Economic war with china is the only answer! Stop victimizing americans.


At the Ballpark July 30th
Nov 8, 2008

Folks, look at the damn headlines from the news this morning.

China calls US green-tech trade charges 'groundless'
AFP - 38 minutes ago
BEIJING - China on Saturday rejected US allegations that it was engaging in unfair trade practices in the green technology sector, calling the charge "groundless and irresponsible".

U.S. opens trade probe on China

China Says US Trade Complaint on Clean Energy Policy Is `Irresponsible' Bloomberg

The Chinese are flooding the west with their cheap product because they pay their workers ten dollars a day. The workers paradise is a workers hell, and only the Ruling Class have any luxury. In the United States workers are losing their jobs by the millions. We are not protecting our own.

It is time to call an END to this INSANE ECONOMIC POLICY and refuse to trade with China. TOTAL REFUSAL! We need to tell the Asians to deal with their own problems and get the fug outta their continent.

If we can, form a United States of North America where we trade within our own country. Brazil can have South America. Europe can go its own way. I don't care what kind of government they have as long as they are not stupid enough to try to expand into America. In the future we will not trade for goods if we can buy them from our own producers at reasonable cost.
You're not going to get any sympathy from the right wing.

If you suggest their trading practices are unfair, the right will call you a racist and ask why you hate the Chinese.

The right has no problem with Chinese being paid 88 dollars a month. In fact, they want to elect people here that will repeal the minimum wage all together.

Thy right feels the answer is to remove all restrictions and let "free trade" take its course, even though the government of China is selling products artificially low to drive American business into bankruptcy.

The right will protect China because they have spent hundreds of billions moving jobs there to that communist country. They seem to love China more than America.
Ahh just wait till the corporate begin whining and screaming when their Chinese investments get nationalized.

Actually didn't Nixon open up China for Trade?

Fair trade.

Even Clinton wanted distribution points and communications built in China.

But is it possible to compete with people making 88 dollars a month, who work 10 hours a day, seven days a week who live in dorms? Should we live in dorms?

You can't even say they have less training. Republican subsidies and tax breaks during the Bush years gave companies plenty of money to educate the Chinese to do those jobs they were previously unqualified for. That money also build Chinese infrastructure to support factories paid for by moving US tax burden to our middle class freeing up capital used to build up Communist China over Democratic US.

It's not like it's a secret. Republicans will do more of the same and Democrats haven't figured out how to run on it.

That's why Republicans haven't ran on any plan to bring jobs back. Because they won't.
Too many dems want the same as the reps do.

You wish. The Democratic Party is fractured and is a party of coalitions. It may be 60% white or more, but those whites include gays and feminists and atheists and teachers and scientists and other liberals.

I think I read the Chamber of Commerce have given money to only two Democrats.

It always cracks me up when people try to compare the Republican and Democratic Parties. The Republican Party is 90% white and mostly all Christian. The Democratic Party is "everyone else" and that includes "conservatives". How many liberals are in the Republican Party?
Too many dems want the same as the reps do.

You wish. The Democratic Party is fractured and is a party of coalitions. It may be 60% white or more, but those whites include gays and feminists and atheists and teachers and scientists and other liberals.

I think I read the Chamber of Commerce have given money to only two Democrats.

It always cracks me up when people try to compare the Republican and Democratic Parties. The Republican Party is 90% white and mostly all Christian. The Democratic Party is "everyone else" and that includes "conservatives". How many liberals are in the Republican Party?

They are both mainly controlled by corporate lobbyists.
Too many dems want the same as the reps do.

You wish. The Democratic Party is fractured and is a party of coalitions. It may be 60% white or more, but those whites include gays and feminists and atheists and teachers and scientists and other liberals.

I think I read the Chamber of Commerce have given money to only two Democrats.

It always cracks me up when people try to compare the Republican and Democratic Parties. The Republican Party is 90% white and mostly all Christian. The Democratic Party is "everyone else" and that includes "conservatives". How many liberals are in the Republican Party?

They are both mainly controlled by corporate lobbyists.

That's what Republicans want you to believe. Then you start investigating the facts.

How come Joe Biden didn't become rich? He's been in the senate for decades.

Obama received the largest amount of money from BP than anyone else. Only, it came from the people who worked there, janitors, secretaries, engineers, rig workers and so one. He didn't take a cent from a BP PAC.

There are politicians and there are politicians. You can't pigeonhole them all. They are not all John Boehner and Mitch McConnell and Newt Gingrich and Michelle Bachmann. Some actually love this country and work for it's best interests. I'm not saying no Republicans do, I just don't know of any.

Actually didn't Nixon open up China for Trade?

But is it possible to compete with people making 88 dollars a month, who work 10 hours a day, seven days a week who live in dorms? Should we live in dorms?
If you can't beat'em, join'em :eek:
That's the future in murka.
Your masters,that you continue to support, almost have you right where they want you.
Next up ? VAT :cuckoo:
You wish. The Democratic Party is fractured and is a party of coalitions. It may be 60% white or more, but those whites include gays and feminists and atheists and teachers and scientists and other liberals.

I think I read the Chamber of Commerce have given money to only two Democrats.

It always cracks me up when people try to compare the Republican and Democratic Parties. The Republican Party is 90% white and mostly all Christian. The Democratic Party is "everyone else" and that includes "conservatives". How many liberals are in the Republican Party?

They are both mainly controlled by corporate lobbyists.

That's what Republicans want you to believe. Then you start investigating the facts.

How come Joe Biden didn't become rich? He's been in the senate for decades.

Obama received the largest amount of money from BP than anyone else. Only, it came from the people who worked there, janitors, secretaries, engineers, rig workers and so one. He didn't take a cent from a BP PAC.

There are politicians and there are politicians. You can't pigeonhole them all. They are not all John Boehner and Mitch McConnell and Newt Gingrich and Michelle Bachmann. Some actually love this country and work for it's best interests. I'm not saying no Republicans do, I just don't know of any.

I just judge based on how representatives vote.

Yes there are a handful of real representatives in congress that actually represent the best interests of the people who elected them.
Just a handful though.
This country doesn't need any more Wars. Besides,China holds most of the cards. We actually depend on them quite a bit these days. A War with them now wouldn't help us. We have enough problems as it is. An Economic War with China would not be beneficial for us at this point.

Folks, look at the damn headlines from the news this morning.

China calls US green-tech trade charges 'groundless'
AFP - 38 minutes ago
BEIJING - China on Saturday rejected US allegations that it was engaging in unfair trade practices in the green technology sector, calling the charge "groundless and irresponsible".

U.S. opens trade probe on China

China Says US Trade Complaint on Clean Energy Policy Is `Irresponsible' Bloomberg

The Chinese are flooding the west with their cheap product because they pay their workers ten dollars a day. The workers paradise is a workers hell, and only the Ruling Class have any luxury. In the United States workers are losing their jobs by the millions. We are not protecting our own.

It is time to call an END to this INSANE ECONOMIC POLICY and refuse to trade with China. TOTAL REFUSAL! We need to tell the Asians to deal with their own problems and get the fug outta their continent.

If we can, form a United States of North America where we trade within our own country. Brazil can have South America. Europe can go its own way. I don't care what kind of government they have as long as they are not stupid enough to try to expand into America. In the future we will not trade for goods if we can buy them from our own producers at reasonable cost.

While I agree we should get serious today's news reports that team Obama backed down from China regarding currency manipulation by failing to label them as currency manipulators. And you are probably a threat to our nation by rallying for trade wars.

Smoot Hawley indeed.

We need to put the screws to China sensibly, like adults, brandishing aircraft carrier groups. Maybe turn some uninhabited islands to glass.

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