Durham Has Brennan In His 'Crosshairs'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

U.S. Attorney Durham Is Focusing in on John Brennan

It was only a matter of time....


During an interview Thursday US AG Barr stated Durham's criminal investigation is looking at more than just the FBI and the scope of his investigation does not just consist of the FISA Court Abuses / crimes identified by the US IG:

'The federal prosecutor scrutinizing the Russia investigation has begun examining the role of the former C.I.A. director John O. Brennan in how the intelligence community assessed Russia’s 2016 election interference, according to three people briefed on the inquiry.

John H. Durham, the United States attorney leading the investigation, has requested Mr. Brennan’s emails, call logs and other documents from the C.I.A., according to a person briefed on his inquiry. He wants to learn what Mr. Brennan told other officials, including the former F.B.I. director James B. Comey, about his and the C.I.A.’s views of a notorious dossier of assertions about Russia and Trump associates. …

Mr. Durham is also examining whether Mr. Brennan privately contradicted his public comments, including May 2017 testimony to Congress, about both the dossier and about any debate among the intelligence agencies over their conclusions on Russia’s interference, the people said.'

Brennan is phucked, and he KNOWS it. The question I have

There's one creep who needs to spend a very long stretch behind bars.
He’s going to hang. A lot of black hats have only committed offenses that warrant prison. But some have committed offenses far worse, and Brennan is one of them. He committed treason and that’s punishable by death.
John H. Durham, the United States attorney leading the investigation, has requested Mr. Brennan’s emails, call logs and other documents from the C.I.A., according to a person briefed on his inquiry. He wants to learn what Mr. Brennan told other officials, including the former F.B.I. director James B. Comey,

And, wait, you really think you will live long enough to see the reply in open print?
His illegal, Constitution / Law-violating activities against President Trump and his team is not a one-time occurrence. Brennan has a long, 'distinguished' history of having a total disregard for the Constitution, Constitutional Rights, & Rule of Law...

Boothe: Brennan Crying About Abuse of Power, Had To Apologize for Spying on Congress

It is 'ironic that former CIA Director John Brennan is complaining about President Donald Trump abusing his authority, when the former Obama administration official admitted the agency he led had spied on Congress.

The New York Times reported that the intelligence community’s inspector general determined in 2014 that CIA officers penetrated a computer system used by the Senate Intelligence Committee."


'CIA employees improperly searched computers used by Senate investigators involved in a multi-year probe of the agency’s use of harsh interrogation measures on terrorism suspects, according to the findings of an internal agency inquiry that prompted CIA Director John Brennan to apologize to lawmakers this week.'
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His illegal, Constitution / Law-violating activities against President Trump and his team is not a one-time occurrence. Brennan has a long, 'distinguished' history of having a total disregard for the Constitution, Constitutional Rights, & Rule of Law...

Boothe: Brennan Crying About Abuse of Power, Had To Apologize for Spying on Congress

It is 'ironic that former CIA Director John Brennan is complaining about President Donald Trump abusing his authority, when the former Obama administration official admitted the agency he led had spied on Congress.

The New York Times reported that the intelligence community’s inspector general determined in 2014 that CIA officers penetrated a computer system used by the Senate Intelligence Committee."


'CIA employees improperly searched computers used by Senate investigators involved in a multi-year probe of the agency’s use of harsh interrogation measures on terrorism suspects, according to the findings of an internal agency inquiry that prompted CIA Director John Brennan to apologize to lawmakers this week.'

With apologies to Hillary, maybe the worst person in the country.
...the questions I have are: is "Komrad Brennan" playing both sides of the fence? Is he a friend of Putin and the FSB? Was he covering up for Carter Page or telling the truth that he was a legit CIA asset? Can the NSA vouch for Brennan and Carter Page? Was Brennan the brain behind the Operation Crossfire Hurricane scandal, if not who was?
Brennan testified under oath that he KNEW NOTHING ABOUT THE DOSSIER...only to have Congressional logs show he briefed select members of Congress on the contents of the Dossier, a brief in which he told them parts of the dossier had been verified in the Intelligence assessment that had been conducted.

Like Schiff, Brennan lied / committed perjury and engaged in deliberate Sedition - the Director of the CIA, one of the most powerful Intel collection agencies in the world with all the Intel sources he needed at his disposal to investigate the validity of the Dossier....and he professed loudly and publicly that the President of the United States was a compromised agent of Vladimir Putin working for Russia to steal elections....

...yet all it took for a high-ranking State Department Rep to learn Christopher Steele was an untrustworthy, lying, Trump-hating foreign spy who was working with Russians to deliver Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence propaganda to affect the 2016 election, who had a personal agenda of negatively impacting Trump's chances to win in 2016 and had already acted on it, was an approximate 45-minute interview with him.

One 45-minute interview debunked the validity of the entire Russian-collusion false narrative, and as soon as it was over she testified she immediately notified the NSA, CIA, and FBI of what she discovered.

It was ATER this that Brennan publicly declared Trump was 'an agent of Putin, working for Russia'. After the Weismann-Mueller report came out stating there was NO evidence found to suggest Trump, his family, or any of his team were illegally colluding with the Russians Brennan was asked point-blank about his earlier public declaration that Trump was a 'Russian Agent'.

Brennan responded by saying: 'THANK GOODNESS I WAS WRONG.'

:wtf:?! This criminal SOB was the head of the CIA, capable of collecting far more information that the State Dept worker had, from a lot more sources of information, but - as the US IG had pointed out and official documents proved, neither the FBI nor the CIA made any attempt to verify the information in the Dossier...not even after Steele himself told he FBI he would not vouch for the accuracy of any information in the Dossier! WITHUT ATTEMPTING TO VERIFY ANY INFORMATION IN THE DOSSIER, THOUGH, THE OBAMA DIRECTOR OF THE CIA WAS PUBLICLY STATING THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES WAS AN AGENT OF VLADIMIR PUTIN / RUSSIA!

As I said, Brennan is PHU@KED...and HE KNOWS IT.


U.S. Attorney Durham Is Focusing in on John Brennan

It was only a matter of time....


During an interview Thursday US AG Barr stated Durham's criminal investigation is looking at more than just the FBI and the scope of his investigation does not just consist of the FISA Court Abuses / crimes identified by the US IG:

'The federal prosecutor scrutinizing the Russia investigation has begun examining the role of the former C.I.A. director John O. Brennan in how the intelligence community assessed Russia’s 2016 election interference, according to three people briefed on the inquiry.

John H. Durham, the United States attorney leading the investigation, has requested Mr. Brennan’s emails, call logs and other documents from the C.I.A., according to a person briefed on his inquiry. He wants to learn what Mr. Brennan told other officials, including the former F.B.I. director James B. Comey, about his and the C.I.A.’s views of a notorious dossier of assertions about Russia and Trump associates. …

Mr. Durham is also examining whether Mr. Brennan privately contradicted his public comments, including May 2017 testimony to Congress, about both the dossier and about any debate among the intelligence agencies over their conclusions on Russia’s interference, the people said.'

Brennan is phucked, and he KNOWS it. The question I have

He already has the SOB for lying to congress when he said the Steele dossier wasn't used in the ICA (intel community assessment), Horowitz has already prove that false. Brennan seemed to make it a habit lying to congress.

Brennan, clapper, Comey, Obama, Hillary and Bill should all be lined up on multiple gallows and hanged at the same time.
Well she did mention if Trump was elected they would all hang. It seems she knew what they were doing was treasonous.
None of this is actual 'news' to anyone who has a pulse and has been paying even half-assed attention to what's been going on. As this unfolds, however, you are going to see politicians on both sides of the aisle either remain deathly quiet about it or attempt to 'stack more wood' around Brennan's feet as the 'fires' are lit' to 'burn him at the stake' to ensure the focus remains on HIM.

WHAT SHOULD NOT BE LOST / IGNORED in this scandal as it unfolds is that it was GOP and Democrat officials who struck an illegal deal to save Brennan from Indictment and prison after he was caught illegally spying on Congress US Senators.

They KNEW this SOB had already violated the Constitution, violated their own members' - Democrats' - rights / privacy, and broke the law...and they protected him.

(Notice the fact that Clapper and Brennan both were caught committing perjury for lying about illegal spying. Despite Brennan and Clapper being caught illegally spying on US citizens, reporters, the media, US SENATORS, and even USSC Justices, it was only when D-Diane Feinstein produced evidence that the CIA was illegally spying in MEMBERS OF CONGRESS that they really gave a sh!t enough to haul Brennan back before Congress and hold him accountable!)

This did NOT have to happen. If Congress would have enforced 'equal justice' and had held Brennan accountable according to the law at the time his ass would already be in jail and would never had a part in any of this.

It may have served as a warning to others, preventing it from ever happening again. Brennan NOT being held accountable only goes to prove that if these criminals are NOT held accountable / punished it is guaranteed they will commit the same crimes over and over.

(The same applies to the conspirators in this entire coup attempt the FBI was just hammered for. If those involved with this crap are not punished it will happen again.)
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U.S. Attorney Durham Is Focusing in on John Brennan

It was only a matter of time....


During an interview Thursday US AG Barr stated Durham's criminal investigation is looking at more than just the FBI and the scope of his investigation does not just consist of the FISA Court Abuses / crimes identified by the US IG:

'The federal prosecutor scrutinizing the Russia investigation has begun examining the role of the former C.I.A. director John O. Brennan in how the intelligence community assessed Russia’s 2016 election interference, according to three people briefed on the inquiry.

John H. Durham, the United States attorney leading the investigation, has requested Mr. Brennan’s emails, call logs and other documents from the C.I.A., according to a person briefed on his inquiry. He wants to learn what Mr. Brennan told other officials, including the former F.B.I. director James B. Comey, about his and the C.I.A.’s views of a notorious dossier of assertions about Russia and Trump associates. …

Mr. Durham is also examining whether Mr. Brennan privately contradicted his public comments, including May 2017 testimony to Congress, about both the dossier and about any debate among the intelligence agencies over their conclusions on Russia’s interference, the people said.'

Brennan is phucked, and he KNOWS it. The question I have
Any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now.....Ruh Roooooh! :71:
Any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now.....Ruh Roooooh! :71:
You do realize, don't you, that your constant remarks like this in response to proven criminals and traitors in former administrations / on the Left shows an unbelievable level of partisanship and gives the (correct) Impression that as long as such crimes are perpetrated by Leftist criminals such behavior is completely acceptable / excusable.

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