Durham/Mueller Reports: Valuable Bookends

Again, means nothing. You’re stuck on a minor point failing to see the much larger point (likely on purpose because you’re a partisan D). You unknowingly support a rogue government agency actively committing treason.

Your 'major point' is your imagination. Which is my point. I present you with the report, in black and white. And you *imagine* a conspiracy to explain away how the report doesn't match your claims.

And then in a complete lack of self awareness, offering me your imagination AGAIN to rebut my critique of you using your imagination in place of evidence.

And you don't understand how treason works. Treason is waging war against the United States. Nothing in the report remotely resembles treason, nor did Durham claim anyone committed such an offense. Its just a cool sounding word your ilk like to throw around.

Almost all conservative claims of conspiracy about law enforcement or the courts.....are just conservatives not understanding how the law works.
Your 'major point' is your imagination. Which is my point. I present you with the report, in black and white. And you *imagine* a conspiracy to explain away how the report doesn't match your claims.

And then in a complete lack of self awareness, offering me your imagination AGAIN to rebut my critique of you using your imagination in place of evidence.

And you don't understand how treason works. Treason is waging war against the United States. Nothing in the report remotely resembles treason, nor did Durham claim anyone committed such an offense. Its just a cool sounding word your ilk like to throw around.

Almost all conservative claims of conspiracy about law enforcement or the courts.....are just conservatives not understanding how the law works.
I’m not a con as you know, but ignore because you only know the duopoly.

The report clearly states they pursued an investigation of a presidential campaign based on lies supplied by a competing candidate. They then lied to the FISA court. This lie that Trump colluded with Russia was than hung around Trump’s neck for six years, and the perpetrators continued it. You believed it as did most Ds.

I don’t support Trump but unlike you, I can see the harmful effects of a rogue agency trying to pick the president.
I’m not a con as you know, but ignore because you only know the duopoly.

The report clearly states they pursued an investigation of a presidential campaign based on lies supplied by a competing candidate. They then lied to the FISA court. This lie that Trump colluded with Russia was than hung around Trump’s neck for six years, and the perpetrators continued it. You believed it as did most Ds.
The report cites no crimes committed by anyone. Durham uncovered no crimes, with even the one plea deal for community service being a product of the IG investigation. Durham recommended no charges for anyone. Durham referred no charges to the DOJ. Durham indicted no one for any of the crimes you claim occurred.

Those are the facts.

Why would I ignore the findings of the report and instead believe your imagination? The conspiracies you make up to explain away why the report and your claims don't match?

Why would anyone?
The report cites no crimes committed by anyone. Durham uncovered no crimes, with even the one plea deal for community service being a product of the IG investigation. Durham recommended no charges for anyone. Durham referred no charges to the DOJ. Durham indicted no one for any of the crimes you claim occurred.

Those are the facts.

Why would I ignore the findings of the report and instead believe your imagination? The conspiracies you make up to explain away why the report and your claims don't match?

Why would anyone?
Again, meaningless.
Again, meaningless.

Says you, citing your imagination. And the conspiracy you made up to explain away why your claims and the report don't match.

The facts don't change.
  • The report cites no crimes committed by anyone.
  • Durham's investigation uncovered no crimes, with even the one plea deal being a product of the IG investigation.
  • Durham's report recommended no charges for anyone.
  • Durham referred no charges to the DOJ.
  • Durham indicted no one for any of the crimes you claim occurred.
Closing your eyes to the facts doesn't make them disappear.
Says you, citing your imagination. And the conspiracy you made up to explain away why your claims and the report don't match.

The facts don't change.
  • The report cites no crimes committed by anyone.
  • Durham's investigation uncovered no crimes, with even the one plea deal being a product of the IG investigation.
  • Durham's report recommended no charges for anyone.
  • Durham referred no charges to the DOJ.
  • Durham indicted no one for any of the crimes you claim occurred.
Closing your eyes to the facts doesn't make them disappear.

Jan 6 was an INSURRECTION you lefties screamed. Many of those present have been languishing in prison for merely being present. Now we know it was an inside job, with protesters allowed in and escorted around.

The FBI commits a coup with Russiagate/Crossfire Hurricane and you lefties laugh it off. What a bunch of fucking hypocrites.
The release of the Durham report provides a helpful bookend to the Mueller report, a reminder that two opposing things can exist simultaneously in the universe, and yet another example of how America would benefit if both ends of the spectrum would clean their own fucking house instead of just pointing the finger:

Durham says the FBI essentially engaged in confirmation bias, especially on stories like the Carter Paige FISA request and the Steele Dossier. They went too hard, too fast and too far with available information, and that plays right into the hands of the GQP's ongoing rage against any government agency (unless that agency does something they like, of course, like Comey causing Hillary great harm right before the 2016 elections). So the Durham report is a gift to the GQP and keeps that whole conspiracy culture running at full speed. Way to go, FBI, it looks like you were pretty biased, and that looks like shit. This kind of thing has to fixed and stopped, now.

AT THE SAME TIME, the Mueller report manifested in indictments of +/- 30 people, including REAL RUSSIAN OPERATIVES, securing REAL CONVICTIONS of several Trump associates, from George Papadopolous to Paul Manafort to Mike Flynn to Rick Gates. So clearly there was communication between the Trump campaign and the Russians, and we know that the campaign was asking for Russian assistance on getting dirt on Hillary. Was their actual collusion, where plans were made and carried out? Mueller could not prove that, although he did say that a pursuit of Trump obstruction by Congress would be appropriate.

The final score on this? Yes, the GQP is correct that there was (and maybe is) bias at the FBI, and that makes it perfectly fair to wonder if that's just the tip of the iceberg. And yes, Trump and his campaign leaned on one of our two most dangerous adversaries for help in 2016. This cuts across our entire political spectrum, and denying/ignoring that only makes things worse.

Rod Rsenstein sandbagged Mueller in diving deep into Russian collusion so how the hell was Mueller supposed to prove it? Mueller couldn't prove it thanks to Rod Rosenstein who owed his job to Trump. Rosenstein stood silent as Barr stood up in front of the American people & lied thru his teeth. He did the Country a favor when he retired.
Mueller arrested and prosecuted Americans working with the Russians in the USA

You stupid foreign commie bitch, did you bother to read your own damn link. As I said before, ZERO Americans were charged with working with the Russians. Most of the Americans were charged with process crimes, for supposedly lying to investigators, in an investigation that had no legal predicate for it to begin with.

as well as the impeachments

What I said has nothing to do with congresscritters, I was just talking about people in the intel agencies, FBI and DOJ. Many congresscritters should be charge with fraud on the US for claim to have direct evidence of shit that never happened. Their words are not constitutionally protected, because they spoke outside of their respective houses of congress.

The report cites no crimes committed by anyone. Durham uncovered no crimes, with even the one plea deal for community service being a product of the IG investigation. Durham recommended no charges for anyone. Durham referred no charges to the DOJ. Durham indicted no one for any of the crimes you claim occurred.

Those are the facts.

Why would I ignore the findings of the report and instead believe your imagination? The conspiracies you make up to explain away why the report and your claims don't match?

Why would anyone?

You might try actually reading the report, instead of parroting mslsd.

You might try actually reading the report, instead of parroting mslsd.

Feel free to show us Durham claiming any specific crime was committed in his report. The one plea deal was from an IG investigation. Not his own.

Here's the entire report. So you won't even have to look it up.

Durham Report

What are the odds that you're going to give us some dodge, some awkward attempt to change the topic, some sniveling excuse why you can't or shouldn't have to show us Durham claiming any specific crime was committed?

I'd say....the number that comes just before 100%.

Surprise me.
Feel free to show us Durham claiming any specific crime was committed in his report. The one plea deal was from an IG investigation. Not his own.

Here's the entire report. So you won't even have to look it up.

Durham Report

What are the odds that you're going to give us some dodge, some retreat, some sniveling excuse why you can't or shouldn't have to show us Durham claiming any specific crime was committed?

I'd say....the number that comes just before 100%.

Surprise me.

Ignoring the law, failure to follow established investigative procedures, failure to follow established FBI protocols and lying to a FISA court. All either professional or criminal violations.

Feel free to show us Durham claiming any specific crime was committed in his report. The one plea deal was from an IG investigation. Not his own.

Here's the entire report. So you won't even have to look it up.

Durham Report

What are the odds that you're going to give us some dodge, some awkward attempt to change the topic, some sniveling excuse why you can't or shouldn't have to show us Durham claiming any specific crime was committed?

I'd say....the number that comes just before 100%.

Surprise me.

Lying to the FISA court, ignoring the law and more.

Ignoring the law, failure to follow established investigative procedures, failure to follow established FBI protocols and lying to a FISA court. All either professional or criminal violations.


Then it will be remarkably easy for you to show Durham citing any specific crime having been committed in his report.

Unless, of course, Durham cites NO specific crime having been committed.

Laughing....you're stalling. And we both know why.
Then it will be remarkably easy for you to show Durham citing any specific crime having been committed in his report.

Unless, of course, Durham cites NO specific crime having been committed.

Laughing....you're stalling. And we both know why.

Everything I said is in the report, try reading it or at least the executive summary.

Everything I said is in the report, try reading it or at leas the executive summary.

And nothing you've cited rose to the level of being a crime. Durham doesn't cite any specific crime in his report. Even Clinesmith, who was handed to him by the IG report, got off with community service.

You know that Durham found no crimes. Or referred any charges to the DOJ. Or cited any specific crime in his report. Or recommended ANYONE be charged in his report.

You know all this. So why pretend otherwise?
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