Durham/Mueller Reports: Valuable Bookends

You stupid foreign commie bitch, did you bother to read your own damn link. As I said before, ZERO Americans were charged with working with the Russians. Most of the Americans were charged with process crimes, for supposedly lying to investigators, in an investigation that had no legal predicate for it to begin with.


There is nothing in your post that’s true. The investigation should have been predicated and that’s been in every report except the Durham report.

You obviously didn’t read the list of prosecutions because there’s a man in there who is prosecuted for identity theft in working with the Russians to establish server sites in the USA.

You also have Paul Manafort, pleading guilty to handing over Republican polling data to the Russians.

You have Michael Flynn on a telephone phone call with the Russian ambassador, promising to lift sanctions as soon as Trump is inaugurated. And you have Michael Flynn lying to the FBI about that phone call.

The inspector general, Robert Mueller, John Huber, also that the Russian investigation was properly predicated on valid information. So take your denial and stuff it up your ass.
And nothing you've cited rose to the level of being a crime. Durham doesn't cite any specific crime in his report. Even Clinesmith, who was handed to him by the IG report, got off with community service.

You know that Durham found no crimes. Or referred any charges to the DOJ. Or cited any specific crime in his report. Or recommended ANYONE be charged in his report.

You know all this. So why pretend otherwise?

So you're saying lying to the FISA court isn't a crime?

There is nothing in your post that’s true. The investigation should have been predicated and that’s been in every report except the Durham report.

You obviously didn’t read the list of prosecutions because there’s a man in there who is prosecuted for identity theft in working with the Russians to establish server sites in the USA.

You also have Paul Manafort, pleading guilty to handing over Republican polling data to the Russians.

You have Michael Flynn on a telephone phone call with the Russian ambassador, promising to lift sanctions as soon as Trump is inaugurated. And you have Michael Flynn lying to the FBI about that phone call.

The inspector general, Robert Mueller, John Huber, also that the Russian investigation was properly predicated on valid information. So take your denial and stuff it up your ass.

First, the guy who was selling IDs had no idea who was buying them.
Second, nothing in Flynn's call was illegal. Comey sent agents to entrap Flynn. And admitted it.
Third, Manafort was convicted of financial crimes, not giving polling data to a friend.
And last but not least, Durham said Huber got that WRONG, there was no legal predication for the investigation.

You're going to keep repeating the commie party line no matter what, and everyone knows it. But hey, it's what can be expected from a foreign commie BITCH!?

CNN is your source


Too far with available information? No, they fabricated fake evidence to win an election.

The democratic party are criminals
Quick! Shoot the messenger.

When one doesn't like the message, just shoot the messenger.

Durham says the FBI essentially engaged in confirmation bias, especially on stories like the Carter Paige FISA request and the Steele Dossier. They went too hard, too fast and too far with available information, and that plays right into the hands of the GQP's ongoing rage against any government agency (unless that agency does something they like, of course, like Comey causing Hillary great harm right before the 2016 elections). So the Durham report is a gift to the GQP and keeps that whole conspiracy culture running at full speed. Way to go, FBI, it looks like you were pretty biased, and that looks like shit. This kind of thing has to fixed and stopped, now.

AT THE SAME TIME, the Mueller report manifested in indictments of +/- 30 people, including REAL RUSSIAN OPERATIVES, securing REAL CONVICTIONS of several Trump associates, from George Papadopolous to Paul Manafort to Mike Flynn to Rick Gates. So clearly there was communication between the Trump campaign and the Russians, and we know that the campaign was asking for Russian assistance on getting dirt on Hillary. Was their actual collusion, where plans were made and carried out? Mueller could not prove that, although he did say that a pursuit of Trump obstruction by Congress would be appropriate.

The final score on this? Yes, the GQP is correct that there was (and maybe is) bias at the FBI, and that makes it perfectly fair to wonder if that's just the tip of the iceberg. And yes, Trump and his campaign leaned on one of our two most dangerous adversaries for help in 2016. This cuts across our entire political spectrum, and denying/ignoring that only makes things worse.

Former federal prosecutor who resigned from Trump-Russia probe says she left over concerns with Barr​

Durham would not answer questions about Dannehy’s resignation during a June appearance before the House Judiciary Committee, saying the issue was not part of the report that he had been summoned to talk about.

source: MSN

“I had been taught and spent my entire career at Department of Justice conducting any investigation in an objective and apolitical manner,” she said. "In the spring and summer of 2020, I had growing concerns that this Russia investigation was not being conducted in that way. Attorney General Barr began to speak more publicly and specifically about the ongoing criminal investigation. I thought these public comments violated DOJ guidelines.”

Dannehy said Barr's comments were “certainly taken in a political way by reports. Whether he intended that or not, I don’t know.”

She declined to detail what happened during her time with the investigation because it involved highly classified information.

While Durham’s report did identify significant problems with the FBI’s Trump-Russia probe, including major errors and omissions in wiretap applications targeting a former Trump campaign official, many of the findings had already been revealed by the Justice Department inspector general. And though Trump had looked to the report to malign the FBI as prejudiced against him, Durham concluded that the FBI’s mistakes were mostly a result of “confirmation bias” rather than partisanship or outright political bias.

Durham would not answer questions about Dannehy’s resignation during a June appearance before the House Judiciary Committee, saying the issue was not part of the report that he had been summoned to talk about.
CNN, sometimes the messenger is a biased politically controlled "news" channel such as CNN.

So, yes, the messenger is the Democrat party when it comes to CNN.

CNN is a literal disgrace

Yup CNN just paid out over $780,000,000,000 for being lying fucktards! Oh wait no. Oh and that ratshit network is looking at a whole lot more going out to Smartmatic AND Faux Paus Nuz shareholders suing the company as well. I mean you just can't make this shit up!!!!
What we know for sure is the top echelons of the FBI committed a minimum of 3 federal crimes.
1. Perjury before the FISA court.
2. Violations of the Hatch Act.
3. Interfering with a federal election.
Oh 4. Committing a fraud against the US.
Please do me the favor of substantiating those assertions to links containing the factual basis for them. Thanks.
CNN, sometimes the messenger is a biased politically controlled "news" channel such as CNN.

So, yes, the messenger is the Democrat party when it comes to CNN.

CNN is a literal disgrace
Regurgitating The Glorious Leader's views is so special.

good gawd, you're a vapid piece of fetus cells all grown up.
Says you, citing your imagination. And the conspiracy you made up to explain away why your claims and the report don't match.

The facts don't change.
  • The report cites no crimes committed by anyone.
  • Durham's investigation uncovered no crimes, with even the one plea deal being a product of the IG investigation.
  • Durham's report recommended no charges for anyone.
  • Durham referred no charges to the DOJ.
  • Durham indicted no one for any of the crimes you claim occurred.
Closing your eyes to the facts doesn't make them disappear.
Durham failed. Hillary should have been charged, convicted, and locked up.
So you're saying lying to the FISA court isn't a crime?

I know I'm not.

But what Clinesmith did does not change the fact that if the FBI was institutionally biased against Trump (even though the agency is staffed by more conservatives than liberals) why didn't agents involved in Crossfire Hurricane sabotage Trump's candidacy by revealing his campaign's contacts with Russians was being investigated?
Please do me the favor of substantiating those assertions to links containing the factual basis for them. Thanks.
I will substantiate them facts.
All true.
1. Perjury before the FISA court.
2. Violations of the Hatch Act.
3. Interfering with a federal election.
Oh 4. Committing a fraud against the US.
99% of the people who ask for links are always wrong. They also are fooled into believing if they Google they are right while automatically dismissing everyone else's link

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