Drudge: Latest Poll Shows DNC DEFECTION - 20% Now Support Trump

I think I saw that poll also said 14% of Republicans crossing for Hillary.
We might as well start talking 'Trump vs Bernie'

Bernie just passed Hillary in NH
Dems, expecting her to be indicted and not eanting to bote for an admitted Socialist Party member, are defecting to Hillary.

No matter how badly she wants it, it is not her destiny...
So will it be a 40 state win for Hillary, or just 35?

I see lots of Trump kooks shrieking that liberals are worried. However, I haven't met a single liberal anywhere who's concerned. Every liberal is hoping very much that Trump is the pick.
Mam, Bernie is leading Hillary...she won't even (legitimately) win the DNC nomination!
man wouldn't that be sweet revenge after they put in that nasty person, Obama.

could be that many at least realized the mistake they made by voting for the Progressive (Obama and now in comes the Progressives with Hillary, Bernie) who are so deceitful they have to dress and sell themselves as Democrats.
Not to point out the obvious, but have all the sane noted that the RWnuts' support for Trump is 99% 'not the Democrat' support and 1% agreeing with Trump?
Isn't what Drudge "reports" the equivalent of what the O/P may see as a smear in his/her underwear?
Hillary herself made comments suggesting even she thinks it's a possibiliyy, but when / if Bernie eins in NH what are libs gonna do?

Lose their minds....panic!
NY, Hillary is the LEAST trustworthy candidate in this ENTIRE race, according to polls. It shoukd come as no surprise, then, that Hillary supporters are defecting...especially the more that comes out about Hillary's e-mails.

In Hillary's last e-mail batch one was found in which she orders a subordinate to strip the classification off of data and to send it via un-classified means. There is no way to spin it....what she orders is a CRIME. This is the 'smoking gun' that will send her to jail...

...and as her pending indictment becomes more and more obvious more and more supporters will desert her.

Get used to it.
Uh-Oh..... libs are gonna have a MELT-DOWN!


Uh-oh, Hillary's already melted down.

Could be true. Many dems are tired of seeing their schools and hospitals destroyed by illegals.

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