Dylan Mulvaney Identifies as a 6 Year Old Girl

I agree this person is not worthy of being singled out by the POTUS. Though him doing so is something I also found out about on this forum thanks to you all and your obsessions.

I learned about Dylan Mulvaney on USMB too.
Always happy to provide to the willfully uninformed.

You are most helpful, I really do not have the desire to pay attention to the daily happenings at the White House as they have no impact on my life, thankfully I have people like you that seem to live for such things.

It is a great world we live in
I learned about Dylan Mulvaney on USMB too.

Which is the irony of the whole thing. They do what they do for attention, and then people like those on this forum give it to them all the while whining about them
Which is the irony of the whole thing. They do what they do for attention, and then people like those on this forum give it to them all the while whining about them
Let's see -- you have nearly a hundred thousand posts under your belt already. The 107 year old former female oil mogul you are interacting with posts at a profligate pace as well.

Talk about wanting attention!
They are full of shit. He makes democrats look stupid so they deny his existence now.

I've rolled my eyes more than a few times when they spew...""I've never heard of him until the right brings it up!!!"

Good grief what a comical thing to say
I've rolled my eyes more than a few times when they spew...""I've never heard of him until the right brings it up!!!"

Good grief what a comical thing to say
They were considering him the very epitome of womanhood just a couple of months ago, too.

"Actually, as Winston well knew, it was only four years since Oceania had been at war with Eastasia and in alliance with Eurasia. But that was merely a piece of furtive knowledge which he happened to possess because his memory was not satisfactorily under control. Officially the change of partners had never happened. Oceania was at war with Eurasia: therefor Oceania had always been at war with Eurasia. The enemy of the moment always represented absolute evil, and it followed that any past or future agreement with him was impossible."
They were considering him the very epitome of womanhood just a couple of months ago, too.

"Actually, as Winston well knew, it was only four years since Oceania had been at war with Eastasia and in alliance with Eurasia. But that was merely a piece of furtive knowledge which he happened to possess because his memory was not satisfactorily under control. Officially the change of partners had never happened. Oceania was at war with Eurasia: therefor Oceania had always been at war with Eurasia. The enemy of the moment always represented absolute evil, and it followed that any past or future agreement with him was impossible."

Hell, some on this thread have said they never heard of him....and have tried to defend the fruit loop in past posts

It's mind boggling

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