Educators for DeVos??

Can educators provide a valid argument for DeVos appointment?

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All teachers devote their time, their money (which is very limited) to help poor children get an education. Why do their sacrifices equal selfishness but you seem DeVos as a champion? Also violence in schools stems from the home, mental and social environment (not to mention access to weapons) the child is engrained in and has little to do with schools. Also you do already have options! You could start your own charter school if you wish. Send your kids wherever you like.

The parents have fewer options in charter schools...that is why every charter school has thousands of applications every year for a few hundred openings.....

I am not equating teachers with malignant selfishness....they are just as deserving of being compensated for good work as anyone else....but they are in a system that disconnects their work and the outcome of their work with what they are rewarded.....and it keeps bad workers in schools simply because they pay union dues.....without regard to the student's lives they ruin.

Violence.....violent students are forced into the same schools as students who care about their educations....vouchers would fix have a voucher...but your kid is a gang member....those parents will not be able to send their kid to the same school as kids who care about school......they will either to to the public school with their voucher, or new schools will open up to deal with their needs and control issues....but the other kids will be safe and will be educated.
If she has a few years of teaching experience yes. Otherwise no. That should be a requirement. Go in, give up a good salary, and teach tnbe slowest of the slow and behaviorally disabled for a free years. Until then, you are clueless. But this is no different than any other administration. Unless you have been in the trenches you have no clue. My wife was and my daughter is. Let's just say the american families are dysfunctional....
I hear pretty much the same. I'm always struck by the difference of what I hear from inner city teachers versus those in more affluent systems. They seem to agree that it isn't about money, it's about parenting. A friends wife taught in a rough part of Cleveland for 20+ years. She speaks of the changes over her years. One of her last classes, she's now retired, had 26 kids, 21 from single parent homes. That was when she said she'd had enough and retired the next year. According to her you can't teach these kids, period. Those in more affluent areas adore their kids and love their jobs.

Single parents......they are the cause of almost all of the social ills we suffer from. Single, teenage mothers, generation after generation are not capable of teaching young males how to be adult men.......our violence and our education problems could be solved for the most part by fixing that issue alone.
I don't get why public school teachers are so afraid of charter schools and such.

They offer new employment opportunities, they get paid on merit and they don't have to be force represented by political leadership they disagree with. Besides .. competition breeds excellence.
To name just a couple reasons..They open doors for deeper segregation. A few may have a decent facility but many have been conducted in mobile trailers or pods. They are overall not successful. There are actually less jobs and lower educational training among professionals/teachers. Competition can breed excellence but there are other options. I challenge everyone to a collaborative effort to come up with a whole new system.

You could have good teachers........teachers who may have decided to stop being teachers because of the hell holes of schools they have had to deal with..... getting together starting their own, brand new school....according to their standards of actually educating children....and you see stories like this all the time.....but with vouchers, this will become more common and will actually have a chance to educate more kids.........those educational professionals who actually care and who know how to inspire and educate kids...will actually have a reason to keep doing it...without having to be worried about violence and an educational bureaucracy dedicated to maintaining itself over educating children.
I agree and I am anxious for a new system. However, It has to be effective and efficient for the majority of society and the purposed system has too many flaws to make all that and equality a reality. proposed system will actually work...give parents the choice and the money....and the problems will be fixed. It is amazing how freedom and money to spend gets people to fill your needs....versus being stuck in a bad school only because you live in that neighborhood and can't go to another school in another neighborhood.....
We shall see.
If she has a few years of teaching experience yes. Otherwise no. That should be a requirement. Go in, give up a good salary, and teach tnbe slowest of the slow and behaviorally disabled for a free years. Until then, you are clueless. But this is no different than any other administration. Unless you have been in the trenches you have no clue. My wife was and my daughter is. Let's just say the american families are dysfunctional....
I hear pretty much the same. I'm always struck by the difference of what I hear from inner city teachers versus those in more affluent systems. They seem to agree that it isn't about money, it's about parenting. A friends wife taught in a rough part of Cleveland for 20+ years. She speaks of the changes over her years. One of her last classes, she's now retired, had 26 kids, 21 from single parent homes. That was when she said she'd had enough and retired the next year. According to her you can't teach these kids, period. Those in more affluent areas adore their kids and love their jobs.

Single parents......they are the cause of almost all of the social ills we suffer from. Single, teenage mothers, generation after generation are not capable of teaching young males how to be adult men.......our violence and our education problems could be solved for the most part by fixing that issue alone.[/QUOTE
This is off topic but single parenthood is nothing new, and will only flourish during this administration due to changes in healthcare availability. To say it's a woman's fault for a boy not becoming a man is slightly rediculous, and sounds like your really saying boys should man up and raise their children
Does she have an education degree? How many years has she spent teaching? How much coaching has she done?
The Only Thing Schools Do Right Is What They Shouldn't Be Doing at All: Sports

Athletic coaches have to deal with incompetent and undisciplined players, and yet they mostly get the job done. Therefore, teachers can't use the problem children they have to deal with as an excuse.
As an educator I have yet to hear any valid argument (based on facts or science) that DeVos is a good choice. Any teachers out there pro- DeVos? Please tell me why.
Public school teachers, with a few exceptions, are only interested in what best serves their interests and DeVos is interested in what best serves the interests of the children, so naturally, "educators" are opposed to her.
You believe teachers are being selfish? Who becomes a teacher for selfish reasons? It is one of the most time demanding and stressful professions there are. I can't believe people agree with you also. However, I digress...How does she know what will best serve All children? Please provide me with evidence of any kind.
You can't imagine why offering children and their parents the opportunity to go to better performing schools benefits the children? If you really can't understand this and you are a public school teacher, that is a very strong argument for providing options DeVos advocates.
This is a very very rich woman who took it as her particular obligation in life to do what she could to get very poor children a better education than they were getting.

She is not in it for the money; she has all she and subsequent generations could ever need....except that she has given a huge amount of it to further that obligation she has felt called upon to assume.

The problem is that part of the solution she has the kids (and their parents) a CHOICE in where they send their kids to school....will hit the Bolsheviks Teachers Unions in the pocketbook....and funny thing is....when it comes to their pocketbook, Bolsheviks are very much like the greediest capitalist in New York and New England.

(By the way, where do you think the Robber Barons came from....whose Greed called forth Unions in the first place?)

Which Greed applies strictly to Private Employee Unions. Their existence is justified.

But the Public Employee Unions, especially the Teachers Unions...simply Suck Off the public tit...through a fraudulent co-conspiracy with the Democratic Party....a conspiracy which ought to have been busted up a long time ago...and maybe this lady will finally do it.

Naturally, the Democrats are raising Hell. They are paid a fortune to raise Hell by the Public Employee Unions, who are funded by us Taxpayers.

What's going to drive this country into some sort of disaster...its tough now to tell how bad...but its going to be a combination of an almost illiterate public, educated by lazy Bolsheviks, and the Liars in the Media who have abandoned all pretense of impartiality and openly joined the Bolshevik side.

Ugly times at hand.


Your anti-union barrage of bullshit is off topic.
Sheltered CEOs of Education

It's the principals, the Boards of Education, and the college Education Departments that force teachers to educate destructively. In other words, this is a management problem, not a union one. Just like the auto companies' failures can be blamed on the narrow-mindedness and hereditary structure of management and not on the UAW, the same unaccountability of those who initiate bad teaching methods is applied here by those who worship individual power.
If she has a few years of teaching experience yes. Otherwise no. That should be a requirement. Go in, give up a good salary, and teach tnbe slowest of the slow and behaviorally disabled for a free years. Until then, you are clueless. But this is no different than any other administration. Unless you have been in the trenches you have no clue. My wife was and my daughter is. Let's just say the american families are dysfunctional....
I hear pretty much the same. I'm always struck by the difference of what I hear from inner city teachers versus those in more affluent systems. They seem to agree that it isn't about money, it's about parenting. A friends wife taught in a rough part of Cleveland for 20+ years. She speaks of the changes over her years. One of her last classes, she's now retired, had 26 kids, 21 from single parent homes. That was when she said she'd had enough and retired the next year. According to her you can't teach these kids, period. Those in more affluent areas adore their kids and love their jobs.

Single parents......they are the cause of almost all of the social ills we suffer from. Single, teenage mothers, generation after generation are not capable of teaching young males how to be adult men.......our violence and our education problems could be solved for the most part by fixing that issue alone.
It's funny I've said much the same for years, however recently I've been forcing myself to say single parent instead of single mothers. Not to be pc but I keep thinking that for every one of those single moms there's more than likely a guy a who's even less involved in the child's life.
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This is a very very rich woman who took it as her particular obligation in life to do what she could to get very poor children a better education than they were getting.

She is not in it for the money; she has all she and subsequent generations could ever need....except that she has given a huge amount of it to further that obligation she has felt called upon to assume.

The problem is that part of the solution she has the kids (and their parents) a CHOICE in where they send their kids to school....will hit the Bolsheviks Teachers Unions in the pocketbook....and funny thing is....when it comes to their pocketbook, Bolsheviks are very much like the greediest capitalist in New York and New England.

(By the way, where do you think the Robber Barons came from....whose Greed called forth Unions in the first place?)

Which Greed applies strictly to Private Employee Unions. Their existence is justified.

But the Public Employee Unions, especially the Teachers Unions...simply Suck Off the public tit...through a fraudulent co-conspiracy with the Democratic Party....a conspiracy which ought to have been busted up a long time ago...and maybe this lady will finally do it.

Naturally, the Democrats are raising Hell. They are paid a fortune to raise Hell by the Public Employee Unions, who are funded by us Taxpayers.

What's going to drive this country into some sort of disaster...its tough now to tell how bad...but its going to be a combination of an almost illiterate public, educated by lazy Bolsheviks, and the Liars in the Media who have abandoned all pretense of impartiality and openly joined the Bolshevik side.

Ugly times at hand.


Your anti-union barrage of bullshit is off topic.

He defined liberals and their teacher unions as Bolsheviks, that's complimentary and a quite obvious understatement, sweet really.

So when I was a member of a teacher's union I was a liberal and a Bolshevik?

He obviously doesn't know anything.

Eh, my 4 children that were educated and raised in California and actually had some pretty great teachers, politics unknown .. as it should be in my opinion. Just wondering, have you ran across teachers that were protected by tenure but basically sucked as educators and how did you feel about that in regards to the students?
If you want my personal opinion... I feel tenure should be re-evaluated. Teachers are always getting more education, however at the same time not staying up to date with the technology children are becoming experts in. The social and educational implications to wide spread internet access is immense. It should not be taken for granted. Students should always come first. They are and always will be our future.

Tenure is one of the most misunderstood terms ever used on these forums.

Last year I finished my fourth year of teaching at my school. I was given a satisfactory evaluation by my administrator and was told my principal wanted to see me. I walked next door to his office and was told that my contract would not be renewed for the next year because that would have given me tenure. I was let go with not even a "Thank you! Get the hell out!" They even expected me to finish the rest of the year with a cheery attitude and work like a dog to get my students to pass. Even a hearty "F U" would have been nicer.
Your anti-union barrage of bullshit is off topic.

He defined liberals and their teacher unions as Bolsheviks, that's complimentary and a quite obvious understatement, sweet really.

So when I was a member of a teacher's union I was a liberal and a Bolshevik?

He obviously doesn't know anything.

Eh, my 4 children that were educated and raised in California and actually had some pretty great teachers, politics unknown .. as it should be in my opinion. Just wondering, have you ran across teachers that were protected by tenure but basically sucked as educators and how did you feel about that in regards to the students?
If you want my personal opinion... I feel tenure should be re-evaluated. Teachers are always getting more education, however at the same time not staying up to date with the technology children are becoming experts in. The social and educational implications to wide spread internet access is immense. It should not be taken for granted. Students should always come first. They are and always will be our future.

You seem like a nice and reasonable person. The fact is DeVos has the job and the teachers would be far wiser working with her than the likely rioting in the streets and undermining her authority. At this point all the brain power of the Teachers Unions are producing dismal results, the bang for the buck sucks.

but sure, there are great teachers with the right attitude, dedication, epic patience and heart (keep those), my view is DeVos has these desirable yet unscientific qualities and she should be allowed a chance. I doubt that will happen though and students as well as taxpayers will continue to suffer because of it... a great victory for the teachers unions and their leaderships politics/income...:thewave:

Who rioted?
I don't get why public school teachers are so afraid of charter schools and such.

They offer new employment opportunities, they get paid on merit and they don't have to be force represented by political leadership they disagree with. Besides .. competition breeds excellence.

Here's what you will get:

1) New opportunities at much lower pay.

2) Longer work hours.

3) Even more responsibilities for supervising kids during non-instructional time.

4) The ability to be fired because your boss didn't get laid the night before.

There is no such thing as competition when the playing field is not level. Let me choose my students and I'll get them all into an Ivy League school.

All that sounds great until reality sets in.
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Does she have an education degree? How many years has she spent teaching? How much coaching has she done?

So....running a school requires an education degree? Really? That is all you have? Have you seen these inner city hell holes these children are condemned to attend.......all of those people have the education degrees you want....has that helped save these children?

Do you have training for the job you do?
Does she have an education degree? How many years has she spent teaching? How much coaching has she done?

So....running a school requires an education degree? Really? That is all you have? Have you seen these inner city hell holes these children are condemned to attend.......all of those people have the education degrees you want....has that helped save these children?
It sounds like you have issues with unions. Despite what you may believe this post (at least) is not about unions. It's obvious credentials don't matter to her supporters, I feel that point is mute.
However, I also have children. I want the schools closest to me to be the best they can be. Not only for my children but for the community they will grow up in. Schools do more for society than filter money and teach kids their ABCs. They are a social stimulus that keeps communities and ultimately society with an entertainment outlet, networking opportunity and thus deters crime, keeps children fed... Etc etc are limiting credentials very narrowly. You think an education degree is necessary to run a federal organization....when we show you over and over that people with education degrees, and advanced degrees from Masters degrees to Ph.Ds in Education are just as capable of destroying a cities education system.........the inner city schools that cannot keep children safe, let alone educate them in math and reading...are all run by the very people you think are superior to Betsy it is obvious credentials in education don't correlate to success at educating children.

Betsy DeVos has devoted her life to helping poor children get an education......she has put her money where her beliefs are and has put her time where her beliefs are.....

Schools in our inner cities are doing none of the things you say that schools do...they are dangerous and are not educating children.

Why don't you support allowing parents to control where they send their kids to school....? That is the obvious way to get everything you say you want out of a school......parents who send their kids to good schools one or two towns over, or to a new, non public school that gets started because of vouchers will be just as committed to the opportunities you say you want...and the side benefit...their children will be safe from gang violence and will actually be educated......

So what are you doing to fix that by running away from the problem and leaving those who cannot run to stay there with fewer resources?
All teachers devote their time, their money (which is very limited) to help poor children get an education. Why do their sacrifices equal selfishness but you seem DeVos as a champion? Also violence in schools stems from the home, mental and social environment (not to mention access to weapons) the child is engrained in and has little to do with schools. Also you do already have options! You could start your own charter school if you wish. Send your kids wherever you like.

The parents have fewer options in charter schools...that is why every charter school has thousands of applications every year for a few hundred openings.....

I am not equating teachers with malignant selfishness....they are just as deserving of being compensated for good work as anyone else....but they are in a system that disconnects their work and the outcome of their work with what they are rewarded.....and it keeps bad workers in schools simply because they pay union dues.....without regard to the student's lives they ruin.

Violence.....violent students are forced into the same schools as students who care about their educations....vouchers would fix have a voucher...but your kid is a gang member....those parents will not be able to send their kid to the same school as kids who care about school......they will either to to the public school with their voucher, or new schools will open up to deal with their needs and control issues....but the other kids will be safe and will be educated.

Congratulations! You just destroyed your own argument.
Does she have an education degree? How many years has she spent teaching? How much coaching has she done?

So....running a school requires an education degree? Really? That is all you have? Have you seen these inner city hell holes these children are condemned to attend.......all of those people have the education degrees you want....has that helped save these children?
It sounds like you have issues with unions. Despite what you may believe this post (at least) is not about unions. It's obvious credentials don't matter to her supporters, I feel that point is mute.
However, I also have children. I want the schools closest to me to be the best they can be. Not only for my children but for the community they will grow up in. Schools do more for society than filter money and teach kids their ABCs. They are a social stimulus that keeps communities and ultimately society with an entertainment outlet, networking opportunity and thus deters crime, keeps children fed... Etc etc are limiting credentials very narrowly. You think an education degree is necessary to run a federal organization....when we show you over and over that people with education degrees, and advanced degrees from Masters degrees to Ph.Ds in Education are just as capable of destroying a cities education system.........the inner city schools that cannot keep children safe, let alone educate them in math and reading...are all run by the very people you think are superior to Betsy it is obvious credentials in education don't correlate to success at educating children.

Betsy DeVos has devoted her life to helping poor children get an education......she has put her money where her beliefs are and has put her time where her beliefs are.....

Schools in our inner cities are doing none of the things you say that schools do...they are dangerous and are not educating children.

Why don't you support allowing parents to control where they send their kids to school....? That is the obvious way to get everything you say you want out of a school......parents who send their kids to good schools one or two towns over, or to a new, non public school that gets started because of vouchers will be just as committed to the opportunities you say you want...and the side benefit...their children will be safe from gang violence and will actually be educated......

So what are you doing to fix that by running away from the problem and leaving those who cannot run to stay there with fewer resources?

It's not running....those schools will actually have to improve...instead of staying hell holes. And if they can't compete and get better, actually educating schools will open and schools designed to take care of problem it is actually fixing the problem and helping kids...instead of warehousing them and using them to get union dues for democrats.

The whole concept is that parents will have control over the money and where they send their kids....not border lines and bureaucrats...

Do you want your kids in a school with gangs and drugs? Why should you be stuck there simply because you live in that school border....? Why should you surrender the money designated for your kid simply because you want to send them to a school that actually teaches them? Why does your child get to be sacrificed on the alter of another kids horrible parents?

Is it fair to the good kid, the kid who studies, and engages with the school community to be in the same school as the kids selling drugs and shooting each other in drive bys?

Is keeping a good kid in the same school as the bad kid getting the problems facing the bad kid resolved?
All teachers devote their time, their money (which is very limited) to help poor children get an education. Why do their sacrifices equal selfishness but you seem DeVos as a champion? Also violence in schools stems from the home, mental and social environment (not to mention access to weapons) the child is engrained in and has little to do with schools. Also you do already have options! You could start your own charter school if you wish. Send your kids wherever you like.

The parents have fewer options in charter schools...that is why every charter school has thousands of applications every year for a few hundred openings.....

I am not equating teachers with malignant selfishness....they are just as deserving of being compensated for good work as anyone else....but they are in a system that disconnects their work and the outcome of their work with what they are rewarded.....and it keeps bad workers in schools simply because they pay union dues.....without regard to the student's lives they ruin.

Violence.....violent students are forced into the same schools as students who care about their educations....vouchers would fix have a voucher...but your kid is a gang member....those parents will not be able to send their kid to the same school as kids who care about school......they will either to to the public school with their voucher, or new schools will open up to deal with their needs and control issues....but the other kids will be safe and will be educated.

Congratulations! You just destroyed your own argument.

Nope.....not even close.......vouchers fix the problems government schools controlled by democrats can't fix.

Schools that specialize in out of control kids will order to get those vouchers.....they will actually have a chance to get the help they need......

Why is that so hard to understand?

Kids who are violent and criminals go to court ordered outreach programs all the time...and those programs.....aren't free......why not have schools in the community designed for them.....?
Does she have an education degree? How many years has she spent teaching? How much coaching has she done?

So....running a school requires an education degree? Really? That is all you have? Have you seen these inner city hell holes these children are condemned to attend.......all of those people have the education degrees you want....has that helped save these children?

Do you have training for the job you do?

Yep....and Betsy has the training she needs to do what she does.....

Tell me....those teachers with degrees in education and the administrators with Ph.ds in education in Chicago, and D.C. and Baltimore....and all the other inner city hell hole school districts.....

How has their training fixed those schools? And how much are we now paying them to not fix those problems and save those kids?
Does she have an education degree? How many years has she spent teaching? How much coaching has she done?

So....running a school requires an education degree? Really? That is all you have? Have you seen these inner city hell holes these children are condemned to attend.......all of those people have the education degrees you want....has that helped save these children?
It sounds like you have issues with unions. Despite what you may believe this post (at least) is not about unions. It's obvious credentials don't matter to her supporters, I feel that point is mute.
However, I also have children. I want the schools closest to me to be the best they can be. Not only for my children but for the community they will grow up in. Schools do more for society than filter money and teach kids their ABCs. They are a social stimulus that keeps communities and ultimately society with an entertainment outlet, networking opportunity and thus deters crime, keeps children fed... Etc etc are limiting credentials very narrowly. You think an education degree is necessary to run a federal organization....when we show you over and over that people with education degrees, and advanced degrees from Masters degrees to Ph.Ds in Education are just as capable of destroying a cities education system.........the inner city schools that cannot keep children safe, let alone educate them in math and reading...are all run by the very people you think are superior to Betsy it is obvious credentials in education don't correlate to success at educating children.

Betsy DeVos has devoted her life to helping poor children get an education......she has put her money where her beliefs are and has put her time where her beliefs are.....

Schools in our inner cities are doing none of the things you say that schools do...they are dangerous and are not educating children.

Why don't you support allowing parents to control where they send their kids to school....? That is the obvious way to get everything you say you want out of a school......parents who send their kids to good schools one or two towns over, or to a new, non public school that gets started because of vouchers will be just as committed to the opportunities you say you want...and the side benefit...their children will be safe from gang violence and will actually be educated......

So what are you doing to fix that by running away from the problem and leaving those who cannot run to stay there with fewer resources?

It's not running....those schools will actually have to improve...instead of staying hell holes. And if they can't compete and get better, actually educating schools will open and schools designed to take care of problem it is actually fixing the problem and helping kids...instead of warehousing them and using them to get union dues for democrats.

The whole concept is that parents will have control over the money and where they send their kids....not border lines and bureaucrats...

Do you want your kids in a school with gangs and drugs? Why should you be stuck there simply because you live in that school border....? Why should you surrender the money designated for your kid simply because you want to send them to a school that actually teaches them? Why does your child get to be sacrificed on the alter of another kids horrible parents?

Is it fair to the good kid, the kid who studies, and engages with the school community to be in the same school as the kids selling drugs and shooting each other in drive bys?

Is keeping a good kid in the same school as the bad kid getting the problems facing the bad kid resolved?

If you strip away the funds, strip away the teachers and crowd up the remainder of the students into fewer classrooms, how on God's green Earth do you think things will improve?

Most people have no clue as to the costs associated with running a public school. Very few people do, and the vast majority of them are educators. You likely do not.

The walls of the school don't teach the kids, but there has to be some to hold up the roof. Someone has to pay for the heat and AC, water, sewage and general upkeep and maintenance.

Those are called fixed costs and if 100 kids are there instead of 200, the bills are not that much smaller. THAT is the problem.
I don't get why public school teachers are so afraid of charter schools and such.

They offer new employment opportunities, they get paid on merit and they don't have to be force represented by political leadership they disagree with. Besides .. competition breeds excellence.

Here's what you will get:

1) New opportunities at much lower pay.

2) Longer work hours.

3) Even more responsibilities for supervising kids during non-instructional time.

4) The ability to be fired because your boss didn't get laid the night before.

There is no such thing as competition when the playing field is not level. Let me choose my students and I'll get them all into an Ivy League school.

All that sounds great until reality sets in. don't understand.......if a school sucks because the guy in charge is firing teachers on a one is going to go to that school...and the parents will take their money/voucher to a better school.....their will be an incentive to actually have the best teachers and to get rid of bad teachers.......

What do you have now? Teachers who want to be teachers are leaving the profession after 2 years...because they can't teach kids.........bad teachers, who can't teach kids last 30 years because of the union.....30 years of destroying lives.......and they can't be fired.....

Vouchers fix that.....parents will choose the schools......and even bad students will have a chance....because schools that care about them will open and educate them because they can now do it.......

Reality....really? The hell holes in these inner cities? They aren't the reality, right now? And yet you think parents who wait in lines of a thousand people for a few hundred spots in Charter Schools won't do right by their children with those vouchers? Really?
Does she have an education degree? How many years has she spent teaching? How much coaching has she done?

So....running a school requires an education degree? Really? That is all you have? Have you seen these inner city hell holes these children are condemned to attend.......all of those people have the education degrees you want....has that helped save these children?

Do you have training for the job you do?

Yep....and Betsy has the training she needs to do what she does.....

Tell me....those teachers with degrees in education and the administrators with Ph.ds in education in Chicago, and D.C. and Baltimore....and all the other inner city hell hole school districts.....

How has their training fixed those schools? And how much are we now paying them to not fix those problems and save those kids?

The schools are NOT The problem. Our society sends us chicken shit and expects us to make chicken salad.

Moving where that kid goes to school doesn't matter. He or she will still be chicken shit wherever he or she goes to school.

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