Drug deaths and suicide reaching all time high in America!


Platinum Member
Nov 23, 2011
I just heard a counselor talking about what all these people needed. He said they need some values or some reason to live. Then I heard Ron Reagan ( president's son) on the radio in support of an atheist group. He ended saying, " this is Ron Reagan not afraid to burn in hell".

Hitler Stalin and Mao were not afraid of quick liberal changes to correct the world and neither is Ron Reagan and the Democrat liberals who despise religion so much even though it has been the source of values and meaning for over 2000 years. Happy Easter liberals, enjoy all the death you are causing.
I just heard a counselor talking about what all these people needed. He said they need some values or some reason to live. Then I heard Ron Reagan ( president's son) on the radio in support of an atheist group. He ended saying, " this is Ron Reagan not afraid to burn in hell".

Hitler Stalin and Mao were not afraid of quick liberal changes to correct the world and neither is Ron Reagan and the Democrat liberals who despise religion so much even though it has been the source of values and meaning for over 2000 years. Happy Easter liberals, enjoy all the death you are causing.

Probably the reason some are atheists because of comments like these...HAPPY EASTER
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LOL What a weak reason to live. So you feel that there is no great flying spaghetti monster in the sky that cares about you. My, my, boo hoo. Weak fucking minds, no will power, helpless, hopeless, and full of fleas.

What ever one's religious belief is, it should come from strength, not being so weak that one cannot face the future on one's own.
Mine has always been the coming generations. I see my own life as just one thread in the vast tapestry that is the history and future of our species. And science and understanding of ourselves is how we advance and protect that future.
True enough, and most I have met are religious because of their moral views, not because of the promise of heaven or hell. That mythology from our darker origins is on it's face, false.
Mine has always been the coming generations. I see my own life as just one thread in the vast tapestry that is the history and future of our species. And science and understanding of ourselves is how we advance and protect that future.

I feel that we are all energy and spiritually connected , and God created that. When we die our spirit never dies and we join the others spiritually ..
True enough, and most I have met are religious because of their moral views, not because of the promise of heaven or hell. That mythology from our darker origins is on it's face, false.

Yes, there are some that go to church on Sundays and vote republican thinking that they are staying away from hell, and then fake it at what a good christian they are and be hateful the rest of the time..
My favorite thing to do is to expose those people on this forum...lol...
True enough, and most I have met are religious because of their moral views, not because of the promise of heaven or hell. That mythology from our darker origins is on it's face, false.

This guy being the worst...Fake and makes me cringe

LOL What a weak reason to live. So you feel that there is no great flying spaghetti monster in the sky that cares about you. My, my, boo hoo. Weak fucking minds, no will power, helpless, hopeless, and full of fleas.

What ever one's religious belief is, it should come from strength, not being so weak that one cannot face the future on one's own.

A weak reason to live is far better than no reason which is what liberals provide. Do you understand now ??
True enough, and most I have met are religious because of their moral views, not because of the promise of heaven or hell. That mythology from our darker origins is on it's face, false.

Yes, there are some that go to church on Sundays and vote republican thinking that they are staying away from hell, and then fake it at what a good christian they are and be hateful the rest of the time..
My favorite thing to do is to expose those people on this forum...lol...
Before we had Christianity we went to the Roman coliseum to watch people being eaten alive by hungry Lions for an afternoon's entertainment. Christianity brought civilization to the west and created it.
Old rocks,,,
My reasons to live is science, innovation, my family and much more...I feel sorry for people that need to hold everything on a belief of a god.
My reason to live his science?? What reason could science possibly give you to live?? Why don't you tell us??
LOL What a weak reason to live. So you feel that there is no great flying spaghetti monster in the sky that cares about you. My, my, boo hoo. Weak fucking minds, no will power, helpless, hopeless, and full of fleas.

What ever one's religious belief is, it should come from strength, not being so weak that one cannot face the future on one's own.

A weak reason to live is far better than no reason which is what liberals provide. Do you understand now ??
I understand that you are stupid beyond belief. Why should anyone have to provide you with a reason to live? Are you that weak?

I pick up my grandson and see every reason in the world to live, I watch to dawn over the high desert, and find every reason to live and enjoy the beauty in that glorious display. For you weaklings that are so down on life, cease living. You won't be missed.
True enough, and most I have met are religious because of their moral views, not because of the promise of heaven or hell. That mythology from our darker origins is on it's face, false.

Yes, there are some that go to church on Sundays and vote republican thinking that they are staying away from hell, and then fake it at what a good christian they are and be hateful the rest of the time..
My favorite thing to do is to expose those people on this forum...lol...
Before we had Christianity we went to the Roman coliseum to watch people being eaten alive by hungry Lions for an afternoon's entertainment. Christianity brought civilization to the west and created it.
And after we got Christianity, we went to the town square and watched them burn a Calvinist or Catholic alive, whatever was the flavor of the day. Far cheaper than a coliseum.
True enough, and most I have met are religious because of their moral views, not because of the promise of heaven or hell. That mythology from our darker origins is on it's face, false.

Yes, there are some that go to church on Sundays and vote republican thinking that they are staying away from hell, and then fake it at what a good christian they are and be hateful the rest of the time..
My favorite thing to do is to expose those people on this forum...lol...
Before we had Christianity we went to the Roman coliseum to watch people being eaten alive by hungry Lions for an afternoon's entertainment. Christianity brought civilization to the west and created it.
And after we got Christianity, we went to the town square and watched them burn a Calvinist or Catholic alive, whatever was the flavor of the day. Far cheaper than a coliseum.
You should be air dropped into Tehran and bitch about religion.
@OP I don't think that's the reason they're doing drugs or commuting suicide frankly. I'm at the point in my life where it doesn't particularly matter to me if I die right now (basically because I've accomplished all the goals I'd set out for myself) still don't see myself picking up coke or a razor blade...

It's about how you're raised I think, if you're raised to not give a shit (aka you're parents are druggies or worthless individuals) then that's what you end up with.

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