Educators for DeVos??

Can educators provide a valid argument for DeVos appointment?

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So....running a school requires an education degree? Really? That is all you have? Have you seen these inner city hell holes these children are condemned to attend.......all of those people have the education degrees you want....has that helped save these children?
It sounds like you have issues with unions. Despite what you may believe this post (at least) is not about unions. It's obvious credentials don't matter to her supporters, I feel that point is mute.
However, I also have children. I want the schools closest to me to be the best they can be. Not only for my children but for the community they will grow up in. Schools do more for society than filter money and teach kids their ABCs. They are a social stimulus that keeps communities and ultimately society with an entertainment outlet, networking opportunity and thus deters crime, keeps children fed... Etc etc are limiting credentials very narrowly. You think an education degree is necessary to run a federal organization....when we show you over and over that people with education degrees, and advanced degrees from Masters degrees to Ph.Ds in Education are just as capable of destroying a cities education system.........the inner city schools that cannot keep children safe, let alone educate them in math and reading...are all run by the very people you think are superior to Betsy it is obvious credentials in education don't correlate to success at educating children.

Betsy DeVos has devoted her life to helping poor children get an education......she has put her money where her beliefs are and has put her time where her beliefs are.....

Schools in our inner cities are doing none of the things you say that schools do...they are dangerous and are not educating children.

Why don't you support allowing parents to control where they send their kids to school....? That is the obvious way to get everything you say you want out of a school......parents who send their kids to good schools one or two towns over, or to a new, non public school that gets started because of vouchers will be just as committed to the opportunities you say you want...and the side benefit...their children will be safe from gang violence and will actually be educated......

So what are you doing to fix that by running away from the problem and leaving those who cannot run to stay there with fewer resources?

It's not running....those schools will actually have to improve...instead of staying hell holes. And if they can't compete and get better, actually educating schools will open and schools designed to take care of problem it is actually fixing the problem and helping kids...instead of warehousing them and using them to get union dues for democrats.

The whole concept is that parents will have control over the money and where they send their kids....not border lines and bureaucrats...

Do you want your kids in a school with gangs and drugs? Why should you be stuck there simply because you live in that school border....? Why should you surrender the money designated for your kid simply because you want to send them to a school that actually teaches them? Why does your child get to be sacrificed on the alter of another kids horrible parents?

Is it fair to the good kid, the kid who studies, and engages with the school community to be in the same school as the kids selling drugs and shooting each other in drive bys?

Is keeping a good kid in the same school as the bad kid getting the problems facing the bad kid resolved?

If you strip away the funds, strip away the teachers and crowd up the remainder of the students into fewer classrooms, how on God's green Earth do you think things will improve?

Most people have no clue as to the costs associated with running a public school. Very few people do, and the vast majority of them are educators. You likely do not.

The walls of the school don't teach the kids, but there has to be some to hold up the roof. Someone has to pay for the heat and AC, water, sewage and general upkeep and maintenance.

Those are called fixed costs and if 100 kids are there instead of 200, the bills are not that much smaller. THAT is the problem.

Do you know how much money is wasted by democrat run public schools....and how little teaching is actually done? Things will improve because there will be people trying to satisfy the needs of the parents and students...they have to, or they won't get paid....

How do you not see this? Every person I see in this country has a cell phone...from the wealthiest banker to the lowliest McDonald's employee making french fries....and those phones are better and cheaper than ever before....

You think that can't be done for education...making it work for everyone.... is the public school system doing in these inner cities....?
Does she have an education degree? How many years has she spent teaching? How much coaching has she done?

So....running a school requires an education degree? Really? That is all you have? Have you seen these inner city hell holes these children are condemned to attend.......all of those people have the education degrees you want....has that helped save these children?

Do you have training for the job you do?

Yep....and Betsy has the training she needs to do what she does.....

Tell me....those teachers with degrees in education and the administrators with Ph.ds in education in Chicago, and D.C. and Baltimore....and all the other inner city hell hole school districts.....

How has their training fixed those schools? And how much are we now paying them to not fix those problems and save those kids?

The schools are NOT The problem. Our society sends us chicken shit and expects us to make chicken salad.

Moving where that kid goes to school doesn't matter. He or she will still be chicken shit wherever he or she goes to school. are wrong. The problem is there is no control for the customer....if the school are stuck. Your kids are stuck...unless you have extra money to send them to catholic school or private schools....

vouchers give power to the parents.......they have to be made happy or they pull their kid, and their money and go somewhere that works......

Right now.....the school couldn't care less...and you can't choose which public school your kid goes to.....

Sorry...but vouchers are the moral and right choice.....they fix problems and they will save these kids.
Does she have an education degree? How many years has she spent teaching? How much coaching has she done?

So....running a school requires an education degree? Really? That is all you have? Have you seen these inner city hell holes these children are condemned to attend.......all of those people have the education degrees you want....has that helped save these children?

Do you have training for the job you do?

Yep....and Betsy has the training she needs to do what she does.....

Tell me....those teachers with degrees in education and the administrators with Ph.ds in education in Chicago, and D.C. and Baltimore....and all the other inner city hell hole school districts.....

How has their training fixed those schools? And how much are we now paying them to not fix those problems and save those kids?

The schools are NOT The problem. Our society sends us chicken shit and expects us to make chicken salad.

Moving where that kid goes to school doesn't matter. He or she will still be chicken shit wherever he or she goes to school.

You don't think that the Urban Prep Academy model...where all the students, 100% go on to college, can't be expanded...with parents using school vouchers.....?

Urban Prep Academies - Wikipedia
I don't get why public school teachers are so afraid of charter schools and such.

They offer new employment opportunities, they get paid on merit and they don't have to be force represented by political leadership they disagree with. Besides .. competition breeds excellence.

Here's what you will get:

1) New opportunities at much lower pay.

2) Longer work hours.

3) Even more responsibilities for supervising kids during non-instructional time.

4) The ability to be fired because your boss didn't get laid the night before.

There is no such thing as competition when the playing field is not level. Let me choose my students and I'll get them all into an Ivy League school.

All that sounds great until reality sets in. don't understand.......if a school sucks because the guy in charge is firing teachers on a one is going to go to that school...and the parents will take their money/voucher to a better school.....their will be an incentive to actually have the best teachers and to get rid of bad teachers.......

What do you have now? Teachers who want to be teachers are leaving the profession after 2 years...because they can't teach kids.........bad teachers, who can't teach kids last 30 years because of the union.....30 years of destroying lives.......and they can't be fired.....

Vouchers fix that.....parents will choose the schools......and even bad students will have a chance....because schools that care about them will open and educate them because they can now do it.......

Reality....really? The hell holes in these inner cities? They aren't the reality, right now? And yet you think parents who wait in lines of a thousand people for a few hundred spots in Charter Schools won't do right by their children with those vouchers? Really?

Uh, how will the parents know the principal is firing teachers on a whim?

I wish one of you keyboard commandos would tell me what constitutes a bad teacher in your eyes. I have been an educator for over 20 years and I have run across a number that I can count on one hand.

Without being in a school on a daily basis, what gives you the right to decide who is a good teacher and who is a bad teacher?

I have parents that think the sun rises and sets in my ass, and I have some that would throw me an anchor if they thought I was drowning.

The absolute bullshit about teachers not being fired is one of the most ridiculous old wive's takes that you education haters like to throw up. The problem is that good teachers get fired or do not get tenure because of people with attitudes like yours.

Choose schools?

I chose every school my children attended. I spent the extra money to buy a house or rent in a district with a good school. Why can't everyone else do what I have done successfully for my three children who are now adults?

The answer is laziness and the inability to hold themselves accountable for their actions.
I don't get why public school teachers are so afraid of charter schools and such.

They offer new employment opportunities, they get paid on merit and they don't have to be force represented by political leadership they disagree with. Besides .. competition breeds excellence.

Here's what you will get:

1) New opportunities at much lower pay.

2) Longer work hours.

3) Even more responsibilities for supervising kids during non-instructional time.

4) The ability to be fired because your boss didn't get laid the night before.

There is no such thing as competition when the playing field is not level. Let me choose my students and I'll get them all into an Ivy League school.

All that sounds great until reality sets in. don't understand.......if a school sucks because the guy in charge is firing teachers on a one is going to go to that school...and the parents will take their money/voucher to a better school.....their will be an incentive to actually have the best teachers and to get rid of bad teachers.......

What do you have now? Teachers who want to be teachers are leaving the profession after 2 years...because they can't teach kids.........bad teachers, who can't teach kids last 30 years because of the union.....30 years of destroying lives.......and they can't be fired.....

Vouchers fix that.....parents will choose the schools......and even bad students will have a chance....because schools that care about them will open and educate them because they can now do it.......

Reality....really? The hell holes in these inner cities? They aren't the reality, right now? And yet you think parents who wait in lines of a thousand people for a few hundred spots in Charter Schools won't do right by their children with those vouchers? Really?

Uh, how with the parents know the principal is firing teachers on a whim?

I wish one of you keyboard commandos would tell me what constitutes a bad teacher in your eyes. I have been an educator for over 20 years and I have run across a number that I can count on one hand.

Without being in a school on a daily basis, what gives you the right to decide who is a good teacher and who is a bad teacher?

I have parents that think the sun rises and sets in my ass, and I have some that would throw me an anchor if they thought I was drowning.

The absolute bullshit about teachers not being fired is one of the most ridiculous old wive's takes that you education haters like to throw up. The problem is that good teachers get fired or do not get tenure because of people with attitudes like yours.

Choose schools?

I chose every school my children attended. I spent the extra money to buy a house or rent in a district with a good school. Why can't everyone else do what I have done successfully for my three children who are now adults?

The answer is laziness and the inability to hold themselves accountable for their actions.

Seriously? What is the graduation rate of Chicago public schools? Balitmore? D.C......?

You spent the extra money to buy or rent a house in a good school district...nice for about the kids who don't have your resources and are currently stuck in a hell hole school....and you talk about leaving the bad kids about helping the good kids escape....?

Good teachers are leaving the profession after 2-3 years......bad teachers stay because they are protected....and if you are a good teacher...vouchers will increase your will have value..since you can actually teach kids.....

If you have been in education for 20 is no wonder you don't understand competition........and how it will save the lives of children.
It sounds like you have issues with unions. Despite what you may believe this post (at least) is not about unions. It's obvious credentials don't matter to her supporters, I feel that point is mute.
However, I also have children. I want the schools closest to me to be the best they can be. Not only for my children but for the community they will grow up in. Schools do more for society than filter money and teach kids their ABCs. They are a social stimulus that keeps communities and ultimately society with an entertainment outlet, networking opportunity and thus deters crime, keeps children fed... Etc etc are limiting credentials very narrowly. You think an education degree is necessary to run a federal organization....when we show you over and over that people with education degrees, and advanced degrees from Masters degrees to Ph.Ds in Education are just as capable of destroying a cities education system.........the inner city schools that cannot keep children safe, let alone educate them in math and reading...are all run by the very people you think are superior to Betsy it is obvious credentials in education don't correlate to success at educating children.

Betsy DeVos has devoted her life to helping poor children get an education......she has put her money where her beliefs are and has put her time where her beliefs are.....

Schools in our inner cities are doing none of the things you say that schools do...they are dangerous and are not educating children.

Why don't you support allowing parents to control where they send their kids to school....? That is the obvious way to get everything you say you want out of a school......parents who send their kids to good schools one or two towns over, or to a new, non public school that gets started because of vouchers will be just as committed to the opportunities you say you want...and the side benefit...their children will be safe from gang violence and will actually be educated......

So what are you doing to fix that by running away from the problem and leaving those who cannot run to stay there with fewer resources?

It's not running....those schools will actually have to improve...instead of staying hell holes. And if they can't compete and get better, actually educating schools will open and schools designed to take care of problem it is actually fixing the problem and helping kids...instead of warehousing them and using them to get union dues for democrats.

The whole concept is that parents will have control over the money and where they send their kids....not border lines and bureaucrats...

Do you want your kids in a school with gangs and drugs? Why should you be stuck there simply because you live in that school border....? Why should you surrender the money designated for your kid simply because you want to send them to a school that actually teaches them? Why does your child get to be sacrificed on the alter of another kids horrible parents?

Is it fair to the good kid, the kid who studies, and engages with the school community to be in the same school as the kids selling drugs and shooting each other in drive bys?

Is keeping a good kid in the same school as the bad kid getting the problems facing the bad kid resolved?

If you strip away the funds, strip away the teachers and crowd up the remainder of the students into fewer classrooms, how on God's green Earth do you think things will improve?

Most people have no clue as to the costs associated with running a public school. Very few people do, and the vast majority of them are educators. You likely do not.

The walls of the school don't teach the kids, but there has to be some to hold up the roof. Someone has to pay for the heat and AC, water, sewage and general upkeep and maintenance.

Those are called fixed costs and if 100 kids are there instead of 200, the bills are not that much smaller. THAT is the problem.

Do you know how much money is wasted by democrat run public schools....and how little teaching is actually done? Things will improve because there will be people trying to satisfy the needs of the parents and students...they have to, or they won't get paid....

How do you not see this? Every person I see in this country has a cell phone...from the wealthiest banker to the lowliest McDonald's employee making french fries....and those phones are better and cheaper than ever before....

You think that can't be done for education...making it work for everyone.... is the public school system doing in these inner cities....?

Are you this hard headed about everything?

One of the major problems I have is that I cannot keep the kids attention because they have their cell phones out using Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter and everything else under the sun when they are supposed to be learning.

The schools are failing because the students have no interest in learning, no incentive to learn, and parents who do not care.

I just has a parent-teacher conference night last Monday. I teach 120 kids.

Guess how many parents showed up despite my staying 5 hours after school to give them a chance to meet?


About 20% of my students are failing for the year, yet only 6 could bother to show up. One of those six is the school's bookkeeper, so she really shouldn't count as I see her every day.

How do you solve THAT problem?
I don't get why public school teachers are so afraid of charter schools and such.

They offer new employment opportunities, they get paid on merit and they don't have to be force represented by political leadership they disagree with. Besides .. competition breeds excellence.

Here's what you will get:

1) New opportunities at much lower pay.

2) Longer work hours.

3) Even more responsibilities for supervising kids during non-instructional time.

4) The ability to be fired because your boss didn't get laid the night before.

There is no such thing as competition when the playing field is not level. Let me choose my students and I'll get them all into an Ivy League school.

All that sounds great until reality sets in. don't understand.......if a school sucks because the guy in charge is firing teachers on a one is going to go to that school...and the parents will take their money/voucher to a better school.....their will be an incentive to actually have the best teachers and to get rid of bad teachers.......

What do you have now? Teachers who want to be teachers are leaving the profession after 2 years...because they can't teach kids.........bad teachers, who can't teach kids last 30 years because of the union.....30 years of destroying lives.......and they can't be fired.....

Vouchers fix that.....parents will choose the schools......and even bad students will have a chance....because schools that care about them will open and educate them because they can now do it.......

Reality....really? The hell holes in these inner cities? They aren't the reality, right now? And yet you think parents who wait in lines of a thousand people for a few hundred spots in Charter Schools won't do right by their children with those vouchers? Really?

Uh, how with the parents know the principal is firing teachers on a whim?

I wish one of you keyboard commandos would tell me what constitutes a bad teacher in your eyes. I have been an educator for over 20 years and I have run across a number that I can count on one hand.

Without being in a school on a daily basis, what gives you the right to decide who is a good teacher and who is a bad teacher?

I have parents that think the sun rises and sets in my ass, and I have some that would throw me an anchor if they thought I was drowning.

The absolute bullshit about teachers not being fired is one of the most ridiculous old wive's takes that you education haters like to throw up. The problem is that good teachers get fired or do not get tenure because of people with attitudes like yours.

Choose schools?

I chose every school my children attended. I spent the extra money to buy a house or rent in a district with a good school. Why can't everyone else do what I have done successfully for my three children who are now adults?

The answer is laziness and the inability to hold themselves accountable for their actions.

Seriously? What is the graduation rate of Chicago public schools? Balitmore? D.C......?

You spent the extra money to buy or rent a house in a good school district...nice for about the kids who don't have your resources and are currently stuck in a hell hole school....and you talk about leaving the bad kids about helping the good kids escape....?

Good teachers are leaving the profession after 2-3 years......bad teachers stay because they are protected....and if you are a good teacher...vouchers will increase your will have value..since you can actually teach kids.....

If you have been in education for 20 is no wonder you don't understand competition........and how it will save the lives of children.

There are no good kids in those schools. We had vouchers in Florida until someone bothered to read the state Constitution.

Even if vouchers are available, where do they go?

In Jacksonville, we had several very good private schools. A $4000 voucher sounds great until you realize that the tuition was over three times that much at the cheaper schools. Every school has a waiting list so long, no one could have gotten in anyway. The Catholic Archdiocese decided to build another high school west of the city, but it took about 5 years to build and the waiting list wasn't even dented by the students who enrolled there.

How will vouchers increase my pay? That's hilarious! I already get paid crappy wages. Private schools pay less. They cannot charge more than they do now if they are taking a loss on tuition by accepting vouchers.

Pulling students from my school reduces the need for my services. I worked for a Department of Defense school for a year and my position was eliminated because they tore down so much base housing that there were not enough students. I found a job in the county nearby, but the next year budget cuts across the district forced me to teach in one of the inner city hell holes that you have never even visited much less worked in, plus I had a two hour commute each day.

You may find it easy to dismiss my expertise in this area, but I have lived it, worked it, and seen the bad and the good in every aspect.

People like Betsy Devos and most politicians, and unfortunately people like you do not even begin to understand the problem and how to fix it.
If you read what she has said her only goal is to support christian schools, nothing wrong with christian schools, but most of our children go to public schools her goal, turn public schools into christen schools. Great if that's what you want. we are fighting ISS about one way thinking? her views look like one way thinking. looking at her answers at the hearings she is not qualified.
Vouchers do not increase good teachers pay. Admiral you are spot on. Kids today are not all that I terezted in learning. The problem you face is onbenobody on this forum can solve...messed up families....they look at education as a waste of time...teachersneed to make them geniuses. Good luck.
Admiral I salute you for your services. Those who do not u nderstand the front lines in education should teach. My wife taught for 34 years and she worked her tail off. Her kids did well. She was not overpaid, neither are you. But its easy to blame you. A scapoegoat. Its an excuse for inability to think coherently.
As an educator I have yet to hear any valid argument (based on facts or science) that DeVos is a good choice. Any teachers out there pro- DeVos? Please tell me why.
Public school teachers, with a few exceptions, are only interested in what best serves their interests and DeVos is interested in what best serves the interests of the children, so naturally, "educators" are opposed to her.
You believe teachers are being selfish? Who becomes a teacher for selfish reasons? It is one of the most time demanding and stressful professions there are. I can't believe people agree with you also. However, I digress...How does she know what will best serve All children? Please provide me with evidence of any kind.
You can't imagine why offering children and their parents the opportunity to go to better performing schools benefits the children? If you really can't understand this and you are a public school teacher, that is a very strong argument for providing options DeVos advocates.
The argument is her purposed system, her qualifications and if she has the ability to still provide a good education to all. Teachers spend everyday with these children. They understand their struggles and persistently attempt to better their students lives, can you say the same about yourself? Since you decided to get personal.
If she has a few years of teaching experience yes. Otherwise no. That should be a requirement. Go in, give up a good salary, and teach tnbe slowest of the slow and behaviorally disabled for a free years. Until then, you are clueless. But this is no different than any other administration. Unless you have been in the trenches you have no clue. My wife was and my daughter is. Let's just say the american families are dysfunctional....
I hear pretty much the same. I'm always struck by the difference of what I hear from inner city teachers versus those in more affluent systems. They seem to agree that it isn't about money, it's about parenting. A friends wife taught in a rough part of Cleveland for 20+ years. She speaks of the changes over her years. One of her last classes, she's now retired, had 26 kids, 21 from single parent homes. That was when she said she'd had enough and retired the next year. According to her you can't teach these kids, period. Those in more affluent areas adore their kids and love their jobs.

If she felt that way, she should not have been teaching there.
If she went in and taught 6 months in the emotionally disabled room I would support her.
Those who villify teachers should forfeit their salary and hop in the troubled schools full of disruptive spiteful students. Then they can show us the way.
It sounds like you have issues with unions. Despite what you may believe this post (at least) is not about unions. It's obvious credentials don't matter to her supporters, I feel that point is mute.
However, I also have children. I want the schools closest to me to be the best they can be. Not only for my children but for the community they will grow up in. Schools do more for society than filter money and teach kids their ABCs. They are a social stimulus that keeps communities and ultimately society with an entertainment outlet, networking opportunity and thus deters crime, keeps children fed... Etc etc are limiting credentials very narrowly. You think an education degree is necessary to run a federal organization....when we show you over and over that people with education degrees, and advanced degrees from Masters degrees to Ph.Ds in Education are just as capable of destroying a cities education system.........the inner city schools that cannot keep children safe, let alone educate them in math and reading...are all run by the very people you think are superior to Betsy it is obvious credentials in education don't correlate to success at educating children.

Betsy DeVos has devoted her life to helping poor children get an education......she has put her money where her beliefs are and has put her time where her beliefs are.....

Schools in our inner cities are doing none of the things you say that schools do...they are dangerous and are not educating children.

Why don't you support allowing parents to control where they send their kids to school....? That is the obvious way to get everything you say you want out of a school......parents who send their kids to good schools one or two towns over, or to a new, non public school that gets started because of vouchers will be just as committed to the opportunities you say you want...and the side benefit...their children will be safe from gang violence and will actually be educated......

So what are you doing to fix that by running away from the problem and leaving those who cannot run to stay there with fewer resources?

It's not running....those schools will actually have to improve...instead of staying hell holes. And if they can't compete and get better, actually educating schools will open and schools designed to take care of problem it is actually fixing the problem and helping kids...instead of warehousing them and using them to get union dues for democrats.

The whole concept is that parents will have control over the money and where they send their kids....not border lines and bureaucrats...

Do you want your kids in a school with gangs and drugs? Why should you be stuck there simply because you live in that school border....? Why should you surrender the money designated for your kid simply because you want to send them to a school that actually teaches them? Why does your child get to be sacrificed on the alter of another kids horrible parents?

Is it fair to the good kid, the kid who studies, and engages with the school community to be in the same school as the kids selling drugs and shooting each other in drive bys?

Is keeping a good kid in the same school as the bad kid getting the problems facing the bad kid resolved?

If you strip away the funds, strip away the teachers and crowd up the remainder of the students into fewer classrooms, how on God's green Earth do you think things will improve?

Most people have no clue as to the costs associated with running a public school. Very few people do, and the vast majority of them are educators. You likely do not.

The walls of the school don't teach the kids, but there has to be some to hold up the roof. Someone has to pay for the heat and AC, water, sewage and general upkeep and maintenance.

Those are called fixed costs and if 100 kids are there instead of 200, the bills are not that much smaller. THAT is the problem.

Do you know how much money is wasted by democrat run public schools....and how little teaching is actually done? Things will improve because there will be people trying to satisfy the needs of the parents and students...they have to, or they won't get paid....

How do you not see this? Every person I see in this country has a cell phone...from the wealthiest banker to the lowliest McDonald's employee making french fries....and those phones are better and cheaper than ever before....

You think that can't be done for education...making it work for everyone.... is the public school system doing in these inner cities....?
Your comments show how seriously disconnected to the reality of the education system. Do some research. Spend a day or two with a teacher. Learn their views on children, their profession and society. Volunteer to help these kids. Then come preach about how much you know. You are degrading people with high levels of good education yet saying you want a good education for your children. What difference will it make since you clearly have no respect for that hard work?
Does she have an education degree? How many years has she spent teaching? How much coaching has she done?
The Only Thing Schools Do Right Is What They Shouldn't Be Doing at All: Sports

Athletic coaches have to deal with incompetent and undisciplined players, and yet they mostly get the job done. Therefore, teachers can't use the problem children they have to deal with as an excuse.

Nonsense post all-around.
If she has a few years of teaching experience yes. Otherwise no. That should be a requirement. Go in, give up a good salary, and teach tnbe slowest of the slow and behaviorally disabled for a free years. Until then, you are clueless. But this is no different than any other administration. Unless you have been in the trenches you have no clue. My wife was and my daughter is. Let's just say the american families are dysfunctional....
I hear pretty much the same. I'm always struck by the difference of what I hear from inner city teachers versus those in more affluent systems. They seem to agree that it isn't about money, it's about parenting. A friends wife taught in a rough part of Cleveland for 20+ years. She speaks of the changes over her years. One of her last classes, she's now retired, had 26 kids, 21 from single parent homes. That was when she said she'd had enough and retired the next year. According to her you can't teach these kids, period. Those in more affluent areas adore their kids and love their jobs.

If she felt that way, she should not have been teaching there.
Well I guess you could say she did the right thing and left. I can't say I blame her, fellow teachers being assaulted regularly, students that tried to study hard being bullied and assaulted. A person can only take so much.
As an educator I have yet to hear any valid argument (based on facts or science) that DeVos is a good choice. Any teachers out there pro- DeVos? Please tell me why.
Public school teachers, with a few exceptions, are only interested in what best serves their interests and DeVos is interested in what best serves the interests of the children, so naturally, "educators" are opposed to her.
You believe teachers are being selfish? Who becomes a teacher for selfish reasons? It is one of the most time demanding and stressful professions there are. I can't believe people agree with you also. However, I digress...How does she know what will best serve All children? Please provide me with evidence of any kind.
You can't imagine why offering children and their parents the opportunity to go to better performing schools benefits the children? If you really can't understand this and you are a public school teacher, that is a very strong argument for providing options DeVos advocates.
The argument is her purposed system, her qualifications and if she has the ability to still provide a good education to all. Teachers spend everyday with these children. They understand their struggles and persistently attempt to better their students lives, can you say the same about yourself? Since you decided to get personal.
You are a teacher but you use the word, purposed when you mean proposed, and again you make a strong argument in favor of the increased options DeVos wants to give to children and their parents.

If the public schools were serving the needs of all the children rather than just those children who are fortunate enough to live in more upscale neighborhoods, then there would be no need for DeVos' plans, but you and your colleagues have failed the children for as long as records have been kept, and the efforts of the last three presidents have failed to significantly improve the public school system, so it is necessary to provide alternatives to this failed system you are so attached to.
Too much we are alli n favor of the most dysfunctional students going to choice schools with the u detrstandinbg that even the most disruptive cannot be expelled even for felonies. They must be given an education so perhaps choice teachers wil doi better with those who refuse to comp!t with any rules.

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