Easy fix for NFL kneelers


Diamond Member
Nov 18, 2011
With all the hoopla over the NFL players kneeling or standing arm-in-arm during the National Anthem, there is an easy fix.

Leave the players in the locker room until after the anthem. No publicity.

The NFL started in 1920. It was 2009 when they first started bringing the players out before the anthem. And that was a recruiting effort for the armed forces.

Put the players back in the locker room until after the anthem. Just like it was for the first 89 years.
With all the hoopla over the NFL players kneeling or standing arm-in-arm during the National Anthem, there is an easy fix.

Leave the players in the locker room until after the anthem. No publicity.

The NFL started in 1920. It was 2009 when they first started bringing the players out before the anthem. And that was a recruiting effort for the armed forces.

Put the players back in the locker room until after the anthem. Just like it was for the first 89 years.
OR we could ALL just stop watching the games. ;)

Tell the players they're only going to be making $100,000 a year from now on and that the rest of the money they were making is going to go to rebuilding black communities from now on.


With all the hoopla over the NFL players kneeling or standing arm-in-arm during the National Anthem, there is an easy fix.

Leave the players in the locker room until after the anthem. No publicity.

The NFL started in 1920. It was 2009 when they first started bringing the players out before the anthem. And that was a recruiting effort for the armed forces.

Put the players back in the locker room until after the anthem. Just like it was for the first 89 years.
Probably a middle ground solution. However there are men and women who have "invested" in sports their whole lives. I want reparations. I want to get "paid". The leagues can collapse for all I care now. The stadiums can be destroyed.
With all the hoopla over the NFL players kneeling or standing arm-in-arm during the National Anthem, there is an easy fix.

Leave the players in the locker room until after the anthem. No publicity.

The NFL started in 1920. It was 2009 when they first started bringing the players out before the anthem. And that was a recruiting effort for the armed forces.

Put the players back in the locker room until after the anthem. Just like it was for the first 89 years.
The players and the league make it clear they support the Black Lies Matter movement

so the divorce is still a go
With all the hoopla over the NFL players kneeling or standing arm-in-arm during the National Anthem, there is an easy fix.

Leave the players in the locker room until after the anthem. No publicity.

The NFL started in 1920. It was 2009 when they first started bringing the players out before the anthem. And that was a recruiting effort for the armed forces.

Put the players back in the locker room until after the anthem. Just like it was for the first 89 years.

Its a great idea. I hope they do it.
With all the hoopla over the NFL players kneeling or standing arm-in-arm during the National Anthem, there is an easy fix.

Leave the players in the locker room until after the anthem. No publicity.

The NFL started in 1920. It was 2009 when they first started bringing the players out before the anthem. And that was a recruiting effort for the armed forces.

Put the players back in the locker room until after the anthem. Just like it was for the first 89 years.

Nah, just leave the black players in the locker room. Rioting, fire bombing, looting, violence, and more in the NFL cities.

The players and teams who kneel could lose endorsements. For every action, there is a reaction.
With all the hoopla over the NFL players kneeling or standing arm-in-arm during the National Anthem, there is an easy fix.

Leave the players in the locker room until after the anthem. No publicity.

The NFL started in 1920. It was 2009 when they first started bringing the players out before the anthem. And that was a recruiting effort for the armed forces.

Put the players back in the locker room until after the anthem. Just like it was for the first 89 years.
A better solution is conservatives stop whining and lying about this non-issue.
With all the hoopla over the NFL players kneeling or standing arm-in-arm during the National Anthem, there is an easy fix.

Leave the players in the locker room until after the anthem. No publicity.

The NFL started in 1920. It was 2009 when they first started bringing the players out before the anthem. And that was a recruiting effort for the armed forces.

Put the players back in the locker room until after the anthem. Just like it was for the first 89 years.
Yea but it's to late. Ihe damage is done and I ain't going to give back my weekends.
With all the hoopla over the NFL players kneeling or standing arm-in-arm during the National Anthem, there is an easy fix.

Leave the players in the locker room until after the anthem. No publicity.

The NFL started in 1920. It was 2009 when they first started bringing the players out before the anthem. And that was a recruiting effort for the armed forces.

Put the players back in the locker room until after the anthem. Just like it was for the first 89 years.
With all the hoopla over the NFL players kneeling or standing arm-in-arm during the National Anthem, there is an easy fix.

Leave the players in the locker room until after the anthem. No publicity.

The NFL started in 1920. It was 2009 when they first started bringing the players out before the anthem. And that was a recruiting effort for the armed forces.

Put the players back in the locker room until after the anthem. Just like it was for the first 89 years.
A better solution is conservatives stop whining and lying about this non-issue.
I EVEN HAVE A BETTER SOLUTION. Take that Bill of Rights you only support the ones you need and show us how you really feel. Bite your bottom lip, chock back the tears and wet yourself.
With all the hoopla over the NFL players kneeling or standing arm-in-arm during the National Anthem, there is an easy fix.

Leave the players in the locker room until after the anthem. No publicity.

The NFL started in 1920. It was 2009 when they first started bringing the players out before the anthem. And that was a recruiting effort for the armed forces.

Put the players back in the locker room until after the anthem. Just like it was for the first 89 years.

Any American that feels they have to show active disrespect to the nation and it's citizens, during the National Anthem is a piece of shit and deserves to be shunned by any true Americans.

I don't want to help them hide their epic assholeness. Why should I? They and the League that sides with them, deserves to be fucked.
With all the hoopla over the NFL players kneeling or standing arm-in-arm during the National Anthem, there is an easy fix.

Leave the players in the locker room until after the anthem. No publicity.

The NFL started in 1920. It was 2009 when they first started bringing the players out before the anthem. And that was a recruiting effort for the armed forces.

Put the players back in the locker room until after the anthem. Just like it was for the first 89 years.
A better solution is conservatives stop whining and lying about this non-issue.

You people are anti-American assholes, and you are being loud about it, when you insist on doing it during the NATIONAL FUCKING ANTHEM.

This is you people being assholes. YOU.

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