Dylan Mulvaney now wants to get pregnant

Ok, I’m honestly just trying to keep all this straight.

A transmale is a person who was born a woman, but transitions to male. Plus, you’ve told me directly on here that you’re what you called a “FAB” or female at birth.

So you were born a woman, Transitioned to male, and at some point changed your mind and transitioned back to female.

Am I right?

And if you’re a trans person who has transed and then changed your mind, doesn’t that prove what your opponents say?

There is no such thing as "transmale" or "transfemale". There is no such thing as "transitioning" to opposite sex, it simply cannot happen. Biology says so.

Man putting lipstick on, wearing a bra, and buying designer purse doesn't suddenly turns into a woman. Whoever think that is possible, and encouraging it is as disturbed as person who does it.

Check the video above... most of these self proclaimed trans "women" are just heterosexual perverts, who 20 years ago would just prance around in their wife's clothes when no one's looking. Anyone who is supporting this behavior, is probably doing it himself and lurking from the closet.
There yo go, stupidity at it's finest.

They were not eunuchs by their choice, they were castrated in order to be around women.

Not according to the words of Jesus.

For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother’s womb :
To play the devil’s advocate for a second, that vid in the OP cut off so abruptly, it makes me wonder how he was going to finish that sentence.

It literally cuts off before he can even finish the word “pregnant”.

Come on, it's not that hard to find complete video.

This dude single handedly proved slippery slope we've been warning about for years.
He went to almost every phase of lunacy possible, and that makes me wondering, what is the next one?
Mulvaney is your typical squizoid personality, like all the rest of "them".....it doesn't matter to him how unstable his mental signs are....he still pushes on!:cuckoo:

Please open up all those abandoned mental asylums, now is the right time to do it!

Yeah, they're just exploring their sexuality...

I've explored and experimented my sexuality numerous times in my life, always with the opposite sex. I'm quite sure I'm a man. If a male has a desire to stick his penis in another man's asshole, he needs psychological help.
Oh look, .... roflmao

You know it's absurd also but just had to waltz in

That stupid little twink is never going to be pregnant, furthermore no biological male is ever going to be pregnant.

It's just that simple so stop pushing the BS
Someone told Dylan to go fuck himself and his lightbulb dimly glowed — for a moment.

Dylan is confused about many things.
So? Being born eunuch it doesn't make them trans and it doesn't change the fact they're born male without functioning penis.

Damn, you're so stupid.

Jesus noted nothing about a penis or how it functioned. Not all people are born the same.

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