used in the experiments on the AIDS orphans in New York City had previously been approved for use in adults and “evidenced life-threatening and fatal toxicities,” Scheff reported. “So why put a drug with severe recorded toxicities into a population of black and Hispanic orphans?”
Don't forget that his breath smells and he wears mismatched socks.

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