Edited 47% comments illustrates bias of MSM, the left's propaganda machine:

It's really important to know the context of a true and unconsequential comment about the percentage of people he thinks are hardcore Obamites.

You guys are pathetic. If this is the most awful thing you have, then we're in incredibly good shape.

OK, so what context are we missing?

In all seriousness, I'm genuinely surprised to see yourself and Katz defending what was obviously a very poorly considered comment.

I don't know what context it's missing, and don't care. It wasn't indicative of any glaring personality defect, dishonesty, or anything else. In fact, it was correct. It's a non-issue. Except to the rabid lefties who will do ANYTHING that distracts from the horrific mess Obama has gotten us into.
Yes, that is what he said.

At a secretly taped, closed-door fundraiser in May, Mitt Romney said 47 percent Americans don’t pay income tax and are unlikely to vote for him in November.

Who are Mitt Romney

Now - is that statement true?

We both know that it isn't of course, but I am curious to see whether you can contradict your Master.

And he was right.

He did not say "47 percent don't pay taxes".

How dishonest of you.

And he was right.

He did not say "47 percent don't pay taxes".

How dishonest of you.

So 47% of Americans pay neither payroll NOR income tax?

Are you sure?

Again - we both know the answer, I'm just waiting for th Kool Aid to wear off so that you can answer honestly!
Just to cut to the chase here:

28.3% paid payroll taxes but not income taxes
10.3% were elderly and retired and were not taxed on Social Security benefits

So actually it is only 14% of Americans who do not pay any form of income tax.

But then you knew that.
He didn't say 47 percent pay neither payroll nor income tax.


You keep changing the assertion each time. Pick one and stay with it, liar.

At any rate, who gives a fuck if it's off a few percentage points? An off the cuff comment that is perfectly true.

I think it says a lot about Mitt, and none of it bad.

Just like the left's hysterical reaction to the truth says a lot about them.
You have to love how this was a "SECRET" VIDEO

it was taken MONTHS ago and WALLA it appears two month from the Obama re-election..

Democrats wrote the book on DIRTY POLITICS and Obama is the best at it, how do you think he won his Senate seat in Illinois

You want dirty politics re-elect Obama, you deserve everything coming your way

The only thing dirty is your diaper.
Yes, that is what he said.

At a secretly taped, closed-door fundraiser in May, Mitt Romney said 47 percent Americans don’t pay income tax and are unlikely to vote for him in November.

Who are Mitt Romney

Now - is that statement true?

We both know that it isn't of course, but I am curious to see whether you can contradict your Master.
Now that's NOT what you said is it? You said:

In fact, it was correct.

So 47% of Americans pay no tax?

Are you sure?

THOSE are two VERY different statements, which is kosher's point, and is NOT the same thing, NOT what he said and NOT true!

His statement that 47% don't pay INCOME TAX is ABSOLUTELY true!

Anyone who can't understand that...has no business arguing the semantics of language OR the economy!
He didn't say 47 percent pay neither payroll nor income tax.


You keep changing the assertion each time. Pick one and stay with it, liar.

At any rate, who gives a fuck if it's off a few percentage points? An off the cuff comment that is perfectly true.

I think it says a lot about Mitt, and none of it bad.

Just like the left's hysterical reaction to the truth says a lot about them.

Mitt told 47% of Americans that they are moochers and expect government handouts, that they think they are victims and expect the government to provide them medical care, food and housing....

Insulting don't you think?
The moocher term is all your own.

He said 47 percent are dependent upon the government in one way or another, and those people would never vote for him.

And he was absolutely right. They are dependent on the government. I'm not sure that they won't vote for him, though.
And PS, I don't care if Obama's die hards are insulted. Most of them are scum, the rest are just clueless and need to open their eyes.
He didn't say 47 percent pay neither payroll nor income tax.


You keep changing the assertion each time. Pick one and stay with it, liar.

At any rate, who gives a fuck if it's off a few percentage points? An off the cuff comment that is perfectly true.

I think it says a lot about Mitt, and none of it bad.

Just like the left's hysterical reaction to the truth says a lot about them.

Mitt told 47% of Americans that they are moochers and expect government handouts, that they think they are victims and expect the government to provide them medical care, food and housing....

Insulting don't you think?

yeah it is, but it's also true......40% in a poll dont think the government has done enough. REALLY?????? what they dont hand our Ferraris on the beginning of the month either, damn those small government people!
Frankly I am amazed that in 55 posts NO ONE made the slightest efort to find out where the 47% figure came from or what it means. I know that fact checking is not a big thing on this board, but I would have thought that common curiosity would have driven some one to at least ask.

The figure is actually 46.4% and it is the percentage of 2011 income tax returns filed so far that show no net income tax liability. This is an unusually high number; in an average year it is more like 40%. There are many reasons why filers would have no income tax liability, most of which have absolutely nothing to do with work ethic or dependency on government. There are about 4000 millionaires who had no tax liability last year. Over 40% of those with no tax liability are over 62 or disabled and have no liability because their Social Security benefits are not fully taxable. Another 5% have education credits. 5% get there because of tax-exemt bond interest and 1.3% get there because their long term capital gains and dividends are not taxed.

The only source for statistical information on taxes comes from the Statistics of Income Section of the Internal Revenue Service. Everything else is pundits slicing and dicing SOI numbers. It turns out that most people who pay o income tax in any given year have paid or will pay substatial federal income tax most years during their working life (about 80% of filers between the ages of 25 and 60 pay income taxes in any given year and many people, especially self-employed, move in and out of the other 20% frequently). So fairly few of these people should be characterized as "victims" or ishing to be "dependent on government". The idea that someone would fall for this bovine excrement is an insult to the working Americans and small businessmen that make our country run, and Romney and anyone who falls for this need to exit the Ayn Rand phony universe and return to the real world.

So Romney was right on his statistic by horribly wrong on the inference he drew.
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He didn't draw the inference. The inference was drawn by the lefties who needed something to distract from the fact that our country is in a shambles, we're being attacked abroad, and our the people responsible are trying to blame us for it.
Kosher -

Aren't you in the slight bit embarassed by defending Romney's ridiculous claims?

I don't get why you are doing this.
The ridiculous claims are in your head. I'm not embarassed at all. You people should die of embarassment, acting like it's even worth mentioning...particularly given the fact that we're being attacked and killed and our president is pretending it's our fault for having freedom of speech.
And what's even more ridiculous..you guys get all huffy over things that weren't even said. And we're supposed to act like it's REAL. It's not real, you fucking loons. Get over it and pay attention to reality instead of just gobbling whatever dick you get fed by our lying admin and Hillary.

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