Educating Black Biracial Children

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With only three races. It should be very easy to self segregate. Time for civilization to be re born.

Inferior individuals are free to go be alone somewhere, but the mass of humanity has already, for the most part, moved on from the infantile fears of cowardly weaklings.
The only thing thats radical about what I am doing is that I am teaching the truth which makes whites such as yourself uncomfortable.

Pretty much the line I hear from other supremacists around these parts. The TEST is whether all these superiority claims that go way beyond protecting your Clan are vetted by research and facts. Or whether they are more parable and fable.. And parables that EMPHASIZE the INFERIORITY of another race.

In the latter case -- here's your award.


Seems emulating them is all too easy. Be more difficult to spring a couple thousand from prison or get an alternative school placed in the hood.
Your problem is that if whites didnt do it then it means Blacks are superior. Your inferiority complex keeps coming to light and your logic is terrible. Whats superior about the Hebrews being Black? I am eager to hear your typical threatened white guy response.

Lemme explain to you what the definition of racism is.. It's when you attempt to assert a fundamental inferiority to another race. White racists really almost solely on inventing mythical damaged constructs for their assertions. And you've demonstrated much of the same penchant. It's not EASY to make an entire race SUDDENLY feel inferior. It has to be based on millennia of underachievement by THEIR OWN HAND to have any effect.

You've usurped ancient civilizations like the Egyptians and Hebrews to achieve your mystical constructs. In the case of the Hebrews, finding a "lost tribe" of sub-Saharan Blacks practicing Judaism going back 2000 years doesn't even give me or Israel the heebies. In FACT -- we embrace it. It's substantiated in fact, amazing and welcomed.

Unlike your claims that most modern technologies would NOT HAVE EXISTED if they were generously donated to the world during primitive stages of development in Africa. Much like the "carbon tempered steel" argument that you put forward which was based on dated science speculation since withdrawn. And at BEST that's a development that was contemporaneous with several other parts of world and left virtually no artifacts or industries in the archaeological record.

The "doubt and inferior complex" is in the veracity of the claims. NOT how you get folks to react.. White racists only convert the weak and vulnerable. And going back to the topic of this thread, it seems you're grooming and selecting those who are vulnerable BECAUSE of existing inferiority. You earned the "cap and gown" in the pic I dropped on you...

Spare us your Eurocentric babble flacatenn. A has usurped nothing. You are simply ignorant to WORLD history. One fact we know is that European archeologists in the `16-1800's decided to remake things to support a belief they developed called scientific racism. They had to justify slavery and this is how. Many of the historical teachings in America stem from what you whites call the enlightenment, now that's when Europe was enlightened but since we are educated from a Eurocentric perspective then it becomes the whole world experienced the so called enlightenment.

You are ignorant to this. You are ignorant to the influence of Kant, Hume and the like or how much their thinking dominated European society. Until you study this you really can't argue or lecture anyone black about what you think are questionable beliefs relative to our history, accomplishments or anything else.

Your racism doesn't allow you to question anything coming from white scholars, yet you will question everything from back ones. There are many sides to world history and there are things whites just did not do. There were major civilizations that were not white that whites have colored as white. These are facts also. A has dome some serious far reaching studies in an attempt to get in touch with who he really is. I have explained to you, our identities were taken from us by whites during slavery and during the overt racism in this nation from when America was a colony of Britain up until at least 1965. You are unaware of this because this is something whites like you want everyone to sweep under the rug and forget. But you know your heritage and ancestry, most whites do. .And you teach it to your kids no matter how untrue it really is.
Great post.

But here's the thing. They know this. They know all about black history. They are not misinformed at all. White men have an inferiority complex in regards to black men.
The only thing thats radical about what I am doing is that I am teaching the truth which makes whites such as yourself uncomfortable.

Pretty much the line I hear from other supremacists around these parts. The TEST is whether all these superiority claims that go way beyond protecting your Clan are vetted by research and facts. Or whether they are more parable and fable.. And parables that EMPHASIZE the INFERIORITY of another race.

In the latter case -- here's your award.


Seems emulating them is all too easy. Be more difficult to spring a couple thousand from prison or get an alternative school placed in the hood.
Your problem is that if whites didnt do it then it means Blacks are superior. Your inferiority complex keeps coming to light and your logic is terrible. Whats superior about the Hebrews being Black? I am eager to hear your typical threatened white guy response.

Lemme explain to you what the definition of racism is.. It's when you attempt to assert a fundamental inferiority to another race. White racists really almost solely on inventing mythical damaged constructs for their assertions. And you've demonstrated much of the same penchant. It's not EASY to make an entire race SUDDENLY feel inferior. It has to be based on millennia of underachievement by THEIR OWN HAND to have any effect.

You've usurped ancient civilizations like the Egyptians and Hebrews to achieve your mystical constructs. In the case of the Hebrews, finding a "lost tribe" of sub-Saharan Blacks practicing Judaism going back 2000 years doesn't even give me or Israel the heebies. In FACT -- we embrace it. It's substantiated in fact, amazing and welcomed.

Unlike your claims that most modern technologies would NOT HAVE EXISTED if they were generously donated to the world during primitive stages of development in Africa. Much like the "carbon tempered steel" argument that you put forward which was based on dated science speculation since withdrawn. And at BEST that's a development that was contemporaneous with several other parts of world and left virtually no artifacts or industries in the archaeological record.

The "doubt and inferior complex" is in the veracity of the claims. NOT how you get folks to react.. White racists only convert the weak and vulnerable. And going back to the topic of this thread, it seems you're grooming and selecting those who are vulnerable BECAUSE of existing inferiority. You earned the "cap and gown" in the pic I dropped on you...

Spare us your Eurocentric babble flacatenn. A has usurped nothing. You are simply ignorant to WORLD history. One fact we know is that European archeologists in the `16-1800's decided to remake things to support a belief they developed called scientific racism. They had to justify slavery and this is how. Many of the historical teachings in America stem from what you whites call the enlightenment, now that's when Europe was enlightened but since we are educated from a Eurocentric perspective then it becomes the whole world experienced the so called enlightenment.

You are ignorant to this. You are ignorant to the influence of Kant, Hume and the like or how much their thinking dominated European society. Until you study this you really can't argue or lecture anyone black about what you think are questionable beliefs relative to our history, accomplishments or anything else.

Your racism doesn't allow you to question anything coming from white scholars, yet you will question everything from back ones. There are many sides to world history and there are things whites just did not do. There were major civilizations that were not white that whites have colored as white. These are facts also. A has dome some serious far reaching studies in an attempt to get in touch with who he really is. I have explained to you, our identities were taken from us by whites during slavery and during the overt racism in this nation from when America was a colony of Britain up until at least 1965. You are unaware of this because this is something whites like you want everyone to sweep under the rug and forget. But you know your heritage and ancestry, most whites do. .And you teach it to your kids no matter how untrue it really is.
Great post.

But here's the thing. They know this. They know all about black history. They are not misinformed at all. White men have an inferiority complex in regards to black men.

Just another racist ^^^^^
The only thing thats radical about what I am doing is that I am teaching the truth which makes whites such as yourself uncomfortable.

Pretty much the line I hear from other supremacists around these parts. The TEST is whether all these superiority claims that go way beyond protecting your Clan are vetted by research and facts. Or whether they are more parable and fable.. And parables that EMPHASIZE the INFERIORITY of another race.

In the latter case -- here's your award.


Seems emulating them is all too easy. Be more difficult to spring a couple thousand from prison or get an alternative school placed in the hood.
Your problem is that if whites didnt do it then it means Blacks are superior. Your inferiority complex keeps coming to light and your logic is terrible. Whats superior about the Hebrews being Black? I am eager to hear your typical threatened white guy response.

Lemme explain to you what the definition of racism is.. It's when you attempt to assert a fundamental inferiority to another race. White racists really almost solely on inventing mythical damaged constructs for their assertions. And you've demonstrated much of the same penchant. It's not EASY to make an entire race SUDDENLY feel inferior. It has to be based on millennia of underachievement by THEIR OWN HAND to have any effect.

You've usurped ancient civilizations like the Egyptians and Hebrews to achieve your mystical constructs. In the case of the Hebrews, finding a "lost tribe" of sub-Saharan Blacks practicing Judaism going back 2000 years doesn't even give me or Israel the heebies. In FACT -- we embrace it. It's substantiated in fact, amazing and welcomed.

Unlike your claims that most modern technologies would NOT HAVE EXISTED if they were generously donated to the world during primitive stages of development in Africa. Much like the "carbon tempered steel" argument that you put forward which was based on dated science speculation since withdrawn. And at BEST that's a development that was contemporaneous with several other parts of world and left virtually no artifacts or industries in the archaeological record.

The "doubt and inferior complex" is in the veracity of the claims. NOT how you get folks to react.. White racists only convert the weak and vulnerable. And going back to the topic of this thread, it seems you're grooming and selecting those who are vulnerable BECAUSE of existing inferiority. You earned the "cap and gown" in the pic I dropped on you...

Spare us your Eurocentric babble flacatenn. A has usurped nothing. You are simply ignorant to WORLD history. One fact we know is that European archeologists in the `16-1800's decided to remake things to support a belief they developed called scientific racism. They had to justify slavery and this is how. Many of the historical teachings in America stem from what you whites call the enlightenment, now that's when Europe was enlightened but since we are educated from a Eurocentric perspective then it becomes the whole world experienced the so called enlightenment.

You are ignorant to this. You are ignorant to the influence of Kant, Hume and the like or how much their thinking dominated European society. Until you study this you really can't argue or lecture anyone black about what you think are questionable beliefs relative to our history, accomplishments or anything else.

Your racism doesn't allow you to question anything coming from white scholars, yet you will question everything from back ones. There are many sides to world history and there are things whites just did not do. There were major civilizations that were not white that whites have colored as white. These are facts also. A has dome some serious far reaching studies in an attempt to get in touch with who he really is. I have explained to you, our identities were taken from us by whites during slavery and during the overt racism in this nation from when America was a colony of Britain up until at least 1965. You are unaware of this because this is something whites like you want everyone to sweep under the rug and forget. But you know your heritage and ancestry, most whites do. .And you teach it to your kids no matter how untrue it really is.

I have no freaking ideas whether scholars are black or white. In fact, in the case the World "receiving the gift of carbon tempered steel" from Deepest Africa 2000 years before it appeared elsewhere" -- I STILL DON'T KNOW. Only thing WE know is that the cites came from EARLY speculation 40 years ago that have since been revised. Science/Reseach/History isn't racial. It's based on EVIDENCE. That's what I know..

So now every scientist/researcher from the 1600s to 1800s are in on racial conspiracy? Actually I KNOW there WAS bias. But the bias was NOT INVESTIGATING thoroughly in Africa.. Tell me IM2.. Who's fault is it that early African History was largely ignored? Is it MY fault? A white European fault?

Scientific racism is a term for neglect to research African roots. Not overt racism. Should have been DONE AND DOCUMENTED CENTURIES ago -- if it was valuable to dark-skinned people. Don't go smashing ME for it.
With only three races. It should be very easy to self segregate. Time for civilization to be re born.

Inferior individuals are free to go be alone somewhere, but the mass of humanity has already, for the most part, moved on from the infantile fears of cowardly weaklings.

The cowardly weaklings are the ones willing to turn our national heritage into a Third-World swath.
The only thing thats radical about what I am doing is that I am teaching the truth which makes whites such as yourself uncomfortable.

Pretty much the line I hear from other supremacists around these parts. The TEST is whether all these superiority claims that go way beyond protecting your Clan are vetted by research and facts. Or whether they are more parable and fable.. And parables that EMPHASIZE the INFERIORITY of another race.

In the latter case -- here's your award.


Seems emulating them is all too easy. Be more difficult to spring a couple thousand from prison or get an alternative school placed in the hood.
Your problem is that if whites didnt do it then it means Blacks are superior. Your inferiority complex keeps coming to light and your logic is terrible. Whats superior about the Hebrews being Black? I am eager to hear your typical threatened white guy response.

Lemme explain to you what the definition of racism is.. It's when you attempt to assert a fundamental inferiority to another race. White racists really almost solely on inventing mythical damaged constructs for their assertions. And you've demonstrated much of the same penchant. It's not EASY to make an entire race SUDDENLY feel inferior. It has to be based on millennia of underachievement by THEIR OWN HAND to have any effect.

You've usurped ancient civilizations like the Egyptians and Hebrews to achieve your mystical constructs. In the case of the Hebrews, finding a "lost tribe" of sub-Saharan Blacks practicing Judaism going back 2000 years doesn't even give me or Israel the heebies. In FACT -- we embrace it. It's substantiated in fact, amazing and welcomed.

Unlike your claims that most modern technologies would NOT HAVE EXISTED if they were generously donated to the world during primitive stages of development in Africa. Much like the "carbon tempered steel" argument that you put forward which was based on dated science speculation since withdrawn. And at BEST that's a development that was contemporaneous with several other parts of world and left virtually no artifacts or industries in the archaeological record.

The "doubt and inferior complex" is in the veracity of the claims. NOT how you get folks to react.. White racists only convert the weak and vulnerable. And going back to the topic of this thread, it seems you're grooming and selecting those who are vulnerable BECAUSE of existing inferiority. You earned the "cap and gown" in the pic I dropped on you...

Spare us your Eurocentric babble flacatenn. A has usurped nothing. You are simply ignorant to WORLD history. One fact we know is that European archeologists in the `16-1800's decided to remake things to support a belief they developed called scientific racism. They had to justify slavery and this is how. Many of the historical teachings in America stem from what you whites call the enlightenment, now that's when Europe was enlightened but since we are educated from a Eurocentric perspective then it becomes the whole world experienced the so called enlightenment.

You are ignorant to this. You are ignorant to the influence of Kant, Hume and the like or how much their thinking dominated European society. Until you study this you really can't argue or lecture anyone black about what you think are questionable beliefs relative to our history, accomplishments or anything else.

Your racism doesn't allow you to question anything coming from white scholars, yet you will question everything from back ones. There are many sides to world history and there are things whites just did not do. There were major civilizations that were not white that whites have colored as white. These are facts also. A has dome some serious far reaching studies in an attempt to get in touch with who he really is. I have explained to you, our identities were taken from us by whites during slavery and during the overt racism in this nation from when America was a colony of Britain up until at least 1965. You are unaware of this because this is something whites like you want everyone to sweep under the rug and forget. But you know your heritage and ancestry, most whites do. .And you teach it to your kids no matter how untrue it really is.
Great post.

But here's the thing. They know this. They know all about black history. They are not misinformed at all. White men have an inferiority complex in regards to black men.

You think so? Or is it classic projection? Why can't be about revealing and education and not about retribution and gaming. What is the advantage do you hope to gain by WISHING inferiority on anyone?

Need that last one actually answered.

This is why the country is going to hell. Got 2 polarized sides EXCUSING what's obviously wrong and INExcusable. But, they're gonna fight to the death over who did it first --- or who did it worse. And everything wrong is NOW blessedly right -- because "the other side did it first". Where you think that leads?

Probably need an answer to that last one also.

Preaching racial/religious/sexual Superiority/Inferiority is JUST FLAT WRONG. You are not a "group" -- and neither am I..
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The only thing thats radical about what I am doing is that I am teaching the truth which makes whites such as yourself uncomfortable.

Pretty much the line I hear from other supremacists around these parts. The TEST is whether all these superiority claims that go way beyond protecting your Clan are vetted by research and facts. Or whether they are more parable and fable.. And parables that EMPHASIZE the INFERIORITY of another race.

In the latter case -- here's your award.


Seems emulating them is all too easy. Be more difficult to spring a couple thousand from prison or get an alternative school placed in the hood.
Your problem is that if whites didnt do it then it means Blacks are superior. Your inferiority complex keeps coming to light and your logic is terrible. Whats superior about the Hebrews being Black? I am eager to hear your typical threatened white guy response.

Lemme explain to you what the definition of racism is.. It's when you attempt to assert a fundamental inferiority to another race. White racists really almost solely on inventing mythical damaged constructs for their assertions. And you've demonstrated much of the same penchant. It's not EASY to make an entire race SUDDENLY feel inferior. It has to be based on millennia of underachievement by THEIR OWN HAND to have any effect.

You've usurped ancient civilizations like the Egyptians and Hebrews to achieve your mystical constructs. In the case of the Hebrews, finding a "lost tribe" of sub-Saharan Blacks practicing Judaism going back 2000 years doesn't even give me or Israel the heebies. In FACT -- we embrace it. It's substantiated in fact, amazing and welcomed.

Unlike your claims that most modern technologies would NOT HAVE EXISTED if they were generously donated to the world during primitive stages of development in Africa. Much like the "carbon tempered steel" argument that you put forward which was based on dated science speculation since withdrawn. And at BEST that's a development that was contemporaneous with several other parts of world and left virtually no artifacts or industries in the archaeological record.

The "doubt and inferior complex" is in the veracity of the claims. NOT how you get folks to react.. White racists only convert the weak and vulnerable. And going back to the topic of this thread, it seems you're grooming and selecting those who are vulnerable BECAUSE of existing inferiority. You earned the "cap and gown" in the pic I dropped on you...
What made you assume I invented anything? Just because you are ignorant doesn't mean I invented anything. Are you actually claiming the Greeks didnt say the Egyptians are Black? You dont have to tell me the definition of racism. Whites such as yourself have shown me that all my life. Again you are having the typical white boy booty tickled feelings of inferiority just because I have posted the facts. We know you are having these feelings because your post consist mainly of attempting to discredit me instead of focusing on the information. This is another symptom of desperate white boy behavior caused by cognitive dissonance. Do you know what that means? It means you cant reconcile the facts with your views of Black people in general. Any fact that proves your beliefs invalid is like a torpedo to your falsely propped up self esteem. Its ok but just know that I know.
The only thing thats radical about what I am doing is that I am teaching the truth which makes whites such as yourself uncomfortable.

Pretty much the line I hear from other supremacists around these parts. The TEST is whether all these superiority claims that go way beyond protecting your Clan are vetted by research and facts. Or whether they are more parable and fable.. And parables that EMPHASIZE the INFERIORITY of another race.

In the latter case -- here's your award.


Seems emulating them is all too easy. Be more difficult to spring a couple thousand from prison or get an alternative school placed in the hood.
Your problem is that if whites didnt do it then it means Blacks are superior. Your inferiority complex keeps coming to light and your logic is terrible. Whats superior about the Hebrews being Black? I am eager to hear your typical threatened white guy response.

Lemme explain to you what the definition of racism is.. It's when you attempt to assert a fundamental inferiority to another race. White racists really almost solely on inventing mythical damaged constructs for their assertions. And you've demonstrated much of the same penchant. It's not EASY to make an entire race SUDDENLY feel inferior. It has to be based on millennia of underachievement by THEIR OWN HAND to have any effect.

You've usurped ancient civilizations like the Egyptians and Hebrews to achieve your mystical constructs. In the case of the Hebrews, finding a "lost tribe" of sub-Saharan Blacks practicing Judaism going back 2000 years doesn't even give me or Israel the heebies. In FACT -- we embrace it. It's substantiated in fact, amazing and welcomed.

Unlike your claims that most modern technologies would NOT HAVE EXISTED if they were generously donated to the world during primitive stages of development in Africa. Much like the "carbon tempered steel" argument that you put forward which was based on dated science speculation since withdrawn. And at BEST that's a development that was contemporaneous with several other parts of world and left virtually no artifacts or industries in the archaeological record.

The "doubt and inferior complex" is in the veracity of the claims. NOT how you get folks to react.. White racists only convert the weak and vulnerable. And going back to the topic of this thread, it seems you're grooming and selecting those who are vulnerable BECAUSE of existing inferiority. You earned the "cap and gown" in the pic I dropped on you...
What made you assume I invented anything? Just because you are ignorant doesn't mean I invented anything. Are you actually claiming the Greeks didnt say the Egyptians are Black? You dont have to tell me the definition of racism. Whites such as yourself have shown me that all my life. Again you are having the typical white boy booty tickled feelings of inferiority just because I have posted the facts. We know you are having these feelings because your post consist mainly of attempting to discredit me instead of focusing on the information. This is another symptom of desperate white boy behavior caused by cognitive dissonance. Do you know what that means? It means you cant reconcile the facts with your views of Black people in general. Any fact that proves your beliefs invalid is like a torpedo to your falsely propped up self esteem. Its ok but just know that I know.

Nothing about the skin color of Egyptians will EVER affect my self-esteem.. What makes you think it would?

But let me humor you.. ASSUME the Egyptians were just nomadic tribes from the darkest parts of the continent and not an assimilated combo of races. Who LEVERAGED their advancements? Where was the continuing "pyramid" of advanced black culture and innovations? The ones that SHOULD have been maintained by such a ubiquitous advanced civilization?

I assume the answer will be -- it never transferred BACK to subSaharan Africa because of Imperialism or some bullcrap like that.

And really man -- what does any of that matter to your next business proposal or who you vote for next November? Isn't gonna put a hex on my MoJo in any tiny way...
The only thing thats radical about what I am doing is that I am teaching the truth which makes whites such as yourself uncomfortable.

Pretty much the line I hear from other supremacists around these parts. The TEST is whether all these superiority claims that go way beyond protecting your Clan are vetted by research and facts. Or whether they are more parable and fable.. And parables that EMPHASIZE the INFERIORITY of another race.

In the latter case -- here's your award.


Seems emulating them is all too easy. Be more difficult to spring a couple thousand from prison or get an alternative school placed in the hood.
Your problem is that if whites didnt do it then it means Blacks are superior. Your inferiority complex keeps coming to light and your logic is terrible. Whats superior about the Hebrews being Black? I am eager to hear your typical threatened white guy response.

Lemme explain to you what the definition of racism is.. It's when you attempt to assert a fundamental inferiority to another race. White racists really almost solely on inventing mythical damaged constructs for their assertions. And you've demonstrated much of the same penchant. It's not EASY to make an entire race SUDDENLY feel inferior. It has to be based on millennia of underachievement by THEIR OWN HAND to have any effect.

You've usurped ancient civilizations like the Egyptians and Hebrews to achieve your mystical constructs. In the case of the Hebrews, finding a "lost tribe" of sub-Saharan Blacks practicing Judaism going back 2000 years doesn't even give me or Israel the heebies. In FACT -- we embrace it. It's substantiated in fact, amazing and welcomed.

Unlike your claims that most modern technologies would NOT HAVE EXISTED if they were generously donated to the world during primitive stages of development in Africa. Much like the "carbon tempered steel" argument that you put forward which was based on dated science speculation since withdrawn. And at BEST that's a development that was contemporaneous with several other parts of world and left virtually no artifacts or industries in the archaeological record.

The "doubt and inferior complex" is in the veracity of the claims. NOT how you get folks to react.. White racists only convert the weak and vulnerable. And going back to the topic of this thread, it seems you're grooming and selecting those who are vulnerable BECAUSE of existing inferiority. You earned the "cap and gown" in the pic I dropped on you...
What made you assume I invented anything? Just because you are ignorant doesn't mean I invented anything. Are you actually claiming the Greeks didnt say the Egyptians are Black? You dont have to tell me the definition of racism. Whites such as yourself have shown me that all my life. Again you are having the typical white boy booty tickled feelings of inferiority just because I have posted the facts. We know you are having these feelings because your post consist mainly of attempting to discredit me instead of focusing on the information. This is another symptom of desperate white boy behavior caused by cognitive dissonance. Do you know what that means? It means you cant reconcile the facts with your views of Black people in general. Any fact that proves your beliefs invalid is like a torpedo to your falsely propped up self esteem. Its ok but just know that I know.

Nothing about the skin color of Egyptians will EVER affect my self-esteem.. What makes you think it would?

But let me humor you.. ASSUME the Egyptians were just nomadic tribes from the darkest parts of the continent and not an assimilated combo of races. Who LEVERAGED their advancements? Where was the continuing "pyramid" of advanced black culture and innovations? The ones that SHOULD have been maintained by such a ubiquitous advanced civilization?

I assume the answer will be -- it never transferred BACK to subSaharan Africa because of Imperialism or some bullcrap like that.

And really man -- what does any of that matter to your next business proposal or who you vote for next November? Isn't gonna put a hex on my MoJo in any tiny way...

"Nothing about the skin color of Egyptians will EVER affect my self-esteem.. What makes you think it would?"

Your desperate attempts to say its racism makes me think it would.

You dont have to humor me. I'm not the one in doubt. You are.
The only thing thats radical about what I am doing is that I am teaching the truth which makes whites such as yourself uncomfortable.

Pretty much the line I hear from other supremacists around these parts. The TEST is whether all these superiority claims that go way beyond protecting your Clan are vetted by research and facts. Or whether they are more parable and fable.. And parables that EMPHASIZE the INFERIORITY of another race.

In the latter case -- here's your award.


Seems emulating them is all too easy. Be more difficult to spring a couple thousand from prison or get an alternative school placed in the hood.
Your problem is that if whites didnt do it then it means Blacks are superior. Your inferiority complex keeps coming to light and your logic is terrible. Whats superior about the Hebrews being Black? I am eager to hear your typical threatened white guy response.

Lemme explain to you what the definition of racism is.. It's when you attempt to assert a fundamental inferiority to another race. White racists really almost solely on inventing mythical damaged constructs for their assertions. And you've demonstrated much of the same penchant. It's not EASY to make an entire race SUDDENLY feel inferior. It has to be based on millennia of underachievement by THEIR OWN HAND to have any effect.

You've usurped ancient civilizations like the Egyptians and Hebrews to achieve your mystical constructs. In the case of the Hebrews, finding a "lost tribe" of sub-Saharan Blacks practicing Judaism going back 2000 years doesn't even give me or Israel the heebies. In FACT -- we embrace it. It's substantiated in fact, amazing and welcomed.

Unlike your claims that most modern technologies would NOT HAVE EXISTED if they were generously donated to the world during primitive stages of development in Africa. Much like the "carbon tempered steel" argument that you put forward which was based on dated science speculation since withdrawn. And at BEST that's a development that was contemporaneous with several other parts of world and left virtually no artifacts or industries in the archaeological record.

The "doubt and inferior complex" is in the veracity of the claims. NOT how you get folks to react.. White racists only convert the weak and vulnerable. And going back to the topic of this thread, it seems you're grooming and selecting those who are vulnerable BECAUSE of existing inferiority. You earned the "cap and gown" in the pic I dropped on you...

Spare us your Eurocentric babble flacatenn. A has usurped nothing. You are simply ignorant to WORLD history. One fact we know is that European archeologists in the `16-1800's decided to remake things to support a belief they developed called scientific racism. They had to justify slavery and this is how. Many of the historical teachings in America stem from what you whites call the enlightenment, now that's when Europe was enlightened but since we are educated from a Eurocentric perspective then it becomes the whole world experienced the so called enlightenment.

You are ignorant to this. You are ignorant to the influence of Kant, Hume and the like or how much their thinking dominated European society. Until you study this you really can't argue or lecture anyone black about what you think are questionable beliefs relative to our history, accomplishments or anything else.

Your racism doesn't allow you to question anything coming from white scholars, yet you will question everything from back ones. There are many sides to world history and there are things whites just did not do. There were major civilizations that were not white that whites have colored as white. These are facts also. A has dome some serious far reaching studies in an attempt to get in touch with who he really is. I have explained to you, our identities were taken from us by whites during slavery and during the overt racism in this nation from when America was a colony of Britain up until at least 1965. You are unaware of this because this is something whites like you want everyone to sweep under the rug and forget. But you know your heritage and ancestry, most whites do. .And you teach it to your kids no matter how untrue it really is.

I have no freaking ideas whether scholars are black or white. In fact, in the case the World "receiving the gift of carbon tempered steel" from Deepest Africa 2000 years before it appeared elsewhere" -- I STILL DON'T KNOW. Only thing WE know is that the cites came from EARLY speculation 40 years ago that have since been revised. Science/Reseach/History isn't racial. It's based on EVIDENCE. That's what I know..

So now every scientist/researcher from the 1600s to 1800s are in on racial conspiracy? Actually I KNOW there WAS bias. But the bias was NOT INVESTIGATING thoroughly in Africa.. Tell me IM2.. Who's fault is it that early African History was largely ignored? Is it MY fault? A white European fault?

Scientific racism is a term for neglect to research African roots. Not overt racism. Should have been DONE AND DOCUMENTED CENTURIES ago -- if it was valuable to dark-skinned people. Don't go smashing ME for it.

Flacatenn this has not a fucking thing to do with some racial conspiracy. Like I said you need to go study. Early African History has been ignored in America because of white racist bigots like you who refuse to recognize it. That's a fact and just because you are too much of a wimp to understand this does not change that truth. Yes it is the white Europeans fault because blacks were not allowed to read, get educated or much else in the beginning of this nation, then we got second class material for 100 years after slavery. Black schools, black scholars and historians were discredited and much of their work revised and credited to white European scholars at least until overt racism was made illegal. Don't ask questions you don't really want answered. You will be smashed for what your race is responsvle for just as much as you whites try smashing us for things we don't do. That's the way its going to be with me. So deal with.

Svienve/research and history has been racial and thats just the hard cold truth..

So now its time for your education.

Scientific racism (sometimes race realism, human biodiversity, race biology or racial biology[1]) is the pseudoscientific belief that empirical evidence exists to support or justify racism (racial discrimination), racial inferiority, or racial superiority;[2][3][4] alternatively, it is the practice of classifying[5] individuals of different phenotypes or genotype into discrete races. Historically it received credence in the scientific community, but is no longer considered scientific.[3][4]

Scientific racism employs
anthropology (notably physical anthropology), anthropometry, craniometry, and other disciplines or pseudo-disciplines, in proposing anthropological typologies supporting the classification of human populations into physically discrete human races, that might be asserted to be superior or inferior. Scientific racism was common during the period from 1600s to the end of World War I. Since the second half of 20th century, scientific racism has been criticized as obsolete and discredited, yet historically has persistently been used to support or validate racist world-views, based upon belief in the existence and significance of racial categories and a hierarchy of superior and inferior races.[6]

No flacaltenn, scientific racism is not a term used for neglect to research African roots. It was areal thing done by real white Europeans and it lasted about 350 years.. Actually forms of it exist today.

The term "scientific racism" is generally used pejoratively as applied to more modern theories, as in The Bell Curve (1994). Critics argue that such works postulate racist conclusions unsupported by available evidence such as a connection between race and intelligence.[8] Publications such as the Mankind Quarterly, founded explicitly as a "race-conscious" journal, are generally regarded as platforms of scientific racism for publishing articles on fringe interpretations of human evolution, intelligence, ethnography, language, mythology, archaeology, and race subjects.

Now understand that you don't know what the hell you are talking about and that you are dealing with some black people who do,

Thus endeth the lesson.

scientific racism - Yahoo Search Results
Pretty much the line I hear from other supremacists around these parts. The TEST is whether all these superiority claims that go way beyond protecting your Clan are vetted by research and facts. Or whether they are more parable and fable.. And parables that EMPHASIZE the INFERIORITY of another race.

In the latter case -- here's your award.


Seems emulating them is all too easy. Be more difficult to spring a couple thousand from prison or get an alternative school placed in the hood.
Your problem is that if whites didnt do it then it means Blacks are superior. Your inferiority complex keeps coming to light and your logic is terrible. Whats superior about the Hebrews being Black? I am eager to hear your typical threatened white guy response.

Lemme explain to you what the definition of racism is.. It's when you attempt to assert a fundamental inferiority to another race. White racists really almost solely on inventing mythical damaged constructs for their assertions. And you've demonstrated much of the same penchant. It's not EASY to make an entire race SUDDENLY feel inferior. It has to be based on millennia of underachievement by THEIR OWN HAND to have any effect.

You've usurped ancient civilizations like the Egyptians and Hebrews to achieve your mystical constructs. In the case of the Hebrews, finding a "lost tribe" of sub-Saharan Blacks practicing Judaism going back 2000 years doesn't even give me or Israel the heebies. In FACT -- we embrace it. It's substantiated in fact, amazing and welcomed.

Unlike your claims that most modern technologies would NOT HAVE EXISTED if they were generously donated to the world during primitive stages of development in Africa. Much like the "carbon tempered steel" argument that you put forward which was based on dated science speculation since withdrawn. And at BEST that's a development that was contemporaneous with several other parts of world and left virtually no artifacts or industries in the archaeological record.

The "doubt and inferior complex" is in the veracity of the claims. NOT how you get folks to react.. White racists only convert the weak and vulnerable. And going back to the topic of this thread, it seems you're grooming and selecting those who are vulnerable BECAUSE of existing inferiority. You earned the "cap and gown" in the pic I dropped on you...
What made you assume I invented anything? Just because you are ignorant doesn't mean I invented anything. Are you actually claiming the Greeks didnt say the Egyptians are Black? You dont have to tell me the definition of racism. Whites such as yourself have shown me that all my life. Again you are having the typical white boy booty tickled feelings of inferiority just because I have posted the facts. We know you are having these feelings because your post consist mainly of attempting to discredit me instead of focusing on the information. This is another symptom of desperate white boy behavior caused by cognitive dissonance. Do you know what that means? It means you cant reconcile the facts with your views of Black people in general. Any fact that proves your beliefs invalid is like a torpedo to your falsely propped up self esteem. Its ok but just know that I know.

Nothing about the skin color of Egyptians will EVER affect my self-esteem.. What makes you think it would?

But let me humor you.. ASSUME the Egyptians were just nomadic tribes from the darkest parts of the continent and not an assimilated combo of races. Who LEVERAGED their advancements? Where was the continuing "pyramid" of advanced black culture and innovations? The ones that SHOULD have been maintained by such a ubiquitous advanced civilization?

I assume the answer will be -- it never transferred BACK to subSaharan Africa because of Imperialism or some bullcrap like that.

And really man -- what does any of that matter to your next business proposal or who you vote for next November? Isn't gonna put a hex on my MoJo in any tiny way...

"Nothing about the skin color of Egyptians will EVER affect my self-esteem.. What makes you think it would?"

Your desperate attempts to say its racism makes me think it would.

You dont have to humor me. I'm not the one in doubt. You are.

I never went there. Didn't say discussing the "alternate History" was racist. I said that USING semi-mangled history to prove superiority/inferiority is wrong. No matter which supremacists are doing it.

My problem isn't race. It's the 16 virulent Jew hating afficionados riding USMB. Same mangled "Talmudic quotes" and holocaust denying alternate history that THEY sell to the insecure and the weak.

I'm far from insecure or weak about ANY of this. I just hate supremacists. YOU should understand why that is.. It's kinda my cultural sensitivity.
Your problem is that if whites didnt do it then it means Blacks are superior. Your inferiority complex keeps coming to light and your logic is terrible. Whats superior about the Hebrews being Black? I am eager to hear your typical threatened white guy response.

Lemme explain to you what the definition of racism is.. It's when you attempt to assert a fundamental inferiority to another race. White racists really almost solely on inventing mythical damaged constructs for their assertions. And you've demonstrated much of the same penchant. It's not EASY to make an entire race SUDDENLY feel inferior. It has to be based on millennia of underachievement by THEIR OWN HAND to have any effect.

You've usurped ancient civilizations like the Egyptians and Hebrews to achieve your mystical constructs. In the case of the Hebrews, finding a "lost tribe" of sub-Saharan Blacks practicing Judaism going back 2000 years doesn't even give me or Israel the heebies. In FACT -- we embrace it. It's substantiated in fact, amazing and welcomed.

Unlike your claims that most modern technologies would NOT HAVE EXISTED if they were generously donated to the world during primitive stages of development in Africa. Much like the "carbon tempered steel" argument that you put forward which was based on dated science speculation since withdrawn. And at BEST that's a development that was contemporaneous with several other parts of world and left virtually no artifacts or industries in the archaeological record.

The "doubt and inferior complex" is in the veracity of the claims. NOT how you get folks to react.. White racists only convert the weak and vulnerable. And going back to the topic of this thread, it seems you're grooming and selecting those who are vulnerable BECAUSE of existing inferiority. You earned the "cap and gown" in the pic I dropped on you...
What made you assume I invented anything? Just because you are ignorant doesn't mean I invented anything. Are you actually claiming the Greeks didnt say the Egyptians are Black? You dont have to tell me the definition of racism. Whites such as yourself have shown me that all my life. Again you are having the typical white boy booty tickled feelings of inferiority just because I have posted the facts. We know you are having these feelings because your post consist mainly of attempting to discredit me instead of focusing on the information. This is another symptom of desperate white boy behavior caused by cognitive dissonance. Do you know what that means? It means you cant reconcile the facts with your views of Black people in general. Any fact that proves your beliefs invalid is like a torpedo to your falsely propped up self esteem. Its ok but just know that I know.

Nothing about the skin color of Egyptians will EVER affect my self-esteem.. What makes you think it would?

But let me humor you.. ASSUME the Egyptians were just nomadic tribes from the darkest parts of the continent and not an assimilated combo of races. Who LEVERAGED their advancements? Where was the continuing "pyramid" of advanced black culture and innovations? The ones that SHOULD have been maintained by such a ubiquitous advanced civilization?

I assume the answer will be -- it never transferred BACK to subSaharan Africa because of Imperialism or some bullcrap like that.

And really man -- what does any of that matter to your next business proposal or who you vote for next November? Isn't gonna put a hex on my MoJo in any tiny way...

"Nothing about the skin color of Egyptians will EVER affect my self-esteem.. What makes you think it would?"

Your desperate attempts to say its racism makes me think it would.

You dont have to humor me. I'm not the one in doubt. You are.

I never went there. Didn't say discussing the "alternate History" was racist. I said that USING semi-mangled history to prove superiority/inferiority is wrong. No matter which supremacists are doing it.

My problem isn't race. It's the 16 virulent Jew hating afficionados riding USMB. Same mangled "Talmudic quotes" and holocaust denying alternate history that THEY sell to the insecure and the weak.

I'm far from insecure or weak about ANY of this. I just hate supremacists. YOU should understand why that is.. It's kinda my cultural sensitivity.
I asked the last time but you neglected to answer. How is quoting the Torah and the OT proving supremacy?

The holocaust was very real. I have met 2 survivors. You're barking up the wrong tree. You have never seen me deny the holocaust. I just maintain that the original Hebrews were Black and not the Ashkenazi ones that everyone has accepted today.
First off -- I'm disappointed that you're lecturing without answering key questions. That's not how real education is transferred. When you 1st brought up "scientific racism" --- I told you what the REAL basis of it was. And that was the "lack of motivation" to do comprehensive archaeology about African history. And I asked you this question.. Why won't you answer it?

Tell me IM2.. Who's fault is it that early African History was largely ignored? Is it MY fault? A white European fault?

THEN --- you go quoting a Wiki piece (without a link which is bad form) that essentially BACKS up what I told you. More on that later.

Yes it is the white Europeans fault because blacks were not allowed to read, get educated or much else in the beginning of this nation, then we got second class material for 100 years after slavery.

You skipped the THOUSANDS of years where African History lie virtually unexplored. And the inhabitants virtually unable to SYSTEMATIC document the past because of general illiteracy and dependence on folklore traditions. That's why my question above is important. Who's fault was it that an adequate scientific discovery process did NOT PROCEED for thousands of years?

So now its time for your education.

:happy-1: Sure thing prof.. Like I didn't spend 1/3 of my life in academia.

Scientific racism (sometimes race realism, human biodiversity, race biology or racial biology[1]) is the pseudoscientific belief that empirical evidence exists to support or justify racism (racial discrimination), racial inferiority, or racial superiority;[2][3][4] alternatively, it is the practice of classifying[5] individuals of different phenotypes or genotype into discrete races. Historically it received credence in the scientific community, but is no longer considered scientific


"a pseudoscientific belief" -- "but is no longer considered scientific... Let's go on...

Scientific racism employs anthropology (notably physical anthropology), anthropometry, craniometry, and other disciplines or pseudo-disciplines, in proposing anthropological typologies supporting the classification of human populations into physically discrete human races, that might be asserted to be superior or inferior. Scientific racism was common during the period from 1600s to the end of World War I. Since the second half of 20th century, scientific racism has been criticized as obsolete and discredited, yet historically has persistently been used to support or validate racist world-views, based upon belief in the existence and significance of racial categories and a hierarchy of superior and inferior races

This is simply the phony basis for much of WHITE Racism.

It does not say that ALL archaeology/history from the 1600 -- 1800 is racist white lore. Which is what you originally asserted to ASSURE ME that Asclepias was on solid ground with the multitude of "alternate history/facts" that he believes in.

Only reason there was never a FAIR treatment showing the historically significant achievements of Blacks is that nobody white was highly motivated to DO that task. That's the answer to my question. So NOW -- in the interest of Black Superiority -- a lot amateurs come into the game late and start mangling history/science/religion to MAKE UP FOR a couple thousand years of neglect..

Ain't white people's fault -- it hasn't been researched/documented.. Is it????
I asked the last time but you neglected to answer. How is quoting the Torah and the OT proving supremacy?

Sorry I missed that. You're selectively quoting things that are subject to VOLUMES of interpretation. Looking for loopholes in places that will NEVER prove that Abraham, Isaac, Solomon,Jesus or David were Black. But that's the mythical comfort blanket that you weave and in this thread -- apparently lend to the INSECURE youth of "your people" -- as you put it.

. You need far more that to build any MEANINGFUL lasting self-esteem for young Black, mixed race youth.

The holocaust was very real. I have met 2 survivors. You're barking up the wrong tree. You have never seen me deny the holocaust. I just maintain that the original Hebrews were Black and not the Ashkenazi ones that everyone has accepted today.

I know that you've never gone that route. And I really don't mind the question of Biblical racial origins. Let's take a look. Maybe you're trying too hard here.

Which of the Twelve Tribes of Israel Was Black?

Genesis 9:18-19 [18] The sons of Noah who came out of the ark were Shem, Ham and Japheth. (Ham was the father of Canaan.) [19] These were the three sons of Noah, and from them came the people who were scattered over the earth.

Genesis 10:6 The sons of Ham: Cush, Mizraim, Put and Canaan.

The descendants of Cush settled in Ethiopia. The descendants of Mizraim settled in Egypt. The Hebrew name for the country of Egypt is Mizraim. The English name "Egypt" comes from the Greek word aegyptos, not from Arabic or Hebrew.

The descendants of Ham gradually populated Africa and are Hamitic. The descendants of Shem became the Semitics. Egyptians are Hamitic, not Semitic, even though they now speak a dialect of Arabic, a Semitic language.

The 12 tribes of Israel or Hebrews were descendents of Jacob. After the split with Esau and the "Hamitic" elements of Abraham's family. HOWEVER -- the Hamitic descendency apparently manifested in ONE of the 12 tribes. Because the "African Wing" of the Abraham family was still present within his tribe..

And the REAL evidence for these "lost tribe" elements is growing stronger with modern research..

Lost Jews of Africa

The film, titled “Black Jews, Juifs noir en Afrique,” focuses on a dozen African tribes – in Nigeria, Ghana, Cameroon and other countries – each with a Jewish story. Some claim to be descendants of the Bible’s 10 Lost Tribes. Others believe that their ancestors were Jews who emigrated from Judea to Yemen looking for gold.

“In sub-Saharan Africa, you can find ‘Judaic’ tribes in Ghana, Nigeria, Mali, Uganda, Cameroon, South Africa, Zimbabwe and even in Sao Tome and other countries. There are many of them,” Bruder said. “It is really a vast subject.”

The two women are documenting Sabbath celebrations in remote African villages, Ghanaian Jews practicing circumcision and Jewish-African traditional marriage ceremonies. They have even been deep into the forests filming black Jews preparing their “kosher” meals – in their own tradition, the way the Torah explains it simply – not mixing the meat of the veal with its mother’s cow milk.

Ten Lost Tribes - Wikipedia

Beta Israel of Ethiopia[edit]
Main article: Beta Israel
The Beta Israel ("House of Israel") are Ethiopian Jews, who were also called "Falashas" in the past.[38] Some members of the Beta Israel, as well as several Jewish scholars, believe that they are descended from the lost Tribe of Dan, as opposed to the traditional story of their descent from the Queen of Sheba.[39] They have a tradition of being connected to Jerusalem.[40] Early DNA studies showed that they were descended from Ethiopians, but in the 21st century, new studies have shown their possible descent from a few Jews who lived in either the 4th or 5th century, possibly in Sudan.[41][42][43][44][45] The Beta Israel made contacts with other Jewish communities in the later 20th century. After Halakhic and constitutional discussions, Israeli officials decided on March 14, 1977 that the Israeli Law of Return applied to the Beta Israel.[46]

The last reference is the important one. An OFFICIAL political and religious recognition of the "lost tribe" genealogy... So according to the OT -- the SPLIT of the races was at the time of Noah. Which if you're gonna literally interpret the OT -- was the NEW beginning of the world. All previous mankind destroyed. THAT you have to believe to believe the rest of the story.. And the mixing of those groups is adequately described. NOT a matter of "black" pre-existing before white. Not that simple in the Biblical version of descendency.

I asked the last time but you neglected to answer. How is quoting the Torah and the OT proving supremacy?

Sorry I missed that. You're selectively quoting things that are subject to VOLUMES of interpretation. Looking for loopholes in places that will NEVER prove that Abraham, Isaac, Solomon,Jesus or David were Black. But that's the mythical comfort blanket that you weave and in this thread -- apparently lend to the INSECURE youth of "your people" -- as you put it.

. You need far more that to build any MEANINGFUL lasting self-esteem for young Black, mixed race youth.

The holocaust was very real. I have met 2 survivors. You're barking up the wrong tree. You have never seen me deny the holocaust. I just maintain that the original Hebrews were Black and not the Ashkenazi ones that everyone has accepted today.

I know that you've never gone that route. And I really don't mind the question of Biblical racial origins. Let's take a look. Maybe you're trying too hard here.

Which of the Twelve Tribes of Israel Was Black?

Genesis 9:18-19 [18] The sons of Noah who came out of the ark were Shem, Ham and Japheth. (Ham was the father of Canaan.) [19] These were the three sons of Noah, and from them came the people who were scattered over the earth.

Genesis 10:6 The sons of Ham: Cush, Mizraim, Put and Canaan.

The descendants of Cush settled in Ethiopia. The descendants of Mizraim settled in Egypt. The Hebrew name for the country of Egypt is Mizraim. The English name "Egypt" comes from the Greek word aegyptos, not from Arabic or Hebrew.

The descendants of Ham gradually populated Africa and are Hamitic. The descendants of Shem became the Semitics. Egyptians are Hamitic, not Semitic, even though they now speak a dialect of Arabic, a Semitic language.

The 12 tribes of Israel or Hebrews were descendents of Jacob. After the split with Esau and the "Hamitic" elements of Abraham's family. HOWEVER -- the Hamitic descendency apparently manifested in ONE of the 12 tribes. Because the "African Wing" of the Abraham family was still present within his tribe..

And the REAL evidence for these "lost tribe" elements is growing stronger with modern research..

Lost Jews of Africa

The film, titled “Black Jews, Juifs noir en Afrique,” focuses on a dozen African tribes – in Nigeria, Ghana, Cameroon and other countries – each with a Jewish story. Some claim to be descendants of the Bible’s 10 Lost Tribes. Others believe that their ancestors were Jews who emigrated from Judea to Yemen looking for gold.

“In sub-Saharan Africa, you can find ‘Judaic’ tribes in Ghana, Nigeria, Mali, Uganda, Cameroon, South Africa, Zimbabwe and even in Sao Tome and other countries. There are many of them,” Bruder said. “It is really a vast subject.”

The two women are documenting Sabbath celebrations in remote African villages, Ghanaian Jews practicing circumcision and Jewish-African traditional marriage ceremonies. They have even been deep into the forests filming black Jews preparing their “kosher” meals – in their own tradition, the way the Torah explains it simply – not mixing the meat of the veal with its mother’s cow milk.

Ten Lost Tribes - Wikipedia

Beta Israel of Ethiopia[edit]
Main article: Beta Israel
The Beta Israel ("House of Israel") are Ethiopian Jews, who were also called "Falashas" in the past.[38] Some members of the Beta Israel, as well as several Jewish scholars, believe that they are descended from the lost Tribe of Dan, as opposed to the traditional story of their descent from the Queen of Sheba.[39] They have a tradition of being connected to Jerusalem.[40] Early DNA studies showed that they were descended from Ethiopians, but in the 21st century, new studies have shown their possible descent from a few Jews who lived in either the 4th or 5th century, possibly in Sudan.[41][42][43][44][45] The Beta Israel made contacts with other Jewish communities in the later 20th century. After Halakhic and constitutional discussions, Israeli officials decided on March 14, 1977 that the Israeli Law of Return applied to the Beta Israel.[46]

The last reference is the important one. An OFFICIAL political and religious recognition of the "lost tribe" genealogy... So according to the OT -- the SPLIT of the races was at the time of Noah. Which if you're gonna literally interpret the OT -- was the NEW beginning of the world. All previous mankind destroyed. THAT you have to believe to believe the rest of the story.. And the mixing of those groups is adequately described. NOT a matter of "black" pre-existing before white. Not that simple in the Biblical version of descendency.

Of course I am selectively quoting things in the bible. Thats because they dont say "the Hebrews are Black" every single sentence. Of note is that I cant find on one single time the Hebrews are described as anything other than Black. I can only quote the passages I see that describe them either directly or indirectly by comparison to other known Blacks such as the Canaanites and the Egyptians which whom they were confused with several times in the bible. I can also only quote the bible where it specifically says god turned their skin white as either a punishment or to really convince someone that god existed as in the case of Moses. Do you believe god would make someones hand turning white more impressive of a miracle than turning a staff into a snake? Remember this was done to convince the elders of the Hebrews that god existed. The estimate was that there were about 600,000 Hebrews at the time and a low estimate of 1 elder per thousand would put that at a crowd of 600 at the least. How would a white or tanned hand turning white be more impressive to someone at the back of this crowd? The skin color would obviously have to be very dark in order to impress those in the back of the crowd as any other contrast wouldnt even be visible.

Your summary was pretty amusing to me. Youre assuming that Ham is the only Black guy in the picture. Youre also assuming Shem (whos father was a Black man) wasnt Black himself. You do realize a white man and woman cant create a Black child right? So where did the Black race come from if Noah wasnt Black?

Another senseless thread by the king of fools.

There are white people.

There are black people.

There are biracial people.

Do you just invent new races now?

Could petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama not just as easily identified himself as white? Why not?

Whatever happened to the word mulatto which means a child with one black parent and one white parent?

Mulatto has almost the same connotation as the N-word.

Strange then, I never heard it in any rap music/

Another senseless thread by the king of fools.

There are white people.

There are black people.

There are biracial people.

Do you just invent new races now?

Could petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama not just as easily identified himself as white? Why not?

Whatever happened to the word mulatto which means a child with one black parent and one white parent?

Mulatto has almost the same connotation as the N-word.

Strange then, I never heard it in any rap music/
Too many syllables.........xxxxx,bitch and hoe rap much better.


Please do not bypass the word filter.
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Those that think race and species are the same should take a biology class.

So...a black horse and a white horse are different races?
Race is a term used for humans. As far as I know, the term is not commonly used to describe various subgroups of animals within the same species. A black horse and a white horse could possibly be of different breeds....but not necessarily.
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