Durham Investigating Hillary

Trump and Gaetz are still being investigated too.
Yet you whine and cry every time it's mentioned.
Lock up ALL the Criminals. (R) or (D).
Wow, you guys still think you'll get Teflon Don.
That's building up the case against Sussmann. It's not implicating Hillary. Same as Durham's last filing.
Yet Hillary's people are still involved in the case.

---Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer argues case brought by special counsel Durham against him should be dismissed---

Yet Hillary's people are still involved in the case.

---Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer argues case brought by special counsel Durham against him should be dismissed---

How are Hillary and Trump any different?
They are both criminals who are terrible people.
I don’t support either.
Who in the Clinton Campaign told Sussman to give the data to the FBI and lie about who told him to do it?

After how many years of this so called investigation that's all they got?

Yeah you got her now, or you're nutz.
I have no confidence anything will ever happen to Hillary.

It is enough for me that it was proven she lied, and the dossier was a complete fraud that she paid for and was used to obtain an illegal warrant to spy on Trump.

That is 100% verifiable fact, and the 2016 truthers are a cult.
We convicted Hillary's credibility, the Dems credibility, the fake news credibility, to infinity.
We convicted Hillary's credibility, the Dems credibility, the fake news credibility, to infinity.

You are sooooo correct. Nobody believes most media outlets, because everything they said was true turned out to be a lie, and vice-versa.

How many Leftists on here actually know the power of media and big tech? It is massive; or was, not so much anymore. By their actions that they CHOSE to do, they and the Left have lost the media edge.

Remember how all of you Leftists gloated during Russia-Russia-Russia, and impeachment 1 and 2? Now those chickens are coming home to roost. I am not going to lie and say your efforts didn't work, far from it, they were decisively brilliant I guess, but at what future cost?

We are seeing that now, and as more comes out on the Hunter laptop and other things, it is going to get progressively worse, and worse! Regular Americans from both party's have discovered what you did, even with all your deflections in full swing, and they are appalled. The Independents all most as much as the Republicans, and that does not bode well for you!
I wish they would finally lock her up, but the problem is. Most of our politicians have dirt on each other. One goes down, they all go down.
I think most of our elected Swamp critters know if Hillary goes down she will take them with her. Plus I would bet that if Hillary is “suicided” all the dirt will come out anyway.
Could justice finally be served?
It was.

Durham's 3-year+ investigation could find nothing to charge the FBI with, so he took a wild shot at someone he claimed had lied to the FBI and missed.

Thus, there is nothing to prove that Putin's conspiring to hurt Clinton and help Trump in the 2016 election was actively coordinated with Trumpies, despite Bannon's finding it very suspicious:

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“The three senior guys in the campaign thought it was a good idea to meet with a foreign government inside Trump Tower in the conference room on the 25th floor — with no lawyers. They didn’t have any lawyers... Even if you thought that this was not treasonous, or unpatriotic, or bad shit, and I happen to think it’s all of that, you should have called the FBI immediately.”

In any event, the Trump administration's Special Counsel, Robert Mueller, had looked into it as well, and couldn't find anything prosecutable, either.


ALLEGED "SAVVY GENIUS"......................
Any day now....Any day now...Any day now...Any day now...Any day now....Any day now...Any day now...Any day now...Any day now....Any day now...Any day now...Any day now...Any day now....Any day now...Any day now...Any day now...Any day now....Any day now...Any day now...Any day now...Any day now....Any day now...Any day now...Any day now...Any day now....Any day now...Any day now...Any day now...

Once again we see that day is never coming.
Durham's 3-year+ investigation could find nothing to charge the FBI with, so he took a wild shot at someone he claimed had lied to the FBI and missed.

Many Americans still think Hillary should be locked up. We still have hope.
Many Americans still think Hillary should be locked up.
If you have legitimate surveys, please link to them. How many crackpots are there?

If you are merely pretending most Americans share your unfounded prejudice, you need not bother. Crackpots incited to screech, "Lock her up! Lock her up!" are merely tools.

The fact is, that after decades of Clinton being targeted for incarceration by her political enemies, the fatwa has contrived nothing prosecutable, but there are those who clearly prefer the fantasies they are force fed.
If you have legitimate surveys, please link to them. How many crackpots are there?

If you are merely pretending most Americans share your unfounded prejudice, you need not bother. Crackpots incited to screech, "Lock her up! Lock her up!" are merely tools.

The fact is, that after decades of Clinton being targeted for incarceration by her political enemies, the fatwa has contrived nothing prosecutable, but there are those who clearly prefer the fantasies they are force fed.

You can't really be this stupid.
There are two versions of justice under the Wehrmacht.....er, Democrats.

Only Republicans are punished.

Even when thousands of riots occurred, Democrat DAs, Judges, Prosecutors refused to punish because they were doing exactly what the Democrats told them to do: riot, assault, burn....

And punishment only directed at Republicans, the Right.

"...arrested so far and charged...." by a corrupt and Democrat-linked law agency.
.....they only target Republicans for punishments....
General Flynn

Roger Stone

Scooter Libby

Papadopolous, Page, .......Trump

Dinesh D'souza.....

Any charges or investigations of Julie Swetnick ???? Blasey Ford????Kevin Clinesmith?????

How about this:
Clapper lied when asked, under oath, by Senator Ron Wyden (Oregon-Democrat) " On March 12, at a hearing of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Wyden asked Clapper: “Does the NSA collect any type of data at all on millions or hundreds of millions of Americans?” Clapper responded: “No, sir.” When Wyden followed up by asking, “It does not?” Clapper said: “Not wittingly. There are cases where they could, inadvertently perhaps, collect—but not wittingly.” Clapper did not specify at the time that he was referring to e-mail." James Clapper's Tip for Avoiding Lies: Don't Do Talking Points | emptywheel

Now.....how many times have I caught you lying?????
If you have legitimate surveys, please link to them. How many crackpots are there?

If you are merely pretending most Americans share your unfounded prejudice, you need not bother. Crackpots incited to screech, "Lock her up! Lock her up!" are merely tools.

The fact is, that after decades of Clinton being targeted for incarceration by her political enemies, the fatwa has contrived nothing prosecutable, but there are those who clearly prefer the fantasies they are force fed.
I don't need polls for this. Clearly the Congressional hearings prove Hillary is guilty.
I don't need polls for this. Clearly the Congressional hearings prove Hillary is guilty.
It is true that hyper-partisans, controlled by emotion rather than credible evidence as is demanded by our system of jurisprudence, do not respect facts, while they remain the crucial determinant in matters of guilt or innocence for all objective realists.

Their propaganda media has provided them with whatever they need to substitute for reality, and they embrace the dogma that drives them to screech, "Lock her up! Lock her up!" even after the spectacle of years of rabid Clinton haters' total impotence in contriving anything to charge her with.

Republicans spent over two years, in 33 hearings, at an estimated cost of $7 million, targeting Clinton, the then likely presidential nominee of the Democratic Party. They finished their publicly-financed smear campaign without having been able to contrive a pretext for even a single charge against her.
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The same attempt to discredit one's political opponent was repeated when Trump pressured President Zelenskyy to find an excuse to accuse Biden of criminality in 2020.

It failed.

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