Durham Investigating Hillary

Republicans spent over two years, in 33 hearings, at an estimated cost of $7 million, targeting Clinton, the then likely presidential nominee of the Democratic Party. They finished their publicly-financed smear campaign without having been able to contrive a pretext for even a single charge against her.
Money well spent. It's a waste of money to fund a justice department that won't put people like Hillary behind bars.
It was.

Durham's 3-year+ investigation could find nothing to charge the FBI with, so he took a wild shot at someone he claimed had lied to the FBI and missed.

Thus, there is nothing to prove that Putin's conspiring to hurt Clinton and help Trump in the 2016 election was actively coordinated with Trumpies, despite Bannon's finding it very suspicious:

In any event, the Trump administration's Special Counsel, Robert Mueller, had looked into it as well, and couldn't find anything prosecutable, either.

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ALLEGED "SAVVY GENIUS"......................

I have to disagree with you. There was no collusion in the sense that Trump and Putin got on the phone and coordinated. The one damning piece of evidence that Mueller discovered was a meeting between Manafort and a Russian with ties to Russian intelligence. Internal polling data was turned over. Also Manafort discussed the campaign strategy, swing states and targeting strategy. The social media ads that Russia bought used the information that Manafort had provided. Mueller could only go so far. Indicting Trump was not as option. In addition, he could not subpoena the Russian agent.

Mueller laid out exactly what happened. The Trump campaign knew that the Russians wanted Trump to win so the Trump campaign gave them help. That is what the meeting with the Russian was all about. Telling Putin how he could help Trump. The campaign's internal polling data was turned over. In addition, who and where the campaign was targeting allowed the Russians to target their ads.
I have to disagree with you. There was no collusion in the sense that Trump and Putin got on the phone and coordinated. The one damning piece of evidence that Mueller discovered was a meeting between Manafort and a Russian with ties to Russian intelligence. Internal polling data was turned over. Also Manafort discussed the campaign strategy, swing states and targeting strategy. The social media ads that Russia bought used the information that Manafort had provided. Mueller could only go so far. Indicting Trump was not as option. In addition, he could not subpoena the Russian agent.

Mueller laid out exactly what happened. The Trump campaign knew that the Russians wanted Trump to win so the Trump campaign gave them help. That is what the meeting with the Russian was all about. Telling Putin how he could help Trump. The campaign's internal polling data was turned over. In addition, who and where the campaign was targeting allowed the Russians to target their ads.
I never thought Trump and Putin had to coordinate their 2016 election activities, both having the shared objective of electing Trump, and both perfectly capable of pursuing that common goal independently.

As the FBI, the NSA, the CIA, and two Republican-controlled Senate investigative committees all concluded,

I embrace the American principle of jurisprudence regarding innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, and note that despite a sustained political fatwa against Clinton that lasted for years, not a single charge was ever contrived, and the shrieks of "Lock her up! Lock her up!" never accommodated.
Money well spent. It's a waste of money to fund a justice department that won't put people like Hillary behind bars.
Your prejudice is noted. Fortunately, our legal system demands credible evidence, and pre-judgements do not result in Americans being locked up.
I guess you didn't watch the same hearings I did.
I guess you respect a mob screeching "Lock her up! Lock her up!" over the principle of innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Please list all Ms Clinton's convictions that have resulted from the hyper-partisan fatwa of many years.
I guess you respect a mob screeching "Lock her up! Lock her up!" over the principle of innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Please list all Ms Clinton's convictions that have resulted from the hyper-partisan fatwa of many years.
Lots of criminals get off without being convicted.
Lots of criminals get off without being convicted.
Lost of people that are innocent are accused of crimes.

Under out system of jurisprudence, the presumption of innocence is a legal principle that every person accused of any crime is considered innocent until proven guilty. Of course, if accusers can't contrive sufficient evidence against her, every person who is not indicted must also be considered innocent.
Lost of people that are innocent are accused of crimes.

Under out system of jurisprudence, the presumption of innocence is a legal principle that every person accused of any crime is considered innocent until proven guilty. Of course, if accusers can't contrive sufficient evidence against her, every person who is not indicted must also be considered innocent.
But we know Hillary is guilty.
But we know Hillary is guilty.
Did the Bible tell you so, or did you have an epiphany in your outhouse?

Evidence that doesn't vaporize when subjected to the critical scrutiny of our system of jurisprudence is a bitch, ain't it?
Did the Bible tell you so, or did you have an epiphany in your outhouse?
Evidence that doesn't vaporize when subjected to the critical scrutiny of our system of jurisprudence is a bitch, ain't it?
Maybe the evidence is there. Maybe there are too many liberal judges. Maybe Bill Barr turned Judas on us.
Maybe the evidence is there. Maybe there are too many liberal judges. Maybe Bill Barr turned Judas on us.
Maybe every American you don't like is a criminal, but there is a vast conspiracy to protect protect them all.

Paranoid is no way to go through life.

A reasonable criterion to assess all the hyper-partisan bullshit one is force-fed by ideological entertainment media is, "What is actually sustainable in legal venues where credible evidence is essential?"
A reasonable criterion to assess all the hyper-partisan bullshit one is force-fed by ideological entertainment media is, "What is actually sustainable in legal venues where credible evidence is essential?"
Sounds good until you realize we have way too many liberal judges. We realized that when all the election fraud cases were being thrown out.
Sounds good until you realize we have way too many liberal judges. We realized that when all the election fraud cases were being thrown out.
Even by Trump-appointed judges, lock-step complicit in the vast caper with all those Republican governors, Republican secretaries of state, Republican attorneys general, and other Republican election officials, and so many Republican Trump regime officials, including family.

The hyper-partisan paranoia metastasizes endlessly.

Weird worshipers are simply no amenable to reason.

The Cry Baby Loser's normally subservient Attorney General succinctly encapsulated the self-serving fantasy of a stolen "Landslide!" for the Loser and his weird worshipers:

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So schmidlap loves Bill Barr now.. Barr is Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde all wrapped in one.

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