Durham/Mueller Reports: Valuable Bookends

So really, you have no evidence of anything that you’re claiming and you’re dodging the questions.

Why can’t Republicans find any evidence to convict Democrats?
CNN, sometimes the messenger is a biased politically controlled "news" channel such as CNN.

So, yes, the messenger is the Democrat party when it comes to CNN.

CNN is a literal disgrace
The release of the Durham report provides a helpful bookend to the Mueller report, a reminder that two opposing things can exist simultaneously in the universe, and yet another example of how America would benefit if both ends of the spectrum would clean their own fucking house instead of just pointing the finger:

Durham says the FBI essentially engaged in confirmation bias, especially on stories like the Carter Paige FISA request and the Steele Dossier. They went too hard, too fast and too far with available information, and that plays right into the hands of the GQP's ongoing rage against any government agency (unless that agency does something they like, of course, like Comey causing Hillary great harm right before the 2016 elections). So the Durham report is a gift to the GQP and keeps that whole conspiracy culture running at full speed. Way to go, FBI, it looks like you were pretty biased, and that looks like shit. This kind of thing has to fixed and stopped, now.

AT THE SAME TIME, the Mueller report manifested in indictments of +/- 30 people, including REAL RUSSIAN OPERATIVES, securing REAL CONVICTIONS of several Trump associates, from George Papadopolous to Paul Manafort to Mike Flynn to Rick Gates. So clearly there was communication between the Trump campaign and the Russians, and we know that the campaign was asking for Russian assistance on getting dirt on Hillary. Was their actual collusion, where plans were made and carried out? Mueller could not prove that, although he did say that a pursuit of Trump obstruction by Congress would be appropriate.

The final score on this? Yes, the GQP is correct that there was (and maybe is) bias at the FBI, and that makes it perfectly fair to wonder if that's just the tip of the iceberg. And yes, Trump and his campaign leaned on one of our two most dangerous adversaries for help in 2016. This cuts across our entire political spectrum, and denying/ignoring that only makes things worse.

Yes, career law officers have bias against politicians they suspect as being foreign assets.

Their mistake was not investigating Trump and his collection of foreign agent felons more aggressively.
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CNN, sometimes the messenger is a biased politically controlled "news" channel such as CNN.

So, yes, the messenger is the Democrat party when it comes to CNN.

CNN is a literal disgrace

Why can't Republicans ever find any evidence against Democrats and put them in jail???? Where is your evidence????

Endlessly repeating the same rejected post over and over simply confirms that you're an idiot.
Because you can only convict Republicans in DC, moron.
That's kinda funny, bripat, but I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

Why can't Republicans ever find any evidence against Democrats and put them in jail???? Where is your evidence????

Endlessly repeating the same rejected post over and over simply confirms that you're an idiot.
I don't know about other conservatives, but my civics/American History teacher, Mr. Tiggeman at Aldine High School Class of 1964 was very supportive of responsible debates used to solve problems, and not by way of division, either.
The release of the Durham report provides a helpful bookend to the Mueller report, a reminder that two opposing things can exist simultaneously in the universe, and yet another example of how America would benefit if both ends of the spectrum would clean their own fucking house instead of just pointing the finger:

Durham says the FBI essentially engaged in confirmation bias, especially on stories like the Carter Paige FISA request and the Steele Dossier. They went too hard, too fast and too far with available information, and that plays right into the hands of the GQP's ongoing rage against any government agency (unless that agency does something they like, of course, like Comey causing Hillary great harm right before the 2016 elections). So the Durham report is a gift to the GQP and keeps that whole conspiracy culture running at full speed. Way to go, FBI, it looks like you were pretty biased, and that looks like shit. This kind of thing has to fixed and stopped, now.

AT THE SAME TIME, the Mueller report manifested in indictments of +/- 30 people, including REAL RUSSIAN OPERATIVES, securing REAL CONVICTIONS of several Trump associates, from George Papadopolous to Paul Manafort to Mike Flynn to Rick Gates. So clearly there was communication between the Trump campaign and the Russians, and we know that the campaign was asking for Russian assistance on getting dirt on Hillary. Was their actual collusion, where plans were made and carried out? Mueller could not prove that, although he did say that a pursuit of Trump obstruction by Congress would be appropriate.

The final score on this? Yes, the GQP is correct that there was (and maybe is) bias at the FBI, and that makes it perfectly fair to wonder if that's just the tip of the iceberg. And yes, Trump and his campaign leaned on one of our two most dangerous adversaries for help in 2016. This cuts across our entire political spectrum, and denying/ignoring that only makes things worse.

Hack propaganda. I would say at its finest, but I just can't.
Durham couldn't make the such charges stick as he couldn't prove any such claims beyond a reasonable doubt.

Even the one case he did manage to get a plea deal for was shaky. Which is why Durham offered 400 hours of community service to settle a felony charge he wasn't confident he could try and win.

And given Durham's absymal record in court, where he lost every trial, Durham was probably right to offer such pat on the wrist.

Mueller found buckets of criminal activity when investigating Trump. And got 8 convictions, and over 30 indictments...with most of the folks indicted still at large.

And Mueller managed that in about half the time.
Have you ever given Trump the reasonable doubt excuse?
What you call "Trump bashing daily" is what the rest of the world calls reporting on all of the stupid, illegal, immoral, unconstitutional, and dangerous things Trump did every single day he was in office.

Your hero is a fucking criminal who was in the middle of a fraud trial when you elected him, and currently stands charged with more than 90 crimes, all of which we watched him commit on national television
Selling your country out to the highest bidder as Biden has done, is what is treasonous. Watching you turn a blind eye to it is amazing
Garland said he isn't the prez's lawyer. This is what someone who thinks he is the prez's lawyer looks like.

"I think the president has every right to be frustrated," Barr said in the Fox interview, "because I think what happened to him was one of the greatest travesties in American history."

While the attorney general asserted that investigators had no "basis" to launch the investigation into the Trump campaign, the Justice Department's inspector general concluded last year that the FBI was legally justified in launching its inquiry.


Billy the Bagman's attempt to defend Trump went so far as to name John Durham SC, to investigate alleged wrongdoing by the FBI and well..........pretty much every top Obama admin official if the hype was to be believed. Ultimately, the whole endeavor was a total bust.

The political nature of the investigation led Nora Dannehy, a longtime loyal aid to Durham, to resign.

Nora Dannehy, top prosecutor on John Durham team, resigns

Now we have some details about why she resigned.

Nora Dannehy says she resigned from Trump-Russia probe over concerns with Barr

Dannehy, who was the first woman to serve as U.S. attorney for the District of Connecticut, told Connecticut lawmakers that politics had “never played a role” in how she was expected to carry out her job as a federal prosecutor and “that was the Justice Department I thought I was returning to” when she ultimately joined Durham's team.

“I had been taught and spent my entire career at Department of Justice conducting any investigation in an objective and apolitical manner,” she said. "In the spring and summer of 2020, I had growing concerns that this Russia investigation was not being conducted in that way. Attorney General Barr began to speak more publicly and specifically about the ongoing criminal investigation. I thought these public comments violated DOJ guidelines.”

You first! The hysteria with which they cover him is hilarious as are you. He scares them because he wants to expose them!

Hysteria. You think that demanding that Donald Trump be arrested for his 4 year crime spree, and jailed for trying to overthrow the ogvernment is hysteria.

You are even dumber than I ever thought you could be.
You mean, like how you been doing

I am asking a question, which you refuse to answer. My response to your refusal changed with each repetition of your refusal, and reflects the topic. I have not used CNN as a source except as a back up to several other primary sources.

And still you have not answered the question. Where is all of this evidence of Democratic corruption and malfeasance. Why do all Republican investigations end with no evidence, no witnesses, and charges, and in most cases, they cannot even find evidence that the crime Republicans claim was committed, even happened.

Trump, Durham and Barr have consistently claimed that the Carter Paige FISA warrant debacle was proof positive that Obama was spying on his campaign, when in fact, it proves that Dems were NOT spying on his campaign.

Page was under FISA surveillance BEFORE he volunteered too work for the campaign, and the FBI immediately ceased surveillance of Page until he resigned from the campaign in the early Fall of 2016. AFTER Page left the Trump Campaign, the FBI applied to renew their previous FISA Application. But while Page was working for Trump, the FBI ceased all investigations of Carter Page.
Just saw this thread... hilarious.
POT - meet KETTLE.
It is mind boggling how someone can clearly allude that the Mueller report is more accurate and better than the Durham report.
And I don't believe it should even be called the Mueller report since - holy shit - was it obvious that Robert Mueller was only a front for the investigation. He literally knew almost nothing about what was in his own report. The moment, caught on video, where even after looking at a particular page, did not know what it was, when that page was one of the foundational aspects of "his" claims. Didn't know what it was or what it was referring to.
At any rate - you won't catch me claiming the Durham report is more accurate than the Mueller report. I have no idea if it is or is not. But both have SUBSTANTIAL holes in them.

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