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Education: Liberals In Charge

More home-school abuse.

Daniel (age 12), Christopher (7), and Victoria Bever (5) were stabbed to death, allegedly by their older brothers, Robert (age 18) and Michael Bever (age 16). The children’s parents, David and April Bever, were also killed, and their sister Crystal (age 13) was injured but survived. Their 2-year-old sister Autumn was not harmed. The children were “home schooled and kept on a tight leash.”

The deaths were discovered after police responded to a 911 call made by Daniel. Robert and Michael were arrested and Robert was charged with murder. The investigation is ongoing.

Date: July 22, 2015
Location: Broken Arrow, Oklahoma

7 Children of David and April Bever Homeschooling s Invisible Children
Ah yes, another thread where it's not the fault of the student or the parents, it's the teachers....
And to add insult to injury, the OP is so illogical in assuming that all teachers are corrupt and lacking...

Not the case....your post is a fabrication designed to ameliorate the effects of turning the schools over to Liberals.

It is those in charge who have destroyed education: Liberals, Progressives....Democrats.

The poor teachers, for the most part, want to do a good job...but politics gets in the way.

Teachers know how bad it is:
"This brings us to the fact that urban public school teachers are about two times more likely than non-teachers to send their own children to private schools."
Where Do Public School Teachers Send Own Kids by Larry Elder on Creators.com - A Syndicate Of Talent
Yes...who wants to keep their kids in over crowded classes where a large percent of the students won't learn or are disruptive. Why would anyone do that? What control does a teacher have of the student coming to them?

I bet you blame dentists too when their patients don't listen about dental hygiene and get cavities.

Government schools have fewer children per class than parochial school classes....yet the latter outperform.

Face the reality: Liberal ownership of the education industry is the cause of the failure.

As are folks like you who lie about same.
Nature of the parents. What kind of parents send their kids to private/parochial schools? What kind of parents spend the money to send their kids to private/parochial schools? And every private/parochial school I know makes the parents sign a contract obligating them to a certain number of volunteer hours per school year. Can you imagine a public school trying to do that? lol

Actually, it's the Liberal ownership of government schools that cause parents to opt for other choices.

And the results are loud and clear: any other choice is better.
Nice dodge. Let me answer the question for you...The Kind of Parents who send their students to Private school are hands-on parents who are definitely, without-a-doubt, invested in their child's education. What a surprise if their children do well. Besides, if they don't do well, the private schools dump them.
Almost all of those countries you have listed have staunch welfare states and have governments far to the left of the U.S.
Certainly not South Korea, Singapore, Japan or Poland. Stop being so knee-jerky. Public education is not enough of an excuse, even in the US. WTF is "staunch welfare". Learn something below for starters:

Japan has a welfare system that in some ways makes even the new, dismantled American system seem a model of generosity. Applicants in Japan are obliged to get help first from their families, and a poor person physically able to work is not eligible for help -- whether or not the person actually has a job.

From some perspectives, this system has worked brilliantly. The country's already strong family ties have been strengthened, and the main safety net is the family rather than the Government. The number of Japanese in the basic welfare program has declined sharply over the last half century, as people became better off and built up savings.

Today only 0.7 percent of the population receives benefits -- compared with the 4.8 percent of Americans who get grants from Aid to Families With Dependent Children or the 9.7 percent who receive food stamps. About 2.3 percent of Americans receive grants through the Supplemental Security Income program, which serves the elderly, blind and disabled.

Welfare as Japan Knows It - A Family Affair - NYTimes.com
Yet the best rated education systems in the world are run by liberals. Huh, go figure.
You mean those with liberal grading. Small wonder. Atlanta, Chicago and I'm sure Baltimore Saint Louis are graduating millions of Michael Brown who can hardly write their names.
Moron. Look up the top rated countries for education.
Ranking the World’s Educational Systems
We’ve just listed the first 10 below – scroll through the whole graphic to see all of the countries examined in the report.

  1. South Korea
  2. Japan
  3. Singapore
  4. Hong Kong
  5. Finland
  6. UK
  7. Canada
  8. Netherlands
  9. Ireland
  10. Poland
The Top 10 And Counting Education Systems In The World

No verifiable trend of liberalism shorty.

Almost all of those countries you have listed have staunch welfare states and have governments far to the left of the U.S.
And they have tracking, only test their top @ 30% (the college bound), have either longer school days, weeks, or years.

If we want to do as well as they do, why aren't we modeling our education system after theirs?
17th in the world is hardly something to strut. Pretty damned embarrassing, actually. Thank Gawd for homeschool. At least there will be some remaining in America who can provide jobs and leadership in the future.
17th is pretty good when you are measuring top apples vs all the apples. We test and measure everyone....the top countries only test and measure their top students. They track...we no longer do because of the ridiculous mantra that "all are college and career ready" and everyone is college bound.....lol

The Democrats' penchant for low standards to hide their incompetence is truly mystifying to behold from the rational POV.

17th is shit. The retarded class in high school.
You know our special ed students are tested with the rest and their scores put into the average? No other country does that. Students reading at the 3rd grade level who are in 8th grade get the 8th grade test. Any guesses how well they do and what that does to a school or district or state or country's averages?

Documentation please.
Documentation on what part? Do you not believe that special ed students have to take the standardized tests too?
For those who DON'T believe that Special Ed students are tested like everyone else:

Implications of High-Stakes Testing for Students With Learning Disabilities GreatKids

If that link isn't enough for you (or is too hard to read), just Google "special ed students standardized testing" and many links will show up.
I know for a FACT that it's done in CA because I have special ed teacher friends who know that their students end up frustrated and pencil whip their tests every year.
Yet the best rated education systems in the world are run by liberals. Huh, go figure.
You mean those with liberal grading. Small wonder. Atlanta, Chicago and I'm sure Baltimore Saint Louis are graduating millions of Michael Brown who can hardly write their names.
Moron. Look up the top rated countries for education.
Ranking the World’s Educational Systems
We’ve just listed the first 10 below – scroll through the whole graphic to see all of the countries examined in the report.

  1. South Korea
  2. Japan
  3. Singapore
  4. Hong Kong
  5. Finland
  6. UK
  7. Canada
  8. Netherlands
  9. Ireland
  10. Poland
The Top 10 And Counting Education Systems In The World

No verifiable trend of liberalism shorty.

Almost all of those countries you have listed have staunch welfare states and have governments far to the left of the U.S.
And they have tracking, only test their top @ 30% (the college bound), have either longer school days, weeks, or years.

If we want to do as well as they do, why aren't we modeling our education system after theirs?
Yeah, because American kids have the same intellect and discipline. We pour huge amounts of money into education and get people who are completely ignorant on a range of things, as aptly demonstrated on this thread.
You mean those with liberal grading. Small wonder. Atlanta, Chicago and I'm sure Baltimore Saint Louis are graduating millions of Michael Brown who can hardly write their names.
Moron. Look up the top rated countries for education.
Ranking the World’s Educational Systems
We’ve just listed the first 10 below – scroll through the whole graphic to see all of the countries examined in the report.

  1. South Korea
  2. Japan
  3. Singapore
  4. Hong Kong
  5. Finland
  6. UK
  7. Canada
  8. Netherlands
  9. Ireland
  10. Poland
The Top 10 And Counting Education Systems In The World

No verifiable trend of liberalism shorty.

Almost all of those countries you have listed have staunch welfare states and have governments far to the left of the U.S.
And they have tracking, only test their top @ 30% (the college bound), have either longer school days, weeks, or years.

If we want to do as well as they do, why aren't we modeling our education system after theirs?
Yeah, because American kids have the same intellect and discipline. We pour huge amounts of money into education and get people who are completely ignorant on a range of things, as aptly demonstrated on this thread.
Because we DON'T track! (IMO)...we need to have a solid Vocational program back in place for those who are not college bound with education geared for what they need to succeed.....that should be the larger part of our public education, especially past 10 years old. But we have a combo of parents who either can't or won't engage in their children's education with those who think their child is a special snowflake that isn't responsible for anything but should get A's all the time.
10 Homeschool Children Taken from Kentucky Parents for Off-the-Grid Lifestyle - Christian News Headlines

Authorities have taken ten children from their parents in Kentucky for their off-the-grid lifestyle. According to Charisma News, the children were taken from a farm that had no running water or septic system.

Parents Joe and Nicole Naugler said that they chose to live unconventionally and homeschool their children.

A police report claims the Nauglers refused to cooperate with police when their children were taken. The parents have been charged with resisting arrest and disorderly conduct; they pleaded not guilty to both charges.

Joe Naugler insists that the family’s way of life is peaceful, but the Nauglers’ oldest son, Alex Brow, testified in a court hearing that he had been abused.

"I got all the beatings. I got most of the mental abuse.

PC wants parents to have the freedumb to raise their children to be as dumb as a box of rocks.

Yet they outperform your source of ignorance....government schools.
10 Homeschool Children Taken from Kentucky Parents for Off-the-Grid Lifestyle - Christian News Headlines

Authorities have taken ten children from their parents in Kentucky for their off-the-grid lifestyle. According to Charisma News, the children were taken from a farm that had no running water or septic system.

Parents Joe and Nicole Naugler said that they chose to live unconventionally and homeschool their children.

A police report claims the Nauglers refused to cooperate with police when their children were taken. The parents have been charged with resisting arrest and disorderly conduct; they pleaded not guilty to both charges.

Joe Naugler insists that the family’s way of life is peaceful, but the Nauglers’ oldest son, Alex Brow, testified in a court hearing that he had been abused.

"I got all the beatings. I got most of the mental abuse.

PC wants parents to have the freedumb to raise their children to be as dumb as a box of rocks.

Yet they outperform your source of ignorance....government schools.

Dingbat, I'll cut n paste this slower for you this time.

There have been no studies of homeschooled students’ academic performance that have used representative samples rather than recruiting volunteer participants.

Homeschooling Educational Neglect - Coalition for Responsible Home Education
Not the case....your post is a fabrication designed to ameliorate the effects of turning the schools over to Liberals.

It is those in charge who have destroyed education: Liberals, Progressives....Democrats.

The poor teachers, for the most part, want to do a good job...but politics gets in the way.

Teachers know how bad it is:
"This brings us to the fact that urban public school teachers are about two times more likely than non-teachers to send their own children to private schools."
Where Do Public School Teachers Send Own Kids by Larry Elder on Creators.com - A Syndicate Of Talent
Yes...who wants to keep their kids in over crowded classes where a large percent of the students won't learn or are disruptive. Why would anyone do that? What control does a teacher have of the student coming to them?

I bet you blame dentists too when their patients don't listen about dental hygiene and get cavities.

Government schools have fewer children per class than parochial school classes....yet the latter outperform.

Face the reality: Liberal ownership of the education industry is the cause of the failure.

As are folks like you who lie about same.
Nature of the parents. What kind of parents send their kids to private/parochial schools? What kind of parents spend the money to send their kids to private/parochial schools? And every private/parochial school I know makes the parents sign a contract obligating them to a certain number of volunteer hours per school year. Can you imagine a public school trying to do that? lol

Actually, it's the Liberal ownership of government schools that cause parents to opt for other choices.

And the results are loud and clear: any other choice is better.
Nice dodge. Let me answer the question for you...The Kind of Parents who send their students to Private school are hands-on parents who are definitely, without-a-doubt, invested in their child's education. What a surprise if their children do well. Besides, if they don't do well, the private schools dump them.

OK....so now you've admitted that homeschooled kids do better than government schooled kids.

Now...focus like a laser: where should the nation invest resources?

Those who homeschool pay taxes to schools that they do not use, and get no government benefits.
Isn't his one more of the myriad mistakes that make Liberal governance?

Vouchers, homeschooling, co-opts, and charter schools.
Close failing government schools.
Use that bully pulpit to move more parents into the mold of what you call "hands-on parents."

Use the welfare system toward that end, instead of the fifty years of fraud and failure that endorses poverty.

But that would put all sorts of Liberals, Progressives, and socialists out of jobs, huh?
10 Homeschool Children Taken from Kentucky Parents for Off-the-Grid Lifestyle - Christian News Headlines

Authorities have taken ten children from their parents in Kentucky for their off-the-grid lifestyle. According to Charisma News, the children were taken from a farm that had no running water or septic system.

Parents Joe and Nicole Naugler said that they chose to live unconventionally and homeschool their children.

A police report claims the Nauglers refused to cooperate with police when their children were taken. The parents have been charged with resisting arrest and disorderly conduct; they pleaded not guilty to both charges.

Joe Naugler insists that the family’s way of life is peaceful, but the Nauglers’ oldest son, Alex Brow, testified in a court hearing that he had been abused.

"I got all the beatings. I got most of the mental abuse.

PC wants parents to have the freedumb to raise their children to be as dumb as a box of rocks.

Yet they outperform your source of ignorance....government schools.

Dingbat, I'll cut n paste this slower for you this time.

There have been no studies of homeschooled students’ academic performance that have used representative samples rather than recruiting volunteer participants.

Homeschooling Educational Neglect - Coalition for Responsible Home Education


I provided several links to USNews and World Report that destroy your fabrication.

But...if you were honest, you wouldn't be a Liberal, huh?
Yet the best rated education systems in the world are run by liberals. Huh, go figure.
You mean those with liberal grading. Small wonder. Atlanta, Chicago and I'm sure Baltimore Saint Louis are graduating millions of Michael Brown who can hardly write their names.
Moron. Look up the top rated countries for education.
Ranking the World’s Educational Systems
We’ve just listed the first 10 below – scroll through the whole graphic to see all of the countries examined in the report.

  1. South Korea
  2. Japan
  3. Singapore
  4. Hong Kong
  5. Finland
  6. UK
  7. Canada
  8. Netherlands
  9. Ireland
  10. Poland
The Top 10 And Counting Education Systems In The World

No verifiable trend of liberalism shorty.

Almost all of those countries you have listed have staunch welfare states and have governments far to the left of the U.S.
And they have tracking, only test their top @ 30% (the college bound), have either longer school days, weeks, or years.

If we want to do as well as they do, why aren't we modeling our education system after theirs?

Not necessarily. Kids in Finland, for example, don't start school until they are seven years old. They spend less time per day in class than American kids and almost never have homework. Yet, they beat the pants off of us.

American kids already spend 180 days a year in school. I don't think the answer is extending the amount of time they sit in a concrete building. There is more to education than lectures and textbooks. We're still using a 1950s education model to educate 21st century children.
Yes...who wants to keep their kids in over crowded classes where a large percent of the students won't learn or are disruptive. Why would anyone do that? What control does a teacher have of the student coming to them?

I bet you blame dentists too when their patients don't listen about dental hygiene and get cavities.

Government schools have fewer children per class than parochial school classes....yet the latter outperform.

Face the reality: Liberal ownership of the education industry is the cause of the failure.

As are folks like you who lie about same.
Nature of the parents. What kind of parents send their kids to private/parochial schools? What kind of parents spend the money to send their kids to private/parochial schools? And every private/parochial school I know makes the parents sign a contract obligating them to a certain number of volunteer hours per school year. Can you imagine a public school trying to do that? lol

Actually, it's the Liberal ownership of government schools that cause parents to opt for other choices.

And the results are loud and clear: any other choice is better.
Nice dodge. Let me answer the question for you...The Kind of Parents who send their students to Private school are hands-on parents who are definitely, without-a-doubt, invested in their child's education. What a surprise if their children do well. Besides, if they don't do well, the private schools dump them.

OK....so now you've admitted that homeschooled kids do better than government schooled kids.

Now...focus like a laser: where should the nation invest resources?

Those who homeschool pay taxes to schools that they do not use, and get no government benefits.
Isn't his one more of the myriad mistakes that make Liberal governance?

Vouchers, homeschooling, co-opts, and charter schools.
Close failing government schools.
Use that bully pulpit to move more parents into the mold of what you call "hands-on parents."

Use the welfare system toward that end, instead of the fifty years of fraud and failure that endorses poverty.

But that would put all sorts of Liberals, Progressives, and socialists out of jobs, huh?
You might want to pay attention....when have I argued against that. It's like uber private school plus special one-on-one attention. How do you think public schools would do if it were one teacher per 1 - 5 students all year long?
11. "....wrong-headed progressive education philosophy that became dominant in American schools and teacher-training institutes beginning in the 1960s."

Actually, it began far earlier....when Progressives swooned over the education theories of socialist/communist John Dewey.

John Dewey was one of the Potemkin Progressive, who went to Russia and bought every lie that the communists sold him like it was on sale.....
....an amazing symmetry when one compares it to the acceptance by today's Liberals of everything the Leftist elites sell them, including how "well" government schools are working.

And this man,John Dewey, is the greatest single influence on American schoolchildren's education; his books have been used to train generations of teachers.

Even while the Russian civil war was still going on (some seven million killed between 1917 and 1921), Dewey’s books were translated into Russian by the Bolsheviks: they immediately recognized the importance of his ideas to the Soviet collective communist state.

    1. 1918, “School’s of Tomorrow,” published in Russian.
    2. 1919, “How We Think,” published in Russian.
    3. 1920, “The School and Society,” published in Russian.
    4. 1921, “Democracy and Education,” published in Russian. The English version, of course, became a bible at Columbia Teacher’s College. See "Dupes: How America's Adversaries Have Manipulated Progressives for a Century," byPaul Kengor

And the same sort of mentality has gained control of the education industry in America.
And so ends the noble experiment that began with the American Revolution.
Yes...who wants to keep their kids in over crowded classes where a large percent of the students won't learn or are disruptive. Why would anyone do that? What control does a teacher have of the student coming to them?

I bet you blame dentists too when their patients don't listen about dental hygiene and get cavities.

Government schools have fewer children per class than parochial school classes....yet the latter outperform.

Face the reality: Liberal ownership of the education industry is the cause of the failure.

As are folks like you who lie about same.
Nature of the parents. What kind of parents send their kids to private/parochial schools? What kind of parents spend the money to send their kids to private/parochial schools? And every private/parochial school I know makes the parents sign a contract obligating them to a certain number of volunteer hours per school year. Can you imagine a public school trying to do that? lol

Actually, it's the Liberal ownership of government schools that cause parents to opt for other choices.

And the results are loud and clear: any other choice is better.
Nice dodge. Let me answer the question for you...The Kind of Parents who send their students to Private school are hands-on parents who are definitely, without-a-doubt, invested in their child's education. What a surprise if their children do well. Besides, if they don't do well, the private schools dump them.

OK....so now you've admitted that homeschooled kids do better than government schooled kids.

Now...focus like a laser: where should the nation invest resources?

Those who homeschool pay taxes to schools that they do not use, and get no government benefits.
Isn't his one more of the myriad mistakes that make Liberal governance?

Vouchers, homeschooling, co-opts, and charter schools.
Close failing government schools.
Use that bully pulpit to move more parents into the mold of what you call "hands-on parents."

Use the welfare system toward that end, instead of the fifty years of fraud and failure that endorses poverty.

But that would put all sorts of Liberals, Progressives, and socialists out of jobs, huh?

You're assuming that all parents actually care about their children's education. It might be sad, but many in fact do not.
Government schools have fewer children per class than parochial school classes....yet the latter outperform.

Face the reality: Liberal ownership of the education industry is the cause of the failure.

As are folks like you who lie about same.
Nature of the parents. What kind of parents send their kids to private/parochial schools? What kind of parents spend the money to send their kids to private/parochial schools? And every private/parochial school I know makes the parents sign a contract obligating them to a certain number of volunteer hours per school year. Can you imagine a public school trying to do that? lol

Actually, it's the Liberal ownership of government schools that cause parents to opt for other choices.

And the results are loud and clear: any other choice is better.
Nice dodge. Let me answer the question for you...The Kind of Parents who send their students to Private school are hands-on parents who are definitely, without-a-doubt, invested in their child's education. What a surprise if their children do well. Besides, if they don't do well, the private schools dump them.

OK....so now you've admitted that homeschooled kids do better than government schooled kids.

Now...focus like a laser: where should the nation invest resources?

Those who homeschool pay taxes to schools that they do not use, and get no government benefits.
Isn't his one more of the myriad mistakes that make Liberal governance?

Vouchers, homeschooling, co-opts, and charter schools.
Close failing government schools.
Use that bully pulpit to move more parents into the mold of what you call "hands-on parents."

Use the welfare system toward that end, instead of the fifty years of fraud and failure that endorses poverty.

But that would put all sorts of Liberals, Progressives, and socialists out of jobs, huh?

You're assuming that all parents actually care about their children's education. It might be sad, but many in fact do not.

You may be right...but, as the adage goes:
One can only judge others by themselves.
I won't say that our system isn't fucked up because it simply is...Why not pick a top 10 system from some other country and start over?

How about the nation simply allows the freedom to which Americans are entitled.

As opposed to this:

"[Voucher] scholarship recipients had graduation rates of 91%. The graduation rate for D.C. public schools was 56%, and it was 70% for students who entered the lottery for a voucher but didn't win.

Because the president's teachers union allies are opposed to school choice for poor people, Mr. Obama ignores or downplays these findings. He repeatedly has tried to shutter the program, even though it is clearly advancing his stated goal of increasing graduation rates and closing the black-white achievement gap."
Obama s War on School Vouchers - WSJ

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