Durham report released

I didn't see in that who he heard it from.
Who did he hear it from?
snippet: We have two more vivid examples of MAGA Republicans’ fruitless and laughable efforts to turn Fox News conspiracies into real scandals. (Disclaimer: I am an MSNBC contributor.)
Durham’s dud: In four years, special counsel John Durham, appointed by defeated former president Donald Trump essentially to investigate possible FBI wrongdoing and special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s investigation, turned up virtually nothing. Two criminal cases he filed ended in acquittal. As the New York Times reported, “Mr. Durham’s 306-page report revealed little substantial new information about the inquiry, known as Crossfire Hurricane, and it failed to produce the kinds of blockbuster revelations accusing the bureau of politically motivated misconduct that former President Donald J. Trump and his allies suggested Mr. Durham would uncover.” In fact, Justice Department Investigator General Michael E. Horowitz had already plowed this ground.


Moreover, Durham actually found there was evidence sufficient to begin at least a preliminary investigation. Former prosecutor and MSNBC legal analyst Barbara McQuade tweeted that Durham ignored the legitimate reasons to open an investigation in 2016 “based on information received from Australian diplomats about Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos.” Durham also didn’t seem concerned with multiple contacts between Russians and the Trump campaign or Trump’s infamous “Russia, if you’re listening …” statement. McQuade added, “Durham criticizes the FBI for relying on the Steele Dossier for the Carter Page FISA. Steele Dossier was not the basis for opening the investigation, but it makes for a useful scapegoat to blur that fact.”
Steele wasn't collecting opposition research to influence the election?

What were they paying him for?
"The opposition research conducted by Fusion GPS on Donald Trump was in two distinct operations, each with a different client. First were the Republicans, funded by The Washington Free Beacon. Then came the Democrats, funded by the DNC and the Clinton campaign."

Steele dossier
As Mueller refused to answer many of Republican Florida Rep. Greg Steube's questions over ex-British intelligence agent Christopher Steele -- author of the infamous dossier -- Steube invoked a common refrain from defenders of the President: that the dossier provided "the very basis of the investigation."
"I'm very hopeful and glad that AG Barr is looking into this," Steube said, "because you're unwilling to answer the questions of the American people as it relates to the very basis of this investigation into the President and the very basis of this individual who you did interview."
The dossier was not the basis for the FBI's investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election.
The investigation began more than a month before the dossier reached the FBI, after Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos told a foreign diplomat that Russia had damaging political information on Hillary Clinton. This information was passed along to US authorities and prompted the FBI to begin investigating potential collusion.
According to a 2018 report from Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee following its own investigation, "The Federal Bureau of Investigation opened an enterprise counterintelligence investigation into the Trump campaign after receiving information related to Trump campaign foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos."
If the FBI already had it, how could anyone hack it?

The FBI had possession of Hillary's server while she was campaigning? You sure about that?

If you have a quote where Mueller said they tried to hack Hillary's email server, post it.

Why should I post something neither I nor Mueller said? He said they tried hacking the server she was using while she was campaigning for president.

And Trump's quote telling them to hack it.

"Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing." ~ Donald Trump, 7.27.16

How else was there a chance for Russia to obtain those emails other than hacking?
The FBI had possession of Hillary's server while she was campaigning? You sure about that?

Why should I post something neither I nor Mueller said? He said they tried hacking the server she was using while she was campaigning for president.

"Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing." ~ Donald Trump, 7.27.16

How else was there a chance for Russia to obtain those emails other than hacking?
her having them is the crime,,
Nope. Was not. No mention of a crime.

facts: "the audit says that “sending emails from a personal account to other employees at their Department accounts is not an appropriate method of preserving any such emails that would constitute a federal record.”"

“We also acknowledge the report’s finding that compliance with email and records management guidance has been inconsistent across several administrations," it said.

the end
Nope. Was not. No mention of a crime.

facts: "the audit says that “sending emails from a personal account to other employees at their Department accounts is not an appropriate method of preserving any such emails that would constitute a federal record.”"

“We also acknowledge the report’s finding that compliance with email and records management guidance has been inconsistent across several administrations," it said.

the end
I see you switched servers with accounts,, why did you do that??
I see you switched servers with accounts,, why did you do that??
Nope. Was not. No mention of a crime.

facts: "the audit says that “sending emails from a personal account to other employees at their Department accounts is not an appropriate method of preserving any such emails that would constitute a federal record.”"
The FBI had possession of Hillary's server while she was campaigning? You sure about that?

Why should I post something neither I nor Mueller said? He said they tried hacking the server she was using while she was campaigning for president.

"Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing." ~ Donald Trump, 7.27.16

How else was there a chance for Russia to obtain those emails other than hacking?

The FBI had possession of Hillary's server while she was campaigning?

Didn't they?

Why should I post something neither I nor Mueller said?

You claimed Mueller said they tried to hack it. Were you confused?

He said they tried hacking the server she was using while she was campaigning for president.

Did that server have the 30,000 emails she deleted?

Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing.
If Hillary said they were missing, how could the Russians find them?

How else was there a chance for Russia to obtain those emails other than hacking?

Sounds like her server wasn't very secure, probably several foreign governments already
had the emails, long before Hillary deleted them.

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