Durbin and Reid block bill that to remove congressional ACA subsidy

Congress was given an exemption ~

The problem was rooted in the original text of the Affordable Care Act. Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) inserted a provision which said members of Congress and their aides must be covered by plans “created” by the law or “offered through an exchange.” Until now, OPM had not said if the Federal Employee Health Benefits Program could contribute premium payments toward plans on the exchange. If payments stopped, lawmakers and aides would have faced thousands of dollars in additional premium payments each year. Under the old system, the government contributed nearly 75 percent of premium payments.

Read more: Hill gets Obamacare fix - John Bresnahan and Jake Sherman - POLITICO.com

Grassley is offering legislation that would hurt staffers if passed, knowing the legislation has no chance of being passed.

How awful, he thinks congressional staffers should be treated like every other american. :cuckoo:
Democrats Act to Stop Vitter Amendment, Keep Obamacare Exemptions for Congress

In yet another hypocritical move, Reid and Durbin blocked Sen Vitter's bill that would have made congress subject to ACA provisions with no subsidy.

You must live with it, but they do not :cuckoo:

Did you expect less? It's the typical Democrat way of doing things.

Nope, the dems are so invested in obamacare that they cannot let it die. It is obama's only accomplishment, it is his legasy. They have been pushing for socialized medicine for 50 years or more, now they got a law that begins that process and it is falling apart around them.

typical of liberals, none of them read it or actually thought about how it would be implemented--------just say it and it should magically come to pass. its how liberals think, its how their defective genetic makeup works.

Now, obama is scrambling and the dems up for election in 2014 are jumping ship. Its really quite funny to watch.

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