Earth just had hottest 12 months in recorded history

This is a false statement. No scientist would make an AGW claim if they were doing real science. First and foremost, they have not done the work to rule out natural variation factors. How can you make these claims without knowledge of the systems and all of the components which affect it? Todays Climate Alarmists took limited information and ran with it. That is why over 60,000 scientists refuse to jump on the AGW band wagon. They see factors like land use changes and UHI (Urban Heat Islands) which affect the global average not being addressed and the running with a political control narrative. The fraud is blatant and obvious. Yet we are the ones called deniers of science when it is they themselves denying the science.

First rule in politics is to blame your opponent of that which you yourself is doing.
I don't have the patience to grapple with your ignorance. I applaud abu afak and Crick for their resilience.
I don't have the patience to grapple with your ignorance. I applaud abu afak and Crick for their resilience.
Facts have a very interesting way of outing those who don't have a clue about the AGW hypothesis or why it fails. IT appears you like the echo chamber and back slapping of those you agree with. This is why Climate Science is in the death spiral it is in today.... Self-induced ignorance...
Facts have a very interesting way of outing those who don't have a clue about the AGW hypothesis or why it fails. IT appears you like the echo chamber and back slapping of those you agree with. This is why Climate Science is in the death spiral it is in today.... Self-induced ignorance...
Thanks Bob.
30,000 scientists said that AGW is not happening at all? No, I think you're confused. The scientists are saying that it's not a catastrophe. There are reputable scientists that feel that way. That we have exaggerated and are panicking too much. That doesn't mean that they're saying the climate scientists are lying or are wrong about AGW existing.

What you said doesn't even make sense. You told me I'm wrong and that there's tons of disagreement when the text you quoted literally said that there is a lot of disagreement about certain things. It's like you didn't even read what I said.

AGW = Anthropogenic (HUMAN CAUSED) Global Warming.

While most scientist might agree there is "global warming", the issue is if it is Natural Caused or Human Caused.

Fact that the Earth exited the last Ice Age about 12-15,000 years ago would imply there is currently global warming and it has been Natural caused for most of that time-line.

Fact these inter-glacial periods don't last much longer than that time-frame implies we may be on verge of global cooling back into another Ice Age.

Crock believes anything and everything he reads and hears .
You are a Numpty , Crocky .

AGW = Anthropogenic (HUMAN CAUSED) Global Warming.

While most scientist might agree there is "global warming", the issue is if it is Natural Caused or Human Caused.

Fact that the Earth exited the last Ice Age about 12-15,000 years ago would imply there is currently global warming and it has been Natural caused for most of that time-line.

Fact these inter-glacial periods don't last much longer than that time-frame implies we may be on verge of global cooling back into another Ice Age.

There's nothing you can say that I haven't already heard. Be a moron. I don't care.
30,000 scientists said that AGW is not happening at all? No, I think you're confused. The scientists are saying that it's not a catastrophe. There are reputable scientists that feel that way. That we have exaggerated and are panicking too much. That doesn't mean that they're saying the climate scientists are lying or are wrong about AGW existing.
We're still in an eons-long post glacial warming period....How did the Medieval warming period happen?...All those cars, airliners, and AC units?
What you said doesn't even make sense. You told me I'm wrong and that there's tons of disagreement when the text you quoted literally said that there is a lot of disagreement about certain things. It's like you didn't even read what I said.
What I said makes sense if you top making it an either-or binary proposition....That there has been some warming is beyond any doubt, that man's industrial activities are the cause is at best questionable, if not preposterous.
There's nothing you can say that I haven't already heard. Be a moron. I don't care.
Be a science and climate denier and disinformationists, that is your right.

Don't expect me to support government legislation and funding that furthers the lies, deceptions, and grifting.
And their delusion that results in misinformation and propaganda.
These folks are pretty consistent with name calling when their science is questioned. All I did is ask for open and transparent science that can be reproduced and verified by others... And they get mad, name call, then runaway....
We're still in an eons-long post glacial warming period....How did the Medieval warming period happen?...All those cars, airliners, and AC units?

What I said makes sense if you top making it an either-or binary proposition....That there has been some warming is beyond any doubt, that man's industrial activities are the cause is at best questionable, if not preposterous.
I'm not a climate scientist and neither are you. I'm not going to sit here like an asshole and have a climate debate with some random on the internet when neither of us is actually qualified to do so.

I would pay money to see a video recording of you debating an actual scientist. The look on your face the moment you realized you were in over your head would be priceless.
Almost no scientists are saying that AGW is not happening.
That is not true.

First of all we have no idea how the climate is now compared to historical times because we only have spotty data like ice core samples and tree ring data and that is not very accurate and is region specific.

Even since we have been able to measure temperature, rainfall or other climate indices the Southern Hemisphere has always been under reported. As have been most of Africa and large areas in Asia. Mostly where Europeans have settled.

A lot of the data about climate now has been compromised because of fraudulent reporting. Not only the Principle Scientists but also government agencies like NASA, NOAA and the UN Climate Commission. Credibility is non existence.

Natural climate change is real. Man made climate change is a scam.
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These folks are pretty consistent with name calling when their science is questioned. All I did is ask for open and transparent science that can be reproduced and verified by others... And they get mad, name call, then runaway....
Abu in particular has spent thousands of hours trying to drown you in scientific information that proves your ignorance. You don't listen. Why would I waste my effort? My time is too valuable for that.
I see Missy Crick is once again scared to death of the earth burning up.

I told her that she needs to chill out and go fix a sandwich for her husband and don't worry her little head about things like this.
I'm not a climate scientist and neither are you. I'm not going to sit here like an asshole and have a climate debate with some random on the internet when neither of us is actually qualified to do so.

I would pay money to see a video recording of you debating an actual scientist. The look on your face the moment you realized you were in over your head would be priceless.
Appeal to authority isn't an argument.

Though I'm not a climate scientist, I can see the clear pattern...This is the exact tale of existential woe told by the Mathusians, J.K Galbraith, Paul Ehrlich, and dozens of cultists and other doomsayers throughout the centuries....The climate grift is yet another repackaged means to the same end.

AGW = Anthropogenic (HUMAN CAUSED) Global Warming.

While most scientist might agree there is "global warming", the issue is if it is Natural Caused or Human Caused.

Fact that the Earth exited the last Ice Age about 12-15,000 years ago would imply there is currently global warming and it has been Natural caused for most of that time-line.

Fact these inter-glacial periods don't last much longer than that time-frame implies we may be on verge of global cooling back into another Ice Age.


It has been cooling for THOUSANDS of years now a fact warmist/alarmists try hard to ignore as it is an obvious trend,




It was around 3C warmer than now during Eemian interglacial too yet Neanderthals, Denisovans, Homo Sapiens all survived it
Appeal to authority isn't an argument.

Though I'm not a climate scientist, I can see the clear pattern...This is the exact tale of existential woe told by the Mathusians, J.K Galbraith, Paul Ehrlich, and dozens of cultists and other doomsayers throughout the centuries....The climate grift is yet another repackaged means to the same end.
Appeal to authority is perfectly valid in certain circumstances, and you're ridiculous if you don't think so. You wouldn't even be able to have a conversation with a climate scientist. Again, I would legitimately pay money to watch you try.

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