Dustin Hoffman latest to be accused of sexual assault

Democrats have the market cornered on groping.

Or maybe you forgot that Trump until recently was a staunch Democrat and lovey dubby with Shumer and Hillary? Ha ha ha. Ya gotta love it.

And you believe he changed to win the republican nomination? Trump has no morals at all.

I think he ran under a party's aegis because were he to have run as an independent, it'd have cost him more money personally and it would have required he have the organizational management skills we know and he knew he lacked and continues to lack. I think Trump ran as a Republican because he couldn't have defeated Hillary in the primaries were he to have run as a Democrat. I think also that Trump's goal was to become POTUS, not to become a GOP or Democrat POTUS; the man hasn't any real ideological principles, so I'm fairly confident he wouldn't have cared which party label he appended to his name.
To be a child star in Hollywood it is a requirement to be molested by progressive Hollywood elite types…
Yet, you have the likes of Madonna and Katy Perry
who have made a living and millions,
selling sex and portraying women as sex objects,

all of a sudden, spokeswomen for sexual harassment,
while continuing to sell sex and portray women as sex objects...
Hollywood isn't any different...sex sells

As a matter of fact, during Madonna's 2015 Rebel Heart tour,
she would bring someone from the audience, onstage
and hump and spank them, while she sang 'unapologetic bitch'...
one of those time included Katy Perry being onstage
and getting humped and spanked by Maddona

What about Hugh Hefner and Larry Flynt?
How is sexual exploitation ok and not considered harassment?
Yet, you have the likes of Madonna and Katy Perry
who have made a living and millions,
selling sex and portraying women as sex objects,

all of a sudden, spokeswomen for sexual harassment,
while continuing to sell sex and portray women as sex objects...
Hollywood isn't any different...sex sells

As a matter of fact, during Madonna's 2015 Rebel Heart tour,
she would bring someone from the audience, onstage
and hump and spank them, while she sang 'unapologetic bitch'...
one of those time included Katy Perry being onstage
and getting humped and spanked by Maddona

What about Hugh Hefner and Larry Flynt?
How is sexual exploitation ok and not considered harassment?
You honestly don't see a difference? :rolleyes:
Yet, you have the likes of Madonna and Katy Perry
who have made a living and millions,
selling sex and portraying women as sex objects,

all of a sudden, spokeswomen for sexual harassment,
while continuing to sell sex and portray women as sex objects...
Hollywood isn't any different...sex sells

As a matter of fact, during Madonna's 2015 Rebel Heart tour,
she would bring someone from the audience, onstage
and hump and spank them, while she sang 'unapologetic bitch'...
one of those time included Katy Perry being onstage
and getting humped and spanked by Maddona

What about Hugh Hefner and Larry Flynt?
How is sexual exploitation ok and not considered harassment?
You honestly don't see a difference? :rolleyes:
You honestly don't see a difference? :rolleyes:
Other then the color green....no
Yet, you have the likes of Madonna and Katy Perry
who have made a living and millions,
selling sex and portraying women as sex objects,

all of a sudden, spokeswomen for sexual harassment,
while continuing to sell sex and portray women as sex objects...
Hollywood isn't any different...sex sells

As a matter of fact, during Madonna's 2015 Rebel Heart tour,
she would bring someone from the audience, onstage
and hump and spank them, while she sang 'unapologetic bitch'...
one of those time included Katy Perry being onstage
and getting humped and spanked by Maddona

What about Hugh Hefner and Larry Flynt?
How is sexual exploitation ok and not considered harassment?
You honestly don't see a difference? :rolleyes:
You honestly don't see a difference? :rolleyes:
Other then the color green....no
Perhaps you'd like women in burkas.
Yet, you have the likes of Madonna and Katy Perry
who have made a living and millions,
selling sex and portraying women as sex objects,

all of a sudden, spokeswomen for sexual harassment,
while continuing to sell sex and portray women as sex objects...
Hollywood isn't any different...sex sells

As a matter of fact, during Madonna's 2015 Rebel Heart tour,
she would bring someone from the audience, onstage
and hump and spank them, while she sang 'unapologetic bitch'...
one of those time included Katy Perry being onstage
and getting humped and spanked by Maddona

What about Hugh Hefner and Larry Flynt?
How is sexual exploitation ok and not considered harassment?
You honestly don't see a difference? :rolleyes:
You honestly don't see a difference? :rolleyes:
Other then the color green....no
Perhaps you'd like women in burkas.

Nah, that's what you guys want.
It seems there's frequently a Jewish pervert maniac on TV, be it Jared Fogel, Roman Polansky, Anthony Weiner, Harvey Weinstein, James Toback, Woody Allen, or Dustin Hoffman.
There goes the Polish Nazi with his antisemitism again. Didn't anybody tell you not to throw rocks from your glass house, Igor?

Polish Priest Shockingly Claims 10-Y-O Children in Pedophilia Cases Chose to Go to Bed With Adults Because of Broken Homes

Poland's Catholic church apologizes as pedophile scandal spreads

Poland okays forcible castration for pedophiles

Killer pedophile’s release has Poland in uproar

Democrats have the market cornered on groping.

Guess you forgot Dennis Hastert and Mark Foley. Foley campaigned for Trump, in the front row for his speeches a couple of times.
Guess you forgot Bill Clinton?

Don't know of any evidence he molested any one, the Monica Show involved a 21+ year old. Hastert and Foley liked their kids, KIDS. This despite 'Roudy's' assertion only Democrats molest children. Look up Ted Bundy, a real Republican role model for the disturbed.
So other than the long list of women that Bill Clinton of rape and molestated, you are okay with the president of the US taking advantage of his position of power, getting a blowjob and shoving cigars up a 20 year old intern's vagina while in the Oval Office, and then denying and lying about it happening, and then having his bitch wife Hillary attacking the woman as trailer trash etc., just like she did all the other women her husband had raped and assaulted before. The women's rights symbol that she is. LOL
Democrats have the market cornered on groping.

Or maybe you forgot that Trump until recently was a staunch Democrat and lovey dubby with Shumer and Hillary? Ha ha ha. Ya gotta love it.

And you believe he changed to win the republican nomination? Trump has no morals at all.

I think he ran under a party's aegis because were he to have run as an independent, it'd have cost him more money personally and it would have required he have the organizational management skills we know and he knew he lacked and continues to lack. I think Trump ran as a Republican because he couldn't have defeated Hillary in the primaries were he to have run as a Democrat. I think also that Trump's goal was to become POTUS, not to become a GOP or Democrat POTUS; the man hasn't any real ideological principles, so I'm fairly confident he wouldn't have cared which party label he appended to his name.

Agreed, he is neither a "republican" or "democrat", after all, he bashed both sides almost equally during his candidacy, and still does. That is why he is a very unique president, who is primarily pro American, and not beholden or sold out to any special interests.
When I was a bachelor, I wouldn't mind it if a hot chick asked me to come to her hotel room and started groping me. In fact that's what I hoped for.

You mean that's what you groped for.
I will confess...the only time I hoped and groped was at strip joints.
And there is no guarantee they were over 18 either cuz you know damn well the strip manager would never tell.
I never asked, I let my hands do the talking, but then again, this was decades ago!
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Its a bummer about Hoffman. But...this chick was 17 years old. Men, step up and tell everyone you have NEVER made advances or wolfcalled 17 year old girls.

Shall we wait?
Flowers tend to be the most beautiful when they first blossom. That being said, I'm too old for young blossoms.
The next Oscars will be interesting to watch. All the degenerate soft boiled clitoruses and limp dicked penises will have to cut down on their stupid anti Trump and fake social justice / sexism rants.

Trump is one of those "degenerates".

"And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab 'em by the pussy. You can do anything." ~ Degenerate-in-Chief Trump
Its a bummer about Hoffman. But...this chick was 17 years old. Men, step up and tell everyone you have NEVER made advances or wolfcalled 17 year old girls.

Shall we wait?
Flowers tend to be the most beautiful when they first blossom. That being said, I'm too old for young blossoms.
Some of these young women are already quite heavy, who knows what they'll be like when they "blossom".

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