Economy in crapper with record high employment.

He's too dementia ridden to notice
I do my best to avoid watching his decline on tv. I don't understand why President Biden doesn't resign honorably before it becomes necessary to remove him through the 25th Amendment in case his bad decisions and weakness cause our people to be attacked again like 9/11/2001.

The 25th Amendment is:
"The 25th Amendment says that the vice president will take office and take over the role of president if the president is removed from office, resigns, or dies. This was proposed in 1965 after Lyndon Johnson took over the presidency following the assassination of John F. Kennedy. It was ratified on February 10, 1967."​

Biden organized an insane military pullout in Afghanistan that left many Americans in harm's way.
Right now, Biden has for the first time in history failed to provide for the common defense, He put his hand up and pledged the Presidential Oath that said he would provide for the common defense. He doesn't think people left behind in Afghanistan matter, and he horrified the american people pretty bad by his negligence of not protecting our citizens there.

He betrayed half the voters in America by calling those who didn't vote for him "fascists." He put a division in this nation we may never get over, and it will keep on getting worse as long as his mealy mouthed assaults show who and what he really is.
Trump didn't throw the nation into depression. He worked hard for and won success for employment in high-paying jobs, even if the new employee was unemployed for a long time. He got a lot of people back to work, and they liked it because it beat the hard times they had on the government dole.
Trump never worked hard for any one other than himself. He came in on a still rising Obama's economy. This 'hard working Trump spent almost 300 hundred days playing golf as 'president.

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