E Jean Carroll verdict is in.

Yes, the first amendment allows it. Something the judge and retarded jury doesn't understand.
This fucking retard thinks he knows the law better than Lewis Kaplan.
That's not what trump did.

Sure, so he called her some silly names while saying he didn’t know who she was…I don’t see a problem with that…she made an allegation, trump denied it and called her a whack job…and??? It’s certainly not an 83M offense, she did t expect that he was going to refute her claims?

What else did trump do? All I’ve seen is he denied it and called her some names. What did trump do that damaged her reputation?
He can't. He has lived a consequence-free life, paying off people and litigating other people to death. He is the smug coastal elite that all his cultist fans claim they hate, but they're just sheep. So a 78 year old privileged, pampered no-nothing isn't going to - is incapable of - controlling himself.

If you beat them in an argument- they simply label you as antisemite
Stop lying about what Trump did. You guys are part of the reason he''s out of 83 million. You enable his behavior by defending everything this asshole does.

I went online and asked google how trump defamed e Jean Carroll, what came back was basically he just denied her claim.

Since you know, tell me what else he did. What did he do that was worth 83M in damage to her reputation?
He was found liable in a court of law, you fucking moron. They didn't just take her word for it.

If you don't know what was presented in that first trial, then that's your idiocy, not ours.

Now go fuck yourself.

They didn't just take her word for it
Actually, they kinda did, you need to learn what preponderance of evidence is.

Now go fuck yourself.

No thanks. But I enjoy that you’re bent out of shape here 😊
Today's judgement? That's expected. He won't win. Because he's obviously guilty of defamation. He was defaming her on Truth Social while he was in the courtroom. It's not in doubt, which is what appeals courts look at.
I don’t have truth social. Please post some of the things be said that defamed her.

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