Durham/Mueller Reports: Valuable Bookends

What we know for sure is the top echelons of the FBI committed a minimum of 3 federal crimes.
1. Perjury before the FISA court.
2. Violations of the Hatch Act.
3. Interfering with a federal election.
Oh 4. Committing a fraud against the US.

BTW, both Durham and Mueller exonerated Trump and his campaign. The only cooperation with the Russians was the bitches campaign and the DNC. And since there was no predication for the investigation all convictions should be vacated and expunged.


Robert Mueller did not exonerate Donald Trump or his campaign. In fact, Mueller went to great lengths to repudiate Barr’s claim that “exonerated Trump”. Mueller said that he could NOT exonerate Donald Trump, based on the evidence. Even though there was insufficient evidence to obtain a conviction for conspiracy

And he prosecuted several members of the campaign, all of whom were convicted.

Trump spent four years trying to charge and convict members of the FBI, And he couldn’t even get a grand jury to indict anyone.

Trump commissioned three investigations prior to the Durham report, and all three of them said that the FBI bias confirmation was against Hillary Clinton for publicizing her investigations, and damaging her campaign with the publicity, while keeping the Trump investigation secret.

The FBI’s bias that was revealed was in favour of Trump, not Clinton. Durham’s report tried to turn all of this on its head and he’s completely at odds in this regard with both the Huber investigation and the inspector generals investigation.
Robert Mueller did not exonerate Donald Trump or his campaign. In fact, Mueller went to great lengths to repudiate Barr’s claim that “exonerated Trump”. Mueller said that he could NOT exonerate Donald Trump, based on the evidence. Even though there was insufficient evidence to obtain a conviction for conspiracy

And he prosecuted several members of the campaign, all of whom were convicted.

Trump spent four years trying to charge and convict members of the FBI, And he couldn’t even get a grand jury to indict anyone.

Trump commissioned three investigations prior to the Durham report, and all three of them said that the FBI bias confirmation was against Hillary Clinton for publicizing her investigations, and damaging her campaign with the publicity, while keeping the Trump investigation secret.

The FBI’s bias that was revealed was in favour of Trump, not Clinton. Durham’s report tried to turn all of this on its head and he’s completely at odds in this regard with both the Huber investigation and the inspector generals investigation.

OK knows that. He's kinda fucking with you a little
Sure it does. Durham had full authority to prosecute Obama, Clinton, Brennan, Comey, anyone but Joe Biden, if he found crimes had been committed.

Not only did Durham NOT indict any of them for any of the supposed 'crimes' you're alleging, he made no such recommendations of charges, referred nothing to the Justice Department, nor cited the violation of any specific law related to those allegations.

You're not citing the Durham report on crimes. You're citing YOURSELF as a legal authority. And offering us your interpretation of the Durham report, despite Durham himself saying no such thing.

Durham was given that mandate, not you. And he found such criminal activity.
Thinking Durham was going to prosecute the system he is part of, is the pipe dream of deluded cons. Now you lefties want to believe because he didn’t prosecute, nothing bad happened. Equally deluded.

If you think these actions don’t deserve legal consequences, you’re nuts.
Thinking Durham was going to prosecute the system he is part of, is the pipe dream of deluded cons. Now you lefties want to believe because he didn’t prosecute, nothing bad happened. Equally deluded.

If you think these actions don’t deserve legal consequences, you’re nuts.

Then you've just copped out and invented a conspiracy to explain the failure of Durham to find any criminal activity.

This is why its so hard to have a rational conversation with a conservative. You present them with facts. And they counter with imagination. How do you deal with someone that will literally make up elaborate fantasies to explain way the facts? Facts are finte. But imagination is infinite.

The fact is, Durham didn't indict anyone you've cited for any crime you've cited. Nor has he recommended prosecution. Nor has he referred such charges to the DOJ. Nor has claimed any such crimes ever occurred in his report.

Those are facts. No indictments, no claims that such crimes exist means he didn't find them.
Robert Mueller did not exonerate Donald Trump or his campaign. In fact, Mueller went to great lengths to repudiate Barr’s claim that “exonerated Trump”. Mueller said that he could NOT exonerate Donald Trump, based on the evidence. Even though there was insufficient evidence to obtain a conviction for conspiracy

And he prosecuted several members of the campaign, all of whom were convicted.

Trump spent four years trying to charge and convict members of the FBI, And he couldn’t even get a grand jury to indict anyone.

Trump commissioned three investigations prior to the Durham report, and all three of them said that the FBI bias confirmation was against Hillary Clinton for publicizing her investigations, and damaging her campaign with the publicity, while keeping the Trump investigation secret.

The FBI’s bias that was revealed was in favour of Trump, not Clinton. Durham’s report tried to turn all of this on its head and he’s completely at odds in this regard with both the Huber investigation and the inspector generals investigation.

You stupid foreign commie bitch, Mueller explicitly stated no American Citizens were knowingly involved with the Russian election interference. Even a stupid foreign commie bitch should be able to understand that simple statement.

Then you've just copped out and invented a conspiracy to explain the failure of Durham to find any criminal activity.

This is why its so hard to have a rational conversation with a conservative. You present them with facts. And they counter with imagination. How do you deal with someone that will literally make up elaborate fantasies to explain way the facts? Facts are finte. But imagination is infinite.

The fact is, Durham didn't indict anyone you've cited for any crime you've cited. Nor has he recommended prosecution. Nor has he referred such charges to the DOJ. Nor has claimed any such crimes ever occurred in his report.

Those are facts. No indictments, no claims that such crimes exist means he didn't find them.
Again, means nothing. You’re stuck on a minor point failing to see the much larger point (likely on purpose because you’re a partisan D). You unknowingly support a rogue government agency actively committing treason.

The FBI officers became standard bureaucrats who learned to operate on the assumption that all Americans were equally likely as not to be proper targets of investigation. They replaced the distinctions by which they had previously operated with the classic bureaucratic imperative: look out for yourselves by making sure to please the powerful. - Angelo Codevilla
You stupid foreign commie bitch, Mueller explicitly stated no American Citizens were knowingly involved with the Russian election interference. Even a stupid foreign commie bitch should be able to understand that simple statement.


Mueller arrested and prosecuted Americans working with the Russians in the USA

Thinking Durham was going to prosecute the system he is part of, is the pipe dream of deluded cons. Now you lefties want to believe because he didn’t prosecute, nothing bad happened. Equally deluded.

If you think these actions don’t deserve legal consequences, you’re nuts.

Can't argue with them anymore.

We must dissolve or split.

Cannot share a nation with them anymore.

It's over.
Again, means nothing. You’re stuck on a minor point failing to see the much larger point (likely on purpose because you’re a partisan D). You unknowingly support a rogue government agency actively committing treason.

The FBI officers became standard bureaucrats who learned to operate on the assumption that all Americans were equally likely as not to be proper targets of investigation. They replaced the distinctions by which they had previously operated with the classic bureaucratic imperative: look out for yourselves by making sure to please the powerful. - Angelo Codevilla
You reveal yourself at long last:
National Review columnist Mona Charen wrote that "Claremont stands out for beclowning itself with this embrace of the smarmy underside of American politics."[21] In 2020, Mark Joseph Stern of Slate magazine called the institute "a racist fever swamp with deep connections to the conspiratorial alt-right"
Can't argue with them anymore.

We must dissolve or split.

Cannot share a nation with them anymore.

It's over.
I’m as skeptical and pessimistic as anyone, but I won’t go that far. I believe the adherents of the two criminal gangs are merely dupes of the establishment. They are misguided and misinformed due to the propaganda they consume.

We need to unite and realize the people of the other party isn’t the problem. The problem is a criminal cabal of elites.
The release of the Durham report provides a helpful bookend to the Mueller report, a reminder that two opposing things can exist simultaneously in the universe, and yet another example of how America would benefit if both ends of the spectrum would clean their own fucking house instead of just pointing the finger:

Durham says the FBI essentially engaged in confirmation bias, especially on stories like the Carter Paige FISA request and the Steele Dossier. They went too hard, too fast and too far with available information, and that plays right into the hands of the GQP's ongoing rage against any government agency (unless that agency does something they like, of course, like Comey causing Hillary great harm right before the 2016 elections). So the Durham report is a gift to the GQP and keeps that whole conspiracy culture running at full speed. Way to go, FBI, it looks like you were pretty biased, and that looks like shit. This kind of thing has to fixed and stopped, now.

AT THE SAME TIME, the Mueller report manifested in indictments of +/- 30 people, including REAL RUSSIAN OPERATIVES, securing REAL CONVICTIONS of several Trump associates, from George Papadopolous to Paul Manafort to Mike Flynn to Rick Gates. So clearly there was communication between the Trump campaign and the Russians, and we know that the campaign was asking for Russian assistance on getting dirt on Hillary. Was their actual collusion, where plans were made and carried out? Mueller could not prove that, although he did say that a pursuit of Trump obstruction by Congress would be appropriate.

The final score on this? Yes, the GQP is correct that there was (and maybe is) bias at the FBI, and that makes it perfectly fair to wonder if that's just the tip of the iceberg. And yes, Trump and his campaign leaned on one of our two most dangerous adversaries for help in 2016. This cuts across our entire political spectrum, and denying/ignoring that only makes things worse.

The irony of this thread title is that YES, they both bookend a chapter of our Federal government OUT OF CONTROL!!!!!
Nothing but LIES and COVER-UPS of the malfeasance of a corrupt government working AGAINST We, The People!
The irony of this thread title is that YES, they both bookend a chapter of our Federal government OUT OF CONTROL!!!!!
Nothing but LIES and COVER-UPS of the malfeasance of a corrupt government working AGAINST We, The People!
Yes! Our government is run by criminals. When will the American people realize this?
I’m as skeptical and pessimistic as anyone, but I won’t go that far. I believe the adherents of the two criminal gangs are merely dupes of the establishment. They are misguided and misinformed due to the propaganda they consume.

We need to unite and realize the people of the other party isn’t the problem. The problem is a criminal cabal of elites.

Nah. The "political parties" are not our problem.

A populace that no longer understands, nor cares for, the founding tenets of our nation is the problem.
Nah. The "political parties" are not our problem.

A populace that no longer understands, nor cares for, the founding tenets of our nation is the problem.
I know the parties aren’t the true problem, though they are instrumental in causing the problems. The elites are the problem
The irony of this thread title is that YES, they both bookend a chapter of our Federal government OUT OF CONTROL!!!!!
Nothing but LIES and COVER-UPS of the malfeasance of a corrupt government working AGAINST We, The People!
Corruption and greed and dishonesty are going to exist in any organization that includes human beings.

So either We the People raise our standards and install controls on those organizations, or we don't.

This is not a partisan issue. It's about us moving above partisanship and fixing our systems, or not. That's up to us.

As long as the elites can keep the two ends of our spectrum blaming each other, they win.
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What we know for sure is the top echelons of the FBI committed a minimum of 3 federal crimes.
1. Perjury before the FISA court.
2. Violations of the Hatch Act.
3. Interfering with a federal election.
Oh 4. Committing a fraud against the US.

BTW, both Durham and Mueller exonerated Trump and his campaign. The only cooperation with the Russians was the bitches campaign and the DNC. And since there was no predication for the investigation all convictions should be vacated and expunged.

as well as the impeachments
Corruption and greed and dishonesty are going to exist in any organization that includes human beings.

So either We the People raise our standards and install controls on those organizations, or we don't.

This is not a partisan issue. It's about us moving above partisanship and fixing our systems, or not. That's up to us.

As long as the elites can keep the two ends of our spectrum blaming each other, they win.
The rabid partisanship prevents fixing the system. As we see with all divisive issues, one side is fine with it. In this case, the left sees nothing wrong with the FBI’s actions.

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