Drs. expose CDC Chinese Virus death toll as complete bullshit.

The inflated numbers are getting exposed as bullshit.

COVID-19 Doctors Push Back on CDC’s Controversial and Questionable Rules that Inflate Real Coronavirus Numbers

Frontline COVID-19 doctors this week have gone public saying they feel pressured to show COVID-19 as cause-of-death on certificates of patients suspected of having the virus when they also have had underlying medical conditions.

Dr. Jonathan Fishbein, a clinical researcher, says the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Disease and the World Health Organization have issued “vague if not misguided recommendations that unfortunately have been adopted by national, state and local leaders.”

“It is absolutely critical that we have accurate data to support decision-makers,” he also told Just the News. “If the data in our assessments included patients who have not definitively tested positive for COVID-19, that provides misleading information to policy-makers…

…It is unusual when there is a new disease and a patient dies and the cause of their death may be their underlying condition like diabetes or congestive heart failure and the doctors are pressured to report the cause of death as COVID-19 instead.

Such reporting could result in inaccurately inflating the number of virus-related deaths and hurt those drafting public health policy for future pandemics or epidemics.

View attachment 334733

When are you gonna stop letting Gateway Pundit lie to you?

I mean seriously, when was the last time anything they printed turned out to be true?
Feel free to bring a link showing what is attributed to these Drs is fake.
Hell, boy. This doctors probably don't even exist.
You can't be that dumb. It's like you live on another planet. Some unsolicited but helpful advice: turn off the idiot box, get out more and open your eyes, stop being such an indoctrinated naive sheep. Follow the money and power trail. That goes for all of you TV-watching zombies.
Tell ya what, why don't you find me something Gateway Pundit was right about.

Anything in the last few years.

I'll wait.

But I won't hold my breath.

I couldn't give a rat's ass about gateway pundit, stop hiding behind that logical fallacy. Numerous doctors and healthcare workers have spoken out against the official government/media BS narrative. Either you've been living in a cave, or you ONLY get your info from the controlled MSM and don't get out much apart from that.
It's not a logical fallacy. It's a fact. If it came from gateway pundit it almost certainly isn't true.

Oh my gosh, again, you can't be that dense. You don't have to get the info from the gateway pundit, it is a demonstrably true FACT that numerous doctors and experts have spoken out against the mainstream govt/media narrative. So yes, it is a logical fallacy to fail to assess an argument on its own merit but instead attack whoever happens to be delivering the message.

Here are a handful of doctors who are speaking out, and I'm sure there are many more who may not want to put themselves out there, for fear of losing their job or getting involved in something controversial. I could post a lot more examples, but I shouldn't have to do your homework for you.

I won't hold my breath that you or other lockdown cheerleaders will listen to anything anyone has to say who isn't marching in lockstep with the corrupt powers-that-be and big pharma. But I hope I'll be surprised.

View attachment 334965

What is the problem? I haven't seen anything from you at all, are you even capable of an actual argument? I feel like I'm in a 3rd grade playground with your non-replies, which are the equivalent of little kid sticking his fingers in his ears and yelling "la la la la la you're a poopy head."
[Had anybody blamed Trump yet?QUOTE="Nostra, post: 24639026, member: 72587"]
The inflated numbers are getting exposed as bullshit.

COVID-19 Doctors Push Back on CDC’s Controversial and Questionable Rules that Inflate Real Coronavirus Numbers

Frontline COVID-19 doctors this week have gone public saying they feel pressured to show COVID-19 as cause-of-death on certificates of patients suspected of having the virus when they also have had underlying medical conditions.

Dr. Jonathan Fishbein, a clinical researcher, says the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Disease and the World Health Organization have issued “vague if not misguided recommendations that unfortunately have been adopted by national, state and local leaders.”

“It is absolutely critical that we have accurate data to support decision-makers,” he also told Just the News. “If the data in our assessments included patients who have not definitively tested positive for COVID-19, that provides misleading information to policy-makers…

…It is unusual when there is a new disease and a patient dies and the cause of their death may be their underlying condition like diabetes or congestive heart failure and the doctors are pressured to report the cause of death as COVID-19 instead.

Such reporting could result in inaccurately inflating the number of virus-related deaths and hurt those drafting public health policy for future pandemics or epidemics.

View attachment 334733


Has anybody blamed Trump yet?

The inflated numbers are getting exposed as bullshit.

COVID-19 Doctors Push Back on CDC’s Controversial and Questionable Rules that Inflate Real Coronavirus Numbers

Frontline COVID-19 doctors this week have gone public saying they feel pressured to show COVID-19 as cause-of-death on certificates of patients suspected of having the virus when they also have had underlying medical conditions.

Dr. Jonathan Fishbein, a clinical researcher, says the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Disease and the World Health Organization have issued “vague if not misguided recommendations that unfortunately have been adopted by national, state and local leaders.”

“It is absolutely critical that we have accurate data to support decision-makers,” he also told Just the News. “If the data in our assessments included patients who have not definitively tested positive for COVID-19, that provides misleading information to policy-makers…

…It is unusual when there is a new disease and a patient dies and the cause of their death may be their underlying condition like diabetes or congestive heart failure and the doctors are pressured to report the cause of death as COVID-19 instead.

Such reporting could result in inaccurately inflating the number of virus-related deaths and hurt those drafting public health policy for future pandemics or epidemics.

View attachment 334733

When are you gonna stop letting Gateway Pundit lie to you?

I mean seriously, when was the last time anything they printed turned out to be true?
Feel free to bring a link showing what is attributed to these Drs is fake.
Hell, boy. This doctors probably don't even exist.
You can't be that dumb. It's like you live on another planet. Some unsolicited but helpful advice: turn off the idiot box, get out more and open your eyes, stop being such an indoctrinated naive sheep. Follow the money and power trail. That goes for all of you TV-watching zombies.
Tell ya what, why don't you find me something Gateway Pundit was right about.

Anything in the last few years.

I'll wait.

But I won't hold my breath.

I couldn't give a rat's ass about gateway pundit, stop hiding behind that logical fallacy. Numerous doctors and healthcare workers have spoken out against the official government/media BS narrative. Either you've been living in a cave, or you ONLY get your info from the controlled MSM and don't get out much apart from that.
It's not a logical fallacy. It's a fact. If it came from gateway pundit it almost certainly isn't true.

Oh my gosh, again, you can't be that dense. You don't have to get the info from the gateway pundit, it is a demonstrably true FACT that numerous doctors and experts have spoken out against the mainstream govt/media narrative. So yes, it is a logical fallacy to fail to assess an argument on its own merit but instead attack whoever happens to be delivering the message.

Here are a handful of doctors who are speaking out, and I'm sure there are many more who may not want to put themselves out there, for fear of losing their job or getting involved in something controversial. I could post a lot more examples, but I shouldn't have to do your homework for you.

I won't hold my breath that you or other lockdown cheerleaders will listen to anything anyone has to say who isn't marching in lockstep with the corrupt powers-that-be and big pharma. But I hope I'll be surprised.

View attachment 334965

What is the problem? I haven't seen anything from you at all, are you even capable of an actual argument? I feel like I'm in a 3rd grade playground with your non-replies, which are the equivalent of little kid sticking his fingers in his ears and yelling "la la la la la you're a poopy head."

I'm not going to bother with trying to debunk garbage from right wing infotainment services.

Find something reputable to quote.
It's so wrong that the Chinese people tolerate their government when it lies to them about the number of Coronavirus deaths. A government lying about the number of deaths during a pandemic is unacceptable.
The inflated numbers are getting exposed as bullshit.

COVID-19 Doctors Push Back on CDC’s Controversial and Questionable Rules that Inflate Real Coronavirus Numbers

Frontline COVID-19 doctors this week have gone public saying they feel pressured to show COVID-19 as cause-of-death on certificates of patients suspected of having the virus when they also have had underlying medical conditions.

Dr. Jonathan Fishbein, a clinical researcher, says the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Disease and the World Health Organization have issued “vague if not misguided recommendations that unfortunately have been adopted by national, state and local leaders.”

“It is absolutely critical that we have accurate data to support decision-makers,” he also told Just the News. “If the data in our assessments included patients who have not definitively tested positive for COVID-19, that provides misleading information to policy-makers…

…It is unusual when there is a new disease and a patient dies and the cause of their death may be their underlying condition like diabetes or congestive heart failure and the doctors are pressured to report the cause of death as COVID-19 instead.

Such reporting could result in inaccurately inflating the number of virus-related deaths and hurt those drafting public health policy for future pandemics or epidemics.

View attachment 334733

When are you gonna stop letting Gateway Pundit lie to you?

I mean seriously, when was the last time anything they printed turned out to be true?
Feel free to bring a link showing what is attributed to these Drs is fake.
Hell, boy. This doctors probably don't even exist.
You can't be that dumb. It's like you live on another planet. Some unsolicited but helpful advice: turn off the idiot box, get out more and open your eyes, stop being such an indoctrinated naive sheep. Follow the money and power trail. That goes for all of you TV-watching zombies.
Tell ya what, why don't you find me something Gateway Pundit was right about.

Anything in the last few years.

I'll wait.

But I won't hold my breath.

I couldn't give a rat's ass about gateway pundit, stop hiding behind that logical fallacy. Numerous doctors and healthcare workers have spoken out against the official government/media BS narrative. Either you've been living in a cave, or you ONLY get your info from the controlled MSM and don't get out much apart from that.
It's not a logical fallacy. It's a fact. If it came from gateway pundit it almost certainly isn't true.

Oh my gosh, again, you can't be that dense. You don't have to get the info from the gateway pundit, it is a demonstrably true FACT that numerous doctors and experts have spoken out against the mainstream govt/media narrative. So yes, it is a logical fallacy to fail to assess an argument on its own merit but instead attack whoever happens to be delivering the message.

Here are a handful of doctors who are speaking out, and I'm sure there are many more who may not want to put themselves out there, for fear of losing their job or getting involved in something controversial. I could post a lot more examples, but I shouldn't have to do your homework for you.

I won't hold my breath that you or other lockdown cheerleaders will listen to anything anyone has to say who isn't marching in lockstep with the corrupt powers-that-be and big pharma. But I hope I'll be surprised.

View attachment 334965

What is the problem? I haven't seen anything from you at all, are you even capable of an actual argument? I feel like I'm in a 3rd grade playground with your non-replies, which are the equivalent of little kid sticking his fingers in his ears and yelling "la la la la la you're a poopy head."

I'm not going to bother with trying to debunk garbage from right wing infotainment services.

Find something reputable to quote.

Oh my word! You are now officially the most dense person on this entire forum. I gave you more than 30 doctors and experts who have questioned the official narrative. Those doctors exist, they are not made up people.... is that what you are claiming, that those individuals were made up out of thin air? Because you think the source is "right wing"? :lmao: If so, you really do need to have your head examined.

I get that it's easier to hide behind logical fallacies or other excuses, instead of having the courage to look at what those doctors are saying, but you are only making yourself look willfully ignorant and intellectually dishonest.

I truly pity you.
The inflated numbers are getting exposed as bullshit.

COVID-19 Doctors Push Back on CDC’s Controversial and Questionable Rules that Inflate Real Coronavirus Numbers

Frontline COVID-19 doctors this week have gone public saying they feel pressured to show COVID-19 as cause-of-death on certificates of patients suspected of having the virus when they also have had underlying medical conditions.

Dr. Jonathan Fishbein, a clinical researcher, says the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Disease and the World Health Organization have issued “vague if not misguided recommendations that unfortunately have been adopted by national, state and local leaders.”

“It is absolutely critical that we have accurate data to support decision-makers,” he also told Just the News. “If the data in our assessments included patients who have not definitively tested positive for COVID-19, that provides misleading information to policy-makers…

…It is unusual when there is a new disease and a patient dies and the cause of their death may be their underlying condition like diabetes or congestive heart failure and the doctors are pressured to report the cause of death as COVID-19 instead.

Such reporting could result in inaccurately inflating the number of virus-related deaths and hurt those drafting public health policy for future pandemics or epidemics.

View attachment 334733

When are you gonna stop letting Gateway Pundit lie to you?

I mean seriously, when was the last time anything they printed turned out to be true?
Feel free to bring a link showing what is attributed to these Drs is fake.
Hell, boy. This doctors probably don't even exist.
You can't be that dumb. It's like you live on another planet. Some unsolicited but helpful advice: turn off the idiot box, get out more and open your eyes, stop being such an indoctrinated naive sheep. Follow the money and power trail. That goes for all of you TV-watching zombies.
Tell ya what, why don't you find me something Gateway Pundit was right about.

Anything in the last few years.

I'll wait.

But I won't hold my breath.

I couldn't give a rat's ass about gateway pundit, stop hiding behind that logical fallacy. Numerous doctors and healthcare workers have spoken out against the official government/media BS narrative. Either you've been living in a cave, or you ONLY get your info from the controlled MSM and don't get out much apart from that.
It's not a logical fallacy. It's a fact. If it came from gateway pundit it almost certainly isn't true.

Oh my gosh, again, you can't be that dense. You don't have to get the info from the gateway pundit, it is a demonstrably true FACT that numerous doctors and experts have spoken out against the mainstream govt/media narrative. So yes, it is a logical fallacy to fail to assess an argument on its own merit but instead attack whoever happens to be delivering the message.

Here are a handful of doctors who are speaking out, and I'm sure there are many more who may not want to put themselves out there, for fear of losing their job or getting involved in something controversial. I could post a lot more examples, but I shouldn't have to do your homework for you.

I won't hold my breath that you or other lockdown cheerleaders will listen to anything anyone has to say who isn't marching in lockstep with the corrupt powers-that-be and big pharma. But I hope I'll be surprised.

View attachment 334965

What is the problem? I haven't seen anything from you at all, are you even capable of an actual argument? I feel like I'm in a 3rd grade playground with your non-replies, which are the equivalent of little kid sticking his fingers in his ears and yelling "la la la la la you're a poopy head."

I'm not going to bother with trying to debunk garbage from right wing infotainment services.

Find something reputable to quote.

Oh my word! You are now officially the most dense person on this entire forum. I gave you more than 30 doctors and experts who have questioned the official narrative. Those doctors exist, they are not made up people.... is that what you are claiming, that those individuals were made up out of thin air? Because you think the source is "right wing"? :lmao: If so, you really do need to have your head examined.

I get that it's easier to hide behind logical fallacies or other excuses, instead of having the courage to look at what those doctors are saying, but you are only making yourself look willfully ignorant and intellectually dishonest.

I truly pity you.

How nice for you.

When you decide to leave the fantasy of RWNJ "media" and rejoin reality look me up.
The inflated numbers are getting exposed as bullshit.

COVID-19 Doctors Push Back on CDC’s Controversial and Questionable Rules that Inflate Real Coronavirus Numbers

Frontline COVID-19 doctors this week have gone public saying they feel pressured to show COVID-19 as cause-of-death on certificates of patients suspected of having the virus when they also have had underlying medical conditions.

Dr. Jonathan Fishbein, a clinical researcher, says the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Disease and the World Health Organization have issued “vague if not misguided recommendations that unfortunately have been adopted by national, state and local leaders.”

“It is absolutely critical that we have accurate data to support decision-makers,” he also told Just the News. “If the data in our assessments included patients who have not definitively tested positive for COVID-19, that provides misleading information to policy-makers…

…It is unusual when there is a new disease and a patient dies and the cause of their death may be their underlying condition like diabetes or congestive heart failure and the doctors are pressured to report the cause of death as COVID-19 instead.

Such reporting could result in inaccurately inflating the number of virus-related deaths and hurt those drafting public health policy for future pandemics or epidemics.

View attachment 334733

When are you gonna stop letting Gateway Pundit lie to you?

I mean seriously, when was the last time anything they printed turned out to be true?
Feel free to bring a link showing what is attributed to these Drs is fake.
Hell, boy. This doctors probably don't even exist.
You can't be that dumb. It's like you live on another planet. Some unsolicited but helpful advice: turn off the idiot box, get out more and open your eyes, stop being such an indoctrinated naive sheep. Follow the money and power trail. That goes for all of you TV-watching zombies.
Tell ya what, why don't you find me something Gateway Pundit was right about.

Anything in the last few years.

I'll wait.

But I won't hold my breath.

I couldn't give a rat's ass about gateway pundit, stop hiding behind that logical fallacy. Numerous doctors and healthcare workers have spoken out against the official government/media BS narrative. Either you've been living in a cave, or you ONLY get your info from the controlled MSM and don't get out much apart from that.
It's not a logical fallacy. It's a fact. If it came from gateway pundit it almost certainly isn't true.

Oh my gosh, again, you can't be that dense. You don't have to get the info from the gateway pundit, it is a demonstrably true FACT that numerous doctors and experts have spoken out against the mainstream govt/media narrative. So yes, it is a logical fallacy to fail to assess an argument on its own merit but instead attack whoever happens to be delivering the message.

Here are a handful of doctors who are speaking out, and I'm sure there are many more who may not want to put themselves out there, for fear of losing their job or getting involved in something controversial. I could post a lot more examples, but I shouldn't have to do your homework for you.

I won't hold my breath that you or other lockdown cheerleaders will listen to anything anyone has to say who isn't marching in lockstep with the corrupt powers-that-be and big pharma. But I hope I'll be surprised.

View attachment 334965

What is the problem? I haven't seen anything from you at all, are you even capable of an actual argument? I feel like I'm in a 3rd grade playground with your non-replies, which are the equivalent of little kid sticking his fingers in his ears and yelling "la la la la la you're a poopy head."

I'm not going to bother with trying to debunk garbage from right wing infotainment services.

Find something reputable to quote.

Oh my word! You are now officially the most dense person on this entire forum. I gave you more than 30 doctors and experts who have questioned the official narrative. Those doctors exist, they are not made up people.... is that what you are claiming, that those individuals were made up out of thin air? Because you think the source is "right wing"? :lmao: If so, you really do need to have your head examined.

I get that it's easier to hide behind logical fallacies or other excuses, instead of having the courage to look at what those doctors are saying, but you are only making yourself look willfully ignorant and intellectually dishonest.

I truly pity you.

How nice for you.

When you decide to leave the fantasy of RWNJ "media" and rejoin reality look me up.

Not everything is about partisan politics, Einstein. Again, those doctors and scientists exist, it doesn't matter which website compiled a list, because you can verify for yourself that those doctors exist and read what they are saying on their own, apart from whichever website compiled the list.

Don't be intentionally obtuse. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt and assuming you're not actually this dense, but just hiding behind that attacking the messenger logical fallacy to get out of having to acknowledge what they are saying.
The inflated numbers are getting exposed as bullshit.

COVID-19 Doctors Push Back on CDC’s Controversial and Questionable Rules that Inflate Real Coronavirus Numbers

Frontline COVID-19 doctors this week have gone public saying they feel pressured to show COVID-19 as cause-of-death on certificates of patients suspected of having the virus when they also have had underlying medical conditions.

Dr. Jonathan Fishbein, a clinical researcher, says the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Disease and the World Health Organization have issued “vague if not misguided recommendations that unfortunately have been adopted by national, state and local leaders.”

“It is absolutely critical that we have accurate data to support decision-makers,” he also told Just the News. “If the data in our assessments included patients who have not definitively tested positive for COVID-19, that provides misleading information to policy-makers…

…It is unusual when there is a new disease and a patient dies and the cause of their death may be their underlying condition like diabetes or congestive heart failure and the doctors are pressured to report the cause of death as COVID-19 instead.

Such reporting could result in inaccurately inflating the number of virus-related deaths and hurt those drafting public health policy for future pandemics or epidemics.

View attachment 334733

When are you gonna stop letting Gateway Pundit lie to you?

I mean seriously, when was the last time anything they printed turned out to be true?
Feel free to bring a link showing what is attributed to these Drs is fake.
Hell, boy. This doctors probably don't even exist.
You can't be that dumb. It's like you live on another planet. Some unsolicited but helpful advice: turn off the idiot box, get out more and open your eyes, stop being such an indoctrinated naive sheep. Follow the money and power trail. That goes for all of you TV-watching zombies.
Tell ya what, why don't you find me something Gateway Pundit was right about.

Anything in the last few years.

I'll wait.

But I won't hold my breath.

I couldn't give a rat's ass about gateway pundit, stop hiding behind that logical fallacy. Numerous doctors and healthcare workers have spoken out against the official government/media BS narrative. Either you've been living in a cave, or you ONLY get your info from the controlled MSM and don't get out much apart from that.
It's not a logical fallacy. It's a fact. If it came from gateway pundit it almost certainly isn't true.

Oh my gosh, again, you can't be that dense. You don't have to get the info from the gateway pundit, it is a demonstrably true FACT that numerous doctors and experts have spoken out against the mainstream govt/media narrative. So yes, it is a logical fallacy to fail to assess an argument on its own merit but instead attack whoever happens to be delivering the message.

Here are a handful of doctors who are speaking out, and I'm sure there are many more who may not want to put themselves out there, for fear of losing their job or getting involved in something controversial. I could post a lot more examples, but I shouldn't have to do your homework for you.

I won't hold my breath that you or other lockdown cheerleaders will listen to anything anyone has to say who isn't marching in lockstep with the corrupt powers-that-be and big pharma. But I hope I'll be surprised.

View attachment 334965

What is the problem? I haven't seen anything from you at all, are you even capable of an actual argument? I feel like I'm in a 3rd grade playground with your non-replies, which are the equivalent of little kid sticking his fingers in his ears and yelling "la la la la la you're a poopy head."

I'm not going to bother with trying to debunk garbage from right wing infotainment services.

Find something reputable to quote.

Oh my word! You are now officially the most dense person on this entire forum. I gave you more than 30 doctors and experts who have questioned the official narrative. Those doctors exist, they are not made up people.... is that what you are claiming, that those individuals were made up out of thin air? Because you think the source is "right wing"? :lmao: If so, you really do need to have your head examined.

I get that it's easier to hide behind logical fallacies or other excuses, instead of having the courage to look at what those doctors are saying, but you are only making yourself look willfully ignorant and intellectually dishonest.

I truly pity you.

How nice for you.

When you decide to leave the fantasy of RWNJ "media" and rejoin reality look me up.

Not everything is about partisan politics, Einstein. Again, those doctors and scientists exist, it doesn't matter which website compiled a list, because you can verify for yourself that those doctors exist and read what they are saying on their own, apart from whichever website compiled the list.

Don't be intentionally obtuse. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt and assuming you're not actually this dense, but just hiding behind that attacking the messenger logical fallacy to get out of having to acknowledge what they are saying.

So post it up.

It's not my job to find you reliable sources.

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