Either way, our nation is going to suffer


Gold Member
Aug 19, 2024
This election is going to go down in history as the blackest day ever.

If Trump wins, our country will suffer greatly, economically, politically, and socially.

Our Democracy will disappear, revenge against everyone not in agreement with Trump will be the objective, the poor will get poorer and not have anywhere to turn to, crime and deaths will increase exponentially, the laws of our country will lose power to the powerful, Seniors and Veterans will be harmed greatly (lose a good part of their income and their medical help will be reduced), inflation and the cost of living will rise for everyone, U.S. National Debt will continue higher because the rich will continue to get tax breaks, and we will become isolated because we will break with NATO, with Europe and with all Democratic countries. Our Agriculture, Construction and Service industries will be heavily affected and goods, homes, and services will decline in availability and prices will soar.

If Kamala wins (Trump loses), we will have a civil war. The Republicans will not accept the vote and will rebel. Nothing will be passed in Congress as the Republicans will repudiate everything that the Democrats offer. Mass killings will soar and disunity will continue.

As such, this election will be the blackest day in the last 100 years, no matter who wins.
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This election is going to go down in history as the blackest day ever.

If Trump wins, our country will suffer greatly, economically, politically, and socially.

Our Democracy will disappear, revenge against everyone not in agreement with Trump will be the objective, the poor will get poorer and not have anywhere to turn to, crime and deaths will increase exponentially, the laws of our country will lose power to the powerful, Seniors and Veterans will be harmed greatly (lose a good part of their income and their medical help will be reduced), inflation and the cost of living will rise for everyone, U.S. National Debt will continue higher because the rich will continue to get tax breaks, and we will become isolated because we will break with NATO, with Europe and with all Democratic countries. Our Agriculture, Construction and Service industries will be heavily affected and goods, homes, and services will decline in availability and prices will soar.

If Kamala wins (Trump loses), we will have a civil war. The Republicans will not accept the vote and will rebel. Nothing will be passed in Congress as the Republicans will repudiate everything that the Democrats offer. Mass killings will soar and disunity will continue.

As such, this election will be the blackest day in the last 100 years, no matter who wins.

How does it feel to be on Dick Cheney's side? :badgrin:
This election is going to go down in history as the blackest day ever.

If Trump wins, our country will suffer greatly, economically, politically, and socially.

Our Democracy will disappear, revenge against everyone not in agreement with Trump will be the objective, the poor will get poorer and not have anywhere to turn to, crime and deaths will increase exponentially, the laws of our country will lose power to the powerful, Seniors and Veterans will be harmed greatly (lose a good part of their income and their medical help will be reduced), inflation and the cost of living will rise for everyone, U.S. National Debt will continue higher because the rich will continue to get tax breaks, and we will become isolated because we will break with NATO, with Europe and with all Democratic countries. Our Agriculture, Construction and Service industries will be heavily affected and goods, homes, and services will decline in availability and prices will soar.

If Kamala wins (Trump loses), we will have a civil war. The Republicans will not accept the vote and will rebel. Nothing will be passed in Congress as the Republicans will repudiate everything that the Democrats offer. Mass killings will soar and disunity will continue.

As such, this election will be the blackest day in the last 100 years, no matter who wins.

Either one, winning or losing, it's pretty much certain that the military will need to be called in to restore order.

Looking forward to how it could effect US foreign policy, it could bring an opportunity for America needing to concentrate more on broken domestic policy and step back from aggression abroad against Russia/China/many others.
How does it feel to be on Dick Cheney's side? :badgrin:
I am not on ANYONE's side. I am on my side and my eyes are open. I see what is going on. I know what kind of a person Trump is and I see how the Trumpers think (here on this message board is all I need to see how they think).

I am worried about my nation as I have never seen things so bad as they are now. The hate, dissension, inability to face reality, my way or the highway mentality that causes automatic disunity to occur have been overwhelming. This nation is going over the cliff into an abyss and it is not the fault of the Democrats that this is happening, it is the fault of the far right.

This election is going to go down in history as the blackest day ever.

If Trump wins, our country will suffer greatly, economically, politically, and socially.

Our Democracy will disappear, revenge against everyone not in agreement with Trump will be the objective, the poor will get poorer and not have anywhere to turn to, crime and deaths will increase exponentially, the laws of our country will lose power to the powerful, Seniors and Veterans will be harmed greatly (lose a good part of their income and their medical help will be reduced), inflation and the cost of living will rise for everyone, U.S. National Debt will continue higher because the rich will continue to get tax breaks, and we will become isolated because we will break with NATO, with Europe and with all Democratic countries. Our Agriculture, Construction and Service industries will be heavily affected and goods, homes, and services will decline in availability and prices will soar.

If Kamala wins (Trump loses), we will have a civil war. The Republicans will not accept the vote and will rebel. Nothing will be passed in Congress as the Republicans will repudiate everything that the Democrats offer. Mass killings will soar and disunity will continue.

As such, this election will be the blackest day in the last 100 years, no matter who wins.
Sounds like a Win-Win to me.
No matter who wins, this nation is dead. It will take its place on the ash heap of failed nations.


Because the people are diametrically opposed and will not accept the society, culture and leadership of the opposing faction. Neither republicans nor democrats find any part of the other's policies acceptable. The only answer is tyranny by one side or other other.
I am not on ANYONE's side. I am on my side and my eyes are open. I see what is going on. I know what kind of a person Trump is and I see how the Trumpers think (here on this message board is all I need to see how they think).

I am worried about my nation as I have never seen things so bad as they are now. The hate, dissension, inability to face reality, my way or the highway mentality that causes automatic disunity to occur have been overwhelming. This nation is going over the cliff into an abyss and it is not the fault of the Democrats that this is happening, it is the fault of the far right.

View attachment 1008760
Trump was not an authoritarian in his term as President.
This election is going to go down in history as the blackest day ever.

If Trump wins, our country will suffer greatly, economically, politically, and socially.

Our Democracy will disappear, revenge against everyone not in agreement with Trump will be the objective, the poor will get poorer and not have anywhere to turn to, crime and deaths will increase exponentially, the laws of our country will lose power to the powerful, Seniors and Veterans will be harmed greatly (lose a good part of their income and their medical help will be reduced), inflation and the cost of living will rise for everyone, U.S. National Debt will continue higher because the rich will continue to get tax breaks, and we will become isolated because we will break with NATO, with Europe and with all Democratic countries. Our Agriculture, Construction and Service industries will be heavily affected and goods, homes, and services will decline in availability and prices will soar.

If Kamala wins (Trump loses), we will have a civil war. The Republicans will not accept the vote and will rebel. Nothing will be passed in Congress as the Republicans will repudiate everything that the Democrats offer. Mass killings will soar and disunity will continue.

As such, this election will be the blackest day in the last 100 years, no matter who wins.

we dont have a democracy you brainwashed twit,,
RE: Either way, our nation is going to suffer
SUBTOPIC: Consequences
⁜→ Luckyone, marvin martian,
et al,
This election is going to go down in history as the blackest day ever.

If Trump wins, our country will suffer greatly, economically, politically, and socially.

As such, this election will be the blackest day in the last 100 years, no matter who wins.


These two contributors are of a mind that aligns with most of America. It is a sad commentary, on the shakers and movers, to think that these two candidates [
Presidents Trump (R) & Biden (D)] are the very best leaders that America can put forth. Congress seems to be running the nation like a drunk driver.


Most Respectfully,
I am not on ANYONE's side. I am on my side and my eyes are open. I see what is going on. I know what kind of a person Trump is and I see how the Trumpers think (here on this message board is all I need to see how they think).

I am worried about my nation as I have never seen things so bad as they are now. The hate, dissension, inability to face reality, my way or the highway mentality that causes automatic disunity to occur have been overwhelming. This nation is going over the cliff into an abyss and it is not the fault of the Democrats that this is happening, it is the fault of the far right.

View attachment 1008760

You and Dick Cheney have a lot in common. :badgrin:
I am not on ANYONE's side. I am on my side and my eyes are open. I see what is going on. I know what kind of a person Trump is and I see how the Trumpers think (here on this message board is all I need to see how they think).

I am worried about my nation as I have never seen things so bad as they are now. The hate, dissension, inability to face reality, my way or the highway mentality that causes automatic disunity to occur have been overwhelming. This nation is going over the cliff into an abyss and it is not the fault of the Democrats that this is happening, it is the fault of the far right.

View attachment 1008760

It's weird....

Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy were born out of a generation that had suffered thru a brutal war and lived for years in a devastated economy.

So, WTF is with the current American MAGA crowd? Is their house too big? Their car too expensive? Their stocks too overvalued? WTF is their problem?

It seems that we are suffering from a generation of spoiled brats. They expect the best of everything just for being white males. They expect to live a standard that was given to them by their parents.

They expect to be able to beat up queers like their daddies did.

They can't stand to see women and non-white bypassing them professionally.

They are being led by a bunch of billionaire elitist who are trying to eliminate Democracy and install a fascist/feudal tyranny. A return to the OLD WORLD ORDER.

But don't worry. Once Harris is elected, and a blue wave takes Congress, the MAGA idiots won't do a thing except bitch about it.

Maybe, there'll be a few terrorist incidents, but you can count on Harris coming down hard on them if they try any significant rebellion.
I am not on ANYONE's side. I am on my side and my eyes are open. I see what is going on. I know what kind of a person Trump is and I see how the Trumpers think (here on this message board is all I need to see how they think).

I am worried about my nation as I have never seen things so bad as they are now. The hate, dissension, inability to face reality, my way or the highway mentality that causes automatic disunity to occur have been overwhelming. This nation is going over the cliff into an abyss and it is not the fault of the Democrats that this is happening, it is the fault of the far right.

View attachment 1008760
All Americans need to be looking ahead to making plans for their future.

Think about how important that will be, regardless of whether Trump wins or loses?
This election is going to go down in history as the blackest day ever.

If Trump wins, our country will suffer greatly, economically, politically, and socially.

Our Democracy will disappear, revenge against everyone not in agreement with Trump will be the objective, the poor will get poorer and not have anywhere to turn to, crime and deaths will increase exponentially, the laws of our country will lose power to the powerful, Seniors and Veterans will be harmed greatly (lose a good part of their income and their medical help will be reduced), inflation and the cost of living will rise for everyone, U.S. National Debt will continue higher because the rich will continue to get tax breaks, and we will become isolated because we will break with NATO, with Europe and with all Democratic countries. Our Agriculture, Construction and Service industries will be heavily affected and goods, homes, and services will decline in availability and prices will soar.

If Kamala wins (Trump loses), we will have a civil war. The Republicans will not accept the vote and will rebel. Nothing will be passed in Congress as the Republicans will repudiate everything that the Democrats offer. Mass killings will soar and disunity will continue.

As such, this election will be the blackest day in the last 100 years, no matter who wins.

Your hyperbole is ridiculous.. this must be Whoopi Goldberg’s burner account

We had 4 years of Trump. Things went well. Yet, here you are, freaking out about the end of the world if it happens. LOL
Your hyperbole is ridiculous.. this must be Whoopi Goldberg’s burner account

We had 4 years of Trump. Things went well. Yet, here you are, freaking out about the end of the world if it happens. LOL
Here is a "serious" reply to your no importance post.

"things went well during Trump's 4 years" was not due to Trump. It was due to the fact that everything in general was doing well under Obama and he inherited that with no problems to solve. It got better because of the tax cuts but that was not Trump but the Senate and the House and the majority they had. In addition, Trump had no idea of how to do things and he was incompetent so nothing truly bad occurred as there was not a lot to do or that had to be done.

Having said that:

If you listen to everything Trump said and look at what he did do in first 4 years and more importantly, what he tried to do but failed at, you will realize that the man is a narcissist and incompetent. When you listen to who he respects and wants to be like, you begin to get even more worried. He now knows more, is angrier, and has more help from the Far Right because they have been allowed to gain power.

If you add those all together, you will understand that our Democracy is now at risk, you will realize that Trump wants revenge, you will see that he wants to make himself into a renowned Tyrant and the way to do that is by making big statements, such as expelling all illegal immigrants, bringing down our legal system so that he cannot be prosecuted in the future, like getting rid of our Democratic nations that support each other and associate himself with nations like Russia that will help him accomplish what he wants.

Don't take my word for any of the above, just watch and listen to videos of him talking.

He will destroy our country "as we know it".
Hyperbole and fear. The only thing that keeps the duopoly going.
Its so sad. Our voters are complete dumbfucks.
Here is a "serious" reply to your no importance post.

"things went well during Trump's 4 years" was not due to Trump. It was due to the fact that everything in general was doing well under Obama and he inherited that with no problems to solve. It got better because of the tax cuts but that was not Trump but the Senate and the House and the majority they had. In addition, Trump had no idea of how to do things and he was incompetent so nothing truly bad occurred as there was not a lot to do or that had to be done.

Having said that:

If you listen to everything Trump said and look at what he did do in first 4 years and more importantly, what he tried to do but failed at, you will realize that the man is a narcissist and incompetent. When you listen to who he respects and wants to be like, you begin to get even more worried. He now knows more, is angrier, and has more help from the Far Right because they have been allowed to gain power.

If you add those all together, you will understand that our Democracy is now at risk, you will realize that Trump wants revenge, you will see that he wants to make himself into a renowned Tyrant and the way to do that is by making big statements, such as expelling all illegal immigrants, bringing down our legal system so that he cannot be prosecuted in the future, like getting rid of our Democratic nations that support each other and associate himself with nations like Russia that will help him accomplish what he wants.

Don't take my word for any of the above, just watch and listen to videos of him talking.

He will destroy our country "as we know it".
Trump is so stupid, he is going to take over the world!!
:rofl: :rofl:
Fucking moonbat. You people need to grow up and THINK.
This election is going to go down in history as the blackest day ever.

If Trump wins, our country will suffer greatly, economically, politically, and socially.

Our Democracy will disappear, revenge against everyone not in agreement with Trump will be the objective, the poor will get poorer and not have anywhere to turn to, crime and deaths will increase exponentially, the laws of our country will lose power to the powerful, Seniors and Veterans will be harmed greatly (lose a good part of their income and their medical help will be reduced), inflation and the cost of living will rise for everyone, U.S. National Debt will continue higher because the rich will continue to get tax breaks, and we will become isolated because we will break with NATO, with Europe and with all Democratic countries. Our Agriculture, Construction and Service industries will be heavily affected and goods, homes, and services will decline in availability and prices will soar.

If Kamala wins (Trump loses), we will have a civil war. The Republicans will not accept the vote and will rebel. Nothing will be passed in Congress as the Republicans will repudiate everything that the Democrats offer. Mass killings will soar and disunity will continue.

As such, this election will be the blackest day in the last 100 years, no matter who wins.

Are you trying to steal debbiedowner's shtick?
Don't worry; Be happy!

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