Dr Martin Luther King saved this country

MLK would be extremely...extremely disappointed and outraged at what has happened to black culture in the past 30 years.
Exactly as he predicted, if the black man accepted white handouts the game is over.
We just elected a black man President
He would be thrilled
African Americans were brought here, unwillingly.

Think about that....
What brought the Irish or Italians here...good circumstances? They did not come first class and were treated like shit upon arrival. Africans sold other Africans to Spanish and Portuguese slave traders. Unfortunately that is history. Now what does that have to do with 2018?
I grew up in the 60's and saw most of the Civil Rights movement. Like most Americans, I was outraged at the assasination of Dr King. When we talked about giving him a national holiday ten years later, I looked at it as a form of appeasement for outraged blacks.....a way of giving them their own holiday to quiet them down.

In reading about the Civil Rights movement in subsequent years, I realized what a great American Dr King was. Black Americans came back after WWII to find that despite fighting and dying in defense of their country, they were still treated like lesser Americans. They found they were not allowed to mingle with whites, were not welcome in much of the country they had fought for. Blacks were considered to be dirty, diseased and sub human. Some whites were outraged at the thought of eating with blacks, using the same restrooms, riding on public transportation with them.

As black Americans began to protest their treatment in their own country they were met with harsh resistance from both white militants and governments who swore to support inequal treatment. Blacks were denied the right to vote, to freely associate, rights to a fair trial. Those who resisted were met with terrorist attacks. Lynchings, bombings, arrest and assasination of their leaders.

Most of us faced with such horrific treatment in our own homeland would fight violence with violence. How would you react if someone spat on your child for trying to go to school?

When the courts did not protect blacks, armed conflict would seem a reasonable response. Dr King knew violence would only result in more violence against you. He modeled the Civil Rights movement around Gandhis peaceful resistance theories. By using cameras to document the treatment of peaceful protestors he saved this country from an armed violent protest that would have destroyed this country.

America returned from WWII as an economic and military superpower. But a country that does not treat its citizens with respect is not a moral superpower. By changing the way we treat our citizens, Dr King, more importantly, saved our soul. By forcing us to look in a mirror and see who we really are, he enabled us to become a truly great country.

On this Martin Luther King day I hope everyone can reflect on what a great American he was and how much better off we all are
I've taught in four countries outside the States, in international schools with kids from around the world. Everyone knows about King. Everyone admires what he did. He's our Nelson Mandala, whom they also know and respect. People don't like racism and bigoty. They admire those who fight against it. MLK represents the best our country has to offer. Too bad what we have in the WH today is the worst.
Dr King fought a revolution for justice and freedom and did not fire a shot
African Americans were brought here, unwillingly.

Think about that....

A long time ago, by other people.

We have been busting our collective asses to help them out for generations.

Think about that.
Have blacks integrated into American society or are far too many still clustered in shitholes...denying their children opportunity and motivation to thrive and learn? I live between two black families led by men who escaped the ghetto trap through military service. Best neighbors one could have.

Same things happen to immigrants...they cluster together and fail to embrace the American dream.
MLK would be extremely...extremely disappointed and outraged at what has happened to black culture in the past 30 years.
Exactly as he predicted, if the black man accepted white handouts the game is over.
We just elected a black man President
He would be thrilled
Obama was not black. He was a mulatto. MLK would be happy because Barry Sotoro was a socialist.
African Americans were brought here, unwillingly.

Think about that....
What brought the Irish or Italians here...good circumstances? They did not come first class and were treated like shit upon arrival. Africans sold other Africans to Spanish and Portuguese slave traders. Unfortunately that is history. Now what does that have to do with 2018?
I grew up in the 50s and 60s

Irish and Italians did not have to sit on the back of the bus
To be fair, there are quotes I disagree with. There is always a better way. In no way is a RIOT an expression of love. Something MLK Jr. supposedly supported:

African Americans were brought here, unwillingly.

Think about that....
What brought the Irish or Italians here...good circumstances? They did not come first class and were treated like shit upon arrival. Africans sold other Africans to Spanish and Portuguese slave traders. Unfortunately that is history. Now what does that have to do with 2018?

No but they CHOSE to come here. Is it the fault of the Africans that were brought here that their race sold them?
They did not choose to be here. Also, Irish and Italians were not forced into slavery.
African Americans were brought here, unwillingly.

Think about that....

A long time ago, by other people.

We have been busting our collective asses to help them out for generations.

Think about that.

I do, and they have come a long way in spite of that. But, it needs to be kept in mind that they were brought here by no choice of their own. Now they are given opportunity. What they do with that is up to them.
MLK would be extremely...extremely disappointed and outraged at what has happened to black culture in the past 30 years.
Exactly as he predicted, if the black man accepted white handouts the game is over.
We just elected a black man President
He would be thrilled
Obama was not black. He was a mulatto. MLK would be happy because Barry Sotoro was a socialist.
Obama was black enough that he would have been forced to ride on the back of the bus and would have been lynched for dating a white woman
African Americans were brought here, unwillingly.

Think about that....
What brought the Irish or Italians here...good circumstances? They did not come first class and were treated like shit upon arrival. Africans sold other Africans to Spanish and Portuguese slave traders. Unfortunately that is history. Now what does that have to do with 2018?

No but they CHOSE to come here. Is it the fault of the Africans that were brought here that their race sold them?
They did not choose to be here. Also, Irish and Italians were not forced into slavery.
So...what is your point? Your history is more screwed up than mine? What does that have to do with 2018?
MLK would be extremely...extremely disappointed and outraged at what has happened to black culture in the past 30 years.
Exactly as he predicted, if the black man accepted white handouts the game is over.
We just elected a black man President
He would be thrilled
Obama was not black. He was a mulatto. MLK would be happy because Barry Sotoro was a socialist.
Obama was black enough that he would have been forced to ride on the back of the bus and would have been lynched for dating a white woman
He was black enough to get elected by a biased media and an education system that promotes white guilt.
To be fair, there are quotes I disagree with. There is always a better way. In no way is a RIOT an expression of love. Something MLK Jr. supposedly supported:

A Riot is a natural reaction to injustice

Dr King prevented the Civil Rights movement from turning into an armed conflict
MLK would be extremely...extremely disappointed and outraged at what has happened to black culture in the past 30 years.
Exactly as he predicted, if the black man accepted white handouts the game is over.
We just elected a black man President
He would be thrilled

Obviously not.
It is an empty victory.
Obama is a corporatist/globalist....pretty much complete opposite of MLK in every way.
African Americans were brought here, unwillingly.

Think about that....

A long time ago, by other people.

We have been busting our collective asses to help them out for generations.

Think about that.

I do, and they have come a long way in spite of that. But, it needs to be kept in mind that they were brought here by no choice of their own. Now they are given opportunity. What they do with that is up to them.

I think we need to put it out of our minds. We need to stop focusing on past injustices, or we will never be able to live in peace.
MLK would be extremely...extremely disappointed and outraged at what has happened to black culture in the past 30 years.
Exactly as he predicted, if the black man accepted white handouts the game is over.
We just elected a black man President
He would be thrilled
Obama was not black. He was a mulatto. MLK would be happy because Barry Sotoro was a socialist.
Obama was black enough that he would have been forced to ride on the back of the bus and would have been lynched for dating a white woman
I have actually had face to face conversations with Obama. He knew how to play white guilt. It was a joke.
To be fair, there are quotes I disagree with. There is always a better way. In no way is a RIOT an expression of love. Something MLK Jr. supposedly supported:

A riot is a criminal action.
African Americans were brought here, unwillingly.

Think about that....

A long time ago, by other people.

We have been busting our collective asses to help them out for generations.

Think about that.

I do, and they have come a long way in spite of that. But, it needs to be kept in mind that they were brought here by no choice of their own. Now they are given opportunity. What they do with that is up to them.

I think we need to put it out of our minds. We need to stop focusing on past injustices, or we will never be able to live in peace.
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" George Santayana

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