Dylann Roof convicted of killing church goers

At some point we need to find it in our-selves to forgive while at the same time hold him accountable, which in my mind mandates the death penalty. We as a society claim we are humane, yet we are willing to incarcerate a murderer for life, what type of example is that, most importantly for whose benefit? Time to recognize premeditated murder is punishable by death, let him stand in judgement for his actions.
This was expected.Hell he expected it. He more than likely will be given the death penalty. He is a great white warrior. He sacrificed his 1 life to kill 9 enemies. He is a martyr and a warrior! One day we will have statues and holidays to honor people like him.
Bullshit. He's typical white supremacist; short on brains and long on stupid. He'll be just as dead as Jeffrey Dahmer unless he's put into a mental facility.

I'd be careful typifying any group of people.

Adolf Hitler was a white supremacist, as were most people half a century ago. Not dumb people at all. Was Abraham Lincoln or George Washington short on brains and long on stupid? They were both white supremacists.

I guess it makes for an easy political argument. My opponents are short on brains and long on stupid.
No,Hitler was a National Socialist and a German Supremacist. He thought GERMANS were superior.
No negroids kill whites at a MUCH higher rate every day than the amount of pavement apes Roof killed. But ya know that's ignored by you anti white clowns and by the media.

I hope some day your life hangs in the balance and it is saved by a Black man... because that is the only time when you will finally realize how big of a piece of shit you really are.
Doubtful snowflake. I don't live near negroids. I prefer high property rates,low crime,low drug use,decent education for my kids not violent jungles they call schools with coons "dancing" on the desks,assaulting white kids etc. I live in a real nice white area. Now if we can just get the few mexishits here to leave...I am sure more will as President Trump starts his crackdown :D

And you wonder why Karma put you in the life position you are in now so close to Christmas? With your wife losing her job? See no more than this thread. You should be ashamed that your behavior has made such a profound effect on your wife and your children.
Wife is back to work,thanks for the concern. :) My "behavior" is keeping my family AWAY from violent nonwhite thugs. Its why we live in a nice white area. Works well for us.

We'll see how long that last, and then you are back to posting angry threads about corporate America and all that.
I still despise corporate America and capitalism. Nothing has changed there snowflake.
The sooner this little shit is flushed, the better the world will be.

That's how i feel about liberals/'progressives'.

And if they do something that harms other I would be in full agreement. Murdering someone because they have a different skin color is the action of a sub human. A human being doesn't do that sort of thing. That is what savages do.

No, murdering someone because they have a different skin colour is very human. 'savages' are still humans.

By devolving them from human beings into simply 'savages' is a very dangerous thing to do. We should work to understand such people and why they do things. this is human nature, we 'other' people different than us. That's how you deal with this situation in my opinion.
The whole idea that a human being can be 'sub human' is very dangerous. Regardless of how well meaning the intention.

I don't care what makes a rabid dog a rabid dog. I just put it down so that it doesn't harm others.

That's how i feel about liberals, but we don't always get what we want.

in any case, by devolving them from human beings into just 'sub human savages', you're helping them commit these acts. You have to understand them and human nature.

Do you think everyone who voted for Hitler, supported him or the millions who undertook his act were 'sub-human savages'?

Such mindset is dangerous and allows such things to occur, enabling evil.

We already understand this aspect of human nature. It has been a part of the human condition since we eradicated the Neanderthals. It's nothing new or not understood. That's why getting rid of the bad genes ASAP is the best possible result.
This was expected.Hell he expected it. He more than likely will be given the death penalty. He is a great white warrior. He sacrificed his 1 life to kill 9 enemies. He is a martyr and a warrior! One day we will have statues and holidays to honor people like him.
Bullshit. He's typical white supremacist; short on brains and long on stupid. He'll be just as dead as Jeffrey Dahmer unless he's put into a mental facility.

I'd be careful typifying any group of people.

Adolf Hitler was a white supremacist, as were most people half a century ago. Not dumb people at all. Was Abraham Lincoln or George Washington short on brains and long on stupid? They were both white supremacists.

I guess it makes for an easy political argument. My opponents are short on brains and long on stupid.
A half century ago was 1966 dipshit
This was expected.Hell he expected it. He more than likely will be given the death penalty. He is a great white warrior. He sacrificed his 1 life to kill 9 enemies. He is a martyr and a warrior! One day we will have statues and holidays to honor people like him.
Bullshit. He's typical white supremacist; short on brains and long on stupid. He'll be just as dead as Jeffrey Dahmer unless he's put into a mental facility.

I'd be careful typifying any group of people.

Adolf Hitler was a white supremacist, as were most people half a century ago. Not dumb people at all. Was Abraham Lincoln or George Washington short on brains and long on stupid? They were both white supremacists.

I guess it makes for an easy political argument. My opponents are short on brains and long on stupid.
A half century ago was 1966 dipshit

Perhaps i am showing my age. In any case, ignored.

I won't stand for personal insults. When you become an adult, maybe you'll learn appropriate social skills.
No doubt he would have been found guilty. I'd like to see him hung in public on national TV. Maybe that would help in stopping stuff like this.
No punishment, no matter how horrific, would prevent the kind of psychopathic behavior Roof has demonstrated. What this fellow did took place within a state of total detachment from rational inhibition.

Considering what Roof would be looking forward to if sentenced to life in prison, executing him will be an act of mercy. He would not survive a week in general population, so he would be looking forward to more than half a century of isolation in a place where most of his guards are Black.

The ability to spend a few hours with Dylan Roof in an accommodating interview setting would be an invaluable learning experience for any Doctoral candidate in a Clinical Psychology program. So in that regard executing him will be wasteful.
Most people who go on shooting sprees intend to die when they do it, so it's hardly a deterrent. You don't go on a mass shooting spree expecting to survive.
In most examples that seems to true. But Roof's choice of subjects suggests he sought the path of least potential resistance -- a group of decent, peaceful Black people in a setting which assured him of little to no resistance. So the usual suicidal component did not seem to inhabit his plan at any level.

Roof's choice of target is the most despicable thing about his action. Had he chosen to seek out a group of bad-ass gang-banger types, the kind who routinely harm others, my feelings toward him would understandably be softened. But the obvious cowardice and inexcusable malice in his choice of victims makes him worthy of unmitigated loathing.
This was expected.Hell he expected it. He more than likely will be given the death penalty. He is a great white warrior. He sacrificed his 1 life to kill 9 enemies. He is a martyr and a warrior! One day we will have statues and holidays to honor people like him.
Bullshit. He's typical white supremacist; short on brains and long on stupid. He'll be just as dead as Jeffrey Dahmer unless he's put into a mental facility.

I'd be careful typifying any group of people.

Adolf Hitler was a white supremacist, as were most people half a century ago. Not dumb people at all. Was Abraham Lincoln or George Washington short on brains and long on stupid? They were both white supremacists.

I guess it makes for an easy political argument. My opponents are short on brains and long on stupid.
A half century ago was 1966 dipshit

Perhaps i am showing my age. In any case, ignored.

I won't stand for personal insults. When you become an adult, maybe you'll learn appropriate social skills.

Are you kidding? A person who thinks it is ok to kill Black Christians in their church is trying to tell others to be an adult... that's some funny shit right there.
If he has no regrets about what he did, then I don't care what is done with him. People who have no intention of walking way from certain things in my opinion, should just be kicked to the curb and if that means being put to death, oh well. It all starts with how their attitude is and if they can't take whatever punishment they get, they never should have done whatever it is that they are guilty of in the first place.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. The best way for evil to triumph is for good to stand there and not do a thing.
This was expected.Hell he expected it. He more than likely will be given the death penalty. He is a great white warrior. He sacrificed his 1 life to kill 9 enemies. He is a martyr and a warrior! One day we will have statues and holidays to honor people like him.
Bullshit. He's typical white supremacist; short on brains and long on stupid. He'll be just as dead as Jeffrey Dahmer unless he's put into a mental facility.

I'd be careful typifying any group of people.

Adolf Hitler was a white supremacist, as were most people half a century ago. Not dumb people at all. Was Abraham Lincoln or George Washington short on brains and long on stupid? They were both white supremacists.

I guess it makes for an easy political argument. My opponents are short on brains and long on stupid.
A half century ago was 1966 dipshit

Perhaps i am showing my age. In any case, ignored.

I won't stand for personal insults. When you become an adult, maybe you'll learn appropriate social skills.

Are you kidding? A person who thinks it is ok to kill Black Christians in their church is trying to tell others to be an adult... that's some funny shit right there.

I never said it was 'ok' to kill black christians or anyone else.

I don't think they're status as Christians make them any more worthy of being able to live than anyone else.

Dylan Roof is possibly innocent, i don't know. If i was on that jury, i'd definitely have to think about it.
What do you base that possibility on?

The fact i've not seen the evidence myself or been in the court room.
The fact i've not seen the evidence myself or been in the court room.

Except for all the witnesses and the fact that Roof didn't provide a defense to the contrary. This whole charade is about keeping him from the chair or whatever the Hell they use in South Carolina.
Bullshit. He's typical white supremacist; short on brains and long on stupid. He'll be just as dead as Jeffrey Dahmer unless he's put into a mental facility.

I'd be careful typifying any group of people.

Adolf Hitler was a white supremacist, as were most people half a century ago. Not dumb people at all. Was Abraham Lincoln or George Washington short on brains and long on stupid? They were both white supremacists.

I guess it makes for an easy political argument. My opponents are short on brains and long on stupid.
A half century ago was 1966 dipshit

Perhaps i am showing my age. In any case, ignored.

I won't stand for personal insults. When you become an adult, maybe you'll learn appropriate social skills.

Are you kidding? A person who thinks it is ok to kill Black Christians in their church is trying to tell others to be an adult... that's some funny shit right there.

I never said it was 'ok' to kill black christians or anyone else.

I don't think they're status as Christians make them any more worthy of being able to live than anyone else.

Dylan Roof is possibly innocent, i don't know. If i was on that jury, i'd definitely have to think about it.
What do you base that possibility on?

The fact i've not seen the evidence myself or been in the court room.

You said if you were on the jury you would have had a hard time convicting him... you aren't fooling anyone here other than Odium who is as dumb as you are.
The fact i've not seen the evidence myself or been in the court room.
Neither have any of us here in this forum. But the discussions here are necessarily based on what we are able to learn via the media. And in my opinion what we know about Roof and what he did leaves no room for doubt of his guilt.

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