Ebola Vaccine Would Likely Have Been Found By Now If Not For Budget Cuts: NIH Director

The head of the NIH thinks so:

Ebola Vaccine Would Likely Have Been Found By Now If Not For Budget Cuts: NIH Director

Ebola Vaccine Would Likely Have Been Found By Now If Not For Budget Cuts NIH Director

Just another way Conservatives and TeaBaggers are screwing up America!

I know they are to blame for America not having a surgeon general.

The conservatives/teabaggers in the senate have been filibustering the nominee for over a year.

So at a time when we really need a surgeon general, the republicans have made sure we don't have one.

That's on top of cutting their budget by half a billion dollars.
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Conservatives have also not invented the one-sided double-shackled oatmeal-burning super swan-diving widget yet, either.

Not enough funding, I think.
Maybe it was what the NIH and CDC chose to spend the money on. Was an ebola vaccine more important than discovering whether male fruitflys preferred younger female fruitflys or that lesbians are more obese than heterosexual women? Would there have been an ebola vaccine if the studies weren't on drunk monkeys?
BTW, about those budget "cuts".....

The leftists were demanding that their budgets be increased by 9%.

The TEA party Republicans increased them by 7% instead.

Now the leftists are screaming their budgets have been "cut", although they actually got an increase.

Only in the bizarro world of leftist lies.... :rolleyes-41:
Another load of crap that is NOT supported by the facts. Course, when has the left been a friend of facts?

I know, now you want to see the sermons that my pastor has been preaching so you can monitor this "hate" speech about stupid liberals.
This is the latest DNC talking point. They've been busy e-mailing their bots, telling them to post this nonsense all over the internet.
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Canadian vaccine is starting trials in the US right now. 100% effective in animals.

Fuck the liberal line of "whaaaaaaaaaaaa we didn't have enough money" because our total budget up here to run all the departments of health including research is a lousy 3.8 billion.
What the chattering classes routinely neglect to mention is that Obama proposed cutting the CDC's funding and Republicans INCREASED it. The chatterers are simply nattering nabobs of negativity, piously and religiously parroting whatever nonsense they're told to by the faxes that come out of the machine in the basement.
You probably dont realize that the republicans/conservatives/libertarians/tea party members of congress gave obama's CDC more money than they requested for their budget...300 million dollars more than they requested...to repeat....

The republicans/libertarians/conservatives/tea party members gave the CDC more money than they requested in their budget request....do you understand what that actually means....it means the republicans/conservatives/libertarians/tea party members gave more money, not less to the CDC....
NIH is involved with private companies. The DOD is also involved.

But for the money your departments receive in the quizzillions of dollars the US should have been on the cutting edge of all this research.

Too bad your idiots decided to put money to use to develop origami condoms and study robot squirrels.
The head of the NIH thinks so:

Ebola Vaccine Would Likely Have Been Found By Now If Not For Budget Cuts: NIH Director

Ebola Vaccine Would Likely Have Been Found By Now If Not For Budget Cuts NIH Director

Just another way Conservatives and TeaBaggers are screwing up America!
Yet another leftist fanatic who thinks that if government doesn't do it, no one will do it.



are you saying you don't want the government aka Obama to do anything about protecting the country from Ebola?


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