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Education: Liberals In Charge

You mean those with liberal grading. Small wonder. Atlanta, Chicago and I'm sure Baltimore Saint Louis are graduating millions of Michael Brown who can hardly write their names.
Moron. Look up the top rated countries for education.
Ranking the World’s Educational Systems
We’ve just listed the first 10 below – scroll through the whole graphic to see all of the countries examined in the report.

  1. South Korea
  2. Japan
  3. Singapore
  4. Hong Kong
  5. Finland
  6. UK
  7. Canada
  8. Netherlands
  9. Ireland
  10. Poland
The Top 10 And Counting Education Systems In The World

No verifiable trend of liberalism shorty.

Almost all of those countries you have listed have staunch welfare states and have governments far to the left of the U.S.
And they have tracking, only test their top @ 30% (the college bound), have either longer school days, weeks, or years.

If we want to do as well as they do, why aren't we modeling our education system after theirs?

Not necessarily. Kids in Finland, for example, don't start school until they are seven years old. They spend less time per day in class than American kids and almost never have homework. Yet, they beat the pants off of us.

American kids already spend 180 days a year in school. I don't think the answer is extending the amount of time they sit in a concrete building. There is more to education than lectures and textbooks. We're still using a 1950s education model to educate 21st century children.
Public education and how it is presented is NOTHING like the 1950s. To think it is is to be totally out of touch with what's going on.
Government schools have fewer children per class than parochial school classes....yet the latter outperform.

Face the reality: Liberal ownership of the education industry is the cause of the failure.

As are folks like you who lie about same.
Nature of the parents. What kind of parents send their kids to private/parochial schools? What kind of parents spend the money to send their kids to private/parochial schools? And every private/parochial school I know makes the parents sign a contract obligating them to a certain number of volunteer hours per school year. Can you imagine a public school trying to do that? lol

Actually, it's the Liberal ownership of government schools that cause parents to opt for other choices.

And the results are loud and clear: any other choice is better.
Nice dodge. Let me answer the question for you...The Kind of Parents who send their students to Private school are hands-on parents who are definitely, without-a-doubt, invested in their child's education. What a surprise if their children do well. Besides, if they don't do well, the private schools dump them.

OK....so now you've admitted that homeschooled kids do better than government schooled kids.

Now...focus like a laser: where should the nation invest resources?

Those who homeschool pay taxes to schools that they do not use, and get no government benefits.
Isn't his one more of the myriad mistakes that make Liberal governance?

Vouchers, homeschooling, co-opts, and charter schools.
Close failing government schools.
Use that bully pulpit to move more parents into the mold of what you call "hands-on parents."

Use the welfare system toward that end, instead of the fifty years of fraud and failure that endorses poverty.

But that would put all sorts of Liberals, Progressives, and socialists out of jobs, huh?

You're assuming that all parents actually care about their children's education. It might be sad, but many in fact do not.
Exactly...we need to understand that Public Education was designed to be the default position....that education in place so that all students would become educated to a particular level...for those parents who for one reason or another could not get tutors for or private education for their children. It's become so much more now...but that's how it started.
How to change America from the shining light among nations, one based on individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government, to one based on the collective, a command and control economy, and limitless government?

Simple.....turn the education of our children over to this guy:

12. In 1928, Dewey, on his trip to the Soviet, was given the full Potemkin treatment. He laughed off the possibility of his being manipulated…”the warning, which appears humorous in retrospect by my kindly friends is that I would be fooled by being taken to show places…” Of course, immediately upon returning, he wrote a six part series for The New Republic, the political ‘font of all knowledge’ of the American left. “My mind was in a whirl of new impressions in those early days in Leningrad. Readjustment was difficult, and I lived somewhat dazed….” Impressions of Soviet Russia by John Dewey.

a. He wrote of how impressed he was with the restoration of Russian churches…all the while, under Lenin and Stalin, the demolition of churches was going on! Before the revolution there were 657 churches in Moscow, but some 46 by the ‘70’s.
b. And, “In spite of secret police, inquisitions, arrests and deportations of Nepmen and Kulaks, exiling of party opponents--including divergent elements in the party--life for the masses goes on with regularity, safety and decorum. If I wished to be invidious, I could mention other countries in Eastern Europe in which it is much more annoying to travel…. Nepmen were private, middle-class businessmen and industrialists who took advantage of the NEP (New Economic Policy), a compromise with capitalism promulgated by Lenin in 1921 which permitted some degree of private enterprise. Stalin abolished this system in 1927.” WAIS - World Association for International Studies

c. He found that the Bolshevik revolution was a great success, and “I think the schools are a 'dialectic' factor in the evolution of Russian communism.”

d. And, of course, he declared for ‘political recognition on the part of the United States as a necessary antecedent step…” to benefit both countries. Exactly what the Bolsheviks wanted. "Dupes: How America's Adversaries Have Manipulated Progressives for a Century," byPaul Kengor

13. The federally funded “National History Standards” for elementary schools were released in 1994, cemented a revisionist view of American Communism for schoolteachers, as the guide mentions McCarthy over twenty times, while Edison and the Wright Brothers got no mention. “It …repeatedly condemns McCarthyism as an unmitigated evil…[but] the Hiss-Chambers and Rosenberg cases, the two dominant controversies of the anticommunist era, are described with bland, neutral language crafted to keep from implying guilt while not being quite so foolhardy as to actually assert innocence..’

National Standards’…implies that the cases are part and parcel of the McCartyite horror.”
From “In Denial,” by Haynes and Klehr, pg. 151

The failure of government schools is a microcosm of failure of socialism and communism.
Your idea of freedom has never been tested in away to show that it can compete globally.


Are you nuts?

What kind of requirement is that?

The average income worldwide is less than $10,000 per year.

Actually, probably what you're worth.

This is America...and it should have the freedom that is our birthright.
To have that, the Liberals, socialists , Progressives, etc., need be tossed.
NYC Schools Chancellor has an idea for education....unfortunately, it has nothing to do with education:

13. "[Surprisingly,] Carmen Fariña has, not coincidentally, been one of the city’s most prominent advocates for the panoply of failed progressive education ideas—downplaying the teaching of phonics in the early grades, opposing direct instruction and the teaching of broad content knowledge, and championing social justice in the schools instead of high academic achievement.

... in her own words, in a book called A School Leader’s Guide to Excellence...It’s one of the most vapid and content-free education books I’ve ever read.

Instead of exploring serious ideas about how to restore academic excellence in the city’s schools, it’s all about how to bring “joy” back to the classroom.

Now the chickens have come home to roost for Fariña and de Blasio. ....the kids still can’t pass the graduation tests without an illegal boost—our school system’s version of performance-enhancing drugs." The Cheating Goes On by Sol Stern City Journal August 11 2015

OK....fold your paper....no erasing and no crossing out: what have we learned about the result of turning over 'education' to socialists, communists, Liberals, Progressives...or Democrats?

This, like our government schools, is 'Pass-Fail.'

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