Dylan Mulvaney now wants to get pregnant

What I don't get Bob is why these freaks all sit around smiling all of the time like they are so happy? Meanwhile, trannies have an unusually high incidence of mental illness, depression, and suicide.
The little psychologist in me says to be very afraid for what this Dylan guy might eventually do in the future someday when reality sets in.

That goes without saying. To be a tranny, in and of itself, undeniably, is to have a severe mental illness. One has to be severely fucked-up in the head to be confused about the difference between male and female, and especially to be confused about one's own sex.
Why do you want to throw mentality I'll people off buildings

They don't have to... Left knows exactly how to get what they want, and their targets are well known for centuries.
When they lost their slaves, they started KKK. When KKK was disbanded, they came up with Jim Crow laws, lynching, then they came up with segregation, and revived KKK.
That wasn't enough, so they started eugenic movement, created Planned Parenthood (breaking records lately), let's not forget Tuskegee experiment, voting down CRA every time that came up, or "crime bill" that current president is so proud off, just like being proud having Robert Byrd as his mentor. Don't worry, we're not far from lefties proclaiming everyone who's against their perversions as "mentally ill" and they won't hold back throwing us off buildings, or into 6x2 cells. Just give it some time.
I'm not into deeply fucked-up male perverts pretending to be women.

Nor am I into deeply fucked-up female perverts pretending to be men.

Whatever sort of fucked-up piece of shit you are, you don't have anything to offer in which I, or any other sane man, would be at all interested.

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When "transgenders" are going for "sex reassignment surgery", how many genders they have to chose from?
Sweetheart, you're acknowledging my old transmale name. If you want to come over and have some fun then I can show you the truth! ;) Kisses.
Ok, I’m honestly just trying to keep all this straight.

A transmale is a person who was born a woman, but transitions to male. Plus, you’ve told me directly on here that you’re what you called a “FAB” or female at birth.

So you were born a woman, Transitioned to male, and at some point changed your mind and transitioned back to female.

Am I right?

And if you’re a trans person who has transed and then changed your mind, doesn’t that prove what your opponents say?
Ok, I’m honestly just trying to keep all this straight.

A transmale is a person who is biologically a woman, but transitions to male.

So if you were *formerly* a transmale, that mean you were born a woman, transitioned to male (“Matthew”) at some point, and then some point after that changed your mind and “transitioned back” to female (“Jessica”).

Am I right?

And if you’re a trans person who has transed and then changed your mind, doesn’t that prove what your opponents say?

Don't try and understand it... they don't
To play the devil’s advocate for a second, that vid in the OP cut off so abruptly, it makes me wonder how he was going to finish that sentence.

It literally cuts off before he can even finish the word “pregnant”.
Mulvaney is your typical squizoid personality, like all the rest of "them".....it doesn't matter to him how unstable his mental signs are....he still pushes on!:cuckoo:

Please open up all those abandoned mental asylums, now is the right time to do it!

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