Durham report released

He was on their radar early March 2016 as a Trump advisor with possible 'dirty' Russian connections.

Page was on their radar. But the accusation is wiretaps. And the FBI didn't begin any surveillance of Page until October of 2016....after Page left Trump's campaign.

You've rather obviously moved your goal posts.

You knew this timeline already. So what's with all the theater? Why move the goal posts when you knew the timeline didn't match up? Why, any of this?

Because from the outside, it *looks* like you were trying to present an argument you knew was wrong in hopes of an ignorant audience.

Can ya stop being a pussy long enough to just answer the question?

How did those Russians influence the election?

If you refuse to answer, it reveals even you know they didn't.

Which Russians?
The ones who spent $10K on Facebook ads?
The ones who created the memes on Facebook?
The ones who told Steele about the hookers peeing on a mattress?
So the FBI illegally wire tapped just a random citizen - who the CIA already told them was their assest.

(1) not sure that you are defending the FBI in the manner that you think that you are.
(2) Surprised that FBI headquarters didn't have a "gas leak" the CIA doesn't like to be ignored.

Page wasn't some random citizen. Given his prior connections to Russia, he was considered a potential asset to them. That led the FBI to investigate if that tied into the Trump campaign after Page's name appeared on a list of names with him as a foreign advisor.
They dropped HRC investigation from 3 separate field offices ala Andy McCabe.

Already did.

His computers were monitored.

You just changed your claims AGAIN. You claimed Trump was recorded -in explicit reference to wiretaps- and that it came out in the Sussmann trial.

But none of that happened.

Were you mistaken about your claim about Trump being recorded? OR did you make it up?

Because you had to move your goal posts again, either way.
You need someone to explain to you how FBI agents using the power of the FBI and their intelligence sources to stop a political candidate from winning an election is bad?

Other than announcing the FBI was reopening an investigation into Hillary's email server 2 weeks before the election, how did the FBI try to stop a political candidate from winning?
a few snippets: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opin...n-newsletter-spate-failed-gop-investigations/

Moreover, Durham actually found there was evidence sufficient to begin at least a preliminary investigation. Former prosecutor and MSNBC legal analyst Barbara McQuade tweeted that Durham ignored the legitimate reasons to open an investigation in 2016 “based on information received from Australian diplomats about Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos.” Durham also didn’t seem concerned with multiple contacts between Russians and the Trump campaign or Trump’s infamous “Russia, if you’re listening …” statement. McQuade added, “Durham criticizes the FBI for relying on the Steele Dossier for the Carter Page FISA. Steele Dossier was not the basis for opening the investigation, but it makes for a useful scapegoat to blur that fact.”

Andrew Weissmann, a lead prosecutor on Mueller’s team, concluded, “Why does anyone care what John Durham thinks about FBI policies? He’s never worked there and that is not his remit or expertise. Bottom line: he lost both of his crim[inal] cases and found no vast left-wing conspiracy against Trump.”

“based on information received from Australian diplomats about Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos.”

Where did Papadopoulos get his information?

or Trump’s infamous “Russia, if you’re listening …” statement.

What was his statement and where was Hillary's server when Trump said it?
Not in this thread. I read every post of yours from this thread this morning and none answer this question.

This shouldn't be hard. You should want to answer this. You're hiding.

In case you're not already aware, that's how that one plays. When cornered, he falsely claims he already answered a question he can't actually answer, and hasn't answered, to avoid answering.
They dropped HRC investigation from 3 separate field offices ala Andy McCabe.

Already did.

His computers were monitored.

a) they weren't his computers, they were the governments computers.

b) those computers are ALWAYS monitored, no matter who the president is.

As far as Hillary, the FBI PUBLICLY, and against department policy, announced they were reopening the investigation into her email server. Two weeks before the election and WHILE early voting was underway in many states. Only to announce there was no reason to reopen it just days before election day.

Where's your outrage over that, con?
Yes, you are dishonest. Nowhere in your article does it say the proposal came from Biden as you are claiming.
You’re a damn fool liar. Anything discussed, like this idea, under the authorship of an Administration, is credited to the ducking incumbent. And you know if.

Even now, with the back-peddling by Potato, the discussion isn’t about the idea itself. The discussion continues but focuses only on the amount.

You libtard liars are transparent especially assholes like Marener.

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