Durham/Mueller Reports: Valuable Bookends

-- cereal_killer
Google it on your own.
He exposed the fact that Dims are all lying NAZIs who will toss the Constitution into the waste bin the second it gets in the way of their dreams for power.

A shocked John Kelly told Trump 'those are the heroes' after the president said having wounded veterans in a military parade 'doesn't look good,'​

Trump also reportedly asked chief of staff John Kelly why his generals couldn’t be "more like the German generals in World War II"

A shocked John Kelly told Trump 'those are the heroes' after the president said having wounded veterans in a military parade 'doesn't look good,'​

I doubt that's what he said, asshole. I saw the video of the guy singing "America the Beautiful,," and it was pathetic. I have heard that he was suffered from brain damage. He could barely get out the words in the right order. What was the purpose of this sad display, to make everyone hate the military?

I'll bet that's precisely what the purpose was.

Trump also reportedly asked chief of staff John Kelly why his generals couldn’t be "more like the German generals in World War II"
You mean competent? I wonder that myself. If I said Rommel was a good general would you accuse me of being an admirer of NAZIs?

You're obviously the king of taking things out of context.
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I doubt that's what he said, asshole. I saw the video of the guy singing "America the Beautiful,," and it was pathetic. I have heard that he was suffered from brain damage. He could barely get out the words in the right order. What was the purpose of this sad display, to make everyone hate the military?

I'll bet that's precisely what the purpose was.

You mean competent? I wonder that myself. If I said Rommel was a good general would you accuse me of being an admirer of NAZIs?

You're obviously the king of taking things out of context.
you people shit on heroes that make Trump look bad or feel bad?

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But Trump has been proven to be a sex abuser -- in a court of law.

Creepy Partisan Accusations by people like you who support sex abusers fall on deaf ears.
You have seen the video's of Biden, and turn a blind eye to his pedophilia, you call his daughter a liar all because of your hatred for Trump, or anything good. You also worship at the altar of Moloch. You are someone who is ok with the abuse of children ie trans ideology, and the sex trafficking that the democrat party is involved in, IE the 85,000 children who are unaccounted for since the border was opened.
I doubt that's what he said, asshole. I saw the video of the guy singing "America the Beautiful,," and it was pathetic. I have heard that he was suffered from brain damage. He could barely get out the words in the right order. What was the purpose of this sad display, to make everyone hate the military?

I'll bet that's precisely what the purpose was.

You mean competent? I wonder that myself. If I said Rommel was a good general would you accuse me of being an admirer of NAZIs?

You're obviously the king of taking things out of context.

Music therapy has provided vital emotional support for CPT Avila, which has allowed him to: (1) access pre-injury memories through musical reminiscence, (2) acknowledge and process events of the attack through songwrit- ing, (3) address his personal loss of limb, vision, communication, and mobility through successes in ...Apr 4, 2018

Music therapy has provided vital emotional support for CPT Avila, which has allowed him to: (1) access pre-injury memories through musical reminiscence, (2) acknowledge and process events of the attack through songwrit- ing, (3) address his personal loss of limb, vision, communication, and mobility through successes in ...Apr 4, 2018

That's leftwing hocus-pocus. Furthermore, the purpose of this even was supposedly to promote the military. Do you suppose having a disabled veteran whose physical condition is so horrible promotes the military?
The people who arranged that appalling display of singing America the Beautiful are the ones shitting on heroes.
"These sorts of moments, which would grow in intensity and velocity, were disturbing to Milley. As a veteran of multiple combat tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, he had buried 242 soldiers who'd served under his command," The Atlantic's Jeffery Goldberg writes. "Milley's family venerated the military, and Trump's attitude toward the uniformed services seemed superficial, callous, and, at the deepest human level, repugnant."

Former White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, in addition to other former Trump administration officials, has also argued that the former president has such a contempt for the military that it made it challenging to explain concepts of honor, sacrifice and duty. That sour view of the armed forces, alongside Trump being unfit to serve as president among other points of contention, made Milley's first 16 months as chairman far more difficult than he anticipated.

"For more than 200 years, the assumption in this country was that we would have a stable person as president," retired three-star general James Dubik, one of the general's mentors, told the Atlantic, adding that that assumption not holding water during the Trump administration presented Milley with a "unique challenge."

Military Lifers?

See? You people try and politicize sacrifice.

That's what progs are doing. How do you know "military lifers" arranged it? I'd say it was some woke officers of the General Millie variety. I looked it up, and Milley is the one who chose him. Milly is a fucking woke traitor who got 12 Americans killed in Afghanistan.
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name one!
A report from The Atlantic revealed Thursday that Milley had chosen Army captain Luis Avila, who is severely wounded after serving in five combat tours, to sing "God Bless America" at the 2019 Armed Forces Welcome Ceremony at Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall because, to him and several other Army generals, Avila represented the dignity, strength and sacrifice of wounded soldiers. Avila had lost a leg in an IED attack while serving in Afghanistan in 2011 and suffered two strokes, two heart attacks and brain damage as a result of his injuries.

I doubt that's what he said, asshole. I saw the video of the guy singing "America the Beautiful,," and it was pathetic. I have heard that he was suffered from brain damage. He could barely get out the words in the right order. What was the purpose of this sad display, to make everyone hate the military?

I'll bet that's precisely what the purpose was.

You mean competent? I wonder that myself. If I said Rommel was a good general would you accuse me of being an admirer of NAZIs?

You're obviously the king of taking things out of context.
You people are disgusting. You shit all over war heroes. Go where your flag lapel pins and thank vets you've never known, for their service, while disrespecting their service.

That's what progs are doing. How do you know "military lifers" arranged it? I'd say it was some woke officers of the General Millie variety.
General Milley became one of the most successful military people of his generation, and you dare disrespect his service and expertise?

Damn, you people are sick

Trump: Military Boarding School for Troubled Rich Kids



Military career​

General Richard A. Cody administers the oath of office upon Milley's promotion to brigadier general in February 2008.
Milley earned his commission as an armor officer through Princeton's Army Reserve Officers' Training Corps program in 1980.[18]

Milley's career has included assignments with the 82nd Airborne Division, 5th Special Forces Group,[19] 7th Infantry Division, 2nd Infantry Division, Joint Readiness Training Center, 25th Infantry Division, Operations Staff of the Joint Staff, and a posting as Military Assistant to the Secretary of Defense.[20]

Milley has held multiple command and staff positions in eight divisions and special forces throughout his military career. He commanded 1st Battalion, 506th Infantry, 2nd Infantry Division, in South Korea from 1996 to 1998.[20][21] He served as commander of 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division (Light) from December 2003 to July 2005; deputy commanding general for operations of the 101st Airborne Division from July 2007 to April 2008, and as commanding general of the 10th Mountain Division from November 2011 to December 2012.[22][23][24] Milley commanded III Corps, based at Fort Hood, Texas, from December 2012 to August 2014,[25][26][27] and concurrently the International Security Assistance Force Joint Command from May 2013 to February 2014.[28][29] He served as the commanding general of the United States Army Forces Command at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, from August 2014 to August 2015

You people are disgusting. You shit all over war heroes. Go where your flag lapel pins and thank vets you've never known, for their service, while disrespecting their service.

The idea that you respect the military doesn't pass the laugh test. You're a fucking leftist who bashes the military at every opportunity. Milley is a well known piece of crap who despises the military.

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