Economy in crapper with record high employment.

Production is tied to wages. More wages mean I work harder. Lower wages mean I back off. Econ 101. It's how capitalism works. Peoe want to work harder so they can make more. Higher wages attract people.
The economy is awful. Record high employment shows that people are working. And that is awful.

Sure we have never had this many people working before. But that just shows how awful the economy is. Or something.
A good economy is more than low unemployment. When the market crashed in 1929, unemployment was less that 3%.
As usual you have no answer.
what are you talking about? i literally answered you l. I provided a link for you to read.

This isn’t rocket science, a business will lay people off because they need to maintain profits.

The xiden economy has created record inflation, as well as 3 qtrs of negative growth
what are you talking about? i literally answered you l. I provided a link for you to read.

This isn’t rocket science, a business will lay people off because they need to maintain profits.

The xiden economy has created record inflation, as well as 3 qtrs of negative growth
So they need to lay folks off to maintain record profits, smfh.
I can accept the fact we have never met, and you despise successful people, like me. I don't know anything about you, and I don't care.

What is your specific reason for hating on Public School Teachers, who are some of the most stellar humans on Earth.

You focus on the 0.01% freaks that happen to hold that job.

I’ve read many of your posts. It’s abundantly clear you should not be educating Americas youth.
Record # of people employed, and you are REQUIRED to make up some kind of negative.

Missy just can't bring himself to acknowledge a POSITIVE.
C'mon applaud the RECORD employment numbers.
I dare ya.

Still stuck on stupid.
So did inflation, but whatever.
Do enlighten me on what's positive about the way things are going in America today, fuckstick; Because I simply do not see it.
Do enlighten me on what's positive about the way things are going in America today, fuckstick; Because I simply do not see it.
Are you still functioning and alive?
It appears you are

Lighten up Bitch and find some enjoyment rather than this sad-sack routine
You are aware that labor participation rate dropped almost 3 percent under Biden, don't you? this means there are far fewer people gainfully employed.

The labor participation rate was 61.4% when Biden was sworn in. It is now 62.3%. That's an increase of 0.9%.

You're wrong dumbfck and you won't convince me otherwise so FCK off

No, he is correct.

The National Bureau of Economic Research looks at a wide swath of statistical data to determine if we are in a recession. Thus far, they have not concluded we are in a recession. However, they may retroactively conclude we are in a recession as data comes in.

FTR, I believe we are either in a recession or will be soon.
Two quarters of negative growth is defined as recession. Economics 101

That is not correct, though it is not an unreasonable assumption.

You will hear many pundits describe this as a definition of recession. And in most cases, this turns out to be correct. But in fact, a recession is defined as a broad decline in economic activity as opposed to two quarters of GDP contraction.
Show me the data with exact dates where you claim the US became energy independent. Exact DATES with the DATA to support.

marvin martian
Provide Exact DATES with the DATA to support.

You made the claim, now back it up.

The US has not been energy independent for decades. The US has had to import energy since the early 1970s.

However, this is heard in the political discourse. Why? Because they include Canada in energy supply. If you include Canada, America has been "energy independent" for large swaths of the past decade.

As a Canadian, I find this assumption to be very wrong.

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