Drug deaths and suicide reaching all time high in America!

How about my own morals? Why do I need some "higher being" be that a God or a "leader" telling me what I believe in as "right" and "wrong"? Are you so weak minded that you cannot think without your religious background? That without religion you would fall prey to drugs and kill yourself (or others)? I would argue then you are not a /good/ person, it is only the fear of your afterlife that dictates your adherence to "morals" - you are basically blackmailed into cooperation. How sad.
Are you suggesting the tragic drug problem will go away if everybody prays for it?

no, suggesting if people had religious values they would be doing christian work rather than wasting their life doing drugs. Do you understand?
Christians are susceptible to the ravages of drugs too. Christians sin, and if you consider drug abuse sin, it follows that Christians are involved.

It's a public health crisis, not a morality crisis. Doctors have been over prescribing pain addictive drugs which lead to cheaper heroin when the prescription runs out. Heroin is being further poisoned with Phentynol. And, thus the rise in drug addicts and unfortunately, their deaths.

Treat it as a public health crisis, not a morality crisis. Scorning the victims as immoral has no nobility or virtue. In fact, it exacerbates the problem.
Liberals are all about death. It might be abortion, euthanasia, assisted suicide, drugs. It doesn't matter. Liberals are all about loss of hope, denial of the soul and death. Bring up Christianity and celebration of life, the liberal will quickly deny such things and substitute, of course, death. The liberal wants to kill your children, your parents and then, after they made you watch, and told you that's what you wanted, you will be killed too.
True enough, and most I have met are religious because of their moral views, not because of the promise of heaven or hell. That mythology from our darker origins is on it's face, false.

This is certainly true of me. There are some good strong values to live by in the Bible. I am less concerned about my immortal soul than than the lives my children and grandchildren will have.
True enough, and most I have met are religious because of their moral views, not because of the promise of heaven or hell. That mythology from our darker origins is on it's face, false.

This is certainly true of me. There are some good strong values to live by in the Bible. I am less concerned about my immortal soul than than the lives my children and grandchildren will have.
It's human nature for most human beings to worry about their immortal soul as well as the lives they will have and that their children and grandchildren will have on earth and in heaven. Do you want to see or imagine your children rot in their graves or live happily ever after in heaven?
Are you suggesting the tragic drug problem will go away if everybody prays for it?

no, suggesting if people had religious values they would be doing christian work rather than wasting their life doing drugs. Do you understand?
Christians are susceptible to the ravages of drugs too. Christians sin, and if you consider drug abuse sin, it follows that Christians are involved.

It's a public health crisis, not a morality crisis. Doctors have been over prescribing pain addictive drugs which lead to cheaper heroin when the prescription runs out. Heroin is being further poisoned with Phentynol. And, thus the rise in drug addicts and unfortunately, their deaths.

Treat it as a public health crisis, not a morality crisis. Scorning the victims as immoral has no nobility or virtue. In fact, it exacerbates the problem.
Public health crisis is BS. Liberals want every human issue to be a public crisis so they can provide always more crippling Libcommie government welfare to free everyone from individual responsibility and make them ever more dependent upon the Libcommie state.
True enough, and most I have met are religious because of their moral views, not because of the promise of heaven or hell. That mythology from our darker origins is on it's face, false.

Yes, there are some that go to church on Sundays and vote republican thinking that they are staying away from hell, and then fake it at what a good christian they are and be hateful the rest of the time..
My favorite thing to do is to expose those people on this forum...lol...
Before we had Christianity we went to the Roman coliseum to watch people being eaten alive by hungry Lions for an afternoon's entertainment. Christianity brought civilization to the west and created it.

We still do that...now its called social media.:laugh:
Are you suggesting the tragic drug problem will go away if everybody prays for it?

no, suggesting if people had religious values they would be doing christian work rather than wasting their life doing drugs. Do you understand?
Christians are susceptible to the ravages of drugs too. Christians sin, and if you consider drug abuse sin, it follows that Christians are involved.

It's a public health crisis, not a morality crisis. Doctors have been over prescribing pain addictive drugs which lead to cheaper heroin when the prescription runs out. Heroin is being further poisoned with Phentynol. And, thus the rise in drug addicts and unfortunately, their deaths.

Treat it as a public health crisis, not a morality crisis. Scorning the victims as immoral has no nobility or virtue. In fact, it exacerbates the problem.

Drug abuse really is a public health crisis. Scorning them is not the solution and you're right ...will drive them further into their abyss. These need help & support on many different levels.
I just heard a counselor talking about what all these people needed. He said they need some values or some reason to live. Then I heard Ron Reagan ( president's son) on the radio in support of an atheist group. He ended saying, " this is Ron Reagan not afraid to burn in hell".

Hitler Stalin and Mao were not afraid of quick liberal changes to correct the world and neither is Ron Reagan and the Democrat liberals who despise religion so much even though it has been the source of values and meaning for over 2000 years. Happy Easter liberals, enjoy all the death you are causing.
Why can't they all do what Nancy Reagan suggested? Just say no
I just heard a counselor talking about what all these people needed. He said they need some values or some reason to live. Then I heard Ron Reagan ( president's son) on the radio in support of an atheist group. He ended saying, " this is Ron Reagan not afraid to burn in hell".

Hitler Stalin and Mao were not afraid of quick liberal changes to correct the world and neither is Ron Reagan and the Democrat liberals who despise religion so much even though it has been the source of values and meaning for over 2000 years. Happy Easter liberals, enjoy all the death you are causing.
Drug deaths at an all time high, yet a large portion of the US wants to legalize the crap.
As for Atheism, whether one believes in an invisible fairy in the sky is irrelevant; what matters is how you treat those around you and that you obey the laws of the country. As for those who believe in the deity of the Old Testament, the bible isn't actually a good source of morality. If you want decency, just treat people well, be kind and smile.
I just heard a counselor talking about what all these people needed. He said they need some values or some reason to live. Then I heard Ron Reagan ( president's son) on the radio in support of an atheist group. He ended saying, " this is Ron Reagan not afraid to burn in hell".

Hitler Stalin and Mao were not afraid of quick liberal changes to correct the world and neither is Ron Reagan and the Democrat liberals who despise religion so much even though it has been the source of values and meaning for over 2000 years. Happy Easter liberals, enjoy all the death you are causing.
Why can't they all do what Nancy Reagan suggested? Just say no
Wasn't that geared toward younger kids. Don't start you might not be able to stop thing.
...and a voice not to cave into peer pressure.
what matters is how you treat those around you and that you obey the laws of the country.

exactly, and what determines whether you love them or kill them often depends on your religious training. Now do you understand?
If you want decency, just treat people well, be kind and smile.

ah ...actually the issue how do you encourage billions to treat others well. Ans: create a religion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just do it is a Nike advertising line!!!!! OMG such naivety is not to be believed. How old are you?
These need help & support on many different levels.

way to vague to be of any use at all and so just creates more drug addicts. What they need is religious values and liberals to get out of their way!!.

They need medical help, mental health counseling, abuse support groups, probably financial or legal assistance.
Definitely spiritual guidance and to "own it all"...become accountable for their actions

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