Eko Atlantic

Ok....I agree that the term RACIST has lost its meaning. So let me ask you this. Do you think whites are superior to blacks and that is why blacks ruin everything they touch?
These are hard questions to answer, and I don't have the time or interest to spend much time on them. I'm going offline in a minute to do other things.

But I will say that in too many cases the two statements seem to be true. In my experience I have found that, in a great many cases, blacks will find a way to screw up almost anything they get near. I lived for decades in heavily black areas and I know lots and lots of black people. Many are friends, a few are not.

I've experienced, first hand, their effect on schools, neighborhoods, apartment complexes, homes, colleges I attended, nightclubs, gang fights in schoolyards, fights around clubs, etc. And in most cases, their presence was highly negative. I've also caught some of the black guys I had hired stealing from our customers. Red handed, I should add.

Aside from all the direct experience, there are always news reports of more BLM inspired riots, or other riots, the mall attacks, fights in stores and restaurants, blocking entrances of stores and malls, blocking streets, car-jackings, you name it. If there's a way to cause problems, blacks will usually find and engage in them.

Do I think whites are superior? In many ways, yes. By and large I've found they are a positive influence. Most of the whites I know have worked their asses off to earn a living and acquire a few nice things, home, car, etc. I've found fewer of them to be lazy or thieves, so they often make for good workers and neighbors.

When I hear blacks whine about white privilege I just fucking laugh. Because every white I know has had to struggle his whole life through. Nothing was handed to them and nothing was expected.

There are exceptions to all these things, but the rule remains true. I also know many hard-working, successful blacks. Some of them own beautiful homes and have great families. Some are professionals, intelligent people who are also appalled by the thuggish behavior of many blacks in inner cities.

Overall these are extremely complicated questions and they are difficult to answer. I was raised in very rough, poor areas but in a way I was blessed. I got to know well, people of many different groups: blacks, whites, hispanics, Japanese. And over a long life, I lived in several different cities. I was able to work closely with people from all of these groups except for the Japanese who I only knew as friends. For some reason I've always been able to move easily within and between these groups.

I was also a musician for many years and I played bars, clubs, after-hours joints, college and military and corporate gigs, you name it. So, yes, I've been in a lot of places and situations most people never see. And I've known well a wide variety of people. So I have strong opinions based on things I've lived through, people I know, and events I was a part of.
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Give those shiny new cities a few years and the residents will turn them into shitholes.

Blacks ruin everything they touch.

If someone called you are racist......would you accept it as true.
I think you're racist. Would YOU accept it as true?

To me, it doesn't matter. There are such bad feelings between most blacks and whites, just go for it, while whites don't ruin things?

The terms racist and racism are worthless, over-used to the point of being meaningless.

In either case, I don't care. I'm sick of all the black riots, the BLM bullshit, the endless whining, the endless "demands", the endless finger-pointing, the crime, rape, burning of buildings, the blame game, you name it. Total segregation is the only answer.

Ok....I agree that the term RACIST has lost its meaning. So let me ask you this. Do you think whites are superior to blacks and that is why blacks ruin everything they touch?

I see you like that the term "racist" has been non standardized......so you can deflect saying that the term is meaning. However, forget racism. The real deal is supremacy beliefs.....but you will not answer that because unfortunate for you racist have not destandardized that word you in an attempt to camouflage yourselves.
I'm not deflecting shit. I don't give a fuck what you think, about anything.

I've learned enough from living around, and from hanging around with blacks, that I now prefer not to be around them at all, if I have a choice. If you think that's racist, tough shit. We all have a right to have preferences. But it does seem that blacks go out of their way to push their way into places and situations where they're not wanted. Every one should be able to live in a space he or she finds comfortable. And that includes having only the people around that you are comfortable with.

I've been in black clubs where it was made clear I was not welcome. No big deal. I left and went to other clubs. These things work both ways. Whites do not control all situations. And blacks can be just as racist and any other group. You really have to stop trying to infer that blacks are poor little angels who are treated so darned unfairly. That is definitely not the case. Blacks do have lots of problems, but many bring on the problems through their own choices.
I great modern city is being built in Nigeria called "Eko Atlantic". People like to talk about Africa being primitive and people living in huts. Yes, some of that exist but there is much modernity in sub Saharan Africa as well. Eko Atlantic City, Lagos | Urban Development Royal HaskoningDHV


If you have ANY doubts whether you are racist or not, your reaction to viewing this new Nigerian city will reveal it. If the first thing you want to do is find out the race of the project lead, developers, engineers and architects, or are even curious... to try to divorce it from blacks.....YOU ARE A RACIST.

It might be a surprise to racist but there are black construction companies, architects, engineers, scientist, doctors, software developers, etc....IN AFRICA. When people look at what has been developed in Dubia. Dubai space centre wins with first ‘Passive House’ for hot climates | haus & haus


In the Middle East. I doubt very seriously that people try to look for the race of those leading the project, construction companies, engineers, architects etc. Yet, when something impressive is built in Africa, the first thing a racist mind will do is to try to find out if black people are building it or not.

Here is the thing, to build something massive on the scale of Eko Atlantic and the civil engineering needed to create the islands foundation requires experience and a proven track record when companies bid on such projects. Many African nations black owned and operated companies do not have that type of experience on projects of such scale and hence they do not win the main contracts. Yet, they do much of the subcontracted work and eventually will have the experience to do such project in the future.

However, if the first thing you want to do is throw salt on progress in Africa....by saying its not blacks doing it....then YOU ARE A RACIST plane and simple.
African negroes can't build a city like that, when they do (if ever), come back and boast about it. I'll even pat you on the head.
I great modern city is being built in Nigeria called "Eko Atlantic". People like to talk about Africa being primitive and people living in huts. Yes, some of that exist but there is much modernity in sub Saharan Africa as well. Eko Atlantic City, Lagos | Urban Development Royal HaskoningDHV


If you have ANY doubts whether you are racist or not, your reaction to viewing this new Nigerian city will reveal it. If the first thing you want to do is find out the race of the project lead, developers, engineers and architects, or are even curious... to try to divorce it from blacks.....YOU ARE A RACIST.

It might be a surprise to racist but there are black construction companies, architects, engineers, scientist, doctors, software developers, etc....IN AFRICA. When people look at what has been developed in Dubia. Dubai space centre wins with first ‘Passive House’ for hot climates | haus & haus


In the Middle East. I doubt very seriously that people try to look for the race of those leading the project, construction companies, engineers, architects etc. Yet, when something impressive is built in Africa, the first thing a racist mind will do is to try to find out if black people are building it or not.

Here is the thing, to build something massive on the scale of Eko Atlantic and the civil engineering needed to create the islands foundation requires experience and a proven track record when companies bid on such projects. Many African nations black owned and operated companies do not have that type of experience on projects of such scale and hence they do not win the main contracts. Yet, they do much of the subcontracted work and eventually will have the experience to do such project in the future.

However, if the first thing you want to do is throw salt on progress in Africa....by saying its not blacks doing it....then YOU ARE A RACIST plane and simple.
So pointing out that the minds behind this project; and the financing for it; aren’t of Negroe origin is “racist”...? Some call it “reality”. Others still, think the two are synonymous..:
Give those shiny new cities a few years and the residents will turn them into shitholes.

Blacks ruin everything they touch.

If someone called you are racist......would you accept it as true.
I think you're racist. Would YOU accept it as true?

To me, it doesn't matter. There are such bad feelings between most blacks and whites, just go for it.

The terms racist and racism are worthless, over-used to the point of being meaningless.

In either case, I don't care. I'm sick of all the black riots, the BLM bullshit, the endless whining, the endless "demands", the endless finger-pointing, the crime, rape, burning of buildings, the blame game, you name it. Total segregation is the only answer.

If you are sick go see a physician, Because all you did with this post was once again show us another case of a white man with psychosis.
I great modern city is being built in Nigeria called "Eko Atlantic". People like to talk about Africa being primitive and people living in huts. Yes, some of that exist but there is much modernity in sub Saharan Africa as well. Eko Atlantic City, Lagos | Urban Development Royal HaskoningDHV


If you have ANY doubts whether you are racist or not, your reaction to viewing this new Nigerian city will reveal it. If the first thing you want to do is find out the race of the project lead, developers, engineers and architects, or are even curious... to try to divorce it from blacks.....YOU ARE A RACIST.

It might be a surprise to racist but there are black construction companies, architects, engineers, scientist, doctors, software developers, etc....IN AFRICA. When people look at what has been developed in Dubia. Dubai space centre wins with first ‘Passive House’ for hot climates | haus & haus


In the Middle East. I doubt very seriously that people try to look for the race of those leading the project, construction companies, engineers, architects etc. Yet, when something impressive is built in Africa, the first thing a racist mind will do is to try to find out if black people are building it or not.

Here is the thing, to build something massive on the scale of Eko Atlantic and the civil engineering needed to create the islands foundation requires experience and a proven track record when companies bid on such projects. Many African nations black owned and operated companies do not have that type of experience on projects of such scale and hence they do not win the main contracts. Yet, they do much of the subcontracted work and eventually will have the experience to do such project in the future.

However, if the first thing you want to do is throw salt on progress in Africa....by saying its not blacks doing it....then YOU ARE A RACIST plane and simple.
African negroes can't build a city like that, when they do (if ever), come back and boast about it. I'll even pat you on the head.

Too bad they did. And you've seen examples of it. So you just look stupid saying it cant happen. But that's how psychosis works.
You know those are drawings ... right?

Anyone can make a drawing ...

Give those shiny new cities a few years and the residents will turn them into shitholes.

Blacks ruin everything they touch.

Except these aren't new cites.
I great modern city is being built in Nigeria called "Eko Atlantic". People like to talk about Africa being primitive and people living in huts. Yes, some of that exist but there is much modernity in sub Saharan Africa as well. Eko Atlantic City, Lagos | Urban Development Royal HaskoningDHV


If you have ANY doubts whether you are racist or not, your reaction to viewing this new Nigerian city will reveal it. If the first thing you want to do is find out the race of the project lead, developers, engineers and architects, or are even curious... to try to divorce it from blacks.....YOU ARE A RACIST.

It might be a surprise to racist but there are black construction companies, architects, engineers, scientist, doctors, software developers, etc....IN AFRICA. When people look at what has been developed in Dubia. Dubai space centre wins with first ‘Passive House’ for hot climates | haus & haus


In the Middle East. I doubt very seriously that people try to look for the race of those leading the project, construction companies, engineers, architects etc. Yet, when something impressive is built in Africa, the first thing a racist mind will do is to try to find out if black people are building it or not.

Here is the thing, to build something massive on the scale of Eko Atlantic and the civil engineering needed to create the islands foundation requires experience and a proven track record when companies bid on such projects. Many African nations black owned and operated companies do not have that type of experience on projects of such scale and hence they do not win the main contracts. Yet, they do much of the subcontracted work and eventually will have the experience to do such project in the future.

However, if the first thing you want to do is throw salt on progress in Africa....by saying its not blacks doing it....then YOU ARE A RACIST plane and simple.
African negroes can't build a city like that, when they do (if ever), come back and boast about it. I'll even pat you on the head.

Too bad they did. And you've seen examples of it. So you just look stupid saying it cant happen. But that's how psychosis works.
Which African negro city is built like that? Not talking about the arabs, either. We're talking about negroes.
You know those are drawings ... right?

Anyone can make a drawing ...



These are photos of actual cities in Africa. Nairobi Kenya, Kinshasa Zaire, and Harare Zimbabwe. The reason I posted them is because I knew you stupid white idiots would say the things you are saying.
I great modern city is being built in Nigeria called "Eko Atlantic". People like to talk about Africa being primitive and people living in huts. Yes, some of that exist but there is much modernity in sub Saharan Africa as well. Eko Atlantic City, Lagos | Urban Development Royal HaskoningDHV


If you have ANY doubts whether you are racist or not, your reaction to viewing this new Nigerian city will reveal it. If the first thing you want to do is find out the race of the project lead, developers, engineers and architects, or are even curious... to try to divorce it from blacks.....YOU ARE A RACIST.

It might be a surprise to racist but there are black construction companies, architects, engineers, scientist, doctors, software developers, etc....IN AFRICA. When people look at what has been developed in Dubia. Dubai space centre wins with first ‘Passive House’ for hot climates | haus & haus


In the Middle East. I doubt very seriously that people try to look for the race of those leading the project, construction companies, engineers, architects etc. Yet, when something impressive is built in Africa, the first thing a racist mind will do is to try to find out if black people are building it or not.

Here is the thing, to build something massive on the scale of Eko Atlantic and the civil engineering needed to create the islands foundation requires experience and a proven track record when companies bid on such projects. Many African nations black owned and operated companies do not have that type of experience on projects of such scale and hence they do not win the main contracts. Yet, they do much of the subcontracted work and eventually will have the experience to do such project in the future.

However, if the first thing you want to do is throw salt on progress in Africa....by saying its not blacks doing it....then YOU ARE A RACIST plane and simple.
African negroes can't build a city like that, when they do (if ever), come back and boast about it. I'll even pat you on the head.

Too bad they did. And you've seen examples of it. So you just look stupid saying it cant happen. But that's how psychosis works.
Which African negro city is built like that? Not talking about the arabs, either. We're talking about negroes.

All of them. You see dumb ass, the Africa you imagine just doesn't exist.
Give those shiny new cities a few years and the residents will turn them into shitholes.

Blacks ruin everything they touch.

If someone called you are racist......would you accept it as true.
I think you're racist. Would YOU accept it as true?

To me, it doesn't matter. There are such bad feelings between most blacks and whites, just go for it, while whites don't ruin things?

The terms racist and racism are worthless, over-used to the point of being meaningless.

In either case, I don't care. I'm sick of all the black riots, the BLM bullshit, the endless whining, the endless "demands", the endless finger-pointing, the crime, rape, burning of buildings, the blame game, you name it. Total segregation is the only answer.

Ok....I agree that the term RACIST has lost its meaning. So let me ask you this. Do you think whites are superior to blacks and that is why blacks ruin everything they touch?

I see you like that the term "racist" has been non standardized......so you can deflect saying that the term is meaning. However, forget racism. The real deal is supremacy beliefs.....but you will not answer that because unfortunate for you racist have not destandardized that word you in an attempt to camouflage yourselves.
I'm not deflecting shit. I don't give a fuck what you think, about anything.

I've learned enough from living around, and from hanging around with blacks, that I now prefer not to be around them at all, if I have a choice. If you think that's racist, tough shit. We all have a right to have preferences. But it does seem that blacks go out of their way to push their way into places and situations where they're not wanted. Every one should be able to live in a space he or she finds comfortable. And that includes having only the people around that you are comfortable with.

I've been in black clubs where it was made clear I was not welcome. No big deal. I left and went to other clubs. These things work both ways. Whites do not control all situations. And blacks can be just as racist and any other group. You really have to stop trying to infer that blacks are poor little angels who are treated so darned unfairly. That is definitely not the case. Blacks do have lots of problems, but many bring on the problems through their own choices.

Of course you do not care about what I think, nor should you because you don't even know me. However, I am sure you care about what you think about yourself. There is such a concept/thing called "moral injury". I am sure you do not want to see yourself as a piece of sh!t....whether its true or not. A racist is generally accepted, nowadays, as a piece of Sh!t. Therefore, people must deny or deflect or obfuscate the term so that they are not guilty of it or they must try to normalize it by making it seems like everyone is guilt of it and thus creating a distinction without a difference in calling someone a racist.

You talk about your experiences with black people. What are your experiences with black people who are not the decedents of 3 centuries of racial oppression? As far as I know, African Americans do not practice African culture, but rather, something they learned in America. They do not speak an African language, the do not practice indigenous African religions, they do not have African names, they do not have an African diet, they do not have African rights of passage, customs, etc. What African Americans are, culturally, WAS CREATED IN AMERICA!!

Culture is LEARNED. The process of acculturation is via emulation. You see the way things are and you emulate it. Black culture was shaped in America from they way whites treated and interacted with blacks, which was violent, abusive and destructive. If blacks are violent and tear things up.......its because that is how whites treated us and how being around you acculturated us. That is what being around whites taught blacks.

Here is the, thing, like I pointed out before. One generation of whites sh!t on you because your black, then the next generation of whites p!ss on you, not because you are black or because they are racist, but because they say we smell like sh!t. The next generation of whites then comes along and spits on us because we smell like piss and kind of smell like sh!t too, but not because we are black or that they are racist, etc, ect. In all your reasoning, you never account for what whites did to blacks to help create the conditions in blacks. You try to make it seem like its just natural for blacks to smell like p!ss and sh!t and trying to link those smell to what whites have done is just making excuses and having a victim mentality.

Again, the whole motive for whites today is to avoid SEEING THEMSELVES for what they are and have been. Being a racist has a prerequisite of not giving a sh!t what a black person thinks. You are not trying to fool us......you are trying to fool yourselves.
I great modern city is being built in Nigeria called "Eko Atlantic". People like to talk about Africa being primitive and people living in huts. Yes, some of that exist but there is much modernity in sub Saharan Africa as well. Eko Atlantic City, Lagos | Urban Development Royal HaskoningDHV


If you have ANY doubts whether you are racist or not, your reaction to viewing this new Nigerian city will reveal it. If the first thing you want to do is find out the race of the project lead, developers, engineers and architects, or are even curious... to try to divorce it from blacks.....YOU ARE A RACIST.

It might be a surprise to racist but there are black construction companies, architects, engineers, scientist, doctors, software developers, etc....IN AFRICA. When people look at what has been developed in Dubia. Dubai space centre wins with first ‘Passive House’ for hot climates | haus & haus


In the Middle East. I doubt very seriously that people try to look for the race of those leading the project, construction companies, engineers, architects etc. Yet, when something impressive is built in Africa, the first thing a racist mind will do is to try to find out if black people are building it or not.

Here is the thing, to build something massive on the scale of Eko Atlantic and the civil engineering needed to create the islands foundation requires experience and a proven track record when companies bid on such projects. Many African nations black owned and operated companies do not have that type of experience on projects of such scale and hence they do not win the main contracts. Yet, they do much of the subcontracted work and eventually will have the experience to do such project in the future.

However, if the first thing you want to do is throw salt on progress in Africa....by saying its not blacks doing it....then YOU ARE A RACIST plane and simple.
African negroes can't build a city like that, when they do (if ever), come back and boast about it. I'll even pat you on the head.

Too bad they did. And you've seen examples of it. So you just look stupid saying it cant happen. But that's how psychosis works.
Which African negro city is built like that? Not talking about the arabs, either. We're talking about negroes.

All of them. You see dumb ass, the Africa you imagine just doesn't exist.
So this Africa doesn't exist? Glad to hear it. Looks totally uncivilized and backwards. :biggrin:
You know those are drawings ... right?

Anyone can make a drawing ...



These are photos of actual cities in Africa. Nairobi Kenya, Kinshasa Zaire, and Harare Zimbabwe. The reason I posted them is because I knew you stupid white idiots would say the things you are saying.

I've been to Nairobi. I've been to Johannesburg and Cape Town. I've been to Mogadishu. I've been to Cairo. I know what African cities look like.
I great modern city is being built in Nigeria called "Eko Atlantic". People like to talk about Africa being primitive and people living in huts. Yes, some of that exist but there is much modernity in sub Saharan Africa as well. Eko Atlantic City, Lagos | Urban Development Royal HaskoningDHV


If you have ANY doubts whether you are racist or not, your reaction to viewing this new Nigerian city will reveal it. If the first thing you want to do is find out the race of the project lead, developers, engineers and architects, or are even curious... to try to divorce it from blacks.....YOU ARE A RACIST.

It might be a surprise to racist but there are black construction companies, architects, engineers, scientist, doctors, software developers, etc....IN AFRICA. When people look at what has been developed in Dubia. Dubai space centre wins with first ‘Passive House’ for hot climates | haus & haus


In the Middle East. I doubt very seriously that people try to look for the race of those leading the project, construction companies, engineers, architects etc. Yet, when something impressive is built in Africa, the first thing a racist mind will do is to try to find out if black people are building it or not.

Here is the thing, to build something massive on the scale of Eko Atlantic and the civil engineering needed to create the islands foundation requires experience and a proven track record when companies bid on such projects. Many African nations black owned and operated companies do not have that type of experience on projects of such scale and hence they do not win the main contracts. Yet, they do much of the subcontracted work and eventually will have the experience to do such project in the future.

However, if the first thing you want to do is throw salt on progress in Africa....by saying its not blacks doing it....then YOU ARE A RACIST plane and simple.
African negroes can't build a city like that, when they do (if ever), come back and boast about it. I'll even pat you on the head.

Too bad they did. And you've seen examples of it. So you just look stupid saying it cant happen. But that's how psychosis works.
Which African negro city is built like that? Not talking about the arabs, either. We're talking about negroes.

All of them. You see dumb ass, the Africa you imagine just doesn't exist.
So this Africa doesn't exist? Glad to hear it. Looks totally uncivilized and backwards. :biggrin:
View attachment 173910

Yeah...and THIS does not exist in Amerikka?


Why the Left Isn’t Talking About Rural American Poverty
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African negroes can't build a city like that, when they do (if ever), come back and boast about it. I'll even pat you on the head.

Too bad they did. And you've seen examples of it. So you just look stupid saying it cant happen. But that's how psychosis works.
Which African negro city is built like that? Not talking about the arabs, either. We're talking about negroes.

All of them. You see dumb ass, the Africa you imagine just doesn't exist.
So this Africa doesn't exist? Glad to hear it. Looks totally uncivilized and backwards. :biggrin:
View attachment 173910

Yeah...and THIS does not exist in Amerikka?


Why the Left Isn’t Talking About Rural American Poverty
That's already a TON better than the mud hut I showed. Electricity, running water, even the camper is better than a mud hut. And he looks more well fed, lol.
You know those are drawings ... right?

Anyone can make a drawing ...



These are photos of actual cities in Africa. Nairobi Kenya, Kinshasa Zaire, and Harare Zimbabwe. The reason I posted them is because I knew you stupid white idiots would say the things you are saying.

I've been to Nairobi. I've been to Johannesburg and Cape Town. I've been to Mogadishu. I've been to Cairo. I know what African cities look like.

Then what was the purpose of your post with the kiddie picture?

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