Ebola Czar was busted funneling money away from ebola research, but is still on the job...sort of.


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
"What’s particularly interesting about this discussion, then, is that nobody has even discussed the fact that the federal government not ten years ago created and funded a brand new office in the Health and Human Services Department specifically to coordinate preparation for and response to public health threats like Ebola. The woman who heads that office, and reports directly to the HHS secretary, has been mysteriously invisible from the public handling of this threat. And she’s still on the job even though three years ago she was embroiled in a huge scandal of funneling a major stream of funding to a company with ties to a Democratic donor—and away from a company that was developing a treatment now being used on Ebola patients."

President Obama Already Has An Ebola Czar. Where Is She
They don't care. They honestly think ebola is just going to kill other people, lol. Poor people and Republicans.
This goes against the liberal myth that the Republicans blocked funding.

If they are going to respond, it'll be after they get their next round of talking points passed around.
Only Obozo could turn the CDC into a front for political organizing....the director is a hack from NY who served under Bloomberg.....where his main focus was trying to ban salt and Big Gulps in NYC while Bloomers was out here in Arizona trying to get our concealed-carry law overturned.
What I find amazing is that Canada could develop an ebola vaccine with jack shit funding compared to the billions poured into the CDC, NIH, HHS etc.

They're ready to trial it on humans.100% effective in animals.
Guys in labs just north of me. :) Here's a good link.

Part of the article:

The vaccine, which was developed by scientists at the Public Health Agency of Canada's National Microbiology Laboratory in Winnipeg, will be tested on 20 healthy volunteers at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research in Silver Spring, Md.

Studies in primates have shown the vaccine prevents infections, if given before exposure, and increases survival chances among those who get it quickly after exposure.

The results from the Phase 1 human trials will be completed by December, Ambrose said, although no specific date was given.

She said the vaccine has been shown to be "100 per cent effective" in preventing the spread of the Ebola virus when tested on animals.

"This provides hope because if the Canadian vaccine is shown to be safe and effective [in humans], it will stop this devastating outbreak," Ambrose said.

The Canadian government owns the intellectual property rights to the vaccine but has licensed the rights to a small U.S. biotech company called NewLink Genetics through its wholly owned subsidiary, BioProtection Systems, the public agency said.

Ebola outbreak 1st human trials of Canadian vaccine start in U.S. - World - CBC News
The Surgeon General is not the Ebola Czar...
Keep up sparky.

In fact, when Sen. Bob Casey was asked if he agreed the U.S. needed an Ebola czar, which some legislators are demanding, he responded: “I don’t, because under the bill we have such a person in HHS already.”
The Surgeon General is not the Ebola Czar...
Keep up sparky.

In fact, when Sen. Bob Casey was asked if he agreed the U.S. needed an Ebola czar, which some legislators are demanding, he responded: “I don’t, because under the bill we have such a person in HHS already.”

Then you should have no problem stating without a lack of facts who the czar is...
"What’s particularly interesting about this discussion, then, is that nobody has even discussed the fact that the federal government not ten years ago created and funded a brand new office in the Health and Human Services Department specifically to coordinate preparation for and response to public health threats like Ebola. The woman who heads that office, and reports directly to the HHS secretary, has been mysteriously invisible from the public handling of this threat. And she’s still on the job even though three years ago she was embroiled in a huge scandal of funneling a major stream of funding to a company with ties to a Democratic donor—and away from a company that was developing a treatment now being used on Ebola patients."

President Obama Already Has An Ebola Czar. Where Is She
Funneling money, democrats? Naw never happens....

Elections matter.
According to CNN this month, there is no Ebola czar as such and nobody specifically in charge of focusing on Ebola. But while I'm sure CNN is reporting what they consider a valid news story, most of us have absolutely no confidence that the government is telling CNN or anybody else the whole truth on this.

. . . .
At home, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention -- helmed by Director Tom Frieden -- is at the forefront of efforts to prepare hospitals, local and state health officials and more to deal with cases of Ebola, and to keep it from spreading.

Frieden: Why U.S. can stop Ebola in its tracks

Frieden sought to quell concerns that Ebola could spread within the United States at a news conference Thursday afternoon, but said he couldn't make guarantees.

"The plain truth is that we can't make the risk zero until the outbreak is controlled," he said.

"What we can do is minimize that risk ... by working to ensure that there are no more individuals that will be exposed."

The White House said the structure of the federal response is "sufficient."

"On the question of why we have not tapped an 'Ebola czar,' we are cognizant that doing so would create another layer of bureaucracy," a senior administration official said.

"To be sure, our response needs to be as nimble and as bureaucratically lean as possible in order to bring the overseas epidemic under control," the official said. "We feel the current structure we have in place is sufficient."No Ebola czar coming White House says - CNN.com
"The Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP; "SID-wrap") is a global leader in addressing public health preparedness and emerging infectious disease response. Founded in 2001, CIDRAP is part of the Academic Health Center at the University of Minnesota."
The full punchline from the CIDRAP report:

"We believe there is scientific and epidemiologic evidence that Ebola virus has the potential to be transmitted via infectious aerosol particles both near and at a distance from infected patients, which means that healthcare workers should be wearing respirators, not facemasks."

"We strongly urge the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) to seek funds for the purchase and transport of PAPRs to all healthcare workers currently fighting the battle against Ebola throughout Africa—and beyond."

"Most scientific and medical personnel, along with public health organizations, have been unequivocal in their statements that Ebola can be transmitted only by direct contact with virus-laden fluids2,3 and that the only modes of transmission we should be concerned with are those termed "droplet" and "contact."
These statements are based on two lines of reasoning. The first is that no one located at a distance from an infected individual has contracted the disease, or the converse, every person infected has had (or must have had) "direct" contact with the body fluids of an infected person.

"This reflects an incorrect and outmoded understanding of infectious aerosols, which has been institutionalized in policies, language, culture, and approaches to infection control. We will address this below. Briefly, however, the important points are that virus-laden bodily fluids may be aerosolized and inhaled while a person is in proximity to an infectious person and that a wide range of particle sizes can be inhaled and deposited throughout the respiratory tract."

CIDRAP We Believe There Is Scientific Evidence Ebola Has The Potential To Be Airborne Zero Hedge

Viruses are tough to crack.....the problem with the survivor blood antibody therapy is both the patient and donor must have the same blood type....luckily most of us are O+ but if you ain't, you ain't. I once had a German Shepherd pup who came down with distemper shortly after getting his distemper shot. Two vets told me he was hopeless....he couldn't get up and his tendons and ligaments were atrophying......I found a third vet who gave him tetracycline for secondary infection, cortisone for his tissue connectors, and a massive vitamin B shot to boost his immune system.....HOOAH....it worked! He was up and bounding around with his sister 3 days later.

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