Dylann Roof convicted of killing church goers

How many anti death penalty leftards are going to start wailing and gnashing their teeth now?
I hope they do. Maybe they will finally be called on to explain to the friends and families of the victims why they don't believe this piece of garbage shouldn't die.
Dylann Roof convicted in Charleston church massacre

He's been found guilty. Hopefully he can avoid the death penalty.
He'll probably off himself.
Considering what he'd be looking forward to, I'd say you're right.
Agreed. Life in prison, no parole, a life time of shitty food and blowing cellmates isn't anything to live for.
He is stealing oxygen from people.
No negroids kill whites at a MUCH higher rate every day than the amount of pavement apes Roof killed. But ya know that's ignored by you anti white clowns and by the media.
Roof victimized the wrong kind of people. He could have picked some far less regrettable targets. The people he killed were peaceful, law-abiding churchgoers, not gang-banging thugs.
I hope they do. Maybe they will finally be called on to explain to the friends and families of the victims why they don't believe this piece of garbage shouldn't die.
Death can be a merciful escape. Death is peace. It is perpetual slumber.

The value of death occurs in proportion with the projected quality of one's future. In Roof's example the death penalty would be purely merciful.
...Roof's choice of target is the most despicable thing about his action. Had he chosen to seek out a group of bad-ass gang-banger types, the kind who routinely harm others, my feelings toward him would understandably be softened. But the obvious cowardice and inexcusable malice in his choice of victims makes him worthy of unmitigated loathing.
Agreed. However, most supremacists, regardless of race, are weak-spined individuals who love to operate in groups. In Dylann's case he relied on Christian-love and a "gun-free" zone to protect himself as he murdered a church-full of helpless, innocent victims.

It doesn't take rocket science for a spineless idiotic bully. Dylann Roof is a sick fuck and it's a tragedy it took live of 9 Christian Americans and the wounding of 3 others to prove how despicable supremacists can be.
Bullshit. He's typical white supremacist; short on brains and long on stupid....
I'd be careful typifying any group of people...
It's easy when discussing white supremacists. Most have an IQ under 100. The few that aren't are leading the stupid around by their noses. David Duke is a comparative "Einstein" among white supremacists yet his IQ is in the average range. <---note the irony of comparing David Duke to a genius Jew. LOL
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Dylann Roof convicted in Charleston church massacre

He's been found guilty. Hopefully he can avoid the death penalty.
Everyone knew he was guilty.

Even his lawyer admitted it in closing arguments.

Question is will the jury now vote for the death penalty.

I hope so.

As much as I dislike Negroes in general I feel that they should be treated equally and anyone who murders a whole slew of them should be executed same as anyone who murders a slew of white folks, or brown folks, or yellow folks, or caramel folks.
The only way to stop mass shootings is for the people to be armed.
This is my own belief and policy as well.

I am one of the 1% that is always armed everywhere -- at home, at work, at business meetings, at church, at the grocery store, at the gas station, etc.

And I practice regularly at the indoor range to make sure I can hit what I am aiming at.

I also realize that when/if I go up against someone with an AK or an AR my poor 45ACP pistol will be outgunned, but as I die will be taking the shooter with me.
Dylann Roof convicted in Charleston church massacre

He's been found guilty. Hopefully he can avoid the death penalty.
Everyone knew he was guilty.

Even his lawyer admitted it in closing arguments.

Question is will the jury now vote for the death penalty.

I hope so.

As much as I dislike Negroes in general I feel that they should be treated equally and anyone who murders a whole slew of them should be executed same as anyone who murders a slew of white folks, or brown folks, or yellow folks, or caramel folks.
Agreed since Roof confessed:

Dylann Roof confession video - CNN Video

Dylann Roof's racist rant read in court - CNN.com
All 2,000 words. Each rambling, racist belief that self-confessed white supremacist Dylann Roof wrote down was read aloud Monday in court for jurors in his murder trial in Charleston, South Carolina.

Roof, 22, has confessed to killing nine members of the historically black Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church during a Bible study in 2015
In most examples that seems to true. But Roof's choice of subjects suggests he sought the path of least potential resistance -- a group of decent, peaceful Black people in a setting which assured him of little to no resistance. So the usual suicidal component did not seem to inhabit his plan at any level.

Roof's choice of target is the most despicable thing about his action. Had he chosen to seek out a group of bad-ass gang-banger types, the kind who routinely harm others, my feelings toward him would understandably be softened. But the obvious cowardice and inexcusable malice in his choice of victims makes him worthy of unmitigated loathing.

Just a guess, but I think he believed a race war would result. He deliberately targeted innocent, faithful people. His intentions were likely something more sinister than we can imagine. As far as I'm concerned the state should destroy his DNA. I'm not real big on the DP, but in certain cases it needs to be done swiftly.

This is one of those cases.
Just a guess, but I think he believed a race war would result. He deliberately targeted innocent, faithful people. His intentions were likely something more sinister than we can imagine. As far as I'm concerned the state should destroy his DNA. I'm not real big on the DP, but in certain cases it needs to be done swiftly.

This is one of those cases.
And not even an original idea since another white supremacist nutjob named Charles Manson tried the same idea by murdering innocent people back in 1969.
How many anti death penalty leftards are going to start wailing and gnashing their teeth now?
I hope they do. Maybe they will finally be called on to explain to the friends and families of the victims why they don't believe this piece of garbage shouldn't die.
Has to be tough knowing everytime you eat a meal your loved ones murderer is having a meal too.
Just a guess, but I think he believed a race war would result. He deliberately targeted innocent, faithful people. His intentions were likely something more sinister than we can imagine. As far as I'm concerned the state should destroy his DNA. I'm not real big on the DP, but in certain cases it needs to be done swiftly.

This is one of those cases.
I think you're giving Roof too much credit. My impression of him is that of a malignant, festering psychopath whose destructive impulse sought the path of least resistance.
#96, some get degrees, others do not. Roof's least resistance wants him to live, which is the deeper pathology that reifies protection racketism, and this (post-genocide [italics]) of the Indigene.
No, "faith" cannot be equated with innocence. It is the theologian-cum-state-agent's trick we exposed on the CIA-hacking thread.
Just a guess, but I think he believed a race war would result. He deliberately targeted innocent, faithful people. His intentions were likely something more sinister than we can imagine. As far as I'm concerned the state should destroy his DNA. I'm not real big on the DP, but in certain cases it needs to be done swiftly.

This is one of those cases.
I think you're giving Roof too much credit. My impression of him is that of a malignant, festering psychopath whose destructive impulse sought the path of least resistance.
You both appear agreed Roof is a waste of space and food. There is no doubt about his guilt.
I am apprehensive about the DP.

Giving the state authority to kill any citizen for any reason is something that should not be based on emotion at all. It should be strictly limited to parasites like roof, whose quilt is beyond question.

Perhaps we need an island to drop our most incorrigible predators off into. Give them a knife and a box of MREs, push them out of a plane with a chute and be done with them.


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