Eating catfish is just as sinful as homosexuality

Now that DADT has been repealed we all know that God no longer blesses the United States and our troops.
He may not care if it is more important to shoot straight than be straight but winning wars requires the former.
Now that DADT has been repealed we all know that God no longer blesses the United States and our troops.
He may not care if it is more important to shoot straight than be straight but winning wars requires the former.

It is an eternal mystery:

if God hates gays so much, why did He create gays?

He loves them so much he's going to send them to hell, just ask any homophone, that's what they'll tell you.
I've never heard that a gay person will go to hell for being gay.

What i have heard is that we all sin, an dif you are Christian and do not make the attempt to repent of your sins, and laugh in the face of God by denying that what he states are sins ARE sins, then you have a good chance of going to hell by way of mocking the Holy Spirit.

But keep spreading the fear and hate. I'm sure it really helps the cause.
So long as he repents and doesn't try to convince children that God smiles upon such behavior....
I've never heard that a gay person will go to hell for being gay.

What i have heard is that we all sin, an dif you are Christian and do not make the attempt to repent of your sins, and laugh in the face of God by denying that what he states are sins ARE sins, then you have a good chance of going to hell by way of mocking the Holy Spirit.

But keep spreading the fear and hate. I'm sure it really helps the cause.

Lol yeah I'm one spreading fear and hate, even though right here you're again reiterating that gays are going to hell for being gay. You just use cute wording to talk around it and try to spin your way out of it.

I'm glad the majority of americans, who are mostly christian, are quickly moving away from gay hating and have agree that gay marriages should be valid. It's too bad you're being left behind.

Jesus speaks against adultery, not gays, morally everyone should be against adultery so to me that's what we should spend more time on.
Are you teaching children that the Lord does not find homosexual acts as sinful? If you are not, you are leading them to a path of sin (twisting them to focus on immoral acts).

Isn't "shoving your immorality" down everyone's throats what the homosexual activists are doing with homosexual (pretend) marriage? Why is it okay for you to encourage corruption, and wrong for me to point out what you are doing?

You cannot know what a god might want, if you could even prove that one exists.

This thread is about Biblical references. It is not about what "I want" or how "I feel". And yes, the Lord was pretty clear about what He expected from people, both in the OT and the NT. In the OT, there is story after story about what happens when people disregard the Lord.

How He will judge each of us, is where I have no knowledge. He is a "just" Lord, which means that we will be punished for our sins (all of us, not just particular groups). Whether claiming His Son as our Savior will provide us with Salvation is known only by the Lord.

If you don't believe the Lord exists, why even participate in a thread that is about the Bible?
Are you teaching children that the Lord does not find homosexual acts as sinful? If you are not, you are leading them to a path of sin (twisting them to focus on immoral acts).

Isn't "shoving your immorality" down everyone's throats what the homosexual activists are doing with homosexual (pretend) marriage? Why is it okay for you to encourage corruption, and wrong for me to point out what you are doing?

You cannot know what a god might want, if you could even prove that one exists.

This thread is about Biblical references. It is not about what "I want" or how "I feel". And yes, the Lord was pretty clear about what He expected from people, both in the OT and the NT. In the OT, there is story after story about what happens when people disregard the Lord.

How He will judge each of us, is where I have no knowledge. He is a "just" Lord, which means that we will be punished for our sins (all of us, not just particular groups). Whether claiming His Son as our Savior will provide us with Salvation is known only by the Lord.

If you don't believe the Lord exists, why even participate in a thread that is about the Bible?

Because you're bigoted over a book of fiction, which is retarded.
And you believe that the bible is true, so prove it.
Are you teaching children that the Lord does not find homosexual acts as sinful? If you are not, you are leading them to a path of sin (twisting them to focus on immoral acts).

Isn't "shoving your immorality" down everyone's throats what the homosexual activists are doing with homosexual (pretend) marriage? Why is it okay for you to encourage corruption, and wrong for me to point out what you are doing?

You cannot know what a god might want, if you could even prove that one exists.

You're assuming that you're the arbiter of morals. News Flash: you're not. To me, what you're doing by gay-bashing is immoral.

You are bashing the messenger. I am just pointing out what is in the Bible. If you have issues, take it up with the Lord. I have posted no hatred towards homosexuals. I have claimed them as siblings in sin. I wish that the peace of the Lord will be granted to them and they will recognize their sinful ways. (I am not the one launching a legislative campaign to socially absolve me from the sins that I have done). What is immoral about what I have said? Where is there evidence in the Bible that the Lord proclaimed that homosexual acts/immoral sex/perversity/lewdness/deceit/murder were no longer sinful? There are places in the OT and the NT where the Lord declares them sinful. Again, I do not have the AUTHORITY or the POWER to onerturn the Lord. What makes you think, that you do?
You cannot know what a god might want, if you could even prove that one exists.

This thread is about Biblical references. It is not about what "I want" or how "I feel". And yes, the Lord was pretty clear about what He expected from people, both in the OT and the NT. In the OT, there is story after story about what happens when people disregard the Lord.

How He will judge each of us, is where I have no knowledge. He is a "just" Lord, which means that we will be punished for our sins (all of us, not just particular groups). Whether claiming His Son as our Savior will provide us with Salvation is known only by the Lord.

If you don't believe the Lord exists, why even participate in a thread that is about the Bible?

Because you're bigoted over a book of fiction, which is retarded.
And you believe that the bible is true, so prove it.

Can you prove that it IS a book of fiction?
That doesn't even make any sense..."bigoted over a work of fiction".

Please return to school and take remedial English. Then, when you have a nominal grasp of the language, you get to prove that there is bigotry involved, exactly what form it takes ( isn't "bigoted" to say "gay people are not genetically formed as homosexuals". Sorry. Look up the words if you don't understand them.) and then point out specifically how that so called bigotry is connected to any falsehood in the bible.

What you will find is that the bigotry you attribute to believers isn't bigotry at all. It's a difference of opinion. Though I doubt you have the ability to get that far in your analysis of the situation, given your limited command of the language.
This thread is about Biblical references. It is not about what "I want" or how "I feel". And yes, the Lord was pretty clear about what He expected from people, both in the OT and the NT. In the OT, there is story after story about what happens when people disregard the Lord.

How He will judge each of us, is where I have no knowledge. He is a "just" Lord, which means that we will be punished for our sins (all of us, not just particular groups). Whether claiming His Son as our Savior will provide us with Salvation is known only by the Lord.

If you don't believe the Lord exists, why even participate in a thread that is about the Bible?

Because you're bigoted over a book of fiction, which is retarded.
And you believe that the bible is true, so prove it.

Can you prove that it IS a book of fiction?

You can't prove:
A talking snake made a rib-woman eat magic fruit
A dysfunctional family gathered 2 of EVERY animal on earth to put on a boat
The parting of the sea.
Person turning to salt.
The world being made in 6 days.
All of Jesus' miracles
The resurrection.
The burnibg bush
The actual 10 commandments.

That enough to make it a work of fiction??
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That doesn't even make any sense..."bigoted over a work of fiction".

Please return to school and take remedial English. Then, when you have a nominal grasp of the language, you get to prove that there is bigotry involved, exactly what form it takes ( isn't "bigoted" to say "gay people are not genetically formed as homosexuals". Sorry. Look up the words if you don't understand them.) and then point out specifically how that so called bigotry is connected to any falsehood in the bible.

What you will find is that the bigotry you attribute to believers isn't bigotry at all. It's a difference of opinion. Though I doubt you have the ability to get that far in your analysis of the situation, given your limited command of the language.

The bible says that homosexuality is a sin against god. Since God is unprovable and unknowable (as of today), the claim of it being a sin against God is false. You cannot know what a God might want since you don't know if one exists at all.
Because you're bigoted over a book of fiction, which is retarded.
And you believe that the bible is true, so prove it.

Can you prove that it IS a book of fiction?

You can't prove:
A talking snake made a rib-woman eat magic fruit
A dysfunctional family gathered 2 of EVERY animal on earth to put on a boat
The parting of the sea.
Person turning to salt.
The world being made in 6 days.
All of Jesus' miracles
The resurrection.
The burnibg bush
The actual 10 commandments.

That enough to make it a work of fiction??

And you can't prove it didn't happen....
We'll all know the truth one day. You should prepare your excuses to God for not believing. Although, He already knows the truth about you......
Can you prove that it IS a book of fiction?

You can't prove:
A talking snake made a rib-woman eat magic fruit
A dysfunctional family gathered 2 of EVERY animal on earth to put on a boat
The parting of the sea.
Person turning to salt.
The world being made in 6 days.
All of Jesus' miracles
The resurrection.
The burnibg bush
The actual 10 commandments.

That enough to make it a work of fiction??

And you can't prove it didn't happen....
We'll all know the truth one day. You should prepare your excuses to God for not believing. Although, He already knows the truth about you......

Sorry, that's not the way it works. If you want something to be true, YOU have to prove it.
I can't disprove that there are beings living in the middle of the sun who control us, doesn't mean there are any.
You should be worried about believing your whole life in something that you know can't be proven.
The "you can't prove" argument goes both ways concerning religion which is a belief.
No on can prove that the Jewish religion is wrong with their beliefs.
No one can prove that the Christian religion is wrong with their beliefs.
No one can prove the Spaghetti monster in the sky religion is wrong with their beliefs.
Why? Because religion is based on BELIEFS, not proof.
Folks are killing each other the world now because of "my religion is the only way to heaven" belief.
Christians have pretty much quit doing that many years ago but our beliefs need NO proof.
I need no proof to be a Christian. Those that do and require a book that cites old JEWISH laws as their commands do not have much faith in their relationship with CHRIST, a man that NEVER said a word about homosexuals.
Christianity is to be CHRISTLIKE. Folks can believe what they want as the Christian religion has many denominations.
But until I find something, anything, anyplace, somewhere where Jesus condemned homosexuals as sinners it does not exist. I follow Christ, NOT old Jewish laws.
The "you can't prove" argument goes both ways concerning religion which is a belief.
No on can prove that the Jewish religion is wrong with their beliefs.
No one can prove that the Christian religion is wrong with their beliefs.
No one can prove the Spaghetti monster in the sky religion is wrong with their beliefs.
Why? Because religion is based on BELIEFS, not proof.
Folks are killing each other the world now because of "my religion is the only way to heaven" belief.
Christians have pretty much quit doing that many years ago but our beliefs need NO proof.
I need no proof to be a Christian. Those that do and require a book that cites old JEWISH laws as their commands do not have much faith in their relationship with CHRIST, a man that NEVER said a word about homosexuals.
Christianity is to be CHRISTLIKE. Folks can believe what they want as the Christian religion has many denominations.
But until I find something, anything, anyplace, somewhere where Jesus condemned homosexuals as sinners it does not exist. I follow Christ, NOT old Jewish laws.

And thankfully you're part of a growing majority of christians.

The ones on here condemning them to hell, as if somehow the sins of a gay person are worse than the sins of a straight person, are the part of a dying minority.

As time goes on, they'll be weeded out.
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The "you can't prove" argument goes both ways concerning religion which is a belief.
No on can prove that the Jewish religion is wrong with their beliefs.
No one can prove that the Christian religion is wrong with their beliefs.
No one can prove the Spaghetti monster in the sky religion is wrong with their beliefs.
Why? Because religion is based on BELIEFS, not proof.
Folks are killing each other the world now because of "my religion is the only way to heaven" belief.
Christians have pretty much quit doing that many years ago but our beliefs need NO proof.
I need no proof to be a Christian. Those that do and require a book that cites old JEWISH laws as their commands do not have much faith in their relationship with CHRIST, a man that NEVER said a word about homosexuals.
Christianity is to be CHRISTLIKE. Folks can believe what they want as the Christian religion has many denominations.
But until I find something, anything, anyplace, somewhere where Jesus condemned homosexuals as sinners it does not exist. I follow Christ, NOT old Jewish laws.

And thankfully you're part of a growing majority of christians.

The ones on here condemning them to hell, as if somehow the sins of a gay person are worse than the sins of a straight person, are the part of a dying minority.

As time goes on, they'll be weeded out.

Our church has doubled in the last 4 years. Not saying we are any better than the others and not saying they are wrong. They are the ones pointing fingers and telling us WE are wrong as they watch their members leave the door by the masses headed to another church.
One of my football coaches told me years ago "you can not fool the kids" as he ran my tail off for not knowing my play book after a few practices. That stuck and that is what is going on. Our youth see that their gay and lesbian neighbors are just as good and equal as them and they do not believe Jesus condemned them.
They are following Christ. Not old Jewish law.
The "you can't prove" argument goes both ways concerning religion which is a belief.
No on can prove that the Jewish religion is wrong with their beliefs.
No one can prove that the Christian religion is wrong with their beliefs.
No one can prove the Spaghetti monster in the sky religion is wrong with their beliefs.
Why? Because religion is based on BELIEFS, not proof.
Folks are killing each other the world now because of "my religion is the only way to heaven" belief.
Christians have pretty much quit doing that many years ago but our beliefs need NO proof.
I need no proof to be a Christian. Those that do and require a book that cites old JEWISH laws as their commands do not have much faith in their relationship with CHRIST, a man that NEVER said a word about homosexuals.
Christianity is to be CHRISTLIKE. Folks can believe what they want as the Christian religion has many denominations.
But until I find something, anything, anyplace, somewhere where Jesus condemned homosexuals as sinners it does not exist. I follow Christ, NOT old Jewish laws.

And thankfully you're part of a growing majority of christians.

The ones on here condemning them to hell, as if somehow the sins of a gay person are worse than the sins of a straight person, are the part of a dying minority.

As time goes on, they'll be weeded out.

Our church has doubled in the last 4 years. Not saying we are any better than the others and not saying they are wrong. They are the ones pointing fingers and telling us WE are wrong as they watch their members leave the door by the masses headed to another church.
One of my football coaches told me years ago "you can not fool the kids" as he ran my tail off for not knowing my play book after a few practices. That stuck and that is what is going on. Our youth see that their gay and lesbian neighbors are just as good and equal as them and they do not believe Jesus condemned them.
They are following Christ. Not old Jewish law.

I'm glad your church is growing, the majority of gays are christian. Gay christians for the most part are doing the same thing straight christians are, trying to be as christ-like as they can and follow his teachings.

And as we've said, none of those teachings even hint at the idea of having any marginal issue with being gay.

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