Drug deaths and suicide reaching all time high in America!

Old rocks,,,
My reasons to live is science, innovation, my family and much more...I feel sorry for people that need to hold everything on a belief of a god.
I'm new on here. First comment. I wonder why people need fear of God to do the right thing, like god is some kind of Elf On The Shelf watching them. Where is free will? Free thought?
I'm new on here. First comment. I wonder why people need fear of God to do the right thing, like god is some kind of Elf On The Shelf watching them. Where is free will? Free thought?

because the right thing is anything but obvious to people as all of human history shows very very clearly. Do you understand these basics????????
@OP I don't think that's the reason they're doing drugs or commuting suicide frankly. I'm at the point in my life where it doesn't particularly matter to me if I die right now (basically because I've accomplished all the goals I'd set out for myself) still don't see myself picking up coke or a razor blade...

It's about how you're raised I think, if you're raised to not give a shit (aka you're parents are druggies or worthless individuals) then that's what you end up with.

yes and if your parents were raised with religious values then they were imprinted on you consciously or not. Make sense?
True enough, and most I have met are religious because of their moral views, not because of the promise of heaven or hell. That mythology from our darker origins is on it's face, false.

Yes, there are some that go to church on Sundays and vote republican thinking that they are staying away from hell, and then fake it at what a good christian they are and be hateful the rest of the time..
My favorite thing to do is to expose those people on this forum...lol...
Before we had Christianity we went to the Roman coliseum to watch people being eaten alive by hungry Lions for an afternoon's entertainment. Christianity brought civilization to the west and created it.
And after we got Christianity, we went to the town square and watched them burn a Calvinist or Catholic alive, whatever was the flavor of the day. Far cheaper than a coliseum.
so what????? History does not have to unfold on some imaginary time line that suits you. Do you understand??
@OP I don't think that's the reason they're doing drugs or commuting suicide frankly. I'm at the point in my life where it doesn't particularly matter to me if I die right now (basically because I've accomplished all the goals I'd set out for myself) still don't see myself picking up coke or a razor blade...

It's about how you're raised I think, if you're raised to not give a shit (aka you're parents are druggies or worthless individuals) then that's what you end up with.

yes and if your parents were raised with religious values then they were imprinted on you consciously or not. Make sense?

Nice theory, fails with me though. My parents are both religious - as are most in Alaska (still 70% Christian) I, however, am an agnostic bi sexual who believes in open marriages and has been fighting for LGBT rights up here for over 30 years.

Only sheep fall into the mouths of the wolves. Us alpha wolves fight for what we believe in.
@OP I don't think that's the reason they're doing drugs or commuting suicide frankly. I'm at the point in my life where it doesn't particularly matter to me if I die right now (basically because I've accomplished all the goals I'd set out for myself) still don't see myself picking up coke or a razor blade...

It's about how you're raised I think, if you're raised to not give a shit (aka you're parents are druggies or worthless individuals) then that's what you end up with.

yes and if your parents were raised with religious values then they were imprinted on you consciously or not. Make sense?

Nice theory, fails with me though. My parents are both religious - as are most in Alaska (still 70% Christian) I, however, am an agnostic bi sexual who believes in open marriages and has been fighting for LGBT rights up here for over 30 years.

Only sheep fall into the mouths of the wolves. Us alpha wolves fight for what we believe in.

nobody said that 100% of the time parents transmit their religious beliefs to their children!! The issue has to do with the value of religions beliefs to civilization. Do you understand?
Lets see if /you/ can put it together EdwardB - Sheep who are easily mislead down paths of self-destruction turn to drugs to drown their sorrows and often commit suicide. Raising your children as sheep is practically child abuse, you should raise your children to think for themselves and have strength within so they don't allow others to devalue their lives.
Raising your children as sheep is practically child abuse, you should raise your children to think for themselves and have strength within so they don't allow others to devalue their lives.
Think for themselves when we have Christianity to teach them??? Do you want to outlaw schools altogether so kids can think for themselves??????????????
I'm against organized religions (for similar reasons actually - in that the leaders take their sheep down baaaaad paths)

Used to be schools encouraged free thought, that's not the case anymore. Now a days we're overrun with wusses that can't handle real life or being offended, instead of just sucking it up and leaving it alone they're being picked up by fucking terrorist groups and led astray into violence and suicide - IF Christianity could teach against that, I wouldn't object to it, on the other hand all religions teach "baaaad" things - some not quite as bad as others - so I wouldn't be keen to have them leading either. Schools shouldn't be teaching this shit, parents should, but thanks to the feminist movement the entire system, (call it religious, call it biologic, it doesn't matter) is collapsing. Instead of addressing the situation with the tough love needed pussy fucks try to placate these 'damaged' individuals instead of actually helping them (via showing them that someone disagreeing with your views isn't the end of the god damn world.)

On the other hand we have the violent fucks who have zero consideration for anyone but themselves, instead of punishing them we cater to their 'damage' by allowing them to 'get away with it' based on the false belief that they couldn't make something better of themselves - IF they were held to a higher standard by their parents, their community, and their government officials. Hell even their teachers if you want to get into that. Instead in the schools today, the strong minded are punished, and the weak minded are corralled into misery.
I'm against organized religions.
so you want the local drug dealer to teach them what is in effect his religion?? Or, you like the way people were before Christianity when an afternoon's entertainment was going to the Colieusm to watch people being eaten alive?
There's a difference between live and let live and pushing your religion on others, and that is /exactly/ why I don't like organized religions, don't cross that line with me son. I've been fighting off an entire city my whole life, you're not even a drop in the bucket of piss I've dealt with. Get back to the OP's topic.

My point is that when parents, and I use that term loosely, raise weak minded or perhaps morally weak children, this is what happens.
There's a difference between live and let live and pushing your religion on others,

yes live and let live means let a drug dealer push drugs; pushing Christianity means pushing the 10 commandments on someone. Can you figure out which is better??
Considering I think we should legalize drugs and let all the weak cull themselves because we've made a mistake in circumventing Darwinian laws - yes, but I'm sure the weak couldn't handle that much reality. (That includes both "drug dealers" and "Christians" btw)
I just heard a counselor talking about what all these people needed. He said they need some values or some reason to live. Then I heard Ron Reagan ( president's son) on the radio in support of an atheist group. He ended saying, " this is Ron Reagan not afraid to burn in hell".

Hitler Stalin and Mao were not afraid of quick liberal changes to correct the world and neither is Ron Reagan and the Democrat liberals who despise religion so much even though it has been the source of values and meaning for over 2000 years. Happy Easter liberals, enjoy all the death you are causing.
Are you suggesting the tragic drug problem will go away if everybody prays for it? Is it really that one dimensional to you? Are you surprised that the counselor said morality and faith are the missing ingredient? What else would he say if he wants to impose a moral template on a public health crisis?

I'll give you a hint. They tried praying their way out of the Plague too. How did that work out?

I'm not dismissing the power of prayer. I too am a Christian. But I'm also a pragmatist.
Are you suggesting the tragic drug problem will go away if everybody prays for it?

no, suggesting if people had religious values they would be doing christian work rather than wasting their life doing drugs. Do you understand?
Sure Edward... whatever your [apparently] sheepy head want's to claim. Doesn't detract one bit from my opinion that the "reason" this is happening is because of being raised shitty. Take it or leave it, I'm not going to convert nor support asking/forcing anyone else in the USA to do so even if that means these weak links cut themselves out of the chain.

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