Drop boxes have become key to election conspiracy theories. Two Democrats just fueled those claims

you can't prove that at all. No forensic audit of those ballots has ever been done. So, counting ballots isn't proof of anything. An invalid ballot can be counted like any other valid ballot. Here's what I want to see, let's take one of those supposed invalid ballots and contact the person who supposedly sent it in via a proxy and ask if they actually did that. In other words, the person submitting dozens of ballots gives the names of those they got the ballots from. hmmmmmmmmmmm? That would knock the snot out of this immediately.

it doesn't . Voter forensic is just the science to find and determine voter fraud by using models or statistics to verify the count.

Still you can proof that the votes are not valid. Still you seem to not understand the process. You thing you do but you don't.

Forensic well its actually vote canvassing. There is a process but you have to read other sources to understand this.

Votes are verified, counted , and processed before added to the final vote count. A very important fact that you are not aware of. Yes each state has its own rules on how its done.

So they can determine duplicate names, voters not registered to vote, etc. They even check signatures.

Once they verify based on each states rules , then it is counted as a vote. So each vote is reviewed before it is added to the tally.

So someone dropping multiple ballots would have to use names of people who are registered to vote. There cannot also be duplicate names of votes counted.

Also drop boxes are monitored by video so they have a high probability of identifying the person who dropped the votes. They can identify the person and contact him or here. Yes if they are wearing a mask then the canvassing process will be extra cautions.

So each vote is reviewed in the canvassing process. IF you don't believe me then look it up other than depending on right wing rhetoric.

The drop box is being used. Until there is solid proof that it is not working then it will be continued depending on each state.

Still online voting is more problematic than a drop box
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So your evidence is not any examples where it was done but more fantasy of………It could happen therefore, it does
Police and prosecutors in Dem shitholes don't investigate or prosecute looting and violent crimes. Voter fraud is is about 10,000th on their priority list.
What a load of shit that only solidifies that you have nothing
That can happen to any senior
You dont need a Drop Box

You can drop those same ballots in the mail

Are you saying seniors in nursing homes should not vote?
Exactly. Ballot harvesting is legal in Arizona if the person doing it is a caregiver. If those ballots came from a senior center they are legal.
Exactly. Ballot harvesting is legal in Arizona if the person doing it is a caregiver. If those ballots came from a senior center they are legal.
If they follow all the rules. In WI. the rules were not followed and the ballots still counted when they should have been voided.
Police and prosecutors in Dem shitholes don't investigate or prosecute looting and violent crimes. Voter fraud is is about 10,000th on their priority list.
dude, they're letting killers out of prison and jail regularly now. Demofks hate law abiding people.
dude, they're letting killers out of prison and jail regularly now. Demofks hate law abiding people.
@rawly, they're going after the vet in NY that held a dangerous passenger on a train from killing people. The hold he had eventually passed the lunatic away, but the City said fk you you criminal to him. Wow, just wow. Proof, they'd have preferred the lunatic would have completed his task. It's all I can come up with by the incarceration of the vet.

Witnesses spoke for the vet and the prosecution/ city still said fk you vet!!! I spit at those fks.

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